• Published 17th May 2021
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My Little Pony: The Mobian Era - Mister E-Nonymous

The entire country of Equestria and small section outside of the border have been sent to an entirely different world, and every creature was given a form in between human and what species they are. Even meet some new friends on their adventure.

  • ...

Episode 18: Daring Down

Episode 18: Daring Down

The Mane 6, the Freedom Fighters and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were in the lab in Knothole. They were all looking at a holographic globe. They were recapping on what was going on.

"Okay," Twilight said. "Here's what we know. Doctor Julien Robotnik, a brilliant scientist yet psychopath planned on taking over the world with his robots attempted to take over Equestria."

"But by our hands, he was stopped," Sonic said. "But apparently, he has teamed up with a group of hairy creatures that apparently work for someone called the Storm King."

"Eggman's mechs and the Storm King's creatures has stolen the remains of the Storm King, the Staff of Sacanas, and the machine that turned Cozy Glow back to her organic form," Twilight said.

"And the only way to power the machine is by a Chaos Emerald," Sally said. "So, we need to find the last four Chaos Emeralds before any of them find them."

The group stopped recapping. Later, the X-Tornado, which had a crate underneath it, was flying over the sands of Egypt. Tails looked at the light blue Chaos Emerald that was helping power the X-Tornado. It was getting brighter.

"Okay, guys," Tails said. "The Chaos Emerald is responding. We're getting close." In the X-Tornado were Tails, Mutt, Bunnie and Maria. And in the box under the X-Tornado were Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Dinky and Antoine. Just as they came up to a dune, Tails pushed a button and the box dropped down, and a couple parachutes came from the box, landing neatly in the sand. Then the X-Tornado came down, and became the X-Cyclone. It then landed right by the box. Tails, Mutt, Bunnie and Maria came out of the X-Tornado. When Mutt landed, he felt a pain in his feet.

"Gah! Hot sand! Hot sand in my flip flops!" Mutt said as he was shaking the sand out of his flip flops.

"Told you to wear sneakers, Muttski," Tails said.

"I could have, but they're all too worn out," Mutt said, still trying to get the sand out of his flip flops.

Bunnie then walked over towards the box and opened it up. Rainbow Dash, Antoine, Scootaloo and Dinky walked out. Antoine then asked, "Why was I to be in there with ze ponies?"

"You pulled the short straw, Ant," said Mutt. "Let's get going." The group then headed over the dune, Tails carrying the Chaos Emerald. The group came over the sand dune, and saw a sphinx.

"Whoa!" said Rainbow Dash. "What an interesting statue!"

"It's called a sphinx," said Tails. He then looked down and saw tents and gazebos in front of the sphinx and a bunch of people restoring the sphinx to its former glory. "These guys must be restoring the sphinx. And some must be finding some lost treasure." Mutt looked at all the people around the place. But then one person, or more importantly, a Mobian dog woman, caught his attention.

"No... way..." Mutt said.

"What is it, Mutt?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I see my mom!" Mutt said. He then started running down the sand dune. The others started chasing him.

"Hey, wait up, Mutt!" Tails said as he and the others chased the dog.

Down in the tents, Mutt's mom was walking in with some plans rolled up. She took the plans into one tent, and put the plans onto the table. She then unrolled one plan and looked through it.

"Okay, just make a few alterations here, some there, and we should be done by dinner," said Mutt's mom.

Just then, Mutt came in and tapped his mom's shoulder. Mutt's mom turned around and saw Mutt standing there. Mutt said, "Hey, Mom!"

"Ben?" Mutt's mom asked. "Oh, my gosh. What a surprise."

"I know," said Mutt. "It's been so long." Then the rest of the group came into the tent. Mutt turned around to see them. He then introduced the group. "Guys, meet my mother, Ava Muttski. Mom, these are my friends from the Freedom Fighters and some Equestrian friends. Miles Prower, also known as Tails, Bunnie and Antoine D'Coolette, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Dinky Doo."

"Nice to meet you all," Ava said to the group. "But what brings all of you here to Egypt?"

"I can answer that," Tails said. He then held out the Chaos Emerald. "We're trying to stop Doctor Robotnik from reviving an Equestrian villain using a machine that can only be powered by a Chaos Emerald. We tracked one of the Emeralds to here."

"Well, it just so happens that we might have actually found some secret passages to a secret treasury," Ava said. "We have helpers from all over the world to help restore the sphinx, and some to help find the hidden treasury."

"Sweet!" Rainbow Dash said. "We're gonna find some treasure! But we can only leave with one item."

