• Published 5th Dec 2021
  • 1,610 Views, 31 Comments

Get Him! 2 - AndrewsArchive

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Chapter 22: Lost

Chapter 22: Lost

Andrew quickly ran through the forest, completely unaware of where he was going. Everywhere he looked he just saw more trees. But something felt unsettling to him. As if something was watching him. But he knew deep down that he shouldn't focus on that and continued running through the forest. But the feeling came back, but something felt off about it...

"I'm getting Déjà vu... Something about this forest seems off..." Andrew said. "But... why?" He quickly turned a corner and decided to catch his breath due to how long he had been running for. But as he turned to see the tree that he was facing it suddenly scared him as a creepy face appeared on it!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Andrew screamed as he jumped back, terrified at seeing the face on the tree. Andrew didn't move for a few minutes until he noticed it was just a tree that was made to look like a creepy face. Andrew then laughed at how stupid he was in the moment. "Oh my god, It's just a tree!" He chuckled. "But I gotta admit, it got me pretty good!"

Andrew then got a closer look and the tree and admired how much it looked like a face. Afterwards he jumped off. and closed his eyes while still smiling. "I suppose being separated from Alex can really do a number on me! But a good side is, at least I can feel safe in the forest!"


Andrew's eyes shot opened as he heard a static like sound around him. He didn't feel safe in the Everfree Forest anymore. Andrew looked around in fear at what had made the static like noise. But as he was turning to his left, his vision was starting to get all static like, as if he was watching a ststic television. But his eyes locked on to the most terrible thing he'd ever see.


"A SLENDERMAN PONYYYYYY!" Andrew screamed as as he ran for his life, he could feel the static-like visions start to fade out, but he knew it wasn't going to be gone for long! So he had to escape the forest and meet up with Alex ASAP!


“Ugh… what happened?” Alex groaned as he woke up somewhere in the maze garden where he was chased by Luna. H was confused on how he had gotten there. He then suddenly remembered that while being chased by Twilight, Celestia, and Luna, they all tried to grab him at once. But he ended up slipping out of their grasp and went flying into the maze.

“Oh no… not here again!” He said to himself. “I have to get out of here before the ponies try to find me again!”

Alex traveled through the maze and eventually found the exit and looked around for any guard ponies around. Luckily, nopony was in sight. Alex sighed in relief. What he had to focus on was finding Andrew and avoiding The Mane 6, The CMC, the Royal Sisters, and Trixie.
Alex walked out of the maze and looked around him. He knew he didn’t have much time and decided to make his way back to the Everfree Forest because he believed that Andrew was still there waiting for him. “Hang in there, Andrew. I’m coming.”
Alex noticed none of the ponies were nowhere in sight as Alex sighed in relief. He then walked through the town of Canterlot as nopony seemed to be around which was odd for Alex. Were the ponies out on the look for him and Andrew?
No... he shouldn't be questioning this! They could jump out at him at any second!

"Hang in there Andrew...." Alex said, "i'm coming!


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" Andrew screamed as he bolted through what seemed to be the endless forest. "THE SLENDERMAN PONY IS RIGHT BEHIND ME! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!"

The Slender Pony suddenly flashed with static right in front of Andrew. Which ended up causing him to scream harder, "NOW IT"S IN FRONT OF ME!" he yelled as he bolted to his right, "HE'S RIGHT ON MY NON-EXISTENT TAIL!"

After what seemed like and endless chase between both of Andrew and The Slender Pony, The Slender Pony suddenly stopped chasing Andrew as it slowed down.

"Sigh...." SlenderMane said. "They're always the same, every time I see them. They see me, And I'm portrayed as a monster. One day..... I won't be seen as a demon."

Andrew not knowing, that SlenderMane wasn't chasing him, kept on running through the dark forest before crashing right into a tree. "Ow..." He exclaimed. He then pulled himself off the tree. Andrew suddenly realized that SlenderMane was missing. "Huh..." He thought, 'I must've outran it.'

Andrew's thoughts were suddenly put onto a hold as he suddenly heard splashing nearby, he quickly peeked behind a tree and suddenly noticed a small swamp, but there was something splashing in it. But what caught Andrew's eye was an orange and yellow tail poking out of thw water, someone or something was drowinging!

"Holy crap! I gotta save him!"