• Published 17th May 2021
  • 4,729 Views, 128 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

  • ...

Episode 5: The Rabbit, the Chao and the Dragoness

Episode 5: The Rabbit, the Chao and the Dragoness

The final bell of the School of Friendship rang, and all of the students went back to their dorms. Except for six certain students, the Young Six.

"Yona still getting used to this new form," Yona said.

"Yeah, this is a whole lot different than back in Equestria," Gallus said. "But still, there have been exciting things. Like how Rainbow Dash raced against the leader of the Freedom Fighters."

"And there was also the Space Colony in orbit around the planet," Ocellus said. "That place was huge. Although, coming home with a human girl turned hedgehog was weird. Oh, and those Artificial Chaos creatures she took down all by herself."

"Well, the school has a week long break coming up," Smolder said. "What do you guys want to do?"

"Actually, Smolder," Sandbar said. "We all got plans."

"What do you mean?" Smolder asked. Just then, they were stopped by Starlight Glimmer, who was accompanied by Sally Acorn.

"There you all are," Starlight Glimmer said. "This is Sally Acorn. One of the Freedom Fighters."

"Oh, yeah," said Ocellus. "You were there when Princess Twilight made her announcement that she's gonna be ruling Equestria from here in Ponyville.

"That's right," Sally said. "And let's just say that the Freedom Fighters are gonna be doing some things. The boys are going camping and the girls are going to a luxury resort. But the resort doesn't let in little kids, and we need someone to watch Cream and Cheese while we're gone."

"Why didn't you ask Princess Twilight or her friends?" Silverstream asked.

"Actually, we did," Sally said.

It did some flashbacks of the Mane 6 turning down the Freedom Fighters. Sonic was with Twilight as she, Spike, Nyx and Joshua were packing up.

"Sorry, Sonic," Twilight said. "But I got some royal princess duties over in the Crystal Empire."

Then it went to Tails in Cloudsdale, talking to Rainbow Dash in her Wonderbolts jumpsuit.

"Sorry, Tails, but the Wonderbolts and I have to get ready for a show," Rainbow Dash said.

Then it showed Antoine talking with Rarity, who was also packing up some fabrics. Sweetie Belle was joining her.

"I'm so sorry, Antoine, but I have to leave for Manehattan," Rarity said. "A lot of ponies there are lined up to buy some clothing from my shop there."

Then it showed Bunnie talking with Applejack, whom she, and the family were packing up.

"Sorry, Bunnie," Applejack said. "But mah family and Ah are on our way ta Appleloosa for the rodeo goin' on there. We're gonna win big down there."

Then it went to Rotor who was talking to Fluttershy as she was packing up as well.

"Sorry, Rotor," Fluttershy said. "But, I'm on my way to Filly-delphia for a convention about the wildlife populations dropping."

Then it went to Amy talking to Pinkie Pie, packing up for a trip as well.

"Oh, I wish I could," Pinkie Pie said. "But, your country's president has asked me to throw a birthday party for his six year old daughter. So I really should be going."

Then it went back to Sally, Starlight and the Young Six.

"So, basically, we tried asking any other ponies," Sally said. She then list off a few names. "Lyra and Bon Bon, the Cakes, Maud Pie, Filthy Rich, Octavia and DJ Pon-3, Cheerilee, and even that wall eyed pegasus, Derpy. They all turned us down."

"Can any of you watch over the young rabbit girl?" Starlight asked.

The Young Six looked at each other, unsure. Then Sandbar walked up and said, "Sorry, I can't. I'm going on a family vacation with my parents and my little sis. I gotta get going." He then walked off.

"The hippogriffs are getting Mount Aris up for a festival," Silverstream said. "I'm off." She then flew away from the group.

"Yaks are celebrating Smash-a-palooza!" Yona said. "Yona has been practicing to compete as Smash Queen! Yona has been wanting to be that since Yona little." Yona then walked off.

"I gotta get back to the hive," Ocellus said. "My parents have a full week of family fun. Bye." She then buzzed off.

Gallus and Smolder looked at each other, then Gallus said, "Sorry, but I got plans."

"I thought you didn't have a family," Smolder said, raising an eyebrow.

Then MC rushed in and said, "Hey, Gallus. You comin' or what?"

"You invited Gallus to go camping with you?" Sally asked.

"Gallus doesn't have anyone at home, so we invited him to come camping with us," MC said.

