• Published 17th May 2021
  • 4,686 Views, 128 Comments

My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

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Episode 16: Bokkun

Episode 16: Bokkun

The episode starts off with Doctor Robotnik sitting in a jail cell. In the cell across from him was Sleet and Dingo. Doctor Robotnik was waiting for something while Dingo was looking at him.

"What do you supposed the doctor is doing?" asked Dingo.

"He's probably coming up with a plan to get us out," said Sleet. "Hopefully, soon. I'm tired of eating all of that slop those nasty people are serving us."

"Quiet, you two," said Doctor Robotnik. "There will soon be a jail break. And I will soon find a way to get the world to respect my genius."

Just then, the ceiling above Doctor Robotnik's cell blew up and down came a flying machine, coming into the cell. And piloting the machine was a little robot.

"Hi, Doctor Robotnik," the little robot said. "I got a surprise for you."

"Good," said Doctor Robotnik. "Let's get out of here. I've got big plans for the world."

"Hey! Doctor!" called out Dingo. "What about us?!"

"Yeah, you can't just leave us in here, can you?" Sleet asked.

"Hm, let me think about it. Yes," said Doctor Robotnik without a second thought. "You two failed me. So, I'm moving onto someone who knows what he's doing."

"See ya, suckers!" said the little robot.

"Bokkun, it's time to go," Doctor Robotnik said as he headed out of the hole, the little robot following. Then the guards came towards the cell, looking up at the hole.

"Call the president," one of the guards said. "Doctor Robotnik has escaped."

At the Castle of Friendship, Twilight was having a talk with a pony she hasn't seen since her Coronation as High Princess, Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Also known as Tempest Shadow.

"So you're thinking of becoming a part of the royal guard?" Twilight asked.

"Yep," said Tempest Shadow. "I've decided that now that the Storm King has been defeated and everyone is informed, I have to settle down somewhere and start a new career. Might as well do my best in the royal guard."

"Well, I'm sure that you'll be a fine addition to the royal guard," Twilight said. "Of course, we're gonna have to do some tailoring for your armor."

Then MC came in through the portal and said, "Yo, Sparkles. Gather your friends. We got..." He then noticed Tempest Shadow and her broken horn. "Sweet Jesus! What in the world happened to that girl's horn?!"

"It's a long story," said Twilight. "Now, what is it you wanted me to gather my friends about?"

"Doctor Robotnik escaped," MC said.

"WHAT?!" Twilight shouted. "Okay, I'll gather my friends and the Crusaders. They should be protected at all times."

"Good call," MC said. "They'll need protection as well."

Later, the Mane 6, Spike and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were in Knothole. Tempest Shadow followed to help with protecting the Crusaders.

"Okay," said Sonic. "Eggman is out there on the loose, and we need to be one step ahead of him."

"Won't work," MC said. "The doc is always one step ahead, and there's nothing we can do to know what he's up to until it's too late."

"So, what are we going to do?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah," said Applejack. "We don't want anything bad ta happen ta the Crusaders. Since what the doctor tried ta do ta Josh. What are we gonna do?"

"We're gonna have to send them to Alex to protect them," MC said. "I'll take them there."

"As soon as you get them there, come back, and we'll go to where Doctor Robotnik was placed in prison," Sally said. "We're gonna need your sniffer to find out where he is."

MC nodded and said, "Gotcha." He then faced the Cutie Mark Crusaders and said, "Let's go, kids." Then Tempest Shadow put her hand on MC's right shoulder.

"I'll go with you," said Tempest. "Might as well have extra protection."

"Really?" MC asked. "Are you even that good?" Before MC could go any further, Tempest tripped him and had him in an arm lock. "Okay! That's starting to hurt!"

"Is that an answer for you?" Tempest asked, smirking.

"Yeah," MC said. "But now, you have five seconds to get off me or I'll cut off the rest of your horn."

"Like you can do that," Tempest said, thinking she was calling a bluff.

"He cut off Sombra's horn like a hot knife through butter," Twilight said. "Anyway, get the kids to San Francisco, and come back. You have the strongest senses out of everyone else here."

"Gotcha," MC said. "C'mon. Let's get these kids to San Francisco."

Later in San Francisco, Midpoint escorted the Cutie Mark Crusaders into his apartment. He led them into the living room.

"Some of you will have to share the sofa," Midpoint said. "Watch this." Midpoint then made a few adjustments to the couch and it turned into a bunk bed with a third bed.

"Whoa!" Apple Bloom said. "That's pretty cool! Wish we had something like that on Nyx's first sleepover."

