• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 4,709 Views, 371 Comments

A Sparkle's Little Dusk III: Everlasting Family - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuing adventures of Twilight Sparkle, her son, Dusk Shine, and adopted daughter from an alternate Equestria, Nyx, as they go through life living in their newly made castle.

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Chapter 13: Sisters Bonding

Chapter 13: Sisters Bonding

Nyx was working on her homework. Just then, Daylight walked into the room. She had something in her magic aura. She took a deep breath and walked over to Nyx.

"Hey, Nyx," Daylight said.

"Hey, Daylight," Nyx said. "What's that you got." Nyx didn't even turn her head when she asked.

Daylight rose an eyebrow, wondering how Nyx knew that she had something in her own magical hold. She then said, "Well, you've been doing stuff with Henry, or how you known him, Dusk, and I've been having some time with him. I just thought that... maybe the two of us should do something together, just you and me."

Nyx then turned around, thought about it and said, "Sure. Why not? What did you have in mind?"

"Well... as I was walking here, I saw this," Daylight then used her magic to give the thing to Nyx, who took it in her own magic. Nyx then read it.

"The Sisterhooves Social?" Nyx asked. "Wow. I never done that before."

"Really?" Daylight asked. "Not even in your original Equestria?"

"My only sibling in that Equestria was Spike," Nyx replied. "Plus, there are a lot of different events in the social."

"I'm sure that you and I are going to get a lot of practice in before the Social begins," Daylight said.

Nyx smiled and she and Daylight headed out of there. As they were heading down the hall, in the library, Dusk and Spike were reading one of Spike's comics.

"Don't you think it's weird that the main characters of these things aren't in these things as much as the other ones?" Spike asked.

"Meh," Dusk said. "The viewers won't miss them as much."

Nyx and Daylight went over towards Sweet Apple Acres for the events. They went in and headed over towards Granny Smith. Nyx then looked away, remembering something from the Equestria she came from.

"Excuse me," Daylight said.

Granny Smith looked over at the two fillies and then she saw Nyx, giving a concerned eyebrow. She then looked back at Daylight and asked, "Can I help you?"

"My sister and I were wondering about the events of the Sisterhooves Social," Daylight said.

"Oh, well that's going to be no problem," said Granny Smith. She then handed a list to Daylight, who took it in her magic. "First, you got a duo singing contest. Then there's a cheering contest. The jump-rope competition. The juggling contest. And ending it with the obstacle course."

"Okay," Daylight said. "I guess we can do some of these. Right, Nyx?"

"Well... I... I guess..." Nyx said, nervously.

"Ya don't have to be so nervous about the competition, Nyx," Granny Smith said. "Ya can do whatever event ya choose."

"Um... okay," said Nyx. Then the two fillies headed away from Sweet Apple Acres. Daylight looked over at Nyx, who was still getting that nervous face when looking back at Sweet Apple Acres.

"What's wrong, Nyx?" Daylight asked.

Nyx sighed and said, "Let's just go home."

"Hang on, Nyx," Daylight said, cutting off Nyx's path. "Are you afraid of competition?"

Nyx looked down and said, "No. It's not the competition. It's..." She then sighed again. "Back in the Equestria I came from, when I was Nightmare Moon, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo had snuck into the castle to try to get me back and save our friendship. But then Spell Nexus showed up and saw them. While he was under the control of that terrible disease, he wanted my friends to be killed. But I couldn't stand it. So, I had them be sent down to the dungeon for their own safety. Twilight was already in there so she would comfort them. Eventually, I let them go. But, weeks after I became a filly again, Granny Smith was still angry at me. She accused me of foalnapping them. She didn't want me hanging out with Apple Bloom, even though she is one of my best friends."

"Oh, my," Daylight said. "I had no idea."

"You hadn't had a bad human childhood before you came here," Nyx said. "At least you and Dusk are at least brother and sister again."

"Yeah, I guess," Daylight said. She then perked up and said, "Well, we might as well start training for the competition." Then Daylight started running ahead.

"Hey, wait for me!" Nyx said, following Daylight.

In the Castle of Friendship, Twilight was about to get some breakfast. She then opened the ice box for something. She then raised an eyebrow.

"Where are all the eggs?!" Twilight called out. She then heard something. She then headed out of the kitchen and into another room.

"Whoa!" came the voice of Nyx and Daylight. Twilight walked towards the room and opened it up. She looked inside and saw Nyx and Daylight trying to balance eggs on their noses.

"This is really difficult," Nyx said.

"What are you girls doing?" Twilight asked.

Nyx and Daylight looked towards the door and they saw Twilight standing there. Daylight then said, "Hey, Mom."

"Why do you have all the eggs?" Twilight asked.

"We're trying to practice for the obstacle course for the Sisterhooves Social," Nyx said. "We're practicing for all of the events. We got up to here. The egg balancing portion of the competition."

"It's so hard keeping the eggs on our noses," Daylight said. "Good thing we decided to hard boil these eggs. After we used up ten of them."

Twilight looked over at a part of the room and saw ten eggs broken on the floor. She then said, "Okay. Since you don't use magic in the obstacle course, you need a lot of practice. Although, it was a clever idea for you to hard boil the last two eggs."

