• Published 17th May 2021
  • 4,727 Views, 128 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

  • ...

Episode 7: Secrets of the Psychotic Pegasus Filly

Episode 7: Secrets of the Psychotic Pegasus Filly

At the Castle of Friendship, MC, Rotor and Bunnie were loading a large crate into the castle, being supervised by Twilight and Spike. The three of them were having a hard time keeping it level.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" MC said. "Careful! We got some fragile cargo in here!"

"We're trying, MC!" Rotor said. "This thing is really heavy!"

"Luckily for us, we brought the moving dollies," Bunnie said.

Spike then brought the dollies over and placed them under the four corners of the bottom of the crate. Then the three Mobians put the crate down onto them. Then they went over to the back of the crate, and started pushing it. Twilight then said, "A little more! A little more! There! Stop!" She then used her magic and lifted the crate, and the four dollies got pulled out from under the crate. Then the crate was set down.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" Rotor asked.

"Forget it, Rotor," MC said, waving a hand.

"What's in this thing, anyway?" Bunnie asked.

"It's a statue made of our most recently defeated villains of Equestria," Twilight said. "The three villains we faced before I became High Princess of Equestria."

MC's eyes then glowed and said, "Two."

"What?" Twilight asked. "No, I'm pretty sure it's three."

"You said that some of Equestria's most dangerous villains were turned to stone, right?" MC asked. Twilight nodded in response. "I'm looking on the inside of this crate. I see a statue of the villains. But there's one problem. There are only two inside."

"WHAT?!" Twilight shouted. MC then held up two fingers on his left hand, and he hit a sweet spot on the crate, causing it to come apart, revealing the statue inside. The statue had Lord Tirek and Queen Chrysalis, but Cozy Glow was missing. "Cozy Glow?! Where'd she go?!"

Somewhere else on the other side of the planet, the statue of Cozy Glow was hovering in a blue field of energy. At a control console, there was someone there, turning a dial. That someone was Midpoint.

"Okay," Midpoint said. "Let's open her up." He then pulled out a briefcase. Inside, there was a blue gem.

He then installed the blue gem into a tube. He then turned the dial on the control console, and then a burst of energy came down on the statue of Cozy Glow, the stone crumbling off of her, and her falling to the ground when the field of energy dissipated.

"Jackpot," Midpoint said. He then walked over towards Cozy Glow, who was unconscious at the moment. He then smiled and said, "Alright, Cozy Glow. Let's see what caused you to be psychotic."

MC was inspecting the statue, trying to find out if there were any clues to the missing filly that was there. Twilight was pacing back and forth, thinking about what Cozy Glow would do if she got out.

"Okay," Twilight said. "If Cozy Glow is out, then there's not much she can do." She then started panicking. "Oh, who am I kidding? Cozy Glow's a mastermind of getting what she wants. She could do anything to turn everypony against us."

"Hold on!" MC said. The group looked towards MC and he was inspecting something. "This cut... it was from a laser blade. Only someone smart would have one of them." He then started sniffing around.

"Are you sure this is the precise description of this character?" came Rarity's voice. The group looked towards the door and saw Rarity with Smolder as the two were walking in.

"Yeah," Smolder said. "That's the guy who helped save the School of Friendship from Blueblood and those other two unicorns. But wow. He's one heck of a shot."

MC then jumped off of the statue, and took a look at the picture that Rarity was drawing. It was a picture of who Smolder was describing.

"That's Midpoint," MC said. "Tech genius and one heck of a marksman." He then realized something. "Wait a minute!" He then rushed back to the statue, and got a good whiff of something. "Yep! That was him! Midpoint was here!"

"What? What do you...?" Smolder asked when she saw the statue. Her eyes shrank and she said, "Cozy Glow's gone?!"

"Oh, goodness!" Rarity said, covering her mouth. "Where could she have been taken to?"

"If I know Midpoint, he'd take Cozy Glow somewhere to do something," MC said. "Something good. Something bad. A bit of both."

"You think he'd take him back to his home?" Bunnie asked.

"Only one way to find out," MC said. "Looks like we're going to San Francisco. That's where he has been staying."

"Alright," Twilight said. "We need to be careful around Cozy Glow. She'll get whatever she wants, just because she's cute and innocent looking."

Somewhere, Cozy Glow was coming to. She leaned forward from the bed she was in. She then opened her eyes and looked around. She had no idea where she was.

