• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 4,715 Views, 371 Comments

A Sparkle's Little Dusk III: Everlasting Family - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuing adventures of Twilight Sparkle, her son, Dusk Shine, and adopted daughter from an alternate Equestria, Nyx, as they go through life living in their newly made castle.

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Chapter 19: The Helping Hooves Music Festival

Chapter 19: The Helping Hooves Music Festival

Dusk, Nyx, Daylight, the Crusaders and the Tri-Pies just got out of school, and they were all heading on out to where the town of Ponyville was setting up for the Helping Hooves Music Festival.

"Ah can't believe that Pinkie Pie got the biggest pony pop star ta perform at the Helping Hooves Music Festival!" Apple Bloom said.

"Mom stayed up for days to get Countess Coloratura to perform at the Festival," Cherry said.

"We're going to make this the most super, duper spectacular Festival it can be," Blueberry said.

"This is going to be the best!" Raspberry said.

Dusk and Daylight looked at each other in confusion and then Dusk looked over at the group and asked, "Who's Countess Coloratura?" That made Nyx, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and the Tri-Pies look at the two, gasping loudly. The Tri-Pies's manes went even messier than they already were.

"Our frizzes... have been freaked!" Cherry said.

"You don't know about Countess Coloratura?!" Sweetie Belle asked. "Where have you been for the last two years?!"

"Think about what you just said," Dusk replied.

Sweetie Belle started thinking and then said, "Oh... right. You two are from another world."

"That's a pretty good excuse for these two," Scootaloo said, pulling Dusk and Daylight in. "Anyway, Countess Coloratura is one of the biggest pony pop star in all of Equestria!" The Tri-Pies were getting their manes and tails back to their normal looks as Scootaloo was explaining.

"She is very talented, and has so many different songs and outfits when performing," Sweetie Belle said. "And all the make up."

Dusk and Daylight looked up, imagining what Countess Coloratura would look like. Then Daylight said, "So, she's basically a pony version of Lady Gaga?" The others, except Dusk, got confused. "That's a little weird."

"Lady Gaga was a performer back in our world," Dusk said, making the other girls understand. "If you think that's strange, I saw a pony here that looks and sounds like "Weird Al" Yankovic."

"A "Weird Al" Pony?" Daylight asked. "I met him on the cruise." Then Daylight showed a picture of her original human form, Samantha Calvin, her and Dusk's dad, and "Weird Al" Yankovic.

Apple Bloom snickered and said, "Yeah, he does look like Cheese Sandwich. The shirt, the hair. It's kinda uncanny."

"We know him very well from our Equestria," Blueberry said.

"Of course, we were from the future in that Equestria," Cherry said.

"Tell her who Cheese Sandwich is to us, Dusk!" Raspberry said, excitedly.

Daylight looked at Dusk as he replied, "In their Equestria, Cheese Sandwich is their father." Then Raspberry showed the picture of the Tri-Pies, Pinkie and Cheese Sandwich, and the Tri-Pies were all babies.

"Wow," Daylight said. "You're right, Apple Bloom. It's uncanny."

"So, when should we get to the festival?" Dusk asked, looking at the others.

"Oh, Ah heard that Countess Coloratura will be comin' ta the schoolhouse tomorrow," Apple Bloom replied.

"Well, Dusk, Daylight and I gotta get home," Nyx said. "See you all tomorrow." They all nodded and headed to their homes.

At the Castle of Friendship, the Sparkle Family were all having dinner. Twilight was talking about how the day went to the family.

"So it turns out, Countess Coloratura was an old friend of Applejack," Twilight explained.

"What?!" Nyx, Velvet and Night Light asked in unison.

"Yeah, it turns out they went to the same camp when they were fillies," Twilight said. "It was a surprise to us as well. The Countess had even confirmed it when the two talked."

"That's actually cool," Daylight said.

"Yeah," Twilight said. "So, she's going to be at the schoolhouse tomorrow. Along with famous photographer, Photo Finish."

"Well, I can't wait to see the looks on the school ponies looks that they're going to get a visit from the Countess Coloratura," Velvet said. "They're going to be so excited."

"Yeah, they are," Twilight said.

"So, are you kids excited to see the show?" Night Light asked.

"I am," Nyx said. "But, I'm not so sure that Dusk and Daylight are."

"Right, because they came from another world," Twilight said. "Well, I'm sure they will be able to enjoy the festival tomorrow." She then looked at Dusk, Nyx and Daylight. "You three better eat up quick and get ready for bed." They continued eating their dinner, waiting for what the next day will bring them.

