• Published 5th Dec 2021
  • 1,622 Views, 31 Comments

Get Him! 2 - AndrewsArchive

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Chapter 26: Tricks Up The Sleeve

Chapter 26: Tricks Up The Sleeve

“Ugh, why does this stuff keep on happening to me?” Alex asked himself as he got up. But then quickly hid under a tree, just in case Rainbow Dash was gonna come back. Luckily, after a few minutes, he left the tree and ran back towards Ponyville, knowing Andrew would most likely be there...

"WAIT, WAIT HOLD ON!" Alex said to himself as he skidded to a halt. "What am I thinking? Andrew wouldn't go there!"
Alex himself also knew going there would be instant stupidity, knowing that Andrew would've been captured if he gone there.

"Having trouble finding your new friend? Afraid of what he'll comprehend?"

"Wait a minute... I recognize those rhymes..." Alex spun around to see Zecora come out of the shadows. A huge wave of relief came over him as she got closer. "Zecora! Boy, am I glad to see you!"

"I am glad to see you too, you out-of-towner. Zecora said. "And it appears you've certainly got taller after our last encounter."

"Yeah... I hated being that small..." Alex sighed. "But that doesn't matter now. I need your help! I need to find a way back to Earth once I reunite with Andrew. Do you have a portal-opener potion or something?!"

Zecora listened to Alex's plea as he went on about what happened afterwards. She then put her hoof on his shoulder. "While I have not made a potion for opening portals in years. I am willing to make one to save your rear."


Alex was overjoyed. Finally, he was going home. No longer was he nor Andrew having to run. No longer was he have to fear ponies chasing him to use him for degrading and humiliating things.

"However... the process will take a day or two."


"I knew I should've seen this coming." Alex groaned.

"Do not be impatient, Alex." Zecora spoke, "If I am to make such potion, I will need to be in search of it's products."

"Fine... I just hope it works..."

"It is best for you get some rest. I would let you stay with me, but I don't have a room for guests."

As Zecora left, Alex didn't know what he could do in the meantime. Before he could even think of an idea. He suddenly felt something hold onto him!

"Look, Bon Bon! This… This's what I've been talking about before!"

"What are you--?" Bon-Bon on spoke out, not trying to keep her voice quiet as she did. But she soon fell silent as she, too, gazed at Alex with glazed over eyes. And he was beginning to feel even more uncomfortable. "… Lyra? Are you saying that… is one of those humans?"

'Wait… They knew what I was?' Alex thought to himself.

"Yeah! Just look at it!" She pointed a hoof at Alex and kept moving ever slightly as she began to annotate him like a biology diagram. "Look at those arms, and those legs, and how hairless it is! And it wears clothes like we do! It's… It's totally a human!"

"Please! I'm begging you two!" Alex exclaimed. "I don't want to be used for something so stupid! I just want to live my life!"

"Hey, hey, hey! calm down!" Bon-Bon suddenly spoke out. "We're not here for that!"

"Likely story" Alex growled. "I know you two are probably gonna guilt trip me into falling into your trap! Now BACK OFF!"

"Come on! I got over that!" Lyra said. "I'm happier about the fact that I finally proven to Bon-Bon that humans DO exist!"

Alex slowly lowered the fists he had as if he was preparing to fight. He didn't know how to feel in the situation. "Is that so? Then why are you here?"

"Well, what do you think, genius?" Bon-Bon asked. "I had to talk her out of wanting to do what she would've wanted to do."

"Well, what did she want to do?"

"Well, at the time I wanted to use a ring that could help me fuse with you, so I'd be a human..." Lyra added. "But then Bon-Bon explained the possible butterfly effect and how I'd probably be hunted. So....." Squee!

"Right..." Alex said. "At least YOU came to your senses, unlike everypony else in this place! Not even one day in this place when i arrived and already somepony was out to get me!"

Lyra lowered her head in shame. She knew she had a thing for humans, but she knew she couldn't use them as an object. Alex on the other hand just looked down at Lyra, feeling some sort of guilt for shaming her after she finally stopped herself for going down a dark path. He felt like he couldn't move by just seeing how sad Lyra was with Bon-Bon comforting her too."

Wait a minute.... it wasn't a feeling; Alex really couldn't move! He was covered in a magic pink aura. Lyra and bon-Bon were both in shock. Lyra's horn wasn't glowing so she couldn't have done this! But as they started to run towards Alex to try and break him free, a voice came from behind...