Gallus was already had a backpack with camping gear, and he was wearing a flannel shirt. He then said, "What are we waiting for? Let's go." MC and Gallus ran out of there.

"That just leaves Smolder," Starlight said. Then she and Sally looked over at Smolder.

"Okay, listen I... I got a..." Smolder said, trying to get out of there, giving a goofy smile. She then sighed and said, "Dang it. I can't come up with an excuse not to do it."

"So, you'll do it?" Starlight asked.

"Fine," Smolder said. "I'll do it." She then crossed her arms. "Don't think I'll do this on a daily basis."

"Hey, it's your choice," Sally said. "We'll have Twilight let you use her castle to watch over Cream and Cheese until we're gone."

Smolder sighed and said, "This is gonna be one heck of a week."

Smolder was waiting for someone to come through the portal, tapping her foot, waiting for Cream and Cheese to arrive. Twilight and her kids left hours ago, leaving Smolder all by herself in the castle.

"Still waiting?" Nicole's voice came in. Then she appeared right next to Smolder.

"Oh, it's you," Smolder said. She then sighed. "I can't believe I was talked into this."

"Just be patient," said Nicole. "Just be lucky. I'm just an artificial intelligence who can't do anything you can."

"Wow," Smolder said. "I'm gonna go for a fly." Just as she was about to leave the room, the portal opened up, and out came Sally, along with Cream and Cheese.

"Alright, Cream," Sally said. "You be good for Smolder. She'll be taking care of you while we're gone."

"Okay, Miss Sally," Cream said.

Smolder sighed and said, "I'll take care of her, or whatever." She rolled her eyes.

"Alright," said Sally. "We'll be back in a week. But, I have a feeling that the boys will be back sooner than we will. See you then." Sally then walked back through the portal.

Cream and Cheese looked up at Smolder, and they both smiled. Cream then said, "It's very nice to meet you, Miss Smolder."

"Chao," Cheese replied.

Smolder sighed and said, "Alright, let's get going with whatever you wanna do."

Cream and Cheese tilted their heads and Cream asked, "Are you not wanting to watch me?"

"Hey, listen," Smolder said. "I couldn't think of anything to do. Seriously. But my friends are all out of town, and the School is closed for the week. I really couldn't find anything else to do for the week."

"I'm sure we can find something to do," Cream said.

"Chao," Cheese replied.

Smolder looked at Cheese, then she looked towards Cream and asked, "Is that all that creature can say?"

"Pretty much, if you don't understand the language of the Chao," Cream said.

"Huh," Smolder said. "Alright, so how about I show you around the town? Since I have nothing better to do."

"Okay," Cream said.

"Chao!" Cheese replied happily.

The three of them headed out of the Castle of Friendship, Smolder showing Cream and Cheese the sights, starting with the School of Friendship.

"This is the School of Friendship," Smolder said. "It was started by Princess Twilight before she became the High Princess of Equestria."

"This is a very amazing school," Cream said.

"Chao," Cheese replied.

Smolder then led Cream and Cheese into the school library, and the catacombs that can be accessed by an air vent.

"And down there is a bunch of catacombs," Smolder said. "Down there, five of my friends and I had to face our fears to pass a test set by the Tree of Harmony."

"Tree of Harmony?" Cream asked, tilting her head.

"I'll tell you about that later," Smolder said. "Anyway, some of us had to face our fears of our own."

"What did you and your friends have to face?" Cream asked.

"Mine is... really embarrassing," Smolder said. "But, for the others, Gallus is claustrophobic, meaning he doesn't like small spaces. Yona was afraid of spiders, but she got over it when the spiders there helped her. Silverstream is afraid of losing everything to the Storm King until she stood up to a shadow that looked like him. Ocellus was afraid that she'll be back to how the changelings were when they were following Chrysalis, or worse, her being Chrysalis. And Sandbar was afraid of letting down his mentors. But when he wanted to be with us instead of going with them, he had to make a difficult choice."

"Wow," said Cream. "That's a lot to face."

"Chao," Cheese said.

"Yeah," said Smolder. "They had to go through a lot, just to get out."

"What did you have to face?" Cream asked.

Smolder chuckled, blushed and said, "Well..."

"Like, oh my gosh, look at the cute little dragon and her fuzzy little friend!" a voice came from the catacombs. That made Smolder's whole head went red in embarrassment.

