• Published 29th Sep 2021
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A Sparkle's Little Dusk III: Everlasting Family - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuing adventures of Twilight Sparkle, her son, Dusk Shine, and adopted daughter from an alternate Equestria, Nyx, as they go through life living in their newly made castle.

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Chapter 17: The Haunting Past Returns

Chapter 17: The Haunting Past Returns

Twilight and Fluttershy were getting ready for a trip. They have been summoned by the Cutie Map to solve a Friendship Problem in the Smokey Mountains. Twilight nuzzled Dusk, Nyx and Daylight before she and Fluttershy left.

"Now, I don't know how long we'll be there," Twilight said. "You three behave yourselves. Remember, your grandmother is at the schoolhouse and your grandfather is in the library, checking the mail."

"Okay, Mom," Dusk replied.

"Well, we're off," Twilight said. "Bye, kids." Then she and Fluttershy left, closing the door.

"So, what do you want to do when Mom's gone?" Dusk asked, looking back at his sisters.

"I don't know," Nyx said. "We could go on over to the clubhouse."

"Kids!" came Night Light's voice. "How about we do some bowling tonight?" The three foals looked at each other, then smiled.

"Sure, Grandpa!" Dusk said. He then looked back at his sisters and said, "Well, I guess we can see the Crusaders tomorrow at school." Nyx and Daylight nodded. Then they all headed on towards the Castle Library. As soon as they walked in, Night Light was looking at the mirror.

"Why is this mirror even in here?" Night Light asked. He then tried to touch the glass, but Dusk used his magic to stop him.

"Don't touch that!" Dusk said. "That's not just a mirror. It's actually a portal to another dimension."

"Seriously?!" Night Light and Daylight asked in unison.

"That's right," Dusk said. "It leads to a dimension full of humans, all that look like the ponies of Equestria. Even the skin colors are the same as a pony's coats."

"Wow," Daylight said. She then looked at Nyx and asked, "Did you go into that mirror?"

"Only once," Nyx answered. "Twilight, Dusk and Spike went through it twice."

"Seriously?" Night Light and Daylight asked.

"Yeah," Dusk said. "At least I was human again, only if it was temporary. Although, the first time I went through the mirror, I came home with these." Dusk then unfolded his wings. "Along with this." Dusk then showed his Cutie Mark.

"Wow," Daylight said. "I still can't believe that there's a portal to another dimension right there. I still don't believe..." Just then, something surprised her when looking at the mirror. Dusk looked towards the mirror, and there was Pinkie Pie's face coming out of the mirror.

"Pinkie Pie?!" Dusk and Nyx asked in unison.

"Hey, Dusk! Hey, Nyx!" Pinkie Pie said.

"When did she go on the other side of the mirror?" Night Light asked.

"She didn't," Dusk said. "That's her human counterpart. When a pony goes through the mirror, they turn into a human. Vice versa." He then looked towards the human-turned-pony Pinkie Pie and said, "Go home, Pinkie."

"Aww... I just wanted to see if you guys and Twilight wanted to come on over," Pinkie Pie said. "Where is Twilight?"

"You just missed her," Nyx said. "She and Fluttershy just left to solve a Friendship Problem, out of town."

"Aww..." Pinkie said. Dusk then flew up and started pushing Pinkie's face back through the mirror.

"Go... home... Pinkie," Dusk said, pushing Pinkie's face back through the portal.

"Wow," Daylight said. "That was very weird. So, bowling?"

"Alright," Night Light said. "Let's get going." Then the four of them headed out the door, just as Spike was coming in with groceries.

"Whoa, where are you all going?" Spike asked.

"Bowling," Night Light responded. "I see that you got the groceries. Let's put those away in the kitchen real quick and we'll get to the bowling alley."

"Okay," Spike said before he walked in. He then turned around and asked, "Is Twilight going to be joining us?"

"No," Dusk said. "She and Fluttershy went out of town for a Friendship Problem."