"Golly," Cozy Glow said. She then put her hand to her head. "Where am I?" She then realized that her hand was not a hoof. She looked at it and gasped. She then looked at her other hand. Then she uncovered her body just to take a look at it. "What the heck?! What am I?" She then tried getting out of bed, trying to walk like Smolder. She was a little off balance, and then she fell to the floor. "Oof!" She then pushed herself off the floor, and headed over to the window, and she saw that she was somewhere really high up in a building. "Where am I?"

Then the door opened and in came Midpoint. He then leaned against the doorway, saying, "You have a good nap?"

Cozy Glow got nervous. She was freaked out by a creature she hadn't seen before. She then looked right by the window, and saw an arrow. She grabbed it and threw it at Midpoint, who caught it, got his bow ready, and aimed the bow and arrow towards Cozy Glow, who was getting nervous.

"Alright, Cozy Glow, I have a bunch of questions about your actions, and you are gonna give me answers," Midpoint said. "Do you understand?"

Cozy Glow growled and said, "Like I'd ever tell you!" She was grabbing a round vase and threw it at Midpoint, hitting him in the head, pushing him back. At that moment, Cozy Glow flew out of the room, heading away from him.

Midpoint chuckled and said, "You won't get away from me that easily."

Cozy Glow was flying through the apartment, looking for an exit. When she saw a door heading out, she flew towards it. She opened the door, but something held her ankle back. She looked and saw a barrier keeping in a teched up anklet, preventing her from leaving the apartment.

"What?! What kind of magic is this?!" Cozy Glow asked. She then saw Midpoint walking towards her. "How did you get this type of magic?!"

"It's not magic," Midpoint said. "I happen to be a tech genius. I invented that anklet, along with the barrier, to keep criminals under house arrest."

"Where have you brought me?" Cozy Glow asked.

"To my apartment, in San Francisco," Midpoint said.

"Never heard of this place," Cozy Glow said.

"Of course not," Midpoint said. "Because you were sealed in stone when your continent just appeared in the Atlantic Ocean two months ago."

"What?!" Cozy Glow asked. She then looked down at her hands and asked, "Did this also involve me changing?"

"You and almost every creature in Equestria," Midpoint said. "But, I want to know something. What made you go crazy and try to take over Equestria?"

"I don't have to tell you anything!" Cozy Glow said, crossing her arms. But then, her arms were crossed, an arrow came to her and coming from the arrow tip were a bunch of bands, wrapping around her body and wings. She then fell to the ground. Midpoint then walked over to her, grabbed her, and brought her back into the apartment. She was then placed on the sofa.

"You're not going anywhere until you answer the questions I have for you," Midpoint said. "Which is why I'm going to induce this into you." Midpoint held out a needle with a clear liquid inside.

"What is that?" Cozy Glow asked, getting nervous.

"This serum is a special concoction I made when I watched a certain movie," Midpoint said. "It'll make you suggestible and highly responsive." Midpoint looked over at Cozy Glow, who was giving a confused look. "It's a truth serum."

Cozy Glow then went wide eyed as Midpoint was walking towards her. She tried struggling out of the bands, but she couldn't do anything to stop Midpoint from approaching her.

The Spirit of Freedom had just reached over the city limits of San Francisco. Inside, there was Sonic, MC (who was piloting), Twilight, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Smolder and Silverstream.

"Wow!" Twilight said. "This place is big!"

"Welcome to San Francisco, Sparkles," MC said. "But right now, we have to find Midpoint."

"That guy is one heck of a shot," Smolder said. "What if we don't find him, but he finds us?"

"Oh, don't worry," MC said. "I know where he usually goes here in San Francisco."

"There it is!" Sonic said, pointing towards one building. MC then started to descend the Spirit of Freedom on a helicopter pad. The group then walked out of the Spirit of Freedom. MC then turned around and looked towards the group.

"Alright, everyone," MC said. "Stick together." He was about to turn around until he noticed something about Joshua. He got closer to him and asked, "Joshua, is that a pimple on your forehead?"

Joshua tried looking up at his forehead, but he had a hard time seeing it. Twilight then produced a temporary mirror, showing Joshua his reflection. And there on Joshua's forehead was a small bump on his forehead.

"I didn't even notice it," Joshua said.

"We'll get you something to take care of that," Sonic said. "Now, let's go find Midpoint." They then walked over towards the building, and on the sign, there was the company title, "Shadow Appliances."