At a stand for a meet and greet by the Ponyville Schoolhouse. Countess Coloratura was saying hello to the fillies and colts there, making them very happy.

"Ponyville schoolponies!" Countess Coloratura announced. "As part of the Helping Hooves Music Festival, I'm holding a contest where some of you will get a chance to sing with me onstage at the concert tomorrow! Sound fun?" The schoolponies cheered as Photo Finish got ready to take a picture. "Alright! Now who wants more hoofsies?"

Dusk and Daylight were standing in the back.

"Now that's more like the Rara I remember," came Applejack's voice from behind them. Dusk and Daylight walked up to her.

"So it's true?" Dusk asked. "You're friends with her?" Dusk pointed at the Countess Coloratura.

"Eeyup," Applejack said. "It's been a long time. Although, Ah ain't too fond of 'er manager."

"What do you...?" Daylight asked until the sound of Pinkie Pie's voice came in.

"But... I got everything you requested!"

Dusk, Daylight and Applejack looked over and saw Pinkie Pie talking to Coloratura's manager, Svengallop. And he was speaking to Pinkie in a demanding voice.

"That was for Countess Coloratura! This is for me! And what I want is premium oats!"

"Oh," Pinkie said. "Well, we have lots of tasty oats right here in Ponyville!" Pinkie then held up a plate of oats. Then Svengallop knocked it out of Pinkie's hoof, the oats getting into Pinkie's mane.

"I would not feed those to a chicken!" Svengallop said. "I want top-of-the-line Appleloosan oats! Next, it appears that we are surrounded by apple trees. Bring me five hundred pre-peeled, pre-cored apples, and I want those things in twenty-four hours!"

Pinkie gasped and said, "But that's impossible!"

"Do you want me to pull Countess Coloratura from your little podunk charity show?!" Svengallop said. "Because I will!" He then walked away, leaving Pinkie Pie sad.

Dusk and Daylight were shocked at how that pony managed to treat Pinkie Pie. Dusk then got angry and said, "That manager think he can get whatever he wants and threatens to cancel the show if he doesn't get what he wants?"

"Threatening people, or in this case, ponies to do whatever he wants or else he cancels the show," Daylight said. "What are we going to do."

"Don't fret 'bout it, sugarcubes," Applejack said to the two. "Ah'll have a talk with Rara about her manager." She then headed towards Coloratura and the school ponies.

"I don't think it's going to be enough just by telling her," Dusk said, looking towards Daylight. "We need to show her that her manager isn't a good one as she thinks he is."

"How are we going to get to show her?" Daylight asked.

"Perhaps there's a way to show my memories out to the public," Dusk said. "Maybe there's a spell to do so." Then Dusk and Daylight headed away from there.

Dusk was in the library, looking through some books, trying to find some spells. But, he was getting more and more frustrated. He sighed.

"Nothing," Dusk said. "I've looked through all of the books and I can't find that specific spell."

"What spell?" came the voice of Nyx. Dusk looked towards the door and saw Nyx standing there.

"Oh, hey, Nyx," Dusk said. "I was jut trying to find a spell that will show ponies a memory. I can't find it."

"Oh, that's easy," Nyx said. She then walked up to a book shelf and grabbed a book that was labeled "Memory Spells". "It's all in this book." Dusk walked over towards Nyx and the book, and he was shocked.

"How did I not see that book?" Dusk asked. Dusk then looked through the index of the book, mumbling. "'Restoration of memories', no... 'Memory Recapping', that's not it. Aha! 'Memory Projection'!" Dusk then turned to a page and read the spell. Dusk then lit up his horn and a projection of Svengallop and Pinkie Pie appeared.

"That was for Countess Coloratura! This is for me! And what I want is premium oats!" Svengallop said from the memory.

"Oh," Pinkie said. "Well, we have lots of tasty oats right here in Ponyville!" The memory played out exactly what had happened. Nyx was shocked at what she was seeing.

"What?!" Nyx asked. "Countess Coloratura's manager said all of that?! And to Pinkie Pie?!"

"And apparently, he's been doing that behind the Countess's back," Dusk said.

"I don't know why he would do that," Nyx said. "I'm gonna tell Twilight about it."

"Good idea," Dusk said. "Mom needs to know as much as Countess Coloratura." Then Nyx headed out of there.