"Yeah, that would've been useful," Nyx said.

"Originally, I was going to have these for when Cozy Glow hosted a sleepover," MC said. "She's gained a lot of friends at school ever since the whole racist principal incident."

"Golly!" came the voice of Cozy Glow. They all looked over and saw Cozy Glow coming out of her room. "I didn't know we were expecting company."

"Don't worry, Cozy," said Midpoint. "They're here under protection. Doctor Julian Robotnik has escaped. We're gonna left them stay here until we find out what the doctor's plans are. Also, I have agents of GUN find out who put that motor on that iceberg that tried to sink the ship the Freedom Fighters and three of Equestria's princesses were on."

"Wait, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were on that cruise?" Cozy Glow asked. "Now I'm glad we didn't go on that cruise."

"Yeah, that woulda been hard to explain to them," said Scootaloo.

"Hey, where's Tempest?" Joshua asked.

"Over here," came the voice of Tempest, coming into the apartment. "Wow, this place is huge. It's almost like Manehattan out there."

"Welcome to San Francisco," Midpoint said.

"So, what are we gonna do until the Freedom Fighters stop Doctor Robotnik?" asked Dinky.

"Who's up for some bowling?" Midpoint asked.

Later at the prison where Doctor Robotnik was taken to, Sonic, Tails, MC, Twilight and Starlight walked down the hallway of jail cells, escorted by a guard of course. The guard then opened the cell door where Doctor Robotnik was in before his escape.

"Alright," said the guard. "This is where Doctor Robotnik was held. Call me if you need anything."

Twilight, Starlight, Sonic, Tails and MC nodded as they headed in. MC then started sniffing around. Twilight and Starlight used their magic to see if they could find any clues.

"Well, I can't get a scent of a living being here," MC said. "Besides Robotnik. Let's check the roof."

Twilight and Tails started flying up the hole to look around. Twilight then said, "There aren't any signs of any tools to even break through."

"That's odd," said Tails. "Who or what could have been able to break out the doctor?"

"Stand back, everyone!" came another voice. "Professional detectives coming through." The group looked out of the cell and saw three Mobians coming towards them.

"Who are these guys?" Twilight asked.

MC groaned and said, "The Chaotix Detective Agency. They think they're so professional, they think they have the rights to take over someone else's investigation."

"What are you doing here, Vector?" Sonic asked. "We were here first."

"Sorry, Sonic," said the crocodile known as Vector. "But if there's someone going to be finding an escaped criminal, it's going to be us. Now, stand aside."

"I don't think so," MC said, holding out a form. "President's orders. Since we were the ones who locked up Doctor Robotnik, it's our job to find him." He then moved the paper out of the way from a dagger, then he caught the dagger. "Seriously, Espio? That's not gonna work on me."

"Sorry, Crayton, but this is our job now," said Espio. "We're going after Doctor Robotnik."

"Yeah, as long as we get paid for it!" said the bee.

"Quiet, Charmy!" Vector said. "Anyway, it's time you five leave. We got important work to do."

"Listen, Vector, we're already on the case," MC said. "Back off, or I'll have the guards put you in a jail cell and throw away the key."

"Like you can do that," Vector scoffed.

"Actually, he can!" came the guard's voice.

"Well boys, we're out of here," Vector said. Then the three detectives headed out of there.

"I just hope that the kids are doing alright," Twilight said.

"I'm sure they're fine," said Starlight. "Although, they said that the crime level in San Francisco is at a certain level than..."

"Not helping, Starlight," Twilight said.

Back in San Francisco, Midpoint, Tempest and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were finishing up their game of bowling. Midpoint arched his bowling arm, and spun the ball as it was going down the lane, heading towards the gutter. He had bowled a seven ten split. The ball went into the left gutter, but then it bounced out, hitting the pin on the left, sending it to the other pin, picking up the spare.

Everyone watching was amazed by Midpoint's throw. Scootaloo then shouted, "That was awesome!!"

"How did he do that?" Joshua asked.

Midpoint turned to the group and said, "It's all about trajectory and force. Even Nyx knows that."

"He's right," said Nyx. "I didn't even think it was possible to get the spare on the seven ten split. But physics proved me wrong."

"Golly," Cozy Glow said. "Is that how you're also a good shot with archery?"

"Believe it or not, but when I first went to summer camp when I was younger, I was a natural at the art of archery," Midpoint said. "I even surprised myself as well as the other campers."

"Wow," said Scootaloo. "Can ya teach us about archery?"

