• Published 17th May 2021
  • 4,730 Views, 128 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

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Episode 20: Trouble From Down Under

Episode 20: Trouble From Down Under

The Mane 6, the Freedom Fighters and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were in the lab in Knothole. They were all looking at a holographic globe. They were recapping on what was going on.

"Okay," Twilight said. "Here's what we know. Doctor Julien Robotnik, a brilliant scientist yet psychopath planned on taking over the world with his robots attempted to take over Equestria."

"But by our hands, he was stopped," Sonic said. "But apparently, he has teamed up with a group of hairy creatures that apparently work for someone called the Storm King."

"Eggman's mechs and the Storm King's creatures has stolen the remains of the Storm King, the Staff of Sacanas, and the machine that turned Cozy Glow back to her organic form," Twilight said.

"And the only way to power the machine is by a Chaos Emerald," Sally said. "So, we need to find the last four Chaos Emeralds before any of them find them."

The group stopped recapping. It then went to a private jet flying through the sky, heading southwest. In the plane were Applejack, Apple Bloom, Twist, Sally, Amy, Midpoint and Cozy Glow.

"Thanks for giving us a ride to Australia, Alex," Sally said.

"No problem, Sally," Midpoint said. "In fact, I always wanted to see the Outback for a long time, so I might as well do it right now."

"Really?" Cozy Glow asked. "Why didn't you?"

"I wanted to," Midpoint said. "But I was too busy studying at MIT, then there was when I got impaled on my last camping trip, luckily my grandfather had something to keep me alive."

"The same tech used to turn Maria Robotnik into a hedgehog?" Amy asked.

"Bingo," Midpoint said. "Then my grandpa got sick, and since my dad's in prison, I had to take over the business. And boy, was it difficult."

"Ah know how ya feel, Sugarcube," Applejack said. "When mah ma and pa left us, Big Mac and Ah had ta do double duty on the farm until Apple Bloom was old enough ta help."

"Ah wish Ah could remember them," Apple Bloom said, looking down. Applejack then pulled her in for a hug.

Then there was a beeping coming from the front and Midpoint said, "We're about to land. Everyone buckle your seat belts." Then everyone buckled up as the private jet was descending.

At the Sydney, Australia airport, the group came out of the building, looking around at the place.

"Hoowee," Applejack said. "Sure is hot down here."

"Sure is," Midpoint said. He then pulled out the blue Chaos Emerald. "We got to find that Chaos Emerald that's here."

"How are we going to do that?" Cozy Glow asked.

"We're just going to have to go to look around the place," Sally said. Then a limo jeep pulled up in front of them. Inside was Sherman, Midpoint's butler.

"Alright, guys," Midpoint said. "Let's head on out . We'll use the Chaos Emerald as a GPS." Midpoint got into the front seat while the rest got into the rear seating. Then the limo drove off.

Later, the group stopped at a restaurant, eating lunch outside. Midpoint was using his tablet to see anything. Sally was taking a bite out of her salad. After she swallowed, she looked over at Midpoint.

"Alex, are you looking for the Chaos Emerald?" Sally asked.

"The Chaos Emerald should be around here," Midpoint said. "Wherever it is, we have to find it."

"I'm sure we can find it," Amy said. "After all, I'm sure Sonic and the others can find the other Chaos Emeralds."

Then a waiter came back with a check, and Midpoint pulled out some Australian dollars, and put it onto the check.

"Guess ya're prepared for whatever country ta go ta," Applejack said.

"It's best to be prepared," said Midpoint. "Now, let's get going."

"So, where are we gonna head ta?" Apple Bloom asked.

"We'll just have to follow the glow of the Chaos Emerald," Midpoint said, holding the Chaos Emerald he had. "The Chaos Emeralds can sense each other, which is how they can glow brighter."

"Help! My purse!" came the voice of a woman. The group looked over and saw a human thief running with a purse.

"Oh, no!" Sally said.

"I got him!" Midpoint said, jumping over the gate. Applejack and Amy followed. They started chasing the thief. "Stop!"

"Ya can't get away from us!" Applejack called out.

The thief was about to turn a corner, but Midpoint got out his bow and a trick arrow, and fired it towards the thief. The thief turned a corner, and the arrow hit the wall of an alley, and a net sprang from the back end of the arrow, catching something. Midpoint, Applejack and Amy came around the corner and saw the net had caught... a puppy.

