• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 4,709 Views, 371 Comments

A Sparkle's Little Dusk III: Everlasting Family - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuing adventures of Twilight Sparkle, her son, Dusk Shine, and adopted daughter from an alternate Equestria, Nyx, as they go through life living in their newly made castle.

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Chapter 20: It's the Final Countdown!

Chapter 20: It's the Final Countdown!

Dusk, Nyx and Daylight were heading towards the Castle of Friendship. They heard from the Tri-Pies that Twilight and Spike were home from Canterlot. So they were running all of the way there from Sugarcube Corner. But then, something happened.

"Whoa!!" Dusk and Nyx said in unison the two stopping, making Daylight stop, hoping that they were okay.

"What? What is it?" Daylight asked.

"I don't know what happened," Dusk said. "It's like I felt a strong surge coming from somewhere."

"I felt it, too," Nyx said. She then looked at Dusk, then at Daylight. Then she said, "It must be an alicorn thing."

"Let's get to the Castle," Dusk said. Then the three continued heading to the castle. When they entered the thrown room, there was Twilight and Spike, and a huge portal over them. Spike was being sucked up and Twilight was holding onto him, and the two of them were gone as the portal closed.

"That... was... weird!" Daylight said.

"Twilight and Spike have been sucked through a portal to who knows where!" Nyx said.

"I felt... something weird coming from the portal," Dusk said. "Like... it's... time."

"Time?" Nyx asked. "Time Travel?!"

"Why would...?" Daylight asked. "Wait a minute. Bonnie and Devon got here with some help. But who would help them get here."

"Probably somepony that hates you two," Nyx said. "But who in Equestria would hate you two?"

"I haven't made anypony mad at me and not forgive me," Daylight said.

"It must've been from my side," Dusk said. "Chrysalis? No, she wouldn't have that kind of power. Sombra's gone. Tirek never met me." He then got a realization. "Wait a minute. It's Starlight Glimmer!"

"Starlight?!" Nyx asked. "Oh, that makes sense. She's probably going back in time to stop the Rainboom from happening. But she has no idea what it can do to the present."

"Mom can show her what can happen," Dusk said. "She'll figure it out. Besides, I heard that one single choice can lead to an alternate universe."

"Where have you heard something like that?" Daylight asked.

"Follow me," Dusk said. Then they headed on outside and Dusk looked around in the sky. He then noticed something, pointed a hoof and said, "I learned it from him!" Nyx and Daylight looked to where Dusk was pointing and both of them gasped.

"Who or what is that?!" Nyx asked.

"He calls himself the Watcher," Dusk said.

"Wait a minute!" Daylight said. "I saw him in the Marvel Comics. I hear he can only watch events happen and tell their stories. He's not allowed to interfere with certain events unless it's a dire emergency."

"That is right, Samantha Calvin," came a voice. They looked up towards the Watcher. "I can see what has happened, what could happen and what will happen. All determined by a, how you say, 'What if...?' And I have seen multiple universes that involves the Rainboom not happening. In one universe, Sombra takes over the Crystal Empire, and starts a war. In another, the Changelings have spread across Equestria. Another, where Nightmare Moon, who was still bonded with Princess Luna, had taken over. Another where Tirek has taken all of the magic. Another where Equestria becomes Discord's playhouse. One where Flim and Flam took over. And one more. Where everything is burnt to a crisp."

"Wow," Dusk said. "But, I'm guessing us going into the portal was just another 'What If...'?"

"Yes," the Watcher replied. "But, this story isn't over yet. You have to stop another disaster that's going to happen soon."

"How are we going to do that?" Dusk asked. "And what disaster."

"In 3... 2... 1..." the Watcher said. Then the entire world shook, the three foals trying to remain balance. But then, they looked up and they saw a huge rip over the town of Ponyville, the ponies running away in panic. Dusk, Nyx and Daylight looked at each other and headed for town.

Dusk, Nyx and Daylight looked into the rip, and they could see... humans. From the other dimension.

"Canterlot High?" Dusk asked.

"But how?" Nyx asked.

"What's going on?" Daylight asked.

"No time to explain," Dusk said. He then lit up his horn and levitated Daylight. He and Nyx then unfolded their wings, and they started flying up and heading to the portal. "We have to move fast. Or else the transformation magic will take away our flight."

"What?! What transformation?!" Daylight asked. They headed through the portal.