Of course, when Applejack told Coloratura about her manager being a jerk and using the performer's name to threaten them for not getting what he wants, Coloratura didn't believe Applejack. So, Applejack convinced her to her when they finally get proof that Svengallop isn't who he seems to be to the Countess. So, she trusted her that one time.

Of course, Twilight was watching Svengallop threatening Pinkie Pie to cancel the schoolhouse foals contest and to give him a spa treatment. Twilight and Dusk then showed the Countess the two things that Svengallop did to Pinkie Pie. Countess Coloratura was not happy.

"So that's how you've been managing things?" Coloratura asked, motioning to the memory that Twilight was projecting.

"Yeah, so? What's the problem?" Svengallop asked, thinking he didn't do anything wrong. Boy, he was wrong.

"The problem is, is you've been using my name to intimidate ponies to get what you want!" Coloratura snapped.

"But I work incredibly hard for you!" Svengallop snapped back. "I deserve everything I get!"

"But not because you scare ponies into thinking I won't perform for their charities otherwise!" Coloratura said. "I would never do that to my fans! Which is why you should have known that I would never cancel the schoolponies' contest!"

"Hmph. All this charity and schoolpony contest nonsense is just remnants of that boring little Rara I met back in Manehattan!" Svengallop said, circling the performer.

"You clearly don't understand the real me!" Coloratura said.

"Ha, that's a joke!" Svengallop said in a mean way. "I made you somepony! What can you even do without me? Good luck, Countess Coloratura! Good luck." But just then, he stopped to see unicorn royal guards and Dusk standing there.

"You do realize that making threats is a major crime, right?" Dusk asked, looking at Svengallop.

"What?!" Svengallop said. He then tried jumping off the stage, but the guards caught him in their magic. "You can't do this to me! I deserve what I want!"

"Svengallop, you're under arrest!" Twilight said. "Guards, take him to Canterlot and lock him up." The guards nodded and took Svengallop away, and he was trying to get out of the magical hold.

"This isn't what I deserve! You can't do this to me!!" Svengallop called out as he was being taken away.

Applejack walked up to Coloratura and said, "Oh, Rara, Ah'm so sorry. Are you gonna be okay for the concert tonight?"

"Of course," Coloratura said, trying to hide her sadness. "After all, the show must go on!" Then Dusk, Nyx and Daylight walked up to them.

"You know, I've seen some performers that aren't too happy with what their manager makes them wear on stage when they perform," Daylight said. "Why don't you perform the way you want to?"

"That's a good idea," Dusk said, looking at Daylight. "A lot of performers aren't happy to wear things their manager says to wear, or to sing things they don't want to sing. Why don't you perform the way you want and sing the song you want to?"

Coloratura thought about it, and then she smiled. She then said, "You know what? You're right. Tonight, I'll perform me way."

That night, Twilight was making the announcement for the performance of Countess Coloratura.

"Good evening, everypony!" Twilight announced. "Welcome to opening night of the Helping Hooves Music Festival! Now it is my great honor to introduce you to our headlining act – Countess Coloratura!" The crowed was cheering as Countess Coloratura took the stage, in an outfit that nopony was expecting.

"This song may be familiar, but yet, it's totally different. Kind of like me, Rara," Coloratura said, confusing the ponies there.

Everypony cheered after the Countess performed that song. Twilight then pulled Dusk and Daylight into a wing hug.

"You two were right," Twilight said. "You've let her show the real side of her, and everypony loved it. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, Mom," Dusk said.

"I think it had something to do with my own Cutie Mark," Daylight said.

"Oh, right," Twilight said. "Since you and the other crusaders are all helping ponies finding or understanding their Cutie Marks as your own special talents."

"Thank you, everypony!" came Coloratura's voice from the stage. "When I arrived at the Helping Hooves Music Festival, I had forgotten who I really was!" She then looked over at Applejack. "But then an old friend reminded me what real friendship is about, and she told me that if I was true to myself, I couldn't go wrong!" She then looked to the rest of the crowd. "So I have a very special surprise for her. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Nyx, Daylight, come on up!" Then the five fillies got up to the stage with Coloratura. Then they all started singing a song that Applejack and Coloratura performed when they were fillies to the ponies of Ponyville. Coloratura then pulled Applejack up to the stage, ending the song with the two mares nuzzling each other's cheeks.

Author's Note:

Alright guys. The votes have been tallied. Thanks to a little help from Eduardo de leon. And I can assure you that this would be one interesting finale.