"Shadow Appliances?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah," MC said. "This is where he runs his company. Midpoint, AKA Alex Lynol, is a tech genius, and he took over the company when his grandfather passed away. And his father couldn't do it because he's in prison. But Bruce Lynol claimed that he hadn't done it."

"Well, we're not here about Bruce Lynol," Sonic said. "We're here to talk to Midpoint." Then the group walked inside, and saw a woman at the front desk.

"May I help you?" the woman asked.

"Hello, Julia," MC said. "We're here to talk to Alex."

The group was standing in front of the front desk, talking to Julia about seeing Midpoint. She looked in her computer to search for Midpoint.

"I'm... sorry to disappoint you," Julia said. "But Alex isn't here today. He's at home trying to figure out the past of a psychotic Equestrian Filly, and what drove her to villainy in the first place."

The others looked at each other, and MC asked, "That's what he's doing?"

"Come to think of it, we never did hear Cozy Glow's story," Silverstream said.

"We tried getting her to talk, but she kept refusing," Twilight said. "This Midpoint must really have a way of getting Cozy Glow to talk."

"Where's his home address?" Sonic asked.

"That, I'm afraid, is confidential," Julia said. "I'm the only one here who knows where his home address is. Well, him and his butler, Sherman Wilkins."

"He has a butler?" Nyx asked.

"The butler he has is a family friend, and he's not allowed to live by himself," Julia said.

"Don't bother," MC said. "I already found him." Then he headed out, the others following.

Julia then grabbed the phone, and dialed a number. She then said, "Alex, this is Julia. There are some group heading towards your apartment as we speak."

Back in Midpoint's apartment, Midpoint injected the truth serum into Cozy Glow's arm as she was set down on the couch. Midpoint then sat in another seat, looking at Cozy Glow.

"Alright, Cozy Glow," Midpoint said. "I'm going to ask you some questions, and you are going to answer. I want you to tell me how you became psychotic. What drew you to villainy in the first place."

Cozy Glow tried to keep it in, but the serum was kicking in. She then said, "Alright. I'll tell you. It all started in Cloudsdale. I was raised by my parents. My mother was kind and caring. Although, she was really sick. My father, on the other hand, he was really rude, and not caring for me. He said that he he didn't want a daughter, or a pegasus foal. He wanted a unicorn colt since his parents were both unicorns."

"Hm," Midpoint said. "Interesting. Continue."

"Then one day, my mother died," Cozy Glow said. "My school wasn't too caring about me. My class always teased me because of my mother's illness. They kept telling me that it was because of me that my mother got sick. Which led me to starting fights with them. Of course I stayed after school, waiting for my father to come pick me up. He never did."

"That's a bad move," Midpoint said. "He helped bring you into the living world, he should be able to take care of you."

"But one day, he took me out of that school, and he was transferring me to another school," Cozy Glow said. "An Equestrian Military School. But all of that changed when he came below Cloudsdale. Lord Tirek."

"Your father tried to get away, leaving you by yourself?" Midpoint asked.

"Yes," Cozy Glow said. "But when he was down, that was my time to get away from him. But when I saw Tirek draining Dad's magic, I was thinking of ways to think of how to make my dad actually care about me so he wouldn't wish he had a unicorn colt."

"Your father sounded like a total butt head," Midpoint said.

"Yeah," Cozy Glow said. "Because he didn't care about my well being, I ran away. I went from place to place throughout Equestria. I've been staying in group homes across the country. But, each new school I went to, I've been picked on, humiliated, and the stuff I had kept getting stolen or broken. All done by unicorns. They always had the advantage because of their magic."

"So that was when you started to hate magic," Midpoint said. "But why did you end up going to Princess Twilight's School of Friendship?"

"My mom told me that Friendship was the greatest magic of all before she died," Cozy Glow said. "I didn't have any friends throughout Equestria. So, I got transferred to the School of Friendship. I didn't know much about the main subject."

"Well, until you met six fillies and a human boy, right?" Midpoint asked. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders."

"Yeah," Cozy Glow said. "They taught me everything about Friendship. But when I heard that they wouldn't be able to join the school of friendship, I flunked a test on purpose. But I didn't mean for them to get in trouble. So, I told the Princess everything. But then I looked at all of the unicorns using their magic. They seemed to get better at magic from what they learned there. But then I remembered what my father said. That was the last straw."

