• Published 29th Sep 2021
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A Sparkle's Little Dusk III: Everlasting Family - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuing adventures of Twilight Sparkle, her son, Dusk Shine, and adopted daughter from an alternate Equestria, Nyx, as they go through life living in their newly made castle.

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Chapter 15: The One Where the Pies Know

Chapter 15: The One Where the Pies Know

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie was icing some cupcakes as the Tri-Pies were watching Pound Cake.

"Five hundred and sixty-six, five hundred and sixty-seven, five hundred and sixty-eight... phew!" Pinkie Pie then took a break and wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Look at that, kids! I am so close to breaking my personal cupcake-icing record!"

"Dang!!" the Tri-Pies said in unison, looking up at all of the cupcakes.

Then Mrs. Cake walked in carrying something in her hoof and Pumpkin Cake on her back. She then said, "My goodness! I can't believe what I'm seeing here!"

"Pretty impressive if I do say so myself," Pinkie Pie said, thinking that Mrs. Cake was talking about the cupcakes.

"Pinkie, would you mind watching the counter while I pop to the supply room?" Mrs. Cake asked. "We've just received a very special order, and the ingredients need to be perfect." Pumpkin Cake squealed.

"Okie-dokie-lokie," Pinkie Pie replied.

"Thanks, dear!" Mrs. Cake said, before zooming past Pinkie, making the latter spin around like a top. Mrs. Cake dropped the paper, and then Pinkie Pie's face landed on it. She then sat up with the paper stuck to her face. She then removed it from her face to read it, looking at what was said, her eyes bulging through the paper.

"A baby?!" Pinkie Pie asked as her eyes went through the paper, making two eye holes. She then pulled her eyes out and had a big grin on her face. The Tri-Pies were surprised at what Pinkie said. "Shining Armor and Princess Cadance are having a baby?!" She then squealed. Then Pound Cake put his pacifier into Gummy's mouth. "This is the best news ever! I can't wait to tell Twilight and the rest of her family!"

Then Mrs. Cake came back into the room, hearing that Pinkie Pie saw the paper. She then said, "Oh, em, Pinkie, uh..." She then lowered her voice to a whispering tone. "...it's a top secret surprise." She then quietly shushed her, Pumpkin Cake doing the same, as the two of them were going back into the back room.

"A top secret surprise?!" Pinkie Pie asked. She then looked down at the Tri-Pies. "That means I have to keep the exciting news..." She then gulped. "...to ourselves!"

At the Castle of Friendship, Dusk, Nyx and Daylight were walking through the halls of the Castle of Friendship, happy that their days of school can now be enjoyable.

"Diamond Tiara seems to be doing much better ever since her mom got both fired and arrested," Dusk said.

"Yeah," Nyx said. "Spoiled Rich got what she deserved. Good thinking of sending in those photos of Spoiled embezzling from the school to Princess Celestia."

"Now that Grandma is now in the School Board, things can finally go back to normal," Daylight said. "Although, something's been up with the Tri-Pies."

Then Dusk and Nyx thought about it and Dusk said, "You're right, sis. They've been acting weird... er than normal."

"Yeah, that is weird," Nyx said. She then saw Twilight heading down the hall and into one room. Then the three of them followed Twilight into that room and saw a room set up fora boy that was older than Dusk was.

"Whoa, Mom!" Dusk said. "What is all of this?!"

Twilight looked back at Dusk, Nyx and Daylight with a smile on her face. She then said, "It's a special surprise for your Uncle Shining. He and Cadance will be coming this weekend."

"I still wonder why they're coming over so sudden," Nyx said. "Last time we saw them, they came for the Cute-ceñera for Daylight and the other Crusaders."

"Yeah," Twilight said. "Now, why don't you kids go and play with your friends?"

"Okay," Dusk said. "Although, the Tri-Pies have been acting weird. Do you have any idea what's up?"

"No, I have no idea," Twilight said. "Why don't you try talking to them about it?"

"You think we haven't?" Daylight asked. "They were avoiding us like we had a cold or something."

"Well, whatever it is, they'll tell you when they're ready," Twilight said. "Now, I got more things to unpack." She then opened up a box full of comic books in packages.

"Are those old comic books?" Dusk asked.

"Shining enjoyed them so much, he decided to keep them safe in plastic bags," Twilight explained.

"Let's hope Spike doesn't pull one out and sneeze from the dust," Nyx said.

