• Published 29th Sep 2021
  • 4,715 Views, 371 Comments

A Sparkle's Little Dusk III: Everlasting Family - Mister E-Nonymous

The continuing adventures of Twilight Sparkle, her son, Dusk Shine, and adopted daughter from an alternate Equestria, Nyx, as they go through life living in their newly made castle.

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Chapter 7: The Dreamer's Connection

Chapter 7: The Dreamer's Connection

At the Castle of Friendship, Twilight's parents, Velvet and Night Light, were finally back, and helping with moving the rest of their furniture from their old home in Canterlot into the Castle of Friendship. Dusk was helping with the furniture arranging in the family room. Even when they had to get out all of Pinkie Pie's hidden party cannons. Just then, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came into the room.

"Oh, Dusk," Velvet said, seeing the three fillies. "Looks like you have guests." Dusk looked towards the door and he saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

"Oh, hey girls," Dusk said. "What are you three doing here?"

"We just wanted ta talk ta yer sister, Nyx," Apple Bloom said. "Where is she?"

"Check her room," Dusk said. "Second floor, her room is marked with her Cutie Mark, across from mine." The Cutie Mark Crusaders nodded, and then they looked around. Dusk sighed and said, "I'll lead you." Then the four of them headed towards the stairs.

They reached the stairs of the rooms where the family were all staying. They even had a room for Cadance and Shining Armor to stay when they come to visit. They came across a room with Nyx's Cutie Mark. Dusk knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Nyx's voice came from inside. Then Dusk and the Crusaders walked in to see Nyx doing her homework. Nyx turned around and smiled at the girls. "What are you all doing here?"

Apple Bloom then handed Nyx the letter she got from Babs and said, "Babs got her Cutie Mark."

Nyx looked at the letter and smiled. She then said, "Well, that's good."

"Yeah, but," Apple Bloom said. "We just thought of somethin'. Ya said that ya were still in the club back in yer Equestria. Even though ya have yer Cutie Mark."

"Of course," Nyx said with a smile. "But like Twilight said, our friendship can't end if one of us has a Cutie Mark or not. We can still be friends whether or not we have them or not."

"I'm sure that you all will get your Cutie Marks soon," Dusk said, smiling. "Anyway, I'm gonna head back to Grandma and Grandpa and help with the rest of their things." Dusk then left the room.

Later that night, Dusk went to bed and fell asleep. Dusk was dreaming that he was in an amusement park with Twilight, Spike, Nyx, Cadance, Shining Armor, Velvet and Night Light. Of course, they were all in human form, the human form from Dusk's original world.

When they came from another ride, a woman with blue hair came to Dusk's attention. The woman was dressed in a long blue dress with a white crescent moon at the bottom of the head hole, and a small black tiara on her head.

"A charming dream of yours, Dusk Shine," the woman said. Dusk looked towards her, then looked back and his family, only to see that he was the only one standing there. Dusk then walked over towards the woman.

"Princess Luna? Is that you?" Dusk asked. Then the two of them transformed back into the ponies they were in the waking world. Dusk then smiled and said, "I guess that answers my question."

"Yes," Princess Luna said. "Although, I'm happy to see that you have gotten used to those new wings of yours."

"Yeah," Dusk said, unfolding his wings. "Although, I do miss my old mom and dad." He then sighed sadly. "I just hope that they're doing alright."

Princess Luna then sighed and said, "Dusk. There is... something you need to know about... your past mother and father."

Dusk looked Luna in the eyes and asked, "What is it?"

"Your mother and father... well..." Luna said, biting her lip. She then sighed. "Ever since you last saw them, time between this world and that world has altered. It has been six and a half years on that world."

"Six and a half years?" Dusk asked.

"Yes," Luna said. "And... they indeed have a baby. A girl. I assume you know her name."

"Sam?" Dusk asked.

"Yes," Luna said. "Young Samantha has been born, but, I'm afraid that she... well..." Luna started getting nervous.

"What happened?" Dusk asked, starting to get worried.

Luna sighed and said, "It would seem that your former aunt Bonnie has escaped from the prison she was sent to, and she has been seeking for the niece of hers and have Sam be the slave she treated you as."

"What about Mom and Dad?" Dusk asked. "Aren't they going to do something about it?"

"It would seem that your previous mother has passed away," Luna said. "Your father knows as much as you and I know that your former aunt will stop at nothing to get your sister. Even... if it means her doing something drastic."

"What... what happened?" Dusk asked, getting a little nervous.

"For now, they be on a cruise ship around the world," Princess Luna said. "But... alas... til not be forever. Your previous father has been diagnosed with lung cancer. He doesn't have long to live."

"Oh no..." Dusk said. "Is there anything we can do?"

"I'm gonna have a chat with him," said Princess Luna. "I shall ask him what I can do for him. I'll make sure that we will find a solution that does not have young Samantha fall into the hands of that horrible woman that was your aunt before you arrived in Equestria."

"Thank you, Princess Luna," Dusk said.

"Please," Luna said, bringing Dusk over towards her and rubbing his head. "Call me Luna. You don't have to address me as royalty since you, Twilight and Nyx are royalty as well." Dusk nodded. "Now, I'll let you get back to your dream. I shall see you another time." Then Luna started fading away and Dusk went back to a human form. Then he felt a hand on his left shoulder, seeing Twilight there.

"Come on, Dusk," Dream Twilight said. "Let's head on over to the next ride."

"Okay," Dusk said. Then he got up from the seat, and they headed over towards the ride with his family in the dream.