"You devised a plan to get rid of the magic?" Midpoint asked.

"Yeah," Cozy Glow said. "When I saw Sandbar and his friends coming out of a vent in the school library, I went down there to check it out. I saw something that could be my key to getting rid of magic."

"The artifacts all over the school," Midpoint said. "And you somehow found a spell that could lead to making all magic disappear."

"Exactly," Cozy Glow said. "I was... I was really angry that I didn't have the magic. But if I couldn't have the magic, then nopony could. Starlight Glimmer saw what I was doing, and when she tried to stop me, I trapped her in a barrier of the magic which was leading to a place where whatever goes in there never comes back. But Sandbar and his friends stopped my plan, getting all of Equestria's magic to return. Then I was sent to Tartarus." She then started to shed some tears. "But when my dad heard about this... he..." She then let out a couple sobs. "He... he didn't even protest. He didn't care about me. I'm his daughter."

Midpoint walked over to Cozy Glow and hugged her. He moved his right hand from the top of Cozy Glow's head, trying to sooth her. He then said, "He may have been your father, but he wasn't your daddy." He then sighed. "Family isn't just who's blood you carry. It's who cares about you, and who loves you."

"I... I never thought about that," Cozy Glow said.

"How about this?" Midpoint said. "I'll have you stay here with me, and I'll make sure that you'll get some real friends. And if anyone ever tries to mess with you, you tell me or your teachers."

Cozy Glow looked up at Midpoint and asked, "You'd really do that?"

"Yes," Midpoint said. He then started removing the bindings off of Cozy Glow. Cozy Glow then wrapped her arms around Midpoint. "I'll make sure you'll be taken care of, if you promise me you won't be doing any more evil doings, and tell me if you're having problems."

"I... I will," Cozy Glow said. Just then, her stomach started to growl.

Midpoint smirked and asked, "How about we go out for some lunch?" He then pulled out a small key, and inserted it into the anklet on Cozy Glow's ankle. He then called out, "Sherman! Prepare the car! We're going out for lunch!"

Then a human butler came out and said, "Sure thing, Alex." Then he headed out of the apartment.

Alex then stood up, and he brought Cozy Glow to her feet. He then said, "Alright. You're not used to walking on two legs, so let's take it one step at a time." Cozy Glow then nodded, and then she took one step. She tried to keep her balance. Then she took another. Midpoint was helping her with walking.

Outside the building, Twilight, Sonic, MC, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Smolder and Silverstream were heading towards one building. They all headed inside and towards the front desk. There was a woman there on the computer.

"Hello," MC said. "We're here to see Alex Lynol."

"Sorry, but you just missed him," the woman said. "Alex Lynol just left with his butler and an Equestrian filly. They're going out for lunch."

"Did they say where?" Twilight asked.

"I believe they're heading to the Mel's Diner behind the Westfield Mall," the woman said. "He loves their tuna melts."

"Of course he'd go for the tuna melt, he's an otter," MC said. "Otters love eating fish."

"I could go for some chili dogs there," Sonic said.

"And from him, there'll be a musical program to follow," MC said. That made the rest of the group, except for Twilight and Nyx to laugh.

"I get it," Smolder said. "Because chili is made with beans, and beans are known as the musical fruit."

Twilight shook her head and said, "Alright. I'll teleport us to in front of that mall. Luckily, I saw it when we were flying overhead." Twilight then lit up her horn and the twelve of them ended up in front of the mall.

"Alright, it's just around the corner," MC said. Then they rushed over around the corner, and they went around the block. The group stopped at the crosswalk. Then the crosswalk went green, and they all headed over towards the diner. They arrived at the Diner. They looked around, and they didn't see any sign of either Midpoint or Cozy Glow. "No sign of them. They must not be here yet."

Then the waitress walked up to them and asked, "How many in your party?"

"Twelve," MC said.

"Alright," the waitress said. "Follow me." The waitress grabbed twelve menus, and led the group to some tables. Sonic and MC rushed over and moved the tables closer together. The waitress then placed the twelve menus on the table for the group to look at.

"So, Midpoint isn't here yet," MC said. "We'll be waiting for him."

The group sat down and looked at their menus. Sweetie Belle looked all over the menu. She then looked up from her menu, and she went wide eyed. She saw Cozy Glow walking in with Midpoint and the butler he had.