"Well, if the Chaos Emerald is inside the secret treasury, looks like we're going in as well," said Tails.

"Alright then, let's get going," Mutt said, taking a step. But sand got into his right flip flop. It hurt him. "Gah! Hot sand! Hot sand!" Rainbow and Maria helped Mutt recover. Mutt shook off the sand in his flip flop.

"Let me guess," Ava said. "You didn't have any sneakers that weren't worn out, do you?" She then walked over to a suitcase. "I was saving these for your birthday. But, I guess you could use them now." She opened up the suitcase and inside was an adventurer's fedora, a shoulder belt and some shoes with holes on the bottom.

"Whoa!" Mutt said. "Those are awesome!" Mutt was then carried to a chair, and then was given the stuff, starting with the shoes.

"Those shoes look kind of familiar," Maria said.

"A nice young otter from San Francisco made them," Ava said. "He said that these shoes are like roller skates, but with no wheels. They absorb and release air just by moving. They resistant to most of the planet's elements. Including sand."

"Wow," Mutt said. "Nice." He then grabbed the shoulder belt and put it on. Then he put on the hat, and his ears went through the ear holes."

"Cool," Scootaloo said. "He looks just like an adventurer."

"Yeah, gives me kind of an Indiana Jones look," Mutt said, looking at himself in a mirror.

"Who's Indiana Jones?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"He's a fictional adventurer who seeks treasure and college professor," said Ava. "Whenever he gets an opportunity to recover an artifact, he goes on an adventure."

"Sounds a lot like Daring Do," Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh, that reminds me," said Ava. "Another Equestrian is already here, and she's helping me with finding the hidden treasure. You just reminded me that I have to go back inside and help her with finding the treasure."

"Wait," said Rainbow Dash. "You said... that Daring Do... is inside the Sphinx?" She then widened her eyes and gave a huge grin.

"I thought Daring Do was a work of fiction," Scootaloo said.

"Nope!" Rainbow Dash said. "C'mon. Let's go!" Then she rushed off towards the sphinx. The others followed. They headed for the entrance of the sphinx, and they all headed down.

Tails was holding the Chaos Emerald in his hand and it got a little brighter. He then said, "We're getting close. The Chaos Emerald is responding."

"Okay, that's good," said Bunnie. "But, ain't there supposed ta be someone down here?"

"Right over here," came another voice. They all looked towards the left, and there stood a pegasus that looked almost identical to Rainbow Dash. Except, she had adventurer clothes and a pith helmet on.

"Daring Do!" Rainbow Dash said, rushing over towards her.

"Hey, Rainbow Dash," Daring Do said. "How's it going?"

"We were on our own mission," Rainbow Dash said. "It's a huge coincidence to see you here."

"A mission?" Daring Do asked. "What kind of mission?"

Rainbow Dash whistled over and Tails came up to the two pegasi. He then held out the Chaos Emerald and said, "This is a Chaos Emerald. It has a huge amount of power. They can even detect when another Emerald is around."

"So we came here to find another one," Rainbow Dash said. "And by the way it's glowing, there's another one somewhere in this place."

"Ah, I get it," said Daring Do. "Well, allow me to assist."

"What about Caballeron?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Where are he and his henchponies?"

"After our last book got overshadowed, Caballeron retired, along with his henchponies," Daring Do said. "But, I wasn't going to be done with adventure. So, when Equestria came to this world, I decided to do some travel in this world." She saw Ava and Mutt walking up to her. "And this dog gave me a job to help with finding the secret treasury and helping with translating these ancient hieroglyphics."

"Alright," said Rainbow Dash. "Let's get in there."

"Ah wouldn't be too excited just yet," Bunnie said. "In all of the Egyptian movies Ah've seen, places like these are always booby trapped ta protect the treasure."

"That's basically what we're expecting," said Daring Do. "We better be careful then." She then looked over at the rest of the group that came with Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo and Dinky Doo were jaw dropped.

"Right, sorry," said Rainbow Dash. "When we were coming here, we weren't expecting to see you here."

"Just like that one young stallion, Quibble Pants, right?" Daring Do asked.

"Yep," said Rainbow Dash. "Alright. Scootaloo, Dinky, meet Daring Do. She goes on adventures and then writes them down in a book series she has created as AK Yearling. Just... don't tell anypony else back in Ponyville."

Scootaloo and Dinky nodded. Tails then said, "Alright. Let's go find the treasury, and that Chaos Emerald."