"And so is that cute, adorable little blue creature," said another voice. "I'd so like to get one as a companion."

"Like, totally," came the first voice from the catacombs.

"Okay," Smolder said, kicking the vent closed. "That's enough of that." She then pulled Cream's arm and headed out of the school library.

"What was that?" Cream asked.

Smolder sighed and said, "That was two illusion ponies trying to get me to admit my secret. Which I'm afraid to show to my friends, because I'm the toughest one of the group. I only admitted it to Ocellus, my changeling friend."

"So, what is your secret?" Cream asked. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Smolder looked down at Cream, a little shocked. She then cringed, turned her head and muttered, "I like cute, silly stuff."

"What?" Cream asked

"Chao chao?" Cheese also asked.

"I like cute, silly stuff," Smolder said. She then sighed. "But ever since school started, I've realized that sometimes I kinda don't mind cute stuff."

Cream and Cheese smiled, and Cream said, "Why would you want to hide that?"

"Did you not hear me when I said I'm the toughest one of the group?" Smolder asked. "Equestrian Dragons are supposed to be very tough, aggressive, and sometimes rude. But, if any more of my friends, or any of the other dragons found out, I'll be a laughing stock across the entire country."

"Oh, don't worry," Cream said. "I won't tell anyone."

"Chao chao chao!" Cheese said.

Smolder smiled, and pulled the two in for a hug, saying, "Thanks. But seriously, don't tell anyone."

"I promise," Cream said. Then the three of them headed for the door. They then headed out of the School of Friendship, and headed straight to town.

"And now, let's show you two the town," Smolder said as they were heading down the road. But when they were away from the school, a bunch of fences were magically placed in front of the School of Friendship, and each of them had a sign. Each one saying, "Closed for Demolition".

Smolder took Cream and Cheese all around Ponyville, showing the two around. They walked towards and stopped at Sugarcube Corner, where they saw the Cakes hard at work.

Mrs. Cake looked over and saw Smolder, Cream and Cheese and said, "Oh, hello, Smolder. Oh, who are these two little cute creatures?"

"Mrs. Cake, meet Cream and Cheese," Smolder said. "They're a part of the Freedom Fighters. The youngest members to be precise."

"Oh, I heard of them," Mrs. Cake said. "Well, welcome to Sugarcube Corner. Would you care for a snack?"

"Um..." Cream said. She then looked up at Smolder.

Smolder smiled, pulled out a bag of bits, and said, "Don't worry. This one is on me." Then Cream and Cheese looked at all the sweets in the shop, and picked some.

They walked out of Sugarcube Corner, all of them with cupcakes. Of course, Smolder's cupcake had gemstones in it.

"This is a pretty good cupcake," Cream said after taking a bite.

"Chao chao," Cheese agreed. He then swallowed his cupcake whole.

"Yeah, this place has a lot of things to do," Smolder said. "Like over there." Smolder pointed over towards a video game arcade, which had recently been installed with walls, a roof and some bathrooms. "Still don't know who put those walls up."

Then a bunch of ponies went past them, heading over towards the castle. Smolder, Cream and Cheese got confused at that, and Smolder started flying towards the Castle. But what she didn't realize was that Cream was flapping her ears, flying next to her.

Smolder went wide eyed and asked, "You can fly?!"

"I was born with larger ears than any other rabbit," Cream said.

"Chao," Cheese added.

They then came down when the ponies stopped in front of the School of Friendship, seeing a bunch of machines for clearing up land for a building or something being pulled in. Smolder, Cream and Cheese came up to the fence and stopped. Smolder stopped when she saw the sign.

"'Closed for Demolition'?!" Smolder asked. "No way!"

"Yes, indeedy, everypony!" came a voice. All of the ponies, Smolder, Cream and Cheese looked towards the left, and saw two Mobianized ponies, very familiar to the town of Ponyville. Flim and Flam. Flim then said, "It seems that the School of Friendship has been closed. Since there aren't any students left in the school."

"And we are under special orders to bring it down," Flam said. "So, everypony, back up so we can do our jobs."

"Hold it!" Smolder shouted. She then stomped towards the two stallions. "If the School of Friendship is going to be closed, all of the students and faculty would have been told. And guess what? Me and my friends, or any other student in this school, have not been told about the school closing."