"Well, there is an archery range at Golden Gate Park," Midpoint said. "I can take you there tomorrow. All you have to do is focus on one single point to mark your target. Now, let's head on back to the apartment." The group headed on out of the place, but the thing that busted out Eggman came in, floating in front of them.

"Hi there!" the thing said.

"What the heck is that?" Joshua asked.

"I've never seen anything like that before," Midpoint said.

"I'm Bokkun!" said the thing now known as Bokkun. "And I've been searching for these creatures for a while now."

"Why would you be looking for them?" Midpoint asked, giving a grimace.

"Aw, you don't trust me?" Bokkun said. "Well then, how about this?!" Bokkun then grabbed a bomb out of his satchel and threw it at the group. They all jumped out of the way, scaring everyone around them. Bokkun then started laughing at everyone's turmoil.

"Okay," Midpoint said. "This guy is such an annoyance."

Midpoint, Cozy Glow, Tempest Shadow and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were running through the streets of San Francisco, being chased by Bokkun, who was madly throwing bombs towards them.

Tempest then turned and fired a blast towards Bokkun, which missed. Bokkun laughed and said, "Missed me!"

"But I won't!" Midpoint said, grabbing a manhole cover, and throwing it at Bokkun.

"GAH!!" Bokkun shouted as the manhole cover hit him. The manhole cover went back to it's original position back over the manhole.

"Whoa!" said Apple Bloom. "Nice shot!"

"How did you get it to go back over the hole?" Scootaloo asked.

"Practice and skill," said Midpoint. "C'mon. I need my trick arrows." They headed over towards the apartment building. They went inside, but Bokkun followed as well.

"You can't get away from me!" Bokkun said.

"Is that so?" asked Midpoint. The receptionist reached for something under her desk, and threw a quiver and bow towards Midpoint. Midpoint grabbed the quiver and attached it to the back of his shoulder belt, and the bow in his left hand. Midpoint then connected the wire on his arm to the quiver. "Let's do this." He then reached for a trick arrow, and fired it at Bokkun. Bokkun then got wrapped up in bands surrounding him.

"Gah!" Bokkun shouted before falling to the ground.

"Nice trick arrow," said Tempest.

"It's just something to keep the bad guys tied up until the authorities come," said Midpoint.

"I don't think so," said Bokkun. The bands then broke from around Bokkun and he came flying up. "Prepare to be taken down!" He then laughed and threw a bunch of bombs.

"Get down!" Midpoint said. But before they did anything, Nyx used her magic to teleport the group out of the way.

Nyx was panting heavily and said, "Need to... rest." She then went down on one knee. Joshua and Dinky headed over towards her to help her recover.

"Nyx!" Joshua said. "Are you okay, sis?"

"I'm fine," Nyx said. "Just need a little rest."

"Tempest, take the kids up to the apartment," Midpoint said, throwing the card key towards her.

"Okay," said Tempest, grabbing the card. Then she picked up Nyx, and she and the other kids headed to the stairs.

"You think you can hide from me?!" Bokkun asked. He then started chasing after the kids. But when the kids went through the door to the stairs, they closed the door behind them. Bokkun tried opening it, but it wouldn't open. "Hey! Let me in!"

"I don't think so," said Midpoint, preparing an arrow at Bokkun. "You need a key card to enter that door. But you're not welcome here." He then released the arrow. The arrow hit Bokkun, him getting surrounded in electricity. But instead of stunning him, it was making him laugh. "What the heck?!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" Bokkun said, laughing. "Tasers make me laugh!"

"You're a bot?!" Midpoint asked. "Alright, try this!" Midpoint then pulled out an explosive arrow, but it was countered by another explosive. The two explosives collided, covering everyone in soot. Midpoint then grumbled, "You're gonna pay for that."

"Why don't you come and make me?!" Bokkun asked, taunting Midpoint. "After all, you're not as smart as Doctor Eggman. Your intelligence is at an egghead level to my boss's level."

That made Midpoint grimace at Bokkun and in an angry voice, he said, "What was that?"

The receptionist called out to Bokkun, "Yeah, Midpoint is number one at the smartest people in the world."

"No one... insults... my intelligence!" Midpoint said, charging towards Bokkun. He then shifted his bow into a bow staff, and knocked Bokkun down to the ground. Midpoint then put his foot on Bokkun's stomach.

"Hey!" Bokkun shouted. "Get off me!"

"You're lucky I haven't punched you to the moon," Midpoint said. "I've done that once before. And believe me, sometimes, he's a royal pain."