Twilight thought about that and said, "Maybe I should clean these real quick." She then took the comics out of the bags and started blowing the dust out of them. Some of the dust went into Daylight's face. She then was about to sneeze. Dusk then grabbed her and he teleported her out of there.

"Where do you think he's taken her?" Nyx asked.

"If I know, it would be somewhere where nopony can get hurt," Twilight said. Then Dusk and Daylight reappeared, a little bit of snow on their heads. "Where'd you two go?"

"Outside of the Crystal Empire, in the snow," Dusk said. "Good thing we were there for just a moment." Then they shook the snow off of them.

"Why did we even go out there?" Daylight asked.

"Let's just say a unicorn sneezing can trigger an unknown spell," Dusk said. "One day, when I was sick, I made a lamp sing and dance." That made Twilight shake her head, remembering the memory.

"That was before Dusk and I even became alicorns," Twilight said. "Don't you kids have homework to do?"

"Okay, Twilight," Nyx said. Then she, Dusk and Daylight left the room.

On the Friday at the Ponyville Schoolhouse, Pinkie Pie and the Tri-Pies were making balloon animals to the students of the school. Dusk, Nyx and Daylight had their balloon animals. Dusk had a tiger, Nyx had a phoenix, and Daylight had a giraffe.

Dusk looked over to see the rest of the Crusaders were getting their balloon animals. Sweetie Belle walked up to Pinkie Pie and said, "Ooh! I want a flamingo!" Pinkie Pie then made the balloon animal, giving Sweetie Belle a flamingo made of balloons. She then grabbed it with her hoof and walked away.

Apple Bloom then walked up to her, saying, "Ah want a goldfish!" Then Pinkie Pie made Apple Bloom a balloon goldfish, the latter grabbing the string with her mouth. Then Scootaloo walked up to Pinkie Pie.

"Surprise me!" Scootaloo said. Pinkie Pie then grabbed some balloons. But then, a mare with a baby carriage was passing by and the baby inside the carriage was crying, which was distracting Pinkie Pie, making her not know what she was making out of balloons, not until it was too late. "Is that a... baby bottle?"

Pinkie Pie then looked at the balloon carving she made, seeing that it was a baby bottle. She then screamed, startling Scootaloo. She then grabbed it and nervously said, "No! It's a... a... puppy! Ha ha, woof woof, ha ha! Eh..."

"Are you sure?" Scootaloo asked. "Because it looks like a..." She was interrupted when the balloon baby bottle was stuffed into the filly's mouth.

"Next!" Pinkie Pie called out. Then Featherweight walked up to her.

"Uh, a baby pony, please!" Featherweight requested. "Uh, unless of course that would be a royal pain..."

Pinkie then got in Featherweight's face and said, "Interesting choice of words, Featherweight."

"Was it?" Featherweight asked, getting a little nervous.

"I don't know," Pinkie said. "Was it?"

"Uh, maybe you'd better just make me a giraffe," Featherweight said so Pinkie wouldn't be getting in his face.

Dusk, Nyx and Daylight were confused at that. Then the three of them walked up to the Tri-Pies and Dusk asked, "What was up with that?" He pointed a hoof at Pinkie Pie.

"Nothing!" the Tri-Pies said in unison, then the three of then ran out of there. Then Dusk, Nyx and Daylight looked at each other in confusion.

Later, the Mane 6, minus Pinkie, Dusk, Nyx and Daylight were setting up the throne room for a visit when Pinkie and the Tri-Pies walked in. They all had snacks. Twilight then took them in her magic.

"Those look yummy, Pinkie! Let me help you!" Twilight said. She then walked over to the Cutie Map and set the snacks on it. She then grabbed some tray covers and put them onto the plates. "But we better cover them up so they don't get spoiled."

"Why would they get spoiled?" Pinkie asked. "We're all gonna eat them super soon!"

"Oh, didn't anypony tell you?" Applejack asked. "Shining Armor and Cadance are held up. They may not arrive 'til Saturday."

Pinkie Pie and the Tri-Pies got a very disturbing look, and all of them jumped up to the old roots of the Golden Oaks Library, all of them shouting, "Whaaaaaaaaaat?! All four of them started hyperventilating.

"You mean..." Pinkie said in between breathes. "...we have... to wait... another whole day?! I don't know if we can!"