"Uh, guys," Sweetie Belle said. "There she is." The group looked towards Cozy Glow and saw her. Cozy Glow stopped in fear, but Midpoint put his hand on Cozy's left shoulder.

"Just let me do the talking," Alex said. MC and Twilight got up from their seats and walked over towards them. "Michael Crayton. Twilight Sparkle."

"Alex Lynol," MC said. "So it was you who took Cozy Glow from her stone prison. The real question is, why did you take her out of her stone prison?"

"How did you take her out of her stone prison?" Twilight asked.

Cozy Glow got surprised at that and then raised an eyebrow. She then looked up and asked, "Yeah, how did you do that in the first place?"

"Allow me to explain, over lunch," Midpoint said.

As the group were eating their lunch, Midpoint explained everything to Twilight, MC and the others.

"So, you broke Cozy Glow out of her stone prison just to see what drove her to villainy in the first place?" MC asked. "That's interesting. Using a truth serum just to get her to talk."

"But that doesn't exactly explain how you got her out of the stone prison," Twilight said.

"It was all based on what was used in what contained her, along with Tirek and the former queen of the changelings," Midpoint said. "Who sealed them up in the first place?"

"It was Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Discord," Silverstream answered.

"Discord's Chaos Energy helped out with the containing of the three villains," Smolder said. "It would take something with similar power to unleash her like that. But that would mean..."

"He has a Chaos Emerald," Sonic said.

Midpoint smirked, and then he held out the blue gem to the group. He then said, "That's right. It was this blue emerald right here that broke her containment. Of course, she passed out immediately."

"Yeah, the Chaos Emeralds have a lot of power in them," Sonic said. "There's still a lot of things we don't know about the Chaos Emeralds."

"But there is still the fact that Cozy Glow has to pay for her crimes," Twilight said, looking at Cozy Glow.

"Don't worry about it," Midpoint said. "I'll be keeping an eye on her. She'll be fine under my care. I can promise you that."

"You've known what she's done," Scootaloo said. "What makes you so confident that you can change Cozy Glow?"

"I'd be giving her what she's never had," Midpoint said. "A family that cares. Her father didn't even care that she ended up locked up in Tartarus."

"WHAT?!" The Equestrians in the group asked in shock.

"But he was informed about Cozy Glow, and he never protested or even saw her?!" Twilight asked, getting angry. "We're gonna have to have a talk with this pegasus."

Then Midpoint's cell phone started buzzing. He pulled it out and got surprised. "Looks like we're gonna have to cut lunch short. The boat for the Alcatraz tours has malfunctioned and is speeding towards the dock with no control and no deceleration."

Then the waitress came by, leaving the check. Then the group headed out of there, but Wilkins just stayed there, saying, "I'll meet you all at the dock."

Coming in from the bay, the tour boat was speeding out of control. The people on board were panicking. On the docks, Twilight, Sonic, MC, Smolder, Silverstream, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Midpoint and Cozy Glow were there watching at the boat was speeding towards them.

"Okay, that's not good," MC said.

"It just had to be over the water," Sonic said. "This is an intense mission."

Midpoint then removed his shoulder belt and quiver, and he handed them to Sonic. He then said, "Hold this. I'll slow down it's momentum." He then jumped into the bay.

"He's going to slow down the boat's momentum," MC said. "Looks like we're on evacuation duty."

"I'll go help Midpoint," Silverstream said. She then jumped up, grabbed her necklace, and the magic transformed her into a seapony. She then went into the water, and swam towards Midpoint. The two of them started pushing on each side of the boat, attempting to slow down the boat. They got pushed back when trying to slow down the boat. "It's not enough!"

"We might not use strength to slow it down," Midpoint said, surprising Silverstream that he was able to speak underwater. "But I have some more aquatic skills to slow it down." Then the water started rising in front of the boat, pushing against the boat, slowing its acceleration.

"He's manipulating the water," MC said. "His hydrokinesis is amazing."

"We better get those people off the boat," Twilight said. "Let's go!" Then Twilight started flapping her wings. Smolder followed her. Then MC rushed across the water with super speed.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Cozy Glow looked towards Sonic, and Cozy Glow asked, "Aren't you gonna go?"

"No way," Sonic said. "I just don't like getting wet."