"The only problem is that the stone door is too heavy," said Daring Do. "None of these guys are strong enough to open it." Daring Do motioned a hand towards all the people outside.

"Ah got that covered, sugah," Bunnie said. She then put her robot arm on the door, and pushed it open, revealing a hallway inside. Daring Do was astonished by how strong Bunnie was. Bunnie then replied, "Well, we goin' in or not?"

The others shrugged their shoulders, and they headed into the tomb. But then, coming inside the place were three different creatures.

"Alright, boys," said the purple weasel. "We got treasure to take." Then they went towards the door to follow the group.

The group was walking down an ancient Egyptian hallway. The group was heading through. Everything had cobwebs and lots of sand.

"The Chaos Emerald is getting brighter," Tails said. "We must be heading the right way." Tails was about to step on a tile, but was stopped by Daring Do.

"Whoa! Careful there," Daring Do said. They looked down at the floor and saw some tiles with certain symbols on it.

"What is this?" Mutt said, looking at the ground. He got onto his stomach and looked at a button on the floor. He then gently pushed it. Then a bunch of arrows came from the walls.

"Sacré bleu!" Antoine said.

"Whoa, good call," Daring Do said. She then looked over at Ava and said, "Smart kid you have. He sure is an adventurous one."

"Well, not as adventurous as Sonic, but I'm still good," Mutt said.

Rainbow Dash looked at the arrows coming from the walls and said, "The arrows are coming in a straight line from the walls. We can fly over or crawl under."

Scootaloo then started flapping her wings. Scootaloo smiled and said, "Lucky for me, MC had made my wings big enough to get me off the ground. And thanks to Rainbow Dash training me, I can finally fly."

"Alright, everyone," Ava said. "Whoever can fly will go over. Those who can't will go under."

The group nodded. Then Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Daring Do, Tails and Bunnie started flying over the arrows. Antoine, Bunnie, Mutt, Maria and Dinky Doo started crawling under the arrows. Maria was falling behind when the rest were getting to the end. When they reached the end, Maria stood up too early and an arrow jabbed into her right arm.

"GAH!!" Maria called out in pain.

"Maria!" Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Dinky and the other Freedom Fighters called out. Rainbow and Bunnie pulled Maria closer to them. Bunnie then grabbed the arrow in Maria's arm, snapped it, and pulled the side with the arrow tip out of the other side of her arm.

"Okay, we gotta get her some help," Rainbow Dash said.

"No need, sugah," Bunnie said. "Look." The group looked at Maria's arm, and the wound was closing up, and it disappeared.

"It's... completely healed," Maria said, looking at where the wound should have been. "How?"

"The one who revived ya gave ya powers as well," Bunnie said. "Ya took out all of them Artificial Chaos things on the ARK when me, Mutt and seven other fellars went up there ta get ya."

"One of your powers is a healing factor," Mutt said. "You can heal."

Maria looked at her arm and said, "I... thought I was dreaming." Maria then sighed. "I... I have no idea how that happened."

"Well, let's keep going," Daring Do said. "Let's be careful not to trigger any more traps." The group continued going through the chambers.

Then they came across one room full of sand. And going through the middle of the room were pendulum axes, and a bunch of flattening things on the sides of the room, giving no chance of survival.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash said. "This is intense!"

"You got that right, Rainbow Dash," Daring Do said. "Well, all we have to do is get through the middle section without getting cut. Simple enough."

"I don't zink it iz zat easy," Antoine said, pulling out his sword. He then put the sword into the sand, and it went down until there was nothing but the handle.

"Quicksand!" Ava said.

"Okay, okay," said Daring Do. "There's quicksand. But, we can still fly over... Oh, wait. Never mind." The group looked up and saw spikes coming from the roof. "We're not going anywhere through this mess."

Maria looked through the room. She looked and saw a straight line going through the center as the pendulums came swinging. Maria smiled and said, "Perhaps there is a way through. And that's straight."

"But how?" Ava asked. "We can't with the pendulums and the quicksand. How can we go?"

"Those jet shoes you gave to Mutt here," Maria said, pulling Mutt in and pulling up his left leg. "And with the right time. Mutt just has to start off right as the first pendulum has to reach the middle of the swing."

"Of course!" Rainbow Dash said. "A straight shot at just the right time, Mutt could make it to the other side."

"Are you sure?" Mutt asked. "I'm not sure I can do it."

Tails looked down the path, calculating the timing of the pendulums. He then smiled and said, "This should work." He then pulled Mutt over to the middle of the doorway, and put Mutt down on his hands.

