• Published 17th May 2021
  • 4,686 Views, 128 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

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Episode 26: Rise Above the Storm! (Part 2)

Episode 26: Rise Above the Storm! (Part 2)

All across the world, the sky was gray and cloudy. And there were some spirals in the clouds. All the creatures were heading into the most secure places in the nearest location.

The Mane 6, Sonic, MC and Maria looked around them at the growing storm. The heroes looked at them, all but Fluttershy, with angry looks.

"You won't get away with this!" Sonic said.

"Oh, we already have!" Doctor Eggman said. "Prepare for the end of your precious freedom!"

Sonic and MC charged at the Storm King, but he countered them. MC quickly recovered, held out his left hand, and golden energy came from his hand, emitting a giant battle ax of solid gold.

"Oh ho! You wanna get personal, huh?!" the Storm King asked. "Not today!" He fired a beam from the Staff of Sacanas, MC blocking with the ax, and being pushed back. He was pushed over the edge of the building, making him fall over.

"NOOOOOO!!!!! The Mane 6 called out.

Doctor Eggman laughed and said, "That's the end of that Freedom Fighter. Now, we shall rule the world!" He then cackled loudly.

"Yeah, about that..." the Storm King said, looking over at Doctor Eggman. "Now that I have all of this power, I don't need you anymore!"

"What?!" Doctor Eggman shouted. "We had a deal! I'd give you all this power, and we'd share the world fifty-fifty!"

"Oh, I never promised anything," the Storm King said, smirking. He then spun his Staff around, causing a tornado to appear over Doctor Eggman, sending him up into the air.

"Whoa!!" Doctor Eggman shouted when he got swooped up in the tornado, and he fell off the building.

"Julian!" Maria shouted when holding out a hand.

Then it went to Eggman falling down the side of the building, but something caught him, by his underwear. He looked over at what caught him, and he saw MC, his legs wrapped around a flagpole.

"What?! You?!" Eggman shouted.

"Believe me, I didn't want to do this either," MC said. "Not after all the things you've done. But seeing you coming down and after the Storm King's history, you were used."

"What do you mean the Storm King's history?" Doctor Eggman asked.

"The Storm King had a pony working for him," MC said. "She only joined him just because he promised her that he'd restore her broken horn when he gets what he wants. He only makes promises so he can break them later."

"Oh, I should've known," Doctor Eggman said.

"Now tell me how to..." MC started to threat, but he was interrupted.

"Okay, I'll talk!" Doctor Eggman interrupted.

"Sheesh! I didn't even finish the threat!" MC said.

"The Storm King's amped up energy came from the generators with the Chaos Emeralds!" Doctor Eggman said. "The only way to stop the Storm King's power is to destroy the generators!"

"That's it?" MC asked. "That's all we have to do? That seems a little too..." He was interrupted by the sound of metal bending. They looked over at the source and saw the flagpole bending. "Aw, fish traps!" Then the two of them started falling, both of them screaming all the way down.

But then, something soft broke their fall. They landed in a truck bed full of mattresses. Then the two of them got out of the truck bed and the two looked at each other.

"Well, I'll be leaving now," Doctor Eggman said. He then walked away. "By the way, because you saved me, I owe you one favor. Use it on me whenever you want. I still can't believe you did that for me."

"I didn't," MC said. "I did it for someone else. Someone you probably haven't seen in a long time."

"Who?" Doctor Eggman said.

"I ain't talkin'," MC said. "Now go." MC pointed towards behind Doctor Eggman and the doctor started walking away. MC then got out of the bed of the truck and headed for the front. "Guess we were just lucky that we landed in that."

"Don't get your hopes up," came a voice from inside the truck.

MC looked at who was there and asked, "Who the heck are you?"

"Sunset Shimmer."

"Sunset Shimmer?!" MC asked. "Princess Celestia's star student before Sparkles came into the picture? What are you...?" MC's vision trailed off when he saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders in front of the truck. "You brought the kids?!"

"We wanted ta help!" Apple Bloom said. She then looked up. "But with that, Ah'd say we'd shoulda stayed at home."

"Actually, I think it's the best time you came here," MC said. "Listen, this storm is interfering with our communication devices. So, I need you all to get to these locations." MC then showed a map where the locations of the other Chaos Emeralds are. "Get to them, and get the Chaos Emeralds!"

"But how are we gonna get there through this storm?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh yes, how indeed," came another voice. They all looked on top of the truck, and there was Discord, knitting a quilt of him and Fluttershy.