Back in the prison where Doctor Robotnik was locked up, the group looked around for some other clues. But then MC sneezed twice, getting the attention of the others.

"Bless you," said Starlight.

"Alright, guys," Tails said. "There's nothing here. Perhaps the doctor was broken out without a plan."

"That's not like him at all," said Sonic. "Eggman always has a plan. But we don't see any plans here. He must've hid them well."

"This is unbelievable," MC said. "How are we going to find something... that's not..." MC then started sniffing around. MC then said, "That's odd. I smell... ink."

"Ink?" Sonic asked.

"I smell it on the walls," MC said, heading to one wall. He then put his left fore finger to his chin and thought of something. He then smirked and said, "I need a black light."

"What's a black light?" Twilight asked.

"It's a special light that in a dark room, it'll make anything white glow in the dark," Tails said.

"I'm guessing Rarity and Sweetie Belle would get a kick out of those kinds of lights," said Starlight.

Then a black light came in with nothing carrying it. Not even magic.

"Who's lifting that?" Twilight asked.

"That would be Espio," Sonic said. "He's a chameleon. So, he'll be able to camouflage himself, making it look like he's completely invisible to the naked eye."

"I am a ninja, after all," Espio's voice came from where the light is. MC then took the light out of Espio's invisible hands, held it up, and turned it on. The light gave a purple glow, showing invisible writing on the walls. Espio revealed himself.

"Invisible ink!" Twilight said. "I didn't even think that there was a way to make it visible through a certain light."

"Let's see here," MC said. "What are you up to, Robotnik?" The group looked at the writing.

It then went back to Midpoint, pinning down Bokkun. Midpoint smirked at Bokkun.

"Let's see what makes you tick," Midpoint said.

"How about this?!" Bokkun said, pulling something out of his bag. It was another explosive. It then went off, sending Midpoint out of the building.

"Okay," Midpoint said. "You're gonna regret that."

Bokkun then laughed and said, "You really should think about what I have up my sleeves! Now, will you excuse me, I got work to do!" Bokkun then started flying up the side of the building.

"NO!!" Midpoint said. He then pulled out another arrow, pulled out the cable on his belt, attached it to the arrow, then prepared to launch the arrow up the building. He then released, and the arrow went to the top of the building. Midpoint then pushed a button on his belt, the cable pulling him up the side of the building, faster than Bokkun.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Bokkun shouted.

"You're such a prick!" Midpoint said. He then came to one platform, where his apartment was. He then got another arrow ready to fire at Bokkun. He then released it, and a net came from the tip of the arrow, covering over Bokkun.

"Gah!!" Bokkun shouted. He then flew past the balcony, heading high into the sky.

Midpoint then knocked on the door. Cozy Glow ran over to the door, then opened it. Midpoint came in.

"Did you stop him?" Cozy Glow asked.

"That thing was a bot," Midpoint said. "I don't know who built it, or why, but it is really annoying." He then headed for the office room in the apartment. He then typed on the computer, and a force field appeared around the apartment. "There. That should keep that annoying bot out."

"So, what are we gonna do?" Nyx asked.

"As long as that force field is up, we're safe," Midpoint said. Just then, the power went out. "Of course, he would also go for the power box."

Then laughter from outside came to the attention of the group. They all looked over and saw Bokkun hovering outside. He then said, "You can't escape from me that easily!" Bokkun then pulled out another explosive and threw it at the window, making it blow up. The group then huddled together. "Now, it's time I give you a message you'll never forget."

Midpoint then pulled out another arrow, and fired it. The arrow released some more bindings, tying it around Bokkun.

"What are we gonna do?" Twist asked, afraid.

"It's time to go to work," Midpoint said. Then the group ran out of the room, Bokkun trying to get out of his bindings. The group then made it to the garage, and a limo came up to them.

"Get in, sir," came the voice of Sherman, Midpoint's butler. The group then got into the limo. It was a little crowded, but they got in.

"To Shadow Appliances!" Midpoint said. The limo then drove off, leaving skid marks. Bokkun then saw the limo driving off.

"Hey! No fair!" Bokkun said. "Get back here!" He then started chasing the limo.

Later, the limo arrived at Shadow Appliances. The group got out of the car and headed inside. Midpoint then led the group into his office. Midpoint then pushed a button on his desk after the Crusaders, Cozy Glow and Tempest got in. The room then went into lock down.

"Okay," Midpoint said. "We're under lock down. No one goes in, or out."

"So, what are we gonna do?" Scootaloo asked. "That thing is after us."