"Tails, wait," Mutt said, worried. "I'm not sure I can do this."

"You got this, Mutt," Tails said. "We need to get through and get that Chaos Emerald. You're the only one who can go through at the moment."

Rainbow Dash walked over to Mutt and said, "You can do this, Mutt. Just believe in yourself." Mutt then exhaled. He looked through the room, seeing the pendulums.

Tails looked ahead to see the pendulums going across. He then said, "Alright, Mutt. When this pendulum reaches the middle, you take off." The pendulum then reached the middle of the swing. "Now!"

Mutt then rushed ahead, wind blowing out of his shoes, going across the quicksand, and dodging all the pendulums. He then reached the other side of the room, and into the hall.

"Woohoo!" Ava shouted. "That's my boy!" That made Mutt smile. He then looked around and he saw a wooden lever. He then pulled on it, and then the pendulums went into the ceiling, and some platforms rose from the quicksand.

"Alright, guys," said Daring Do. "Let's go." Then they all headed across the path to the other side of the room. Daring Do took off Mutt's hat, and noogied the dog. "Good job, kid."

"Yeah, Mutt," said Scootaloo. "That was awesome!"

Mutt then looked at his gloves, which were worn by pulling on the lever. He then said, "I need some new gloves as well. Mine have been torn up when pulling that lever."

"We'll get you some more gloves when we get out of here," Tails said.

Then they continued through the passage ways of the chambers. Then they came across another chamber. Inside it were four giant statues and a huge body of water.

"Whoa!" Rainbow Dash said. "What is this?"

"Looks like we're getting somewhere," said Daring Do. "This is what we're talking about."

"Ah've seen two of them statues in a movie from a long time ago," Bunny said. "Anubis and Horus."

"Good catch, Bunnie," Ava said.

"What about the other two?" Dinky asked.

Tails looked at one of the statues. The one that was a woman with wings. Tails then said, "That must be Isis. Goddess of Fertility."

"Anubis was known as the god of mummification and afterlife," Ava said. "And Horus is the god of the sun."

"Well, what about him," Scootaloo said, pointing at the last statue. It was of a man with a crocodile head.

"That is Sobek," Ava said. "Lord of the waters." Ava then looked over the water. She then said, "We can't go into the water. It's probably filled with crocodiles."

"Okay," Bunnie said. "All we have to do is fly over. Piece o' cake." Maria was looking at some hieroglyphics. Seeing some bugs over water, and an arrow passing through the water.

"Hey, Ava," Maria said. "What's this?"

Ava walked over and asked, "What is it?" She then looked at the hieroglyphics. Ava then said, "This can't be good." Just then, the sound of bugs came in from the room. The group looked throughout the room. Then a bunch of bugs came from the halls.

"What's that noise?" Mutt asked.

Coming in from a tunnel were a bunch of flying bugs.

"Scarabs!" Ava shouted.

"Them flesh eatin' bugs?" Bunnie asked.

"Maybe we're supposed to go into the water to evade those bugs," Maria said.

"Then let's go!" Ava said. Then all of them went into the water to avoid the scarabs. Then they saw a doorway under the water. They swam towards the doorway. But as they were almost at the end, Maria was running out of breath. Her face was turning blue.

She was then pulled up by Bunnie's extending robot arm, and pulled out of the water. She then got a big breath of air, and started coughing.

"Oh, man," Maria said. "Maybe I should get some swimming lessons when we get back."

"It's already October," Tails said. "Swimming season is over." Tails then looked around and he and the others were astonished by what they were in. Everywhere, there was Egyptian Treasure.

"Sweet Celestia!" Daring Do said, looking around. "This is so much treasure!"

"Alright, everyone," Ava said. "You guys can help with getting some of the treasure out of here, while you search for the Chaos Emerald."

Tails then pulled out the Chaos Emerald, and started holding it out. He then started walking towards one side of the room and came across a sarcophagus.

"Hey, guys!" Tails called out. "Over here!" The guys headed over to the sarcophagus. Rainbow Dash, Daring Do, Bunnie and Antoine tried to open the sarcophagus. It was sealed tight, but eventually, they got it open. It was still a little wet.

"WHOA!!" the four shouted. Ava ran over to it.

"Oh, I hate it when those things do that," Ava said.

"Is this guy supposed to look like that?" Rainbow Dash asked, a little disgusted.

"It's very rare to see a mummy like this," said Ava.

"Oh, there it is," Tails said, looking at the Mummy's hands. In its hands was a Chaos Emerald.

