• Published 29th Sep 2021
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A Sparkle's Little Dusk III: Everlasting Family - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuing adventures of Twilight Sparkle, her son, Dusk Shine, and adopted daughter from an alternate Equestria, Nyx, as they go through life living in their newly made castle.

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Chapter 10: The Grand Equestria Pony Summit

Chapter 10: The Grand Equestria Pony Summit

In the city of Canterlot, Twilight, Spike, Dusk, Nyx and Daylight were all heading towards the Castle. Daylight was wearing a hair bow that was similar to Apple Bloom's, but it was red with pink outer lines. It was time for the Grand Equestria Pony Summit. As soon as they walked into the castle, the group were all greeted by somepony.


The group turned and saw an alicorn most of them knew.

"Cadance!" Twilight and Dusk said in unison, walking up to the pink alicorn. Dusk jumped and he and Cadance hugged each other. Cadance then put Dusk down, and then she and Twilight did their signature dance they've done since they were younger.

"Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybug's Awake! Clap your hooves and Do a Little Shake!" Then the two hugged.

Daylight leaned over towards Nyx and asked, "Who is that?"

"That's Cadance," Nyx said. "She became Twilight's sister-in-law and Dusk's aunt when she married Twilight's brother Shining Armor."

"Oh," Daylight said.

"Yeah," Spike said. "When Dusk met her, Cadance was trapped in the gemstone caverns underneath Canterlot when the Queen of the Changelings was posing as her."

"Changeling?" Daylight asked. "What's a Changeling?" She then felt a hoof go across her back and she looked and saw Twilight with her hoof across Daylight's back.

"A changeling is like a pony that's part bug, and can shapeshift into a pony's loved one and feed off of their love and power," Twilight explained.

"I saw her transform into her real form," Dusk said. "When I went to find mom, I got caught, and Chrysalis sent me off to outside of Appleloosa."

Then Princess Cadance looked down at Daylight and said, "You must be Daylight. Twilight and Dusk told me and Shining all about you."

Daylight smiled as Dusk pulled her into a wing hug. Nyx then came up on the other side of Dusk, he put his other wing on Nyx's back. Twilight smiled at that.

"Alright, my little ponies," Twilight said. "We need to get ready for the Grand Equestria Pony Summit. You're going to be representing Ponyville. Did you bring that gem that I gave you?"

"Of course I did," Dusk said. "I did bring it."

"Really?" Spike asked. "I didn't see it in your bag."

"Because I didn't put it in my bag," Dusk said. "Because I'd knew you would try to eat it."

"No I wouldn't," Spike said, crossing his arms. Twilight, Dusk, Nyx, Daylight and Cadance looked at Spike with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "Okay, I would have. You got me, Dusk."

"So, where did you hide it?" Twilight asked.

Dusk looked at Spike and then he turned back towards Twilight and said, "I'd wait until the summit starts."

"Good call," said Twilight. "Right now, we need to get you all dressed."

"Sure, Mom," Dusk said. Then he, Nyx and Daylight headed towards the castle with Twilight, Spike and Cadance following.

Dusk, Nyx and Daylight were playing a board game in the bedroom that the three of them, Twilight and Spike were all sharing. Spike was putting some books on a bedside table in the room until the sound of knocking was coming from the door.

Dusk was about to get up, but Spike stopped him and said, "I'll get it, Dusk." He went over to the door, and as he was about to open it, it was opened from the other side, slamming Spike into a bookshelf, making Spike groan in pain.

"Spike!" came Cadance's voice as she was walking in. The door then closed and Spike fell to the ground, and he was buried in books. "Spike?"

Then Spike's left hand came from the pile of books and his voice, which was muffled, asked, "A little help?"

Princess Cadance lit up her horn and pulled Spike out of the pile of books and put Spike in front of her. She then said, "Spike, we need you!"

"Of course!" Spike responded. "What can I do?" Princess Cadance then looked over at the door, which opened, revealing a very sleep-deprived Twilight Sparkle walking in.

"I'm sorry, Spike," Twilight groaned. "I just..." she was cut off by her own yawn. "...need a quick nap." She then got dizzy, heading for the pile of books. "Napkin! Tell the delegates I'll..." She then fell asleep on top of the books.