Earth... Somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean... Royal Caribbean Infirmary...

On the cruise ship that Henry's father and sister were on, Henry's father, Joseph Calvin, and his daughter, Samantha, or Sam for short, were in the infirmary. Joseph was coughing. Sam walked over towards her father and said, "Daddy, please. I don't want to lose you."

Joseph chuckled and said, "It's going to be okay, Sam. You'll be okay, too."

"What if Aunt Bonnie finds me?" Sam asked. "You and Mommy told me about her and what she and Devon did to my brother. She's evil."

"I know," said Joseph, rubbing Sam's head. "I'll find someone to raise you after I'm gone."

"How about somepony?" came another voice. The two looked over and saw Princess Luna standing there.

"Luna?" Joseph asked.

"A talking... horse?" Sam asked.

"She's not a horse, Sam," Joseph said. "There's... another thing I have to tell you about your brother."

"What... what is it?" Sam asked.

"Henry is... alive... in another world," Joseph said. "Sam, this is Princess Luna. She happens to be from the world where Henry is living now. As a pony."

"A pony?" Sam asked. "My brother... is now a pony?"

"Yes," said Joseph. "He happens to be a purple unicorn now."

"Time works differently in Equestria than it does here," Princess Luna said. "It has been at least eight months. And it has been an interesting eight months. For example, Henry Calvin, now known as Dusk Shine, has become an alicorn, the first male alicorn of Equestria, officially making him a prince. His new biological mother became an alicorn weeks before he did."

"So they're royals now?" Joseph asked.

"Yes," Princess Luna said. "I have just told Dusk Shine about your condition, Joseph Calvin." She then looked over at the medical records of Joseph. "And according to these charts... you'll be lucky to survive the night."

Joseph chuckled and said, "Just like me and Emma were told about Henry." He then sighed and looked over at Sam. "Your mother and I will always be with you." He then looked back towards Princess Luna. "Luna. I have something to ask of you."

"You may ask," Princess Luna said.

"Will you take my daughter with you to Equestria?" Joseph asked. "Have her meet her long lost brother at last?" Sam was surprised at that.

"You... want me to go with her?" Sam asked.

"I don't have that long to live, Samantha," Joseph said, patting the girl's head. "I want you to live the best life you have to have. And I know... that you'll be..." He then started coughing. "You'll be... my brave little girl." Then the heart monitor started beeping slower. "Goodbye... Sam..." He then closed his eyes and alarms were blaring.

"Let's get you to the room you and your father stayed," Princess Luna said. "Get some of your stuff. We'll take it with us to Equestria." Princess Luna then turned invisible and whispered into Sam's ear. "I'll be right beside you when you head there." Sam then headed for the door as the doctors came running in.

Sam went to the room her and her father were living in. Princess Luna then appeared next to her. Sam then went over to the dresser where her clothes were, but Princess Luna stopped her.

"I doubt those clothes are going to be useful for you when you're in Equestria," Princess Luna said. "When you arrive in Equestria, you shall be turned into a pony to fit in with the environment. I shall train you on walking and... depending on what type of pony you shall become, teach you the basics of your magic."

"Okay," Sam said. She then walked over towards her toy chest, and grabbed her favorite teddy bear. She then grabbed her family picture. She then sighed when looking at the photo. She then had tears in her eyes. Princess Luna then walked over towards her and pulled her in for a wing hug.

"It'll be okay," Princess Luna said to Sam. "Your parents would want what is best for you." She then stood up and said, "Let us get going." She then lit up her horn and the two disappeared. Along with the bedding on Sam's bed.

Back in Equestria... The Next Morning...

Dusk was in the bathroom, gargling some mouth wash. He then spat out the mouthwash and headed out of the bathroom. Just then, Spike came running towards him with a rolled up note in his claws.

"Yo, Dusk," Spike said. He then stopped. He then unrolled the note. "A message to you from Princess Luna." He then showed the message from Princess Luna.

"Dearest Prince Dusk Shine,

I apologize to tell you this tragic message. It would seem that your father had just passed away. As for your sister, all I can tell you is that she'll be in good care. I'll be sure to monitor her and she'll never be what you have been to your aunt Bonnie. I can promise you that.

Signed, Princess Luna."

Dusk then sat down on his flanks, feeling sad that both his original parents had passed away. Spike then patted Dusk's back and said, "I'm sorry, bro. It'll be okay. I'm sure that your human sister will be okay."

"I hope so, too," Dusk said. He then sighed. "I just wish she was brought here. I would have Mom take her into the family, and we'll get to know each other."

"I'm sure that your sister on Earth will be okay," Spike said. "How about you and me do something together? Would that make you feel better?"

Dusk looked over at Spike with a sad smile and said, "Maybe something that can clear my head." Then the two of them headed down the hall. "And no Ogres and Oubliettes."

"Dang it," Spike said. "You know, your Uncle Shining was the one who got me into that game. Why not one game?"

"No way," said Dusk. "You do what you want, I'll do what I want."

"How about we go to arcade row instead?" Spike asked. "You know, play the arcade games?"

"Sure," said Dusk. "That'll do." The two of them then headed out the door.

Author's Note:


Okay, Sam is coming to Equestria, but when she gets there, she is going to be a pony. But what type of pony will she be when she arrives? You choose. Remember, only one vote. No multiple choice.

Option 1:


Option 2:


Option 3:

Earth Pony.

The most votes will be what Sam will become. And thank you for reading my story.