"What the heck?" Midpoint asked.

Then they looked ahead and saw the thief from earlier picking up the purse. But then the police came in and grabbed the thief.

"Freeze!" one of the policemen asked. "You are under arrest!"

"What did I do, mates?" the thief asked.

"You know what you've done!" the policeman shouted. Then they escorted the man away.

Midpoint's eyes narrowed. Applejack and Amy looked at Midpoint, and then Amy asked, "Are you okay?"

"I... I never miss," Midpoint said. He then grabbed the arrow from the wall, and then grabbed the net covering the puppy. The policeman from before came back.

"Hey, thanks for trying to help, mate," the policeman said. "Even though you didn't hit your target, you still tried to help out." The policeman patted Midpoint's shoulder as he walked back towards the car.

Later, the group were at the beach, Midpoint sitting in the sand with Apple Bloom and Twist making a sand castle. Sally and Amy weren't there. They had to focus on finding the Chaos Emerald. Cozy Glow walked up to Midpoint and sat next to him.

"So you missed the guy," Cozy Glow said. "It's not the end of the world."

"I never missed a shot in my entire life," Midpoint said. "Even in Archery Camp, I was a natural. I just don't get it."

Applejack walked up to Midpoint and said, "Hey, Ah get it. Ya made a mistake. It happens from time ta time."

"This... was the first time I've ever made a mistake," Midpoint said.

"Hey, even Twi made a mistake before," Applejack said. "She thought it would have destroyed Equestria." She then sighed. Then something caught her mind. "Isn't it weird that the thief had no memory of stealin' that purse?"

"Now that you think about it," Midpoint said. "It does seem weird. It looked like he was picking it up after someone dropped it or threw it towards him."

"What are you saying?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Either there's an evil telepath around, or... we're dealing with a shapeshifter," Midpoint said.

"A shapeshifter?" Applejack asked.

"Like Chrysalis?" Cozy Glow asked. "Is she out?"

"Not likely," Midpoint said. "We checked the statue. Chrysalis and Tirek are still sealed in stone."

"Ya think we should investigate?" Applejack asked.

"I'm sure we can find something out," said Midpoint. "Sally and Amy are looking for the Chaos Emerald."

"Mind if we help out?" The group looked to the right, and there stood two hedgehogs.

Applejack tilted her head and asked, "Who are ya two?"

"Those are Sonia and Manic," Midpoint said. "I have a file on these two. Apparently, they're Sonic's sister and brother."

"Really?" Applejack asked.

"Apparently, they were separated at birth," Midpoint said. "Sonia was raised in a high class mansion while Manic, who was supposed to be taken in by a nice woman, was taken by street rats, who were homeless people who only survive by stealing from any passerby."

"Wow," said Applejack. "High and low class, eh?"

"It was actually no class," the green hedgehog, known as Manic, said. "Anyway, Sonia and I stayed together and overheard that there has been trouble going on."

"Apparently, there were people arrested, and they claim that they didn't do any crimes," Sonia said. "We think it's the Freedom Fighter that went rogue."

"A rogue Freedom Fighter?" Cozy Glow asked.

"I think I know which one you're talking about," Midpoint said, pulling out his tablet. He then showed a picture.

"Whoa!" Applejack said. "He looks creepy!"

"No arguing with that," Cozy Glow said.

"They call him Mimic," Midpoint said. "He's a shapeshifter. He's been stealing stuff and blaming it on others by changing into another person or a different creature."

"That means that dog wasn't a dog!" Applejack said. "That was Mimic!"

"And I didn't miss," Midpoint said. "Alright guys, we got a shapeshifter to catch."

Then from out of nowhere, a certain draconequus showed up.

"Oh, this should be exciting!"

"Discord?!" Applejack, Apple Bloom, Twist and Cozy Glow asked in shock.

"What is that?" Sonia asked, looking at Discord.

"That's Discord," Applejack said. "The lord of Chaos from Equestria. He likes to cause a little chaos. We have him do it as minimal as possible."

"As long as I keep it in check and not cause too much chaos, I can roam free," Discord said. "So, where do we go from here?"

At some other place in the city of Sydney, the same dog from before was walking through some streets until a dog catcher came up to it and swooped it up in a net.