The two mares turned around fast to see Trixie staring daggers at them. Her horn was glowing pink revealing she was the one who had Alex in her magic.

"T-Trixie?!" Bon-Bon gasped. "B-but what do you want with Alex?"

"He was supposed to be Trixie's ticket to glory! Along with a friend he had too! Trixie could have made that Twilight Sparkle jealous that I got the credit she wanted! But they somehow escaped Trixie's cages!"

"Uh actually, you forgot to lock the bottom of the cages like how she did-"

"Excuses, excuses!" Trixie spat. "But now that I have you again! I'll just have to go with only one human! Now then, Alex... We'd best be on our way to Manehattan."

"You won't take him that easily!" Lyra shouted as she ignited her horn and charged at Trixie with Lyra in tow, but Trixie saw this as her chance and suddenly disappeared with Alex. Causing the two mares to crash into a tree and pass out.


As Trixie reappeared, she found herself farther in the Everfree Forest, now with Alex in her hooves. "Now that there are no distractions, little Alex. You can finally give Trixie the glory she has chased over ever since Sparkle took care of the whole Ursa Minor incident!"

As Trixie skipped through the forest with Alex in tow, Alex pondered on a way to escape. He looked thoroughly at his predicament. He was a few feet above the ground, with no way of getting down unless the unicorn’s horn gave out. He then
He then noticed a branch that hung pretty low from a tree they were passing by. Alex then remembered how he was able to get out of Twilight's magic before, perhaps he could do the same. He reached out his arms and made a grab for the branch. He succeeded and held on tight as the unicorn continued walking. Alex sighed with relief, until he felt himself being pulled. He quickly wrapped his arms tight around the branch knowing remembering the scenario with Twilight.

“Huh?” Trixie said as she suddenly had trouble moving. It seemed as if something was holding her back. She tried walking forward, digging her hooves into the ground, only to find herself skidding backwards. “What’s going on?”

She looked back and saw to her surprise that Alex was far behind. He had his arms wrapped thoroughly around the branch and holding on for dear life as he was being pulled towards Trixie.

“Hey!” She said, using her horn to increase her magic and tried to pull Alex loose from the branch. Alex could do nothing but hold on as the branch slowly began to bend in Trixie’s direction. Using all her strength, Trixie gritted her teeth and pulled as hard as she could. “Let go of that branch now!"

Alex remembered how the branch before broke off and made him hit Twilight in the process. He wondered if he could do it again with her. He then looked at Trixie and smirked.

"Okay!" Alex then let go of the branch as he sped towards Trixie.

“Wha… Waitwait! STOP!!!


Seconds later, Alex opened his eyes. He suddenly found himself lying on the ground. The pink aura was gone, and he could move. Felling a bit dazed, he slowly got up and saw Trixie lying on the ground next to him. Her eyes were twirling and seeing stars as she giggled and babbled incoherent nonsense. She had taken the full impact of the tree branch, knocking her out and breaking the spell that held him.

Seeing this as his chance, Alex quickly took off as night slowly fell upon Equestria. As Alex ran through the dark forest, his speed slowly started to cease as he fell to the ground exhausted. He could feel himself slowly fall asleep. And soon enough, he succumbed to his exhaustion.


Alex found himself in a dark place. Everywhere he looked it was darkness. But all he could hear were voices, some he recognized and some he didn't. However, the voices were all scattered around so it couldn't sound like one conversation.

"I’m.. so sorry if I caused you any grief!"


"Don't play dumb with me, apprentice of Princess Celestia!"

"Oh no! Not him again!"

"You thought you could have this fun human chasing game without me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about! You've got the wrong guy!"

"Do I look like I want YOU for anything?"


Alex instantly woke up from that weird dream and checked his surroundings. Luckily, nopony was there to try and sneak up on him. As he looked up into the sky, it had to at least be the middle of the night form the looks of it. But knowing he couldn't just stay there he instantly got up and made his way through the Everfree Forest.

"Man, now everything is starting to become predictable!" Alex said to himself. "I just hope Andrew is doing alright!"

Author's Note:

Yay! It's finally here!

Sorry for not uploading for quite a while, I've been unmotivated to make a new chapter and that sucks!