"She's been awake three straight days preparing for the summit," Cadance said. "We need to make sure she gets some rest today. She'll never be able to attend the welcome reception in this condition. Can I count on you to see to it that she isn't disturbed?"

Spike saluted to Princess Cadance and said, "I promise! I won't let you down!"

"I'll help, too," Dusk said. "She basically brought this body to life, and she has done so much already. I'd like to help her get her rest."

"That's good," Cadance said, rubbing Dusk's head. "Besides, Spike could use all the help he can get." Spike just rolled his eyes, smirking.

"What about us?" Nyx asked.

"Yeah, what can we do?" Daylight asked.

"Well, you two and I can go around the castle, helping with the rest of the preparations," Cadance said. "And it'll get us a chance to know each other."

"That sounds a bit boring," Daylight said. "The preparations, I mean."

"Yeah, it wasn't as much fun when I was a big pony," Nyx said.

"We're going to have a lot to talk about your lives," Princess Cadance said, escorting the two fillies out of the room, leaving Spike and Dusk in the room.

Dusk then used his magic to quietly close the windows, so none of the ruckus will disturb Twilight's slumber. Spike then said, "Good call. By the looks down there, it looks like they're about to play polo down there." Spike was looking out the window. Dusk then looked out the window along with Spike. Dusk then saw a row of red leaved trees with red, orange and yellow flowers on it.

"What kind of trees are those?" Dusk whispered.

Spike then looked over at the trees and quietly responded, "Oh. Those are dragon sneeze trees. They're... kinda self-explanatory."

"So, they make dragons sneeze when they're near them?" Dusk asked, quietly.

"Yep," Spike responded. Just then, he saw a construction pony working on an underground pipe. "Oh, boy." Dusk noticed it as well.

"Luckily, I learned a sound-blocking spell for this kind of situation," Dusk said. "Let's go outside." Then he grabbed Spike and the two teleported out of the room. Dusk then lit up his horn and a field surrounded the entire room from the outside. "That'll be up for... at least three hours."

"Did Twilight teach you that spell?" Spike asked.

"No, it was Uncle Shining," Dusk responded. "He said that he learned it when he was younger when the next door neighbor was throwing a party when he was trying to study."

"That makes sense," Spike said. "I almost forgot about that." He then headed away from the door and asked, "You up for a game of Go Fish?"

"I haven't played that game since before my old Mom and Dad left me with Aunt Bonnie and Devon," Dusk said. He then snarled. "I still have negative feelings about those two for how they treated me."

"Hey, Dusk," Spike said, putting a hand on Dusk's shoulder. "You don't have to worry about those two. Those awful humans that were your aunt and cousin can rot in prison or whatever for the rest of their lives for what they were doing to you. Luckily, your sister didn't have to go through the same fate as you did."

Dusk smiled at that and said, "You're right, Spike. Luckily, it was Princess Luna that saved her."

"Yeah," Spike said. "Now, let's get started." Spike then started shuffling the cards. Dusk then put a sign up on the door. The sign read, "DO NOT DISTURB!" Dusk then felt something and looked over at the buildings. "What is it, Dusk?"

"I don't know," Dusk said. "It almost feels like someone's watching us."

"Don't worry about it," Spike said. "There's no way that your old Aunt Bonnie and cousin Devon would make it all the way here to Equestria by themselves. Even if they did, they wouldn't be looking for Prince Dusk Shine and Daylight Savings. They would be looking for Henry and Sam Calvin. You two have nothing to worry about." Spike then patted his back. "Now, let's start playing." He then shuffled the cards. But unbeknownst to them, somepony was watching them from the top of another building.

Spike and Dusk were playing Go Fish in front of the door to the room that the two, Twilight, Nyx and Daylight were sleeping in together. Spike was also eating a bowl of rubies.

"Got any 4's?" Dusk asked.

"Dang it," Spike said, pulling a card from his hand, and giving it to Dusk, who took it in his magic. "How are you doing that?"

"I don't know," Dusk said. He then sighed. He then heard something. He then asked, "You hear somepony?"

Spike held up a hand to his ear. The two of them then looked towards the stairs and saw two ponies, coming up the stairs, arguing.