"You've got to be kidding me," MC said. "The Lord of Chaos himself. Just what we need. Get the Crusaders to where the Chaos Emeralds are. Apple Bloom and Babs in the same location."

"Of course," Discord said. "I'll even snap them to the center once all seven generators are destroyed." Discord snapped his fingers and the Crusaders disappeared.

MC then looked towards Sunset and asked, "Can you fight?"

"Let's find out," Sunset said.

"Get on my back," MC said.

"Why would I...?" Sunset asked as she was getting onto MC's back. Then MC rushed up the side of the building, climbing all the way, and Sunset screaming all the way.

Back on top of the building, Sonic and the Mane 6 were fighting the Storm King. The Storm King then slammed the bottom of the Staff of Sacanas on the floor, sending them away.

"We can't get close to him!" Twilight said. "What are we gonna do?!"

"Say goodbye," the Storm King said. "So much for..." He then spoke in a mocking tone. "Magic of Friendship." He then blew a raspberry. "What are ya gonna do?!"

Then two beams hit him. One gold, one red. The group looked back and saw MC and Sunset Shimmer standing there.

"MC?" Sonic asked.

"Sunset Shimmer?!" Twilight asked in surprise.

"Sorry, Stormy," MC said to the Storm King. "Weather calls for clear skies." MC then charged at the Storm King.

Then it went to the location with Midpoint and his group. They were fighting Stygian as the Pony of Shadows. Standing clear of the debris incoming.

"The generator is in the basement," Midpoint said. "How are we going to get to it?" Then in a flash of light, Joshua appeared. "Joshua? What are you doing here?"

"Don't worry about deactivating it," Joshua said. "It has to be destroyed." Then his eyes caught the Pony of Shadows. "WHOA!!"

"Got you!" the Pony of Shadows said. He then sent a tentacle towards Joshua. Star Swirl jumped towards Joshua and rolled over at the other side, and a bunch of metal weapons fell down to the ground, making loud noises. The noises were making the Pony of Shadows freak out.

"Whoa!" Mutt said. "Are you guys seeing that?!"

"It is a symbiote!" Midpoint said. "Dang it, Stan Lee!" Midpoint then grabbed metal poles and shot one individually, them landing around the Pony of Shadows. "Let's make some noise!"

Star Swirl then used his magic to pick up metal objects and made them hit the poles around the Pony of Shadows. The Pony of Shadows cried out in pain, starting to separate from Stygian.

Midpoint then handed Mutt something and said, "Mutt, use this. Elemental Whip. Made with some elemental crystals from Equestria. Start with the vine to pull Stygian out."

Mutt nodded, looked at the buttons, pushed the button that was marked vine, and he cracked the whip and vines came from the handle, grabbing Stygian and ripped him out of the grip of the symbiote. The symbiote started freaking out, trying to grab the heroes.

"Star Swirl, keep making noise," Midpoint said. Star Swirl nodded and used his magic to keep making loud noise. The symbiote then started shrinking. Midpoint then pulled out one arrow and took off his quiver. He then threw his quiver into the symbiote.

"What are you doing?!" Cozy Glow asked.

"What makes you the hero isn't the tools you use, but the actions you do," Midpoint said. He then aimed his arrow at the quiver. He then released the arrow, making contact with the quiver. Then there was an explosion, swallowing up the symbiote.

"Wow," Mutt said. "That was intense!"

"C'mon," Midpoint said. "Let's go." Then they headed down to the basement and headed for the generator. "Time to smash this thing."

"How? None of us have Super Strength," Star Swirl said.

"That's what you think," Midpoint said, running towards the generator faster than the others. He then got ready to punch the generator, and he smashed the generator, with blue energy heading towards his eyes. Then a small explosion came from the generator.

Meanwhile, back where the Storm King was fighting the Mane 6, Sunset Shimmer, Sonic, MC and Maria, MC was blocking the Storm King's energy attack. But then his Staff flickered a little bit.

"What?!" the Storm King asked. "What's happening?!"

"We got your weakness figured out, Stormy," MC replied. "Sunset Shimmer didn't come here alone."

"That's right," Sunset said. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders and Discord came. Discord sent the Crusaders to the locations of the generators to tell the others to destroy the generators."

"As long as they're messenger foals," Twilight said. "Now let's take him down!" Then the Mane 6, Sunset Shimmer, Sonic, MC and Maria charged at the Storm King.

Back where the first generator was destroyed, Midpoint was unconscious. The group tried to get him up.

"C'mon, Alex," Cozy Glow said. "Wake up." She then tried slapping him, but her arm was grabbed by Midpoint's right arm. He then opened his eyes.