"Sorry, but guess it was by a royal decree," said Flim. We cannot go up against royal orders."

"By tomorrow, this place is going down," Flam said. "And there is nothing that you can say or do to stop this."

"So, hit the road!" the two unicorn stallions said in unison. Then all of the ponies around Smolder, Cream and Cheese groaned. They all walked away, leaving Smolder, Cream and Cheese there. Smolder tightened her fists in frustration.

"No way," Smolder said in a low, angry tone. "They have no right to do this. And there's no way Princess Twilight would do this to the school she started."

"What are we going to do?" Cream asked. "Oh." Cream was then pulled by Smolder as she was talking towards the castle.

"We're gonna have to see what's going on," Smolder said. "Since this is now where the High Princess of Equestria is staying." They headed into the castle.

They went into a room full of files for the School of Friendship. Nicole was helping with the search. Of course, Cheese was moving the pages for her.

"I'm not seeing anything about the School of Friendship being demolished!" Smolder said. "There's no way that Princess Twilight would approve of this."

"This isn't right," said Nicole. "Twilight would have filed something like this a while back. Discord said he moved all important documents, and all of the important things back here."

"Then, why is there no file on the School being demolished?" Cream asked.

"Chao chao chao?" Cheese responded.

Just then, there was the sound of buzzing coming from somewhere. Cream reached into the pocket of her dress, and pulled out a cell phone. On the phone, the caller's ID was labelled "The Employer" with no phone number to call back.

"The Employer?" Cream asked.

"My creator," Nicole said. "Answer it."

Cream then answered the phone, and put it to the side of her head, and asked, "Hello?" She was then given a simple instruction. "Okay." She then moved the phone away, and pushed a button on the phone.

"I see you're all wondering about the demolition of the School of Friendship, and are in needing of help," came a voice from the phone, which was deepened by a vocoder. "And I can help you take down those who are wanting to demolish the school."

"Who are you?" Smolder asked, looking at the phone.

"My identity is to remain a secret over the phone," the Employer replied. "It's more important to prevent the school from being demolished by unlawful will."

"Do you know who the royal it was that's responsible for this?" Cream asked.

"Chao chao chao?" Cheese also asked.

"I do. But it's not exactly an Equestrian Royal responsible," the Employer said over the phone. "This royal was royally stripped. No longer allowed to make royal decrees. It's up to you to stop this demolition. And someone is on the way there to assist you."

"A royal who's not a royal?" Smolder asked. "Who could be doing this?"

"Isn't there anyone here that's a royal who's not an Equestrian Royal?" Cream asked.

Smolder put a finger to her chin, thinking about certain characters from Equestria. She then said, "Well, there's that King Sombra, but no way he's responsible for this. Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek are set in stone, literally. Grogar has been dead for centuries, the Storm King is broken. Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna retired. No way it could be Dragon Lord Ember. Or the leader of the Kirin, Rain Shine. Not Grampa Gruff, or Prince Rutherford, or Queen Novo, or even Thorax. Who could it be?"

"There's one more you're not thinking of," the Employer said. "One who would want everything in Ponyville to be taken down, and for all the ponies here to be homeless."

"Who would want to do that?" Cream asked.

"That's a good question," said Smolder. "Who would do this?"

Then the room started rumbling. The four of them looked at each other, then Nicole vanished, and the other three ran out of the room, heading for the front door. They saw the bulldozers on, about to tear down the school.

"NO!!" Smolder said, flying towards the front of the school. She landed, spread out her arms and wings, and stood her ground. "I will not let you destroy what means everything to Princess Twilight!"

"Sorry, kid," Flim said, operating one bulldozer. "We are under strict royal decree."

"Get out of the way, or else you're gonna get run over," Flam said, operating another bulldozer.

"Who is it?" Smolder asked, giving them a cold death stare. "Who gave you that royal decree?!"

"Why, none other than Prince Blueblood," Flim said. "He said that he'll pay us big for knocking down this place."

That made Smolder drop her arms and folded her wings. She then started laughing, and then she said to the two of them, "Are you serious? Blueblood's not a prince anymore. It was actually him wanting to demolish this town for a vacation retreat for nobles only that got him stripped of his royal status." She then pulled out a newspaper and tossed it to Flam. "Here. Read it for yourself."

Flam took the newspaper and started reading it. He then shrugged and said, "Meh, a job is a job. So, let's get this thing knocked down."