Dusk, Nyx and Daylight came out of one of the portals around the square of Canterlot High, them being transformed back into humans. They landed over by Sunset Shimmer, who looked like she was jumping out of the way of something.

Sunset noticed them and said, "You better get out of here before..." She then noticed Nyx's eyes. "Oh, boy. You're the Equestrians, aren't you?"

"What's going on, Sunset?" Dusk asked. Sunset then pulled them up, and grabbed something from the ground and took them to behind some bleachers.

"Okay, this is going to be really complicated," Sunset said. "But, apparently, this world has a Twilight Sparkle as well."

"I know," Dusk said. "We're in another dimension. Everyone has counterparts in every other dimension. Speaking of which, where's your counterpart in this dimension."

"That's..." Sunset was about to snap, but then she thought of something. "... is a very good question." She then got back on topic. "But that's not important at the moment. We need to stop this Twilight Sparkle." They all looked up at the flying demoness and gasped.

"Whoa," Nyx said. "Hopefully, no one in this world tries to make me out of that!"

"Funny you should say that," Sunset said. She then pointed towards the street and saw human versions of the Sparkle Family. Which includes Dusk, Nyx and a baby Daylight, who was crying.

"Seriously?!" Daylight asked. "Me, too? And as a baby?"

"Time works differently in other dimensions," Dusk said. "I've barely been in Equestria for a year."

"That makes sense," Daylight said. She then noticed what Sunset was holding. "What's that?"

"This device was detecting the magic here at the school," Sunset said. "That Twilight was the one who made it. But it was also draining magic from my friends and the portal. Now, I can't get through."

"Wait a minute," Dusk said. "That's how the portals have been opening up here to Equestria. The magical surge is what's making all of this happen. And what's taking over this Twilight."

"She must've not been around good friends long enough to understand the magic of friendship," Nyx said.

"Well, she was attending Crystal Prep," Sunset said.

"Crystal Prep?" Dusk asked. "Is... Cadance involved?"

"Dean Cadance," Sunset said. "But, she's not in charge. It's that woman there who's in charge. Principal Cinch."

They looked over and saw a woman standing there, running away from the commotion. Dusk then said, "Obviously, she wanted Twilight to do this because her school lost the momentum, and when they saw a couple students using magic, she assumed that they were cheating. Were they others using magic to win?"

"They were..." Sunset said. "Wait... They didn't. They used magic, but not to win the events. They were trying to stop all of the commotion happening in the last event. And Principal Cinch wanted Twilight to use the magic to win."

"Major foul," Daylight said. "Oh, by the way, I'm Daylight Savings. Formerly known as Samantha Calvin, sister to Henry." She then wrapped her arm around Dusk.

"Seriously?" Sunset asked. "She's your sister?"

"Mom and Dad were having a kid the last time I saw them via dream connection," Dusk said. He then looked at the device. "Wait a minute. Can't you use that thing to stop this Twilight? Show her the real magic of Friendship?" Sunset thought about it. She then smiled.

"Wait here," Sunset said. She then ran out into the open.

The woman, Principal Cinch, came out of hiding, and walked towards Principal Celestia in anger.

"Principal Celestia, on behalf of Crystal Prep, I demand that you forfeit the Friendship Games!" Principal Cinch said, angrily. "Clearly, CHS has had unfair advantage for quite some time! And it's certainly obvious that your students have been using magic for their own benefit!"

"I'd like to think that saving the world benefits us all," Principal Celestia replied. She then noticed Dusk coming out from behind the bleachers, his magic activating. His ears became pony ears, his hair grew longer, and he sprouted wings. "And besides. There's someone here who was involved with magic being here that's coming up towards you."

Principal Cinch turned to see Prince Dusk walking up to her. He then said, "Why? Why would you endanger your own student like that?!"

"Little Dusk Shine," Principal Cinch said. "Don't you dare talk to..." She then noticed something. "Wait a minute. Are you... younger?!"

"No! I'm from another Dimension!" Dusk said. "You had your own student to use that magic to win this event, even though you saw in the last event that they used magic to help people in trouble, and not to win!"

"At least they didn't manipulate Twilight into releasing all the stolen magic and turning into a power-crazed magical creature that tried to rip the world apart just to win a game," came another girl's voice, with Pinkie Pie standing next to her.

"Wow! That's a lot to take in when you say it all at once," Pinkie said.

"That's ridiculous!" Principal Cinch snapped at the students.