"Well, let's hope it goes better than what happened with Discord last week," Spike said.

"Discord tried to make Twilight jealous," Nyx said. "Even I know that's just being a bad friend." The others nodded. Spike then rushed into the castle. A few minutes later, Spike came back out and the five of them headed on over towards the bowling alley.

"I just sent a message to Velvet," Spike said. "Told her we're heading to the bowling alley."

"Good call," Night Light responded. "We'll get dinner when we're done."

As they were heading out, Starlight, Devon and, their new addition, Bonnie, poked their heads from behind a bush, seeing the family going out of the castle.

"That Pinkie Pie might have been onto something," Starlight said. "I'm going up to Canterlot for something. Don't do anything ridiculous when I'm gone." She then teleported away.

"So, what are we going to do, Mom?" Devon asked, looking at his mother.

"Oh, we're going to go inside, wait for those kids, and get them back to where they belong," Bonnie said. Then the two of them headed into the castle and they opened the door. "They forgot to lock the door. Idiots." Then they went into the castle, and waited for the family to return.

Later that evening, Dusk, Nyx, Daylight, Spike, Night Light, and now, Twilight Velvet, were all returning to the Castle of Friendship after a night of bowling.

"Wow," Night Light said. "I didn't expect Dusk and Daylight to be so good at bowling."

"I know," Spike said, holding the score sheet. "Dusk with a 264, and Daylight with 250. That was awesome."

"In my old life, I went bowling about every month since I was five," Dusk said. He then sighed. "Then Mom and Dad had Bonnie take care of me."

"And whenever the boat stops at a dock, dad and I usually go to a bowling alley," Daylight replied.

"Well, I'm sure that the two of you are going to be great in the future," Velvet said.

"Good evening," came the voice of a stallion. The group looked towards the voice and there stood Filthy Rich and his daughter, Diamond Tiara, who was feeling a lot more relieved.

"Filthy Rich?" Nyx asked. "Diamond Tiara? What brings you two over here?"

"Well, we just wanted to thank you for what happened to Spoiled," Filthy Rich said. "I was wondering how she was able to get that stained glass window of Diamond so fast. Now that I know she was embezzling, she deserved to be locked up. And now that she is, I have divorced her."

"You divorced Spoiled Rich?!" Dusk asked.

"Yep," Filthy Rich replied. "Now that she's no longer in the family, she won't do anything to corrupt Diamond anymore."

"Thank you for doing that," Diamond said, looking at Dusk. "Now that she's gone, I'm finally free to do whatever I want, and not what she wants me to do." She then sighed happily.

"So, what else brings you around here?" Velvet asked.

"Well, I was hoping that you all and Princess Twilight would join us for a nice dinner," Filthy Rich said. "After all what that little colt did, we're grateful."

"I'm afraid you missed her," Velvet said. "She and Fluttershy went out of town to do something important."

"Oh, well that's too bad," Filthy Rich said. "Well, why not we reschedule to a time when Princess Twilight returns?"

"I'm sure Mom will make a schedule," Dusk said. Then he looked towards the main door of the Castle and stopped. He expended his wings, making the others stop. He then asked, "Spike? Did you lock the door?"

The group looked towards the door and saw it was cracked open. The group headed for the door and slowly opened it more, the door creaking as it was being more open.

"Hello?!" Dusk called out. "Is somepony there?!" There was no answer. "I guess no one walked in." But then, the sound of creepy laughter came through the halls.

"What was that?" Nyx asked.

"Somepony with a creepy laugh apparently," Diamond Tiara responded.

"Wait a minute," Dusk said, starting to get afraid. "I... I know that laugh." He then stepped back. "She couldn't have found a way here. It's impossible." Just then, the door closed behind the group, and there was Devon, locking the door.

"Hey, coz," Devon said.

"Devon?!" Dusk asked, shocked.

"And not just him," came Bonnie's voice. The group looked towards the hall and coming down from the hall was Bonnie. "I never thought I'd find you here.