"Looks like that explosion caused my precognition to increase," Midpoint said.

"What does that mean?" Sandbar asked.

"It means instead of seeing just one future at random times, I now see all possible futures up to 72 hours," Midpoint said. "Now, let's get going." Midpoint then picked up Joshua and they all headed out of there.

Back with Knuckles's group, Omega was firing missiles at Lord Tirek. Lord Tirek wasn't getting hurt at all.

Lord Tirek laughed and said, "Is that all that you got?! I absorbed some energy from the Chaos Emeralds to get this big! You can't hurt me!"

Rockhoof then tapped Omega's shoulder and said, "I got an idea, laddie. Help me throw Yona towards his stomach."

"Idea's percentage of success, 85%," Omega responded. He and Rockhoof picked up Yona by an arm and a leg each. Then they threw Yona towards the stomach of Tirek, making him throw up the energy he absorbed, shrinking back to his normal size. And a huge collar was around him.

"What?" Tirek asked, looking around. "What happened?" Just then, Knuckles ran towards him, and punched Lord Tirek in the face, knocking him out.

"A mind controlling collar?" Knuckles asked. "The Doctor must've gone all out to get this on him."

"That means that the other villains must have them," Manic said.

"Maybe," came Apple Bloom's voice. Then they all saw Apple Bloom and Babs coming towards them.

"Forget trying to shut down the generator," Babs said. "Ya have ta destroy it."

"Destruction of Robotnik property, I approve," Omega replied. Then he headed towards where the generator was, which was behind the curtain on stage. Then there was an explosion and the Chaos Emerald came from behind the curtain. Babs grabbed the Chaos Emerald.

Then it went to the Subway Station where Sally's group were fighting Queen Chrysalis. Queen Chrysalis was trying her best to slime the heroes. Then Sweetie Belle appeared.

"Where am I?" Sweetie Belle asked. Just then she was grabbed by Mistmane.

"What are you doing here?" Mistmane asked.

"I was told to tell you to destroy the generator," Sweetie Belle said. "It's the only way to stop the Storm King."

"We can sure as heck do that, sugah," Bunnie said. "But first we have ta stop this ex-queen of the bug-ponies."

Ocellus was trying to get away from Queen Chrysalis, but she was cornered. What Chrysalis didn't see was the third rail and she stepped on it, making electricity going through her body. She was then flung back towards the generator, making it explode. Queen Chrysalis fell to the floor next to the Chaos Emerald.

"Wow," Ocellus said. "What a lucky break."

"Yeah, I'll say it was," Sally said.

Sweetie Belle then picked up the Chaos Emerald.

Then it went to Tails's group. They were all fighting Metal Sonic.

"This thing is causing us major trouble," Tempest said.

"Not even the Great and Powerful Trixie can stop it," Trixie said.

Just then, Scootaloo appeared next to Gallus. Gallus saw her and asked, "What are you doing here?!"

"I came to tell you all something," Scootaloo said. "Don't worry about turning the generators off. Destroy them!"

"But how?" Sunburst asked. "We can't even get near it without this metal creep trying to stop us."

Tempest tried going for the generator, but Metal Sonic charged at her from in front of her. Tempest jumped up, spun around in mid-air, and kicked Metal Sonic, and it got shot towards the generator, destroying it.

"Wow!" Tails said. "She's stronger than she looks."

"After everything the Storm King did, and him tricking me, I have every right to do whatever it takes to stop him," Tempest said. She then picked up the Chaos Emerald and gave it to Scootaloo.

Then it went to the Central Park Zoo. Then it went to Rotor's group. Lightning Dust was flying circles around them and she was laughing.

"You can't pass me that easily!" Lightning Dust said. "I got you all wrapped around my trail!"

Smolder smirked and then blew a fireball, and Lightning Dust's face caught it. She went off course and she hit a lamp post. Smolder than said, "Really? Doesn't look like it."

"Nice thinking, Smolder," Shining Armor said. "I'll contain her." Shining Armor then put in a barrier to contain Lightning Dust, but then it dissipated when he saw the collar. He then removed it. Then Dinky appeared in front of Shining Armor. "Dinky? What are you doing here?"

"I was told to tell you to destroy the generators," Dinky said.

"Destroy them?" Shining Armor asked.

"Not to shut down ze generators?" Antoine asked. "Well, it's a good zing I brought some explosives how ze Americans call 'C-4'." Antoine then pulled out some explosives. Then later, the C-4 was wrapped around the Generator, and then it exploded. The Chaos Emerald came flying out and Shining caught it.

"Wow," Shining said. "How did this not get broken?"