"Nope, that's pretty much what happened," came the voice of Spike. Dusk looked over at the dog, seeing him being held by Twilight.

"Actually, we're all to blame," came a yellow skinned girl's voice in a sweet tone. But then it went sour. "Mostly it was her."

Dusk walked up to Principal Celestia and said, "That girl has some serious personality issues." Principal Celestia nodded.

"Obviously my students have been infected with your magic, but I plan on taking all of this up with the school board!" Principal Cinch shouted at both Dusk and Principal Celestia.

" Good. I'm sure they would be very interested in hearing all about the magical students with wings," Principal Celestia stated.

"Oh, and the portals to different dimensions," Vice Principal Luna added.

"And don't forget to tell them about the talking dog," Dean Cadance also added, and then giggled.

"Because that would never ruin your reputation," the dog added with a smirk, also from Sunset.

Principal Cinch looked around in anger that all of the students of both schools were looking at her with smug looks. Principal Cinch then got angry, but then she composed herself and walked away.

"Well, I know these Friendship Games haven't been what any of us expected, but given what we've all just been through, I think it's fair to declare us all winners," Principal Celestia called out, making all of the students cheer.

Then human Twilight and her family walked up to Prince Dusk and Twilight said, "Okay. Who are you really?"

"Let's just say... I'm him from another dimension," Dusk then pointed a finger at his counterpart. "The same dimension from the other side of that one portal. And... we got a lot of explaining to do." Then Nyx and Daylight walked up to their brother.

"Whoa!" human Twilight, human Dusk and human Nyx said in unison.

A few days had passed, and it would seem that the human Twilight, Dusk and Nyx had transferred to Canterlot High. Dusk, Nyx and Daylight were talking to their counterparts (excluding Daylight's) and waiting with the Mane 7 right by the portal to Equestria. Just then, the portal rippled and out came... Princess Twilight.

"I'm so sorry I didn't get here sooner!" Princess Twilight said. "I didn't get your messages until just now because I was caught in this time travel loop and, honestly, it was the strangest thing that's ever happened to me!" She then noticed her counterpart standing in front of her, giving a nervous smile and waving to her.

"Awkward!" said Dusk, Human Dusk, Nyx, Human Nyx and Daylight all said in unison.

"Make that the second strangest," Princess Twilight said. She then noticed her children. "What are you three doing here?!"

"Dimensional rips had opened up a few minutes after you and Spike went through that thing over the map," Dusk said. "You must've saw so many what ifs when Starlight tried to stop you and your friends's destinies."

"You have no idea," Princess Twilight said. She then looked at herself. She then sighed and said, "Should've known I had a counterpart here."

"Everyone has a counterpart," Dusk said. "Sunset, too. Wherever hers is in this dimension."

"Wait, you're from another Dimension?!" Sci-Twi asked, looking at Sunset.

"Yep," Sunset said. "Let's just say you're not the first one to make bad decisions."

"Does that mean Daylight has a counterpart in this dimension?" Princess Twilight asked.

"Apparently, in this dimension, these two, and Daylight, aren't your children, but your younger siblings," Nyx said.

Twilight looked at her counterpart and said, "That would make more sense."

"And apparently, my counterpart's a baby," Daylight said.

"Speaking of which, we better get you all home," Twilight said. "We have to go home. There's somepony back there that needs to talk with you." Dusk, Nyx and Daylight got up, and went to their mother. Then they all went through the portal.

"Wait... pony?!" Sci-Twi asked.

"Yep," Sunset said. "I was born a magical pony. A unicorn to be precise. Let me explain..."

Twilight, Dusk, Nyx and Daylight came back from Canterlot High, back in their pony state. Daylight looked on her back, but she didn't see any wings.

Dusk walked past her and said, "Just because I went through the mirror and came back with wings doesn't mean you get to." Daylight frowned.

"All right, all right," Twilight said. "I was getting worried that I couldn't find you three anywhere. But after reading Sunset's message, I felt a little relieved. So, let's go tell the rest of the family." Twilight then led the foals to the family room. There, in the room, were Velvet, Night Light, Shining Armor, a very pregnant Cadance and Spike.

"Oh, thank goodness," Velvet said, walking up to the three foals. "We were so worried about you three."

"We came her to help with the search," Cadance said. "You should be so glad to be home."

"Luckily, Sunset Shimmer let us stay at her place when we were there," Dusk said. "Although, it was a little weird."