" Pinkie Pie, do you have something you need to say?" Twilight asked. "You and the Tri-Pies seem like you all have been keeping something in."

Pinkie then did an inarticulate yell, trying to hold in the big secret. Just then, Fluttershy flew up to the four ponies on the root.

"We're here to listen," Fluttershy said to them.

"Well, go on then, sugarcube," Applejack's voice came from below, all of the other ponies looking up from below.

"We're not going to judge you, darling," Rarity said.

"You'll feel so much better once you get it off your chest!" Spike added.

Pinkie and the Tri-Pies were all breathing into balloons they each had. Pinkie's balloon was yellow, Cherry's balloon was purple, Blueberry's balloon was white, and Raspberry's balloon was green.

"Come on," Rainbow Dash said. Just then, all four balloons popped. "Whatever it is, you can tell us! We're best friends!"

Just then, Pinkie and the Tri-Pies imagined their friends were balloons, all saying friends, repeatedly. That's when Pinkie snapped.

"Okay, okay, you win!" Pinkie Pie then inhaled and let it out. "Shining Armor and Cadance are gonna have a..." But then she was interrupted by an unexpected surprise.

"An awesome weekend with the best little sister in all of Equestria!" The group looked at the door and there stood Shining Armor and Princess Cadance at the door.

Cadance giggled and said, "Hi, everypony." With much relief, Pinkie Pie fell down to the Cutie Map. The Tri-Pies landed on her, the mare cushioning their fall. They recovered and headed for the group gathered in front of Shining Armor and Cadance.

"Shining Armor, Cadance! You're early!" Twilight said to the royal couple. "I thought something had come up and you weren't gonna make it until Saturday!"

"So did we," Cadance responded. "urned out we weren't needed in Maretonia until next week. And the summit we were supposed to attend today had to be rescheduled, so... we got here even sooner than planned!"

"Surprise!" Shining said, pulling Twilight in, the two's foreheads touching each other. Pinkie Pie was getting nervous, biting her hoof.

"It's wonderful to see you all again!" Cadance said. Then Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Rarity greet the royal couple.

"I'm so glad you're here! I have a big surprise for you!" Twilight said to her brother. She then walked out of the room, past Shining Armor.

"Oh, yeah?" Shining asked. He then looked back and a nervous looking Pinkie Pie. He saw the Tri-Pies were also nervous.

Then they all started walking down the halls of the Castle of Friendship. Shining Armor then held back so he would be with Pinkie and the Tri-Pies and ask them something.

"Lucky we came when we did, huh?" Shining asked in a hushed voice. "I'm guessing you saw the scroll we sent to Mr. and Mrs. Cake? Hey, I'm impressed you've been able to keep our secret this long!"

Pinkie's nose was then pressed up against Shining's and she asked, "So you're gonna tell Twilight now?!" But Shining covered her mouth and they looked ahead. Then they saw Spike carrying Shining and Cadance's luggage.

Shining then said to Pinkie in a hushed voice, "You're gonna have to wait just a little bit longer. We have something special planned. It'll be worth it, I promise."

"It'd better be," Pinkie said in an annoyed voice.

At the Ponyville Schoolhouse, Dusk, Nyx and Daylight were having a talk with the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They were talking about Pinkie and the Tri-Pies.

"They've been acting weird for the past two days," Dusk said. "They wouldn't tell us anything. Especially with Shining Armor and Cadance have come in."

"Ya think that Pinkie Pie and the Tri-Pies know somethin' that we don't?" Apple Bloom asked.

"We don't know," Nyx said. "She was about to tell us something that was really on her chest, but then Uncle Shining and Aunt Cadance walked in." They then noticed the Tri-Pies and Featherweight coming out of the print press, with newly printed newspapers for the Foal Free Press. Cherry Pie then whispered something into Featherweight's ear, who responded with a nod. Dusk, Nyx, Daylight and the Crusaders looked at each other with a confused look.

Later in the afternoon, the Mane 6 had come and picked up Dusk, Nyx, Daylight and the Tri-Pies from the school. Apparently, Shining Armor had set up a scavenger hunt, leaving clues all over town. The note that started it was found in the mouth of the statue of the fountain in front of town hall. The first clue was actually printed in the Foal Free Press. The second clue was found on the back of Applejack's birth certificate, which Twilight and Fluttershy thought that Applejack's baby picture was adorable, making the farm mare blush. The third clue was found on a baby crib at the furniture store. And they all ended up at Sugarcube Corner, which Shining Armor and Cadance had a...