"I'm not so sure about that," said Midpoint. "Why would they send just one bot to kidnap six fillies and a human turned pony? Sorry. Rubbing salt in the wound."

"It's okay," said Joshua. "You got something for us to do while we're here?"

"I'm sure I got something in here," Midpoint said, heading over to a shelf. Nyx then looked over at a bin full of blueprints. Nyx then pulled one out, unrolled it, and read it. She was surprised.

"You're... you're the employer?" Nyx asked, looking at Midpoint.

Midpoint chuckled and said, "Looks like the cat's out of the bag. I am the employer. I made the Spirit of Freedom, I designed Nicole's holographic appearance. The artificial intelligence was based off of Sir Charles the Hedgehog's plans. And I supported the Freedom Fighters with what they need to survive."

"Well, that would explain why MC said that you knew how that spaceship's controls work," Joshua said.

"That Bokkun bot sure is annoying," Midpoint said. "But, I got a weird feeling that he's not really here for you kids."

"What do you suppose he's after than?" Tempest asked.

"I don't know," Midpoint said. "My precognition hasn't given me a vision of the future yet."

"A vision of the future?" Joshua asked. "You're a psychic?"

"Once in a while, I get visions of the future," Midpoint said. "It doesn't happen immediately. They just happen at random." Then an explosion came from somewhere. Midpoint then pushed a button on his phone and asked, "Julia? What's happening?"

"There's a break in the lab of sub-level 4."

"Sub-level 4?" Midpoint asked. "The only thing that's there is..." He then went wide eyed. "Oh, no. The Molecule Reinstater!"

"The what?" Cozy Glow asked.

"It's the machine that made you organic again," Midpoint said. Midpoint then shut off the lock down procedure, and they all ran out of the office and headed towards the elevator.

They all went down to Sub-level 4, seeing a lot of things missing.

"They got it!" Midpoint said.

"No way a small robot could do all of this," said Cozy.

"Bokkun must've been a distraction," said Midpoint. "But why would he..."

Then the sound of Bokkun laughing came. He was holding a small, yellow TV and said, "I got a message for you. From my creator, which no one is smarter than."

Then the screen showed Doctor Robotnik. The group gasped.

"So, you think you're smarter than me, huh, Alex Lynol?" Doctor Robotnik said on the screen. "I don't think so. I have made a few friends before I was locked up. So, I called in for them to come and get me. I've already have a back up plan. It has something to do with one of Equestria's most dangerous villains that they faced. Say goodbye to everything you know." Then a small countdown from 5 seconds came onto the screen. Bokkun then tossed it to the group as he was laughing.

Tempest then spun around, kicked the TV back towards Bokkun, and then it exploded when it made contact with him, sending Bokkun towards the far wall.

Bokkun then started tearing up and cried out, "That hurt! I'm telling the doctor on you!" He then flew out of there.

"What are we going to do?" Nyx asked.

Midpoint looked towards the elevator and said, "We call the Freedom Fighters."

Back with Twilight and the others, they walked out of the prison, heading towards the car. MC's phone then started ringing and MC answered it.

"Hello?" MC asked.

"MC, it's Nicole," came the voice of Nicole. "We got a problem at the Castle. One of the important artifacts that Twilight has stashed away is missing. Something called the Staff of Sacanas."

Then came a call from some guards in Canterlot. Spearhead was talking.

"It would seem that the remains of the Storm King are missing. Whatever got him got every single piece of his remains."

Then it went to the middle of the ocean. On a submarine, Olive was standing on a platform there. She was talking into her communicator.

"The motor that was attached to that iceberg you were talking about had a mark on it. It was of two lightning bolts, mirrored from each other."

Then it went to Midpoint back in his office with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Cozy Glow and Tempest watching him.

"Apparently, whoever Doctor Robotnik is working with has stolen the device I used to get Cozy Glow moving again. It can only be powered by a Chaos Emerald. Which means you have to find the rest of the Chaos Emeralds before Doctor Robotnik finds them."

Back with Twilight's group, the group were looking at each other in frustration.

"It was all a distraction," Twilight said. "Doctor Robotnik was tricking us with what we thought was a crazy plan just so he cane revive the Storm King."

"Which means our world has gotten a little more dangerous," Sonic said. "You heard Midpoint. We have to find the rest of the Chaos Emeralds before Doctor Robotnik finds at least one of them."

"We need to find them before Doctor Robotnik and those who are loyal to the Storm King do," said Twilight.

The group then headed out of there, heading towards the Spirit of Freedom.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
Crayton Castle's Secrets