That made Smolder go wide eyed. But then one pony said, "Wait a minute. We're illegally knocking down a school? We're not doing that."

Then most of the bulldozers and the wrecking ball pulled away from the school, leaving just two bulldozers, the ones that Flim and Flam were driving.

"Well, that's not good," Flim said.

Then in a flash of blue light, Blueblood appeared between the two bulldozers. he was angry and shouted, "I will not let anything get in my way of getting what I want."

"Blueblood, you sneaky..." Smolder said until she was interrupted.

"It's PRINCE BLUEBLOOD!! You will not speak unless I tell you to speak! And nopony takes away my royal status but a fitting high royal!"

"Why do you think Princess Celestia and Princess Luna gave the throne to Twilight in the first place?" Smolder asked, smirking. "But there's no way we're gonna let you tear down this school." She then looked at Flim and Flam. "Why are you two even working with this guy?"

"Oh, it's our revenge against Twilight Sparkle for our Friendship University for being shut down," Flim said.

"We don't like it when our business is falling," said Flam.

"Tear the school down!" Blueblood said, pointing towards the school. Flim and Flam then moved their bulldozers towards the school. But then, the bulldozers stopped. The wheels were moving, but they weren't going anywhere. Blueblood got confused, and ran towards the back. He saw a metal cable going through a hoop that was put into the ground, the cables connected to both bulldozes. Blueblood then shouted, "Who is responsible for this?!"

Then a cable connected to an arrow made of steel hit the ground. Blueblood looked towards where the arrow came from, and coming down the cable on zip line handlebars was a Mobian Otter, wearing a black headband with three red triangles and a long purple trapezoid going along the headband, a shoulder belt with red and purple trapezoids flipped of each other, a quiver full of arrows, and wearing purple and red gloves, colors flipped on each side. When he landed, he jumped far from the back of the bulldozers, and pointed his quiver and an arrow towards Blueblood.

"What you're doing is illegal," the otter said. "Stand down, or face the consequences."

Blueblood, Flim and Flam stood next to each other, unhappy that another protester had showed up to stop them.

"Oh, great," said Flim. "Another one of those freaks."

"And this one has weird arrows," said Flam. "Pathetic, isn't he?"

"Looks like we're gonna do this the hard way," the otter said. He then released the arrow, heading towards Blueblood. But he caught it in his magic. The arrow tip wasn't a sharp arrow.

"Seriously?" Blueblood asked. "This arrow tip isn't even sharp. It's just a cylinder. How is this going to..." He was cut off when a bright flash of light came from the arrow tip, blinding Blueblood, Flim and Flam. "Gah! My eyes!"

Then the otter grabbed another arrow, and shot it at one bulldozer, and another arrow, firing it at the other. Then the arrow tips started beeping, and then they exploded, making the bulldozers blow up, pushing the three unicorns forward.

Blueblood looked back at the bulldozers, seeing them totally blown. He then shouted, "NO!!"

Smolder, Cream and Cheese flew over to the otter, and then Smolder asked, "Who are you?"

"Someone you can trust," the otter said. "You can call me Midpoint. It's a good thing I came when you needed it."

"You're the one the Employer sent, aren't you?" Cream asked.

"Chao chao chao chao?" Cheese asked.

"In the flesh," Midpoint said. "Now, let's take down these rejects." Midpoint then got another arrow ready.

"You're going to pay for that!" Blueblood said. He then fired a magical blast towards Midpoint. Midpoint released his arrow, aiming towards the blast, the collision exploding. Midpoint then ran towards Blueblood, and was about to punch him. But Blueblood grabbed Midpoint's arm, and flipped him over his head. Midpoint released his quiver and his bow, and he landed into the water. "Was that the best that guy can do? For his sake, I hope he can swim."

"Um, he's an otter," Cream said. "I'm pretty sure they can swim."

Then jumping high out of the water came Midpoint. He then came down towards Blueblood. He then punched Blueblood, knocking him out.

Midpoint then looked towards the Flim Flam brothers and said, "You two want in on this?"

Flim and Flam tried to dog pile Midpoint, but Cream grabbed Cheese and shouted, "Cheese, get them!"