"It's the delegates from Whinnyapolis and Manehattan," Spike said. He then walked up to the delegates. "Can we help you?"

"My friend here, the distinguished pony from up Manehattan, and I are in a bit of a pickle, and we need the Princess Twilight to resolve it," the delegate of Whinnyapolis, March Gustysnows, said to Spike.

"I'm sorry, ma'am," Dusk said, walking up to Spike's left side. "I'm afraid that Mom is getting a much deserved nap."

"A nap?!" the two delegates asked in unison.

"We must speak with Princess Twilight at once!" the delegate of Manehattan, Joe Pescolt, said in anger and stomping a hoof. "We demand her word about our situation!"

"Mom has been awake for three days straight," Dusk said. "Even princesses have to sleep."

"Three days?" March Gustysnows asked. "If we'd known that, we would've respected that answer."

"Well, if she's too tired, perhaps you can do something about it," Joe Pescolt said to Dusk.

"Perhaps he can," March Gustysnows said. "My friend here, the distinguished pony from up Manehattan, and I are in a bit of a pickle, and we need the Princess Twilight to resolve it. But since she's napping, perhaps you can do something about it. We're both supposed to give speeches about our local economies in five minutes, and we've been booked in the same hall!"

"Oooh..." Dusk said. "I'm... I'm not so good at this. I'm still just a kid, or how you put it, a foal. Perhaps you should take up with it with Princess Celestia."

"That's... not a bad idea," Spike said. He then pulled out a quill and parchment and started writing. "I'm writing down the problem to Princess Celestia... and... there." He then rolled up the parchment, and blew his flames on it. "The message is on it's way to Princess Celestia. I also explained to Princess Celestia that Twilight is asleep."

"That's good to know," said March Gustysnows. "We shall talk with Princess Celestia. Thank you." Then the two delegates headed down and towards Canterlot Castle. Dusk and Spike sat down, back to back, and sighing in relief.

"Now that that problem's taken care of," Spike said. "As long as the delegates talk with the other Princesses, things will be fine."

"I wonder how Nyx and Sam, or should I say, Daylight, are doing with aunt Cadance," Dusk said.

"How about we go down there and see them?" Spike asked. "We got a while for Twilight to wake up." Then the two of them headed down the stairs to find Princess Cadance, Nyx and Daylight. As they headed towards the castle, a branch from a tree came to them. "Uh oh." Spike's eyes then started watering up.

"Spike?" Dusk asked. "What's wrong?"

"Dragon... ahh... sneeze... ahh... tree... ahhhhh-choo!!" Spike sneezed, Dusk jumping out of the way, and flying above him. Spike kept sneezing. One light green pegasus with a chainsaw flew towards Dusk and hovered near him.

"Boy, I guess it wasn't called a Dragon Sneeze Tree for nothing," the pegasus with a chainsaw said. "You might want to get him away from here until I finish cutting these." Dusk nodded, then he flew towards Spike, making sure that he wasn't in the line of actual fire, and grabbed Spike with his forelegs, and headed for the castle.

"Thanks, bro," Spike said, rubbing his nose. "Perhaps we should..." Just then, a polo ball almost hit them.

"Whoa!" the two said as Dusk was getting off balance and fell onto a polo field. The polo ponies headed towards them.

"Are you two okay?" one of the polo ponies asked, getting them onto their hooves and feet.

"We didn't mean to knock you two out of the sky," another polo pony said.

"It's okay," Dusk said. "We need to go." Dusk then put Spike on his back and said, "Wow. You are lighter than you look."

"Must be because of you being an alicorn," one pony said. Dusk looked over and saw it was the voice of Bon Bon.

"Bon Bon?" Dusk asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here because I'm representing Ponyville for the Grand Equestria Pony Summit," Bon Bon said. "Lyra wanted to come because she really wants to know a lot more about humans from you. Especially now that your human sister is now in Equestria."

"How does she know that Daylight was born human?" Dusk asked.

"The Tri-Pies had a party set up for her," Bon Bon answered.

"C'mon, Dusk," Spike said. "Let's go find Cadance and your sisters." Dusk nodded and headed towards the castle.

Dusk and Spike eventually found Cadance, Nyx and Daylight. Cadance and Nyx were laughing at what Daylight was just saying. Just then, they saw Dusk and Spike coming in.