"The Chaos Emeralds are tougher than they look," Rotor said.

Shining then handed the Chaos Emerald to Dinky.

Then it went to Olive's group. Olive was fighting Wind Rider. She already broken off the mind controlling collar.

"Where have you taken me?!" Wind Rider shouted.

"We didn't bring you here!" Olive said. "You were taken here by Doctor Robotnik. Forced to guard that." Olive pointed at the generator.

"How dare you lie to me?!" Wind Rider shouted. "I will...!" He was then knocked out by Cream and Cheese.

"No one talks that way about my sister!" Cream said.

"Chao chao chao!" Cheese said.

Olive smiled at her sister. Just then, Twist appeared. Twist then said, "Alright guys. I got a methage for you."

"Destroy the generator?" Olive, Sonia and Somnambula asked in unison.

"Wow," Twist said. "You're good."

Sonia then picked up the generator, and then slammed it onto the floor. The Chaos Emerald bounced out of the generator, and Twist caught it.

Then it went back to the battle of the Storm King. His power from the Chaos Emeralds was almost down. He was losing his own energy as well.

"How is this happening?!" the Storm King asked.

"Looks like the other generators are all down," MC said. "Six down, one to go."

"I won't let that happen!" the Storm King shouted. He then jumped to stand between them and the last generator. "All the power in all worlds belong to me!"

"MC, time for Chaos Fastball!" Sonic said, before doing a spin dash towards MC.

"Chaos... Circle!!" MC shouted, unleashing the Chaos Circle, and catching Sonic. He then did a jump flip, and threw Sonic towards the Storm King, pushing him through and destroying the last generator. Sonic then spun back towards the group and he had the Chaos Emerald.

"Now, Discord!" Sunset Shimmer called out. Then in a few flashes of light, the Cutie Mark Crusaders arrived with the other six Chaos Emeralds.

"NO!!" the Storm King shouted.

"It's over, Stormy!" MC said.

"You can't defeat us!" Twilight said. "The greatest power and the most powerful magic doesn't belong to you. It belongs to every good soul in the world!"

"No one's allowed to have the greatest power except for me!" the Storm King shouted. "I shall have them all!"

"I don't think so!" Sonic said. "It's up to us to stop monsters like you! Prepare to be taken down!"

"Never!" the Storm King said before spinning his staff around, and a tornado formed around him, taking him up into the sky.

"Sunset, get the Crusaders to Chelsea Piers!" Twilight said. "We'll take care of the Storm King."

Sunset nodded. But before they could respond, the Chaos Emeralds started hovering and they started spinning around the Mane 6, Sonic, MC and Maria.

The Mane 6 then got the Rainbow Power back and they started hovering in place.

Then it showed Maria glowing in an orange aura. Orange feathers sprouted from over her eyes and between her eyebrows, her hands became talons, her tail became the tail feathers of a phoenix, and she sprouted large orange and red wings from her back. Her eyes became red.

Then it went to MC glowing in a golden aura. His muzzle became a dragon's muzzle, his hands became dragon claws, his tail tip became the tail of a dragon, and then he sprouted dragon wings, the dragon parts all orange and gold. His eyes turned into a light orange color.

Then it showed Sonic, his blue quills turned golden yellow, his quills changed style, and his eyes became a bright red. All of the heroes were floating in front of Sunset and the Crusaders.

"That is the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Scootaloo said.

Rainbow Dash looked at her friends and said, "This... is... AWESOME!!"

"Time to take down the Storm King! Super Sonic Style!" Sonic said.

"That also goes for Maximum MC!!" MC said.

"What does that make me?" Maria asked. "Meteor Maria?"

"Actually, that could work," MC said. "Now, let's go take down the Storm King." Then the nine heroes started flying up into the sky, chasing after the Storm King.

In the skies above New York, the Mane 6, Super Sonic, Maximum MC and Meteor Maria were all chasing the Storm King. The Storm King fired a beam at the heroes, but they all vanished.

"What?!" the Storm King shouted. But then Maximum MC appeared right behind him. He then slammed the Storm King below, landing on Liberty Island. The Mane 6, Super Sonic, Maximum MC and Meteor Maria surrounded him in the air.

"It's over, Storm King!" Twilight said. "With everything you've done, it's time you got your punishment!"

"I don't think so!" the Storm King said, holding out an orb. The same kind of orb used on the other princesses. He then threw it towards Twilight but then it was grabbed in a golden aura, and then it became bubbles. "WHAT?!"

"Not gonna happen, Stormy!" Maximum MC said.