"Surprise!" Shining said to the group as they were coming into Sugarcube Corner. Then he and Cadance smiled at each other before Shining walked up to Twilight, who was walking up to him, the two meeting in the middle. "Twylie, did you like the scavenger hunt?"

"It was perfect!" Twilight said. "Just like old times, except even better because this time I got to share it with my best friends!" Pinkie Pie then squeezed herself through the rest of the group. "There's just one thing missing, isn't there?"

"What's that?" Shining asked.

Twilight hummed and said to Shining, "The book prize at the end!"

Shining then put a hoof on Twilight's left shoulder and said, "There's still a prize, but it's a little different this time." He then stepped back towards Cadance.

"Oh. I don't understand," Twilight said, confused. She didn't see Pinkie and the Tri-Pies with big smiles on their faces. Then Dusk, Nyx and Daylight walked up to Twilight.

"What were you talking about?" Dusk asked.

"All the places we sent you today had something in common," Cadance said.

Twilight then started recollecting of the places where the clues were. "First we went to the schoolhouse..." Twilight didn't notice Pinkie Pie's trembling. "And then we read the Foal Free Press... After that we found Applejack's birth certificate... And then the last clue was under a crib." Pinkie Pie then tried to help get her a clue on what Shining and Cadance were getting at, even with the Cake Twins as more clues. "Hmmm... School... foal... birth certificate... and crib..." Then she figured it out and gasped, Nyx joining in when the two of them putting the pieces together "Can it be? Are you two...?!"

Shining and Cadance looked at each other with smiles, and then they looked back at the group, saying, "We're having a baby!"

Then Pinkie Pie let out all of her excitement, finally able to spill the beans, calling out, "A baby, Twilight! It's a baby! Woo-hoo!" The Tri-Pies joined in with the excitement, and the four of them were bouncing off the walls. Literally.

"You mean... I'm going to be an aunt?!" Twilight asked, still unsure. She then noticed the cake topper on the cake behind Shining and Cadance, which was a small baby carriage. "This is the best prize ever!" That made Shining and Cadance laugh. Twilight then hugged Shining. Oh, I love you guys! And I can't wait to meet your little foal!"

"Neither can we," Shining responded. Then the group came in for some chatting while Pinkie and the Tri-Pies were bouncing around in excitement.

"We did it, we did it, we did it, we did it!" Pinkie and the Tri-Pies said, Pinkie jumped around spinning while the Tri-Pies were jumping around her. But then, Pinkie Pie fell to pieces, scaring the Tri-Pies. But then one of Pinkie's seperated hooves came up.

"Go, Pinkie!" Pinkie's dislocated muzzle said. Then the Tri-Pies started piecing her back together.

"Well, that explains why Pinkie made Scootaloo a baby bottle made out of balloons the other day," Dusk said. "She and the Tri-Pies were in on the surprise as well."

"Yep," Shining said. "And, since Nyx missed her chance to meet her Equestria's version of our baby, we thought we would start a family of our own in this Equestria."

"We wouldn't want Nyx to miss that opportunity," Cadance said, rubbing Nyx's head. Nyx smiled at that comment. Then Twilight Velvet and Night Light walked in from the back room.

"Mom? Dad?" Twilight asked. "Did you two know about this?"

"Of course we did, Twilight," Velvet said. "We noticed when we had the cute-ceañera for Daylight and the three friends of your foals."

"Surely enough, one of the most common effects of pregnancy is a big appetite," Night Light said. "But, I'm guessing you had your share of those desires when you became magically pregnant with Dusk."

"Yeah," Twilight said, rubbing the back of her head, not noticing that Cadance was walking towards Pinkie with a slice of cake as the Tri-Pies were finishing up putting their mom back together. "I should've realized that when she ate half of the sweets on the table at the party."

Cadance walked up to Pinkie and the Tri-Pies and said, "You did it, Pinkie Pie! You kept it a surprise! Thank you! Was it much trouble?"

"Piece of cake," Pinkie said, before looking towards the viewers, shaking her head and mouthing, "No."

Author's Note:

At least Nyx won't have to miss this baby from Shining and Cadance like she did from her original Equestria. And hopefully, things will start to look up for the rest of the group. Unless a certain somepony tries to mess up with them.