"Aunt Bonnie?!" Dusk and Daylight asked in unison.

"We're finally taking you back to where you two belong," Bonnie replied. "As who you're supposed to be."

"You can't take us away from here!" Dusk said. "You treated me like a slave and wanted to do the same thing to my sister! I died because of you! You starved me, you kept me working when I was supposed to be resting, you took away my toys, and you destroyed all of my medical records!"

"You never deserved any of those things," Bonnie said. "You don't deserve any good thing you have ever had. That goes for your sister as well."

"Oh, I actually got a better life now," Dusk said. "I got a family that appreciates me for who I am, I have all the friends I can get, and check it out." Dusk then unfolded his wings to show Bonnie. "I'm the first Alicorn Prince in Equestrian History. And I'm not going back to that horrible life, and I'm not letting Sam go down that path either."

"Especially what Mom and Dad told me what you did to him before he died," Daylight said.

"Devon, get your cousins," Bonnie said. Just before Devon could even touch them, Devon was lifted up in a magenta magical aura, which was surrounding Dusk's horn as well, and then Dusk threw him towards Bonnie, and then putting them in a magical sphere, trapping them inside. They tried banging on the barrier, but they couldn't get out. "Let us out, you little slave!"

"I'm not... a slave!" Dusk shouted, almost using the Royal Canterlot Voice. "And you're not my family anymore." He then looked over towards Spike and said, "Spike, call for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

"You got it, bro," Spike said. He then started writing on a scroll.

"So that's the human woman who treated you worse than my Mom did to me?" Diamond asked.

"Yup," Dusk replied. "Now that these two are going to get their just desserts, we should wait until Princess Celestia and Princess Luna show up."

"How did you do that anyway?" Daylight asked.

"Uncle Shining taught me this spell," Dusk said.

Princesses Celestia and Luna arrived to apprehend both Bonnie and Devon. Just to take them back to Earth. Bonnie was locked up, only to be put into her own death penalty. Devon was sent to a maximum security prison for troubled youth. He also has a special anklet that tracks his every move on the compound. If he even made it off premises, the anklet would do him more harm than good.

That night, Dusk and Daylight were in the kitchen, looking at old photographs of them with their parents. One was of Henry with their parents at the county fair before they left Henry to Bonnie and Devon. The other was of Sam with their parents, with one last family photo with their mother in a hospital gurney. They also had some cookies.

"Guess they can now rest in peace," Daylight said with a smile.

"Yeah," Dusk said, dunking a cookie into a glass of milk. "They would be proud that Bonnie and Devon are finally getting what they deserve." He then took a bite into the cookie. "Mmm... Nyx was right. These cookies are really good."

Daylight smiled in response after she took a bite out of her cookies. She then said, "Yeah. Where did grandpa get this recipe?"

Nyx then came in with an empty glass and said, "In the Equestria I came from, he told me that it was a recipe he got from his grandfather. He got the recipe from our great, great grandfather."

"Well, that's nice," Daylight said. She then yawned. "I'm gonna turn in." She had already finished her cookies and then put the glass by the sink, but Nyx took it in her magic, turned on the faucet and washed it out.

"I'll head on to bed, too," Dusk said. "Night, you two."

"Good night," Nyx and Daylight said in unison. They all finished up in the kitchen, and headed off to bed. Hopefully, in the future, nothing bad will happen to them.

Meanwhile... In Canterlot...

Author's Note:

Just to let you know, after Blueblood was punished in the last story, Flash Sentry was transferred back to Canterlot. And the guards were informed by the Princesses that Princess Twilight and Fluttershy were at the Smokey Mountains as Starlight was stealing the scroll. And as for the explanation of why Sweetie Belle was with Button Mash, Sweetie and Dusk were going to wait a while until they can start dating, and Sweetie Belle was trying to complete a bet, but lost the bet when that box landed in between there. Just imagine that Button jumped out of the way, too.