"It's time you got what you deserved!" Super Sonic said. Then rainbows came from the group, making a circle of Rainbow. Then a rainbow explosion was shot into the sky, clearing the skies all over the world. Then the Mane 6, Super Sonic, Maximum MC and Meteor Maria landed, all turning back to normal.

They looked over at the Storm King and they saw that the Storm King was turned to stone. MC then sighed and said, "As soon as we get the Chaos Emeralds back and have that machine rebuilt, we'll get you all, your people and your continent back to your world."

Twilight and her friends looked at each other, smiled and Twilight said, "Don't worry about it, MC. All of the creatures in Equestria has already adjusted to life here. So, I think we're going to stay."

"You want to stay?" Sonic asked.

"You made everything interesting for all of us," Twilight said. "Recently, Bruce Lynol has asked me for the adoption form for Cozy Glow."

"Now this was one of the greatest adventures we ever had," Pinkie Pie said. "So much more fun then the time we..."

It then went over to the White House, where Twilight was making an announcement to all of the people.

"And with all the things that happened to us, I decided that Equestria shall stay here on Earth. Thanks to all of the friendships we made along the way, all the things we learned, and all we did to help with all of you, we are going to let Equestria be a part of your world. We are even intending on having Equestria have as much technology as some of the other worlds here. Thanks to the propositions of Miles "Tails" Prower and Alex "Midpoint" Lynol. Don't worry, we will be helping keep a peace treaty between all worlds, and let me assure you, we're only as strong as the friendships we make." All of the people watching cheered at Twilight's speech.

The Freedom Fighters were all there, except for MC and Maria. Mutt looked around and asked, "Where are MC and Maria?" The others looked around, looking for the two Freedom Fighters.

Maria was standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial. She sighed.

"I thought you'd be here," MC said, walking up to Maria. Maria looked at MC.

"I can't believe that I'm finally alone," Maria said. "Julian's gone and..."

"Relax," MC said. "He ain't dead. I caught him, and he's gone into hiding."

"You didn't... You didn't kill him?" Maria asked, surprised.

"I didn't want you to feel the way I feel," MC said. "You want to get something to eat?"

Maria looked around and said, "Yeah, I could eat." She then sighed happily. "Thank you."

MC smiled back at her and said, "You're welcome." Then they headed away from there. Not knowing that Princesses Celestia and Luna were standing there. They turned around and Luna looked down and saw Nyx.

"So, you ready for your next lesson on dream walking?" Luna asked.

"I am, Princess Luna," Nyx said. Then they headed out of there. And a whole new life has been set for the world.

Author's Note:

That's it folks. This is the end for this series. For now. Who knows, maybe I'll do a season 2 for this show. Maybe. Thank you all for reading this story.

Comments ( 12 )

I loved the new chapter

It would be interesting to see a season two I wonder what amazing adventure awaits in season two

Why didn't you respond to my comment?

Sorry. I was kinda busy. But, as for the New Life in Equestria stories, that's your choice.

Yeah. Osiris is pretty much a god, Reaper, AND a Judge, given his pool of responsibilities.

What happened to the MLP villains

26 episodes in a season and the 26 letters of the alphabet is only a coincidence, except for Sesame Street, in which each of the 26 episodes in that season is sponsored by each letter of the alphabet. Episodes being lettered A to Z is just my thing.

I noticed that you don't respond to comments very often. Why is that?

Yeah, uh, no offence... But this original character of yours, this MC guy...

You kind of made him an overpowered Mary Sue.

Seriously, he seems to be good at everything, and better at everything than anybody else. He also takes up much more attention than any other character in the story. If anything, it feels like MC is the centre of the story, and everybody else (both Sonic and MLP) are just there to prop him up.

The Mary Sue Term For Male Characters Is "Marty/Gary Stu"

Actually, the term 'Mary Sue' can apply to male characters, too.

But whatever term you want to use, this MC character is DEFINITELY such a character. He seems to have more powers and abilities than the rest of the heroes combined, and he comes across as so powerful that he is basically invincible. Every time the heroes encounter a serious problem, MC is able to solve or defeat it without any issue whatsoever. Whenever there is a major battle or something, he is always in the middle of it, defeats every opponent with little effort, and comes across completely unscathed.

More often than not, he is at the centre of the entire story; so much so that, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles (the main 3 of the Sonic franchise) barely even make an appearance. And any time they do, they always seem to play second fiddle to this MC guy.

Sorry, but this original character of MC is a clear-cut textbook example of a Mary Sue (or whatever you want to call it). This is just bad character writing.

You also picked up on MC being a Mary Sue/Gary Stu, huh?

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