"Why do we have to balance them on our noses?" Daylight asked. "In the movies back on Earth, all of the egg balancing competitions were to head to the finish line with an egg in a spoon held by your mouth. But this was more difficult than that."

"Yeah," Twilight said. Then she recalled something. "Wait a minute. Rarity and Sweetie Belle competed at the Sisterhooves Social, well, after they had a bit of an argument, and Sweetie Belle thought she was doing the competition with Applejack, but then the two mares did a switcheroo in the first obstacle. And during the egg carrying event, they carried the same egg to the basket."

"Really?" Nyx asked. She then pulled out the rules for the obstacle course. She then said, "Well, it doesn't say anything about carrying the same egg together. Let's try that." Daylight nodded. Then Nyx used her magic and the two fillies brought their noses close together, and then Nyx put the single egg on the other basket. "Wow, it works."

"Alright, girls," Twilight said. "Were you two up all night?"

"No," Daylight said. "We got up at five this morning."

"Good thing we went to bed early last night," Nyx said.

"Okay, girls," Twilight said. "I was planning on making omelettes this morning, but with you using all of the eggs, I guess we're eating out. Go wake your brothers." Nyx and Daylight nodded, then they headed out of the room.

The day of the Sisterhooves Social came. Nyx and Daylight were all signed up for the obstacle course. Twilight and Velvet came in with smiles on their faces.

"I can't believe those girls are going to be competing in the competition," Velvet said. "If only we had another filly a long time ago. That way, you would've been able to compete."

"Yeah," Twilight said. "But, I don't think we would've had the time to do it. When I was studying on my friendship lessons."

"I know," Velvet replied. She then noticed something. "Hey, is that Big McIntosh in a dress?"

"What?!" Twilight, Daylight and Nyx asked in unison, pointing to where Velvet was looking.

Nyx and Daylight were laughing at that and Nyx said, "I doubt he'll fool anypony here."

"Henry and Spike would love to see this," Daylight said.

"Henry?" Velvet asked. Then she got a realization. "Right. Dusk's old name."

"That is just ridiculous," Twilight said. "How did he talk the judges, and Apple Bloom, into competing in the competition with her for crying out loud?"

"We'll talk about that later," Velvet said. "C'mon, you two fillies. You two need to get ready."

"We have to go though the track," Nyx said. "Good thing we had a light breakfast."

"Oh, yeah," Twilight said. "So you'd have enough room in your stomachs for the pie eating portion of the obstacle course. The obstacle course is in this order. The mud pit, the barrel weave, the crate jump, the pie eating contest, the hay bale push, the grape juicing, the egg carrying, the hurdles, and the final stretch of the race. Don't forget to stretch for the race."

Nyx and Daylight nodded and got ready for the competition.

The Sisterhooves Social went awkward for Apple Bloom. Nopony was falling for Big Mac's disguise. Well, except for one pony, who was one of the judges. The Social then made it to the last competition of the day. The Obstacle Course. The competitors got into position at the starting line. Two of the competitors were Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

"Alright, Scootaloo, remember the parts where teamwork really comes into play!" Rainbow Dash said to Scootaloo.

"How could I forget?" Scootaloo asked. "We've been training all week!"

"Okay, hot stuff!" Rainbow Dash said. "What's our move on the grape squish?"

"The alley-oop," Scootaloo responded.

"Apple toss?"


"Egg carrying?"


Then the two of them jumped up together, yelling out, "Yeah!" Then the two of them got into position, making "Orchard Blossom" nervous. Nyx and Daylight then stretched their legs.

Granny Smith then spoke through the megaphone. "Competi-sis-tors! Take your positions!" Then the competitors got ready. "And a-ready, and a-set, go!"

Then all of the competitors started running. Most of the competitors jumped over the mud pit. Nyx made it over all the way, but Daylight was a little short. Mud was up to Daylight's flanks. Nyx helped her out.

"C'mon, sis," Nyx said. Then the two of them headed on to the rest of the competition.

Daylight and Nyx made it through the barrel weave. They were behind of the competition, but they were catching up. Daylight and Nyx then went over the large crate. Luckily it was before Big Mac destroyed the crates. Then the two of them made it to the pie eating competition. Nyx and Daylight then started stuffing their faces.

Nyx noticed something and silently asked, "Huh?" She noticed Rainbow Dash putting her pie underneath her seat, thinking nopony was watching her. Nyx then got a little angry, and she continued eating her pie.

As soon as the two were done, Nyx and Daylight moved onto the bale moving. Daylight was having trouble pushing it, but Nyx was able to help her out. When they crossed the line, they moved onto the grape crushing barrels. Daylight used her hooves to toss the grapes into the tub, then Nyx jumped on Daylight's back, then jumping into the tub.

"Go on, Nyx!" Daylight said.

Nyx jumped on the grapes, squeezing them, and then they going through the faucet and into a jar. Then they headed on towards the chicken coop, now in third place.

"We're catching up!" Nyx said. "You know the drill with the egg!"