"Hey, boys," Cadance said. "Is Twilight still asleep?"

"That's how we left things," Spike said. "How are things going here?"

"Things are going good," Nyx said. "Daylight was telling us about her life."

Daylight was looking towards the tower where she and the others were staying in from the window and asked, "Why are there a bunch of angry ponies heading up to the room where we're staying?" The others headed towards the window and they saw the delegates heading up to the bedroom. Dusk then lit up his horn and teleported the group towards the door, getting in front of the delegates.

"What's going on here?" Princess Cadance asked.

"We were told that Princess Twilight was really wide awake," said one of the delegates. That delegate pointed a hoof at Dusk. "You lied to us!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Dusk said. "Mom really is asleep!"

"Oh, please," the delegate said. "I heard that Princess Twilight has been avoiding important duties and avoiding us so she can get some personal time and avoid all Princess duties!"

"Who told you that?" Spike asked, crossing his arms.

"Mom really is asleep!" Dusk shouted. "She's been awake for three days straight!!"

"I can back that up," Princess Cadance said. "Even I've saw her sleep-deprived." Just then, the door opened and out came Twilight, who was yawning.

"I feel so much better," Twilight said after yawning. She then noticed the crowd of ponies. "What's going on here?"

"Mom," Dusk said. "These ponies thought you made up the fact that you were sleeping was just an excuse not to do your princess duties."

"WHAT?!" Twilight shouted. "I really have been sleeping! I haven't slept like that since I was a filly." She then looked towards the crowd of ponies. "Listen everypony, I don't know what you heard about me purposely avoiding my princess duties, but it's not true. I've been awake for days doing some important things for the Summit. So, everypony, go on back to your duties and representing your home town, village or city." Then all of the ponies left, heading back down the stairs.

"Wow," Dusk said. "Who do you think was responsible for this disagreement?"

"I don't know," Twilight said. "Anyway, there's one more thing I have to do." Then the group headed down the stairs.

In the throne room of the Castle, Twilight, Spike, Dusk, Nyx, Daylight and Cadance were in the throne room. Princess Celestia was in the room, looking down at the group.

"Now, let's start this," Princess Celestia said. She then looked over at Daylight. "Daylight Savings, formerly known as Samantha Calvin, how have you been enjoying your time with Twilight Sparkle, Nyx, Spike and your long lost brother Dusk Shine, formerly known as Henry Calvin?"

"I've been doing fine," Daylight said. "Although, I do miss Mom and Dad. I'm sure that Henry did as well."

Dusk walked up to Daylight and pulled her in for a wing hug. He then said, "I miss them, too. The last time I saw them was through a connecting dream, thanks to help from Princess Luna. They told me that Mom was pregnant with you."

"Guess time works differently here than back on Earth," Daylight said.

"It does," Princess Celestia said. "Now, I have a question for you. How would you feel if Twilight Sparkle had officially made you a part of her family?"

"What?" Dusk and Daylight asked in unison. They then looked over at Twilight.

"That's right, you two," Twilight said. "When I was making preparations for the Summit, I've also been doing one more thing. Getting the official papers for your adoption, Daylight. That way, you and Dusk can officially be brother and sister again."

"You... you'd do that?" Dusk asked.

"That's right, you two," Twilight said. "How about it, Daylight?"

Daylight smiled, got out of Dusk's wing hug, and hugged Twilight. Dusk walked up to the two and joined in with the hug. Nyx and Spike joined in as well.

"Well, then, there's one more thing to do," Princess Celestia said. She then levitated the final paper for the adoption. Twilight took a quill in her magic, and signed the paper. "And with that, Daylight Savings is now officially a part of your family. Enjoy your new family, Daylight."

Daylight smiled happily with tears coming from her eyes as they all were in a group hug. Cadance was happy that they were able to reunited long lost siblings. She then thought about something. She remembered that Nyx said that the Cadance from the Equestria she came from was pregnant. She then had an idea and headed out. Things would get more interesting.

Author's Note:

It's official. Twilight Sparkle has adopted Daylight Savings, formerly known as Samantha Calvin. Now that Dusk has finally got his sister to be apart of the new family, things will get better from then on.