"Now I got ya, ya little critter," said the dog catcher. As soon as the dog was out of sight from viewers, some tentacles came from the net, and wrapped around the dog catcher's neck. Then the dog catcher was flung towards the wall, getting knocked out.

"Sorry, my good man." The dog was now back to his normal form, which was Mimic the Octopus. "But I'm getting something that my boss needs." He then headed towards somewhere.

Applejack, Apple Bloom, Twist, Midpoint, Cozy Glow, Sonia, Manic and Discord headed back to the place where the arrest happened earlier. Midpoint looked at where the dog was.

"This was where the dog was," Midpoint said.

Discord then snapped his fingers and an illusion of the dog showed up. The dog then headed away from there. Discord then said, "This is an illusion of what happened earlier. If we follow it, it should lead us to where he's headed."

"That's not a bad idea," Manic said.

"Yeah, it could work," Sonia said. "Let's follow the path."

They followed where the illusion dog was heading to. Meanwhile, with Sally and Amy, the two were heading down to a certain part of the city. They came towards a jewelry store. They headed inside and headed for a glass case. They looked inside it, and saw the thing they were looking for.

"That's it," said Sally. She then called out to the jeweler and said, "Excuse me, sir."

The jeweler walked up to the counter and asked, "What can I do for you sheilas today?"

"We need that gem right there," said Sally. "It's a Chaos Emerald."

"A Chaos Emerald?!" the jeweler asked. "Oh, I didn't know it was one of them power gems. Since ya are two of the Freedom Fighters from America, I'll give ya a fair price. One thousand Australian dollars."

The two pulled their money. Amy said, "Looks like we got up to eight hundred American dollars. Too bad we can't afford it."

"Actually, my good sheilas," the jeweler said. "I can exchange them American dollars for Australian ones. Look up the price difference online between the currency of America and Australia."

Sally pulled out her handheld Nicole and said, "Nicole, what's the difference of currency of American dollars and Australian dollars?"

"One American Dollar is actually a dollar thirty-six in Australia," Nicole responded. "To round it up to 800 American dollars, it's actually one thousand, eighty-seven dollars and eighty cents."

"So we have enough," Amy said.

"Ya sure do," said the jeweler. He then pulled out the Chaos Emerald, and handed it to Sally. Amy then handed the man the 800 American dollars. Then she was given the change in Australian dollars. "Have a good day." Then Amy and Sally left the place with the Chaos Emerald they purchased.

"That wasn't so hard," Sally said.

"Let's go meet up with the others," Amy said. Then the two of them walked away. Unaware that the dogcatcher from before was watching them, but his eyes were different.

Back with the others, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Twist, Midpoint, Cozy Glow, Sonia, Manic and Discord went into the alley where they followed the illusion dog to where he was caught by the dog catcher, and then changed into his real form.

"Yep," Sonia said. "That's Mimic."

"Guys, over here!" Manic said, running over to the unconscious dogcatcher.

"Looks like Mimic has a new guy to frame," Midpoint said. He then pulled out a water bottle, Manic lifted the dogcatcher's head, and Midpoint poured the water all over the dogcatcher's face.

The dogcatcher coughed, looked up and asked, "What happened, mates?"

"You were duped by a shapeshifter," Midpoint said. "He's copied your form and is about to cause a crime, using your face."

"That explains why the people who have been arrested claimed they didn't do it," the dogcatcher said. "Includin' my best mate."

"Let's go!" Applejack said. Then all of them headed out of the alley.

Back with Sally and Amy, the two were heading for the beach. Amy then pointed out, "This seemed a little too easy."

"What do you mean, Amy?" Sally asked.

"I was almost expecting to get mobbed by someone who wanted the Chaos Emeralds by now," Amy said, not knowing that Mimic, disguised at the dogcatcher, knocked them down, and used the dog net to swoop up the Chaos Emeralds.

"Gotcha!" Mimic, as the dogcatcher, said.

"Hey!" Amy shouted. "Give those back!"

"Not on your life, darling," said Mimic as the dogcatcher. "I got plans with these lovely gems." Then he started running away. Just then, a trick arrow headed towards him, rubber bands coming out of the arrow tip, and tying up the shapeshifter.