Daylight nodded as the two of them headed into the chicken coop. Luckily they got in before "Orchard Blossom" smashed through the chicken coop.

Nyx and Daylight moved onto the hurdles. Nyx and Daylight jumped over the hurdles, moving up to second place behind Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. Just then, they were pushed out of the way by "Orchard Blossom", who was carrying Apple Bloom, pushing them back to third place. "Orchard Blossom" and Apple Bloom whizzed past Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, taking first place across the finish line. Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo came in at second place, and Nyx and Daylight crossed at third.

"Orchard Blossom" gave out a loud yell in victory, but then "she" composed "herself" and said, "I mean, victory is ours, Sweet Apple Bloom." Just then, the outfit tore off, revealing that "Orchard Blossom" was really Big Mac.

"Busted!" Nyx and Daylight said in unison.

"Uh oh," Big Mac said.

"'Uh oh' and 'Busted' indeed," came the voice of one of the judges.

Apple Bloom turned to look up at Big Mac and said, "Ah should've known you'd eventually get busted for bein' a stallion!"

"Oh, no, we've known all along," the same pony said. "The Sisterhooves Social has always had a loose policy when it comes to what counts as a 'sister'." That made Apple Bloom and Big Mac look back at each other, thinking they've won. "But we do have a strict policy when it comes to sportsponyship! In your 'sister's' desperation to win, he used brute strength to physically take out the competitors." They looked back at the course, seeing all of the damage that Big Mac had done. "Uh, that kind of behavior is not just unbecoming of a lady, but quite frankly, of anypony! And for that, you two are hereby disqualified!"

Big Mac and Apple Bloom were ashamed of what happened.

"Hah! Looks like we win, squirt!" Rainbow Dash said, looking at Scootaloo.

"Woo-hoo! Yeah!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Hang on!" Nyx called out. "I've noticed something when we were at the pie eating portion. Follow me." Nyx then led Daylight, the judges, Rainbow and Scootaloo back to the picnic tables where the pie eating portion was taken place. Nyx then went over to one part of the bench. "This was where Rainbow Dash was sitting."

"How do you know that?" the judge asked, Rainbow Dash was starting to sweat.

"Because of this," Nyx said, using her magic to pull out an uneaten pie from under the bench. "I saw Rainbow Dash put it under just so she and Scootaloo would move on faster."

"Is this true, Miss Dash?" the judge asked, looking at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash sweated bullets. She then sighed and said, "Yeah. Sorry. Ever since I was younger, I started losing interest in pies. I didn't enjoy eating them when I was growing."

"So, you admit that you didn't eat the pie?" the judge asked.

Rainbow Dash sighed and said, "We're also disqualified, aren't we?"

"Yes," said the judge. "Besides, you could've said something earlier, and we would have made some alterations before the obstacle course. But since you didn't and admitted to this, you are disqualified as well. And with that, victory goes to Nyx and Daylight Savings."

Nyx looked over at Scootaloo and said, "Sorry, Scootaloo. You know it had to be done."

"Even I should've seen that coming," Scootaloo replied. "I still can't believe that Rainbow Dash got us disqualified because of her disinterest in pies."

"Yeah," Nyx said.

Then Twilight and Velvet walked up to Nyx and Daylight. Twilight then said, "You did so well. Although, it was a little harsh that you did that to Rainbow Dash, Nyx."

"Yeah, sorry, Twilight," Nyx said. "I couldn't just let her try to get away with it. If you can't do it fairly, victory isn't as sweet."

"Who told you that?" Velvet asked.

"I did," Rainbow Dash said. "This one was on me. My own lesson used against me. How ironic." Then everypony left the area, but one of the judges, an old stallion, walked towards where the other ponies were with a bouquet of roses, looking around for "Orchard Blossom". He then left the area.

Nyx and Daylight were in there beds that night. On the other side of the room, there was a trophy for winning that year's Sisterhooves Social.

"That was actually fun," Daylight said. "I can't wait to do that again next year."

"Let's hope that one of us doesn't get caught up in something or one of us gets sick," Nyx said. "Then Dusk would have to take place for one of us. Let's hope he doesn't pull off what Big Mac tried to do today. He looks too much like Twilight. Nearly identical."

Daylight laughed a bit and asked, "Hey, why does he now look like mom, only younger and the opposite gender?"

"According to Twilight, she found some kind of strange flower in the Everfree Forest," Nyx said. "The flower sprayed some weird pollen in her face, eventually making her pregnant in minutes. Then she gave birth to Dusk, who was originally your long lost brother given a new body after making one last wish before his last breath in your world."

"Was Dusk weirded out when he woke up in that body?" Daylight asked.

"I think so," Nyx said. "Although, when he woke up the first time in this world, he was a normal unicorn. I don't know all of the details. So you either have to ask Twilight or Dusk for more information."

"I'll do that tomorrow," Daylight said. "Good night, Nyx."

"Good night, sis," Nyx replied. Then the two of them got comfortable and fell asleep.

Author's Note:

The votes have been tallied. You'll soon know what Daylight's Cutie Mark will get when she, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo get their Cutie Marks.