"Chao chao!!" Cheese shouted when heading towards the two, punching both of them into the water in front of the school. Smolder smirked, and then she flew towards the pond, and she started blowing fire into the pond. The water then started boiling, sending the two unicorn brothers into the air. Then an arrow with a chord connected to it came towards them, and then some cables came from the arrow tip, tying up the two unicorns, and then they were pulled down by Midpoint. Cream and Smolder pulled Blueblood towards the two unicorns, and then Midpoint used the chord to tie up Blueblood as well.

"And that's how it's done," Midpoint said, smirking. "Good job, you two."

Then some royal guards came in. One of them asked, "What's going on here?"

"I'll let you two explain this," Midpoint said to Smolder and Cream. "I got business to take care of back in the US." He then used a grappling hook arrow, fired it at the mountain behind the School of Friendship, attached the chord to his belt, and was pulled towards the top of the mountain.

"Okay, that guy is so cool," said Smolder looking towards where Midpoint was going. She then looked towards the guards and said, "We got some unicorns here who think they can do whatever they want, trying to tear down Twilight's School of Friendship."

"That's illegal," said another royal guard. "If Princess Twilight wanted the school shut down, we would have been informed. Let's take these three unicorns to jail."

Then the guards put magic blocking collars on the three unicorns, and then the guards took them away.

"At least it's all over now," said Cream.

"Chao!" Cheese said.

"So, who do you think the Employer is?" Smolder asked.

"I don't know," Cream said. "But, at least he's on our side. Him, and that Midpoint guy."

Somewhere in the US, Midpoint went into an office with the lights off. He headed over towards the desk, and opened up the blinds, which showed a bunch of workers working on some technology. On the desk, there was a nameplate that said A Lynol, CEO of Shadow Appliances.

Then a beeping noise came from the phone and a woman's voice came in, saying, "Welcome back, Mr. Lynol. Did you complete your mission?"

"Mission accomplished," Midpoint said. "But please, Julia, call me Alex." He then smirked. "What's on the schedule for tomorrow?"

"You do have a meeting with the President about exchanging most of the appliances in the White House kitchen," Julia said over the phone.

"Of course," said Midpoint. "I better get up early tomorrow. It's gonna be a long trip."

Days passed and at the Castle of Friendship, in one room, Smolder, Cream and Cheese were having a tea party, Cream and Smolder were dressed up, even had some makeup on.

"Would you like more tea, Smolder?" Cream asked.

"Why yes, I would," Smolder said in a cute voice. She held out her tea cup for Cream to pour more tea into it. "This is nice. At least it's just us."

"And Nicole promised not to tell anyone about this for your sake," Cream said.

"Smolder, it would seem that Gallus and the male Mobians have arrived," Nicole's voice said.

"Okay," Smolder said, taking off her dress and tiara. "Let's get you back home." She then headed out of the room.

Cream noticed something and said, "Wait, Smolder!" She chased after Smolder, Cheese following.

In the throne room, Sonic, MC, Antoine, Tails, Rotor, Mutt and Gallus were waiting for Smolder, Cream and Cheese to show up. Then Smolder came into the room.

"Hey, boys," Smolder said. "I was wondering when you'd all get back."

"Well, I hope that you had..." Sonic said until he noticed something. The other boys looked at Smolder.

MC stepped closer to Smolder and asked, "Are you wearing makeup?"

Smolder went wide eyed, walked over to the mirror portal that leads to Knothole, and saw her reflection. She saw that she still had the makeup on.

"Oh, crud!" Smolder said. She then started rubbing the makeup off. The boys then started laughing.

"I thought you were supposed to be the toughest one of the entire School of Friendship," Mutt said as he was laughing.

"I bet she likes being cute and adorable when no one's watching," Tails said, also laughing.

"Zat would be surprizing," Antoine said.

Smolder then turned towards the boys, her face red and giving a scary, angry expression. That made the boys stop laughing. She then charged at the boys. From outside, all of the ponies passing by looked towards the castle when there was cries of pain coming from inside.

"GOH!!" Rotor shouted in pain.

"Waaaaah!" Tails cried out in pain.

"OW!" Mutt cried out in pain.

"Not the legs, not the legs, not the legs!" Sonic called out. "Ow, my head!"

"Sacré bleu!" Antoine cried out in pain.

"Gah! My tailbone!" Gallus cried out in pain.

"GAH! Holy smokes, that hurts!!" MC cried out in pain. Then he casually asked, "So, what else did you do over the week?"

Author's Note:

Next episode:
Road Trip!