"Gotcha!" Midpoint said, holding out his bow, like he released an arrow. Then Applejack ran over towards the shapeshifter, getting the net, grabbing the Chaos Emeralds, and running back to the group.

"Got 'em," Applejack said. Then a police car came up to the group.

The policemen from before came out, and one of them asked, "What happened here?"

"Sir, turns out those guys who were arrested for crimes they claim they didn't do were all innocent," said Midpoint. "It was all him." Midpoint pointed at the tied up creature. "He's a shapeshifting octopus who goes by the name 'Mimic'."

"A shapeshifter?!" asked the police officer. "We never put that into account."

"I have no idea what these lads and lasses are talking about," Mimic, still as the dogcatcher, said. "They just tied me up for trying to catch a stray dog."

"You're not fooling me!" came the voice of the dogcatcher, who was behind Discord. "You knocked me out, and took my form. You even got the wrong accent, mate!"

"He's right," said Midpoint. "Lads and lasses are from the British accent. The Australians call them mates and sheilas."

"Oh, darn it!" Mimic said, still in his disguise. Then he shape shifts back into his original form, getting out of the bindings. "You're all gonna regret this!"

Mimic then shape shifted into a bull, and charged at the group. The group, minus Applejack, jumped out of the way. Applejack turned around, got on her hands, and into apple bucking position, and bucked the bull in the face, knocking him back.

"Now that's what happens when ya're working on an apple farm!" Applejack said.

Mimic then recovered and turned back into his original form. He then pulled out a couple daggers, and tried to attack the group. Amy then pulled out her hammer.

"Hyaaaaah! There's no way I'm gonna be taken down by a calamari!" Amy shouted, before swinging her hammer at Mimic, who was knocked towards a dumpster, who got unconscious when he made contact.

The group then walked over towards Mimic, and Midpoint asked, "Who else did this guy impersonate and frame?"

Discord then pulled out a list, which had pictures and names of people, along with their date of births, and crimes committed. Discord then said, "Wow. He's framed a lot of people. Including your old man."

"What?!" Midpoint said, pulling the list towards him. He then saw a picture of his father. "My father was framed by Mimic?!"

"We'll get to informing the police in San Francisco, mate," the policeman said. "You might as well head out."

Back at Freedom Fighters HQ, the Freedom Fighters, the Mane 6, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders came back with the Chaos Emeralds. The Emeralds were all placed into the special case.

"Looks like we got all of the Chaos Emeralds," Sonic said. "Nice job guys."

"Now all we have to do is keep them from Robotnik and anyone who follows the Storm King," MC said.

"Knuckles went back to Angel Island to guard the Master Emerald," Rarity said. "Olive and Omega went back to GUN HQ.

"And Alex and Cozy Glow went back to San Francisco ta get Alex's father out of jail," Applejack said. "We ran into trouble in Australia. A shapeshifter was framin' people all over the world."

"Well, I hope that things will go back to normal for them," Twilight said. "Now that we don't have to worry about any trouble, I think we should take a nice, relaxing break."

Back in San Francisco, Midpoint, Cozy Glow and Sherman were standing out in front of the county jail, waiting for someone to come out.

"So, how long are we supposed to wait here?" Cozy Glow asked. Just then, the sound of a gate opening came to their attention, and coming towards them was a handsome man.

"Hey, dad!" Midpoint said.

"Alex?" the man asked. "Wow, I heard you were turned into a Mobian Otter, but, wow. You look good."

Midpoint smiled, looking up at his dad. He then said, "You don't know how many times I waited for this day."

Bruce then looked up at Sherman and said, "Thanks for watching over Alex, Sherman. I can take it from here."

"Of course, sir," said Sherman. "I might as well get you a ride home." Then they got into the limo, and headed on back to their home.

Somewhere, in the sewers, Doctor Robotnik was working on something until Grubber came up to him. He then said, "Um, Doctor Robotnik?"

"What is it?" Doctor Robotnik asked.

"It would seem that the Freedom Fighters has gotten all of the Chaos Emeralds," Grubber said. "They got them all!"

"Drat!" Doctor Robotnik said, punching the wall. "Those fools are gonna regret trying to stop my master plan!" He then looked over and saw some of his robots trying to reassemble the Storm King's statue. "I'll get those Chaos Emeralds, and I shall rule this world." He then cackled loudly.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
Take It to the Source! Swamp Fever!