"Okay," Antoine said, reaching in to grab the Chaos Emerald. "I am... grabbing the emerald. Trying... no to..." His cheeks then filled up and his face turned a little green.

"Oh, with that face Antoine's making, it makes me want to throw up," Mutt said.

"Let me do this," Ava said, putting a hand on Antoine's shoulder.

"I don't think so," came a voice. They all looked over by the pool and saw the group from before.

"Not these guys again!" Tails said.

"Who are they?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"These guys are the Hooligans!" Tails said. "They're no good treasure thieves."

"Bean, Bark! Pack up as much treasure as you can!" the weasel said. "And tie up those useless creatures."

"You got it, boss," said the duck known as Bean. Then Bean and the polar bear, Bark, charged at the group.

The group were tied to a couple posts. Rainbow Dash, Daring Do, Bunnie, Antoine and Ava were tied to one while Tails, Maria, Mutt, Scootaloo and Dinky were tied to the other one.

"Sorry, folks," said the weasel. "But this treasure now belongs to us. Thanks for leading us safely inside."

"I've seen ponies similar to you guys who take the treasure to sell for money," Daring Do said. "You'll never get away with this!"

"Oh, I think we have," said the weasel.

"Let us go, Nack!" Tails said.

"No way!" said Nack, grabbing both of the Chaos Emeralds from Tails. "We got a high payer in England to sell this stuff to. So, we got to get this stuff out of here so we can sell it." He then held out the Chaos Emeralds. "And these will be a lot more money."

Then the Hooligans spread out, getting as much treasure as they could get and put them in sacks.

"All this way to get the Chaos Emerald, and these guys take both the one we had and the one we were looking for," Scootaloo said.

"We need to get out of here!" Dinky said.

Mutt then looked in front of him and saw a Khopesh. He then slid his shoes off, got his feet out of the ropes, and reached for the Khopesh's handle with his feet. He then cut the ropes holding the torsos of the five on the post. He then came down and cut the bottom ropes.

Tails looked over and saw Mutt with the Khopesh. He then said, "Nice job, Mutt. We better go help the others." Then the others ran over to the others and freed them.

The Hooligans then noticed and Nack shouted, "Hey! They're escaping!" Nack then pulled out a gun, but it was knocked out of his hands by the Khopesh. "Hey!"

Daring Do and Rainbow Dash jumped on top of Nack and held him down.

Bark tried going after Bunnie and Antoine. Bunnie then used her robot arm to block Bark's slam attack, and then Antoine kicked Bark down. Then Bunnie and Antoine stepped on Bark's arms, and Antoine pulled out his sword, having it in front of Bark's face.

Scootaloo, Dinky, Tails and Mutt tackled Bean to the ground as he was calling out, "Hey! Lemme go! Lemme go!"

Then later, that night, the Sphinx was restored to it's former glory. There were fireworks going off around the place. And tied up to a podium outside of the Sphinx were the Hooligans.

The group that went inside the Sphinx were watching the fireworks show. Tails was holding both of the Chaos Emeralds.

"This was one heck of an adventure," Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah it was," said Daring Do. "This would make a good book. Especially with those creeps as the villains of this series."

"That is if they have to escape from the prison they're gonna be sent to," said Ava, handing Mutt a new pair of gloves. They were brown.

"Whoa," Mutt said. "Are these insulated gloves?"

"More durable gloves," Tails said. "Interesting choice."

"Mutt definitely deserves it, guys," Bunnie said. "He really stepped up."

"Yeah," Maria said. "He got us out of those traps and ropes. And went through that one room without trouble."

"Way to go, Mutt," Tails said, taking off Mutt's hat and noogying the dog's head. "You've made the Freedom Fighters proud."

"Hey guys!" Scootaloo said, her and Dinky coming up with a huge firework. "Look at what we got for helping find the treasure!"

"Whoa, Scootaloo!" Mutt said. "Don't you think that's a little extreme?"

"Well, for what you've done for us," Rainbow Dash said, holding out a lighter, "you deserve this." She then lit up the firework, and it was sent flying into the air. But then it went off course and headed for the sphinx. The firework made collision with the face of the sphinx. The sphinx's nose then fell off, heading down to the ground.

Ava stepped towards the sphinx a little, smiled and said, "You know, I think it looks better that way." Then the group laughed at what Ava said.

Mutt then said, "How come in every movie or TV show with the sphinx, the nose always falls off?"

Tails, Scootaloo and Dinky shrugged their shoulders.

Author's Note:

Next Episode:
Beijing's Martial Arts Tournament