"Why was it weird?" Shining asked.

"Let's just say the last time I stayed there, Sunset was evil," Dusk said.

"Alright, alright," Twilight said. "Now that that's all over, we can all rest easy."

"Mom?" Dusk asked. "What happened to Starlight?"

Twilight sighed and said, "It's... kinda funny you should mention that." Just then, the sound of something came from out of the room. Twilight, Spike, Dusk, Nyx and Daylight walked out to see a pile of cleaning supplies burying something. Just then, they were grabbed in a light blue magic aura and placed back into the broom closet, the unicorn being Starlight.

"Starlight Glimmer?!" Dusk, Nyx and Daylight asked.

"Sorry..." Starlight said. "I'm having trouble getting my way around the castle."

"What's she doing here?" Nyx asked.

"Starlight is here to learn all the things about true friendship," Twilight said. "I told Starlight exactly what Dusk went through, and I told her to imagine what Dusk went through as see what he went through."

"I should've known that you had it worse than I had," Starlight said. "Well, I need to continue getting my stuff." She then walked into one room, and then came out. "Not my room."

Dusk looked up at Twilight and asked, "Is she going to be staying here with us?"

"Yes," Twilight said. "So, we should get used to it." Then they headed down the halls, following Starlight. But what they didn't know was that the Watcher was watching them.

"As one door closes, another one opens. With a new friend along with them, they now have a fate more to their favor. And with that, they can all live happily... ever... after. At least, until... a new disaster comes... by the last thing they were expecting."

The Watcher then saw into the family room, looking at Cadance. He was using his power to see the inside of Cadance's belly, to see the baby, which was an alicorn inside her.


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading my story. This was one story. Hopefully, I can come up with the next one soon. Be on the look out.

The Watcher belongs to Marvel.

Comments ( 31 )

Nice ending.
Although I would've thought that Dusk would yell at Starlight for what she did.

nicely work! though, you got me thinking..ever see the bloopers of Equestria girls? If yes, how you think this would go with dusk around?

Wonderful chapter. See you in the next series. :pinkiehappy:

Keep up the great work. :twilightsmile:

Hope you can do another seqeul. And do you think you can add my OC Leo to the next sequel ?

and I told her to imagine what Dusk went through as see what he went through."

OH, I did not see that COMING with you bringing the Watcher in like that and using the picture of him from the 'What If...' Marvel cartoon series, hopefully next time he meets up with the Sparkle Trio he doesn't send them to any Zombie worlds even if they could survive them I rather not see that happen to them just yet.

Didn’t know we’d get a marvel crossover? DAMN!!!

So you already have Watcher, so why not add spiderman or ironman to the story? [;

Can't wait to see what's in store for Dusk Shine and his family and friends!

This was a very good story. I can't wait to read the next story.

i really want more stories like this one. they are so much fun to read.

this is confusing, the watcher is from another Equestria of marvel hero's; came to dusks equestria to help him through.

Is that right or not idk.

I can't wait for a new story of a sparkle little dusk

I actually loved this series and so glad I stopped reading in the second story so the third can be finished. Wish you luck on the fourth story.

i do hope the next part of this story will come out soon.

Will Daylight become an alicorn?

Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Nov 8th, 2022

An unknown spell for interdimensional travel perhaps?

Who thinks that in a future sparkle’s little dusk story that Cozy glow might have a villainous crush on Dusk Shine (despite already being in a relationship with Sweetie Belle) and will probably take advantage of him, she could even be his, the young six and his friends’ and sisters archenemy.

Who thinks it’d be a great idea for future A sparkle’s little dusk stories that Cozy glow probably have a villainous crush and obsession over Dusk Shine (despite already being in a relationship with Sweetie Belle) for personal reasons. Among these reasons are because she has a lustful affection for him, another is to take advantage of his Alicorn and royal status to become a ruler of equestria alongside him. In fact she could even be his, his siblings’, his friends and even the young 6’s archenemy because just like with alot of archenemies, they are archenemy due to mostly personal connections.

Good story, sounds like there's going to be another story based on the mention of a new disaster in the second to last paragraph of the story followed by the reveal of what could either be Flurry Heart or an oc.

though with how long it's been who knows if there is

Double Ending, wow. Midnight Sparkle due Principal Cinch's manipulation was reverted back to Sci-Twi and also Starlight's plan of revenge made her realize that she was doing damages to the future and now she is from the good guys.

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