MC rushed onto the boat, all of the people surprised by his appearance. He then said, "Alright, everyone. Prepare to disembark the boat." He then saw Twilight and Smolder flying overhead. Twilight then used her magic to make magic made boats. Twilight, Smolder and MC were getting people loaded onto the boats. A bunch of people were put onto the boats. As soon as one boat was fully loaded, Smolder pushed the boat towards the docks. MC did the same as soon as another boat was loaded. When they finished getting the people back to shore, MC and Smolder rushed back to the speeding boat.

The Crusaders were helping the people off of the magically induced boats, and as soon as the last person came off, the boat vanished. Cozy Glow looked towards the boat, seeing the boat was turning to the right. She then started flying towards the boat. She saw that about everyone there was off of the boat, until she heard a voice. It was the sound of a little girl crying. She flew towards the boat and followed the voice. There was a little girl, hugging a teddy bear tightly.

Cozy Glow looked over at the girl, who was scared. She looked towards Twilight, and then she thought, "Should I? I mean, Twilight doesn't trust me because of what I've done." She then looked back at the little girl. "But, this girl is alone and scared. And since that Midpoint guy is offering to keep an eye on me, guess I have no choice but to do the right thing." Cozy Glow pulled the girl up to her feet, and she escorted the little girl over to the back of the boat.

"Okay, that's everyone," Twilight said.

"Twilight!" Cozy Glow shouted, getting Twilight's attention. Twilight looked down at Cozy Glow and she gasped, seeing that she missed one.

"Oh, boy," Twilight said. She then came down and picked the girl up, and started flying her to shore. Cozy Glow followed. But then the girl dropped her teddy bear.

"My teddy!" the girl shouted.

Before the teddy bear hit the water, Cozy Glow caught it. She looked up at Twilight with a smile as the two were heading back to shore. They reached the docks and Twilight let go of the girl. Cozy Glow then handed the girl her teddy. The girl smiled, and looked around. She ran over to a woman who was her mother. Just then, Midpoint and Silverstream came out of the water. Of course, Silverstream was still in her seapony form. She then tapped her necklace, and she turned back to her hippogriff form. Midpoint then grabbed his bow and some arrows from his quiver, aiming the arrows towards the boat.

"Tell the owners of the tour company to send me a bill for a new tour boat," Midpoint said. He then released the arrows, heading towards the boat. When they made contact, the boat exploded.

Twilight looked over towards Cozy Glow and asked, "You did something good. I didn't even expect that for what you've done."

"If I'm gonna start over, I might as well do something right," Cozy Glow said. "Even if I have to stay here."

"So you really are going to stay here, aren't you?" Silverstream asked.

"I've done a lot of bad things," Cozy Glow said. "Might as well start over." She then walked over towards Midpoint and a limo came up to the sidewalk.

"Hey, what cause the boat to go out of control in the first place?" Sonic asked.

Midpoint then pulled something from his backside, and there was a box with a black face and a mustache on it. Midpoint then said, "This was attached to the motor. No doubt it was Doctor Robotnik."

"Of course," Sonic said. "Only he'd do something so cruel."

"Yeah," Midpoint said. He then reached into the quiver and said, "Oh, and one more thing." He then tossed the Chaos Emerald towards Sonic. Sonic caught it, and looked at it in surprise. "I don't need it at the moment. So, I hope the Freedom Fighters would take good care of it." He then looked towards Joshua. He then reached for something inside the limo, pulled it out and said, "And Joshua. Let's hope this pimple cream will take care of that pimple on your forehead. He then tossed the cream towards Joshua. Joshua caught it and smiled. Midpoint and Cozy Glow then got into the limo, and the limo drove off.

Then Twilight, Sonic, MC, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Smolder and Silverstream were later on the Spirit of Freedom, heading back East. Twilight then asked, "Was it wise to leave Cozy Glow under the watch of Midpoint?"

"Alex Lynol is a multi millionaire and CEO of Shadow Appliances," MC said. "I'm sure he's able to take care of a reforming psychotic filly. Although, we're going to have to do something about her father, though."

"That's true," Twilight said. Twilight then looked over at Joshua, who was putting some pimple cream on the bump of his forehead. "Need any help with that, Josh?"

"I'm good, Mom," Joshua said. "Hopefully this pimple will clear up by tomorrow."

"Alright, time to head on home," Sonic said. The group cheered as they heard they were going home, not having to worry about Cozy Glow. But getting a good look at the pimple on Joshua's forehead, there were a few white sparks coming from the bump.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
The Floating Isle, Angel Island