• Published 5th Dec 2021
  • 1,612 Views, 31 Comments

Get Him! 2 - AndrewsArchive

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Chapter 20: A Great And Powerful Desire

Chapter 3: A Great and Powerful Desire

“WHO GOES THERE?!” A voice yelled.

Alex and Andrew quickly turn around to see a blue unicorn with a white mane and tail approach them. Alex and Andrew both were frozen in fear. This pony wasn’t from the group Alex had described; it was some pony new. The two were worried on what this pony would do to them.

“And who may you two be?” the unicorn asked the two. “And what may you two be wandering out in a plain like this?”

“Uh… we uh… um…” Alex stuttered; he had seen enough ponies for one day.

“We are not… from this world…” Andrew replied to the unicorn.

“Not from here, eh? I could tell by your looks.” The white unicorn said. “Again, who are you two?”

“I’m…. Alex…” Alex replied.

“And I’m Andrew.” Andrew replied as well. “Who are you?”

“I’d thought you’d never ask…” The unicorn said. “I am The Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“Okay then…” Andrew said. “That’s good to know… you’re not gonna do anything to make us run away, right?”

“And why would I do that?” Trixie asked Andrew.

“Well, you see…” Alex said. “There are eleven ponies that are after us and well, they want to use us for degrading and humiliating things! And you would not believe what I have been through!”

‘Interesting story, Alex.” Trixie replied. “And who exactly are these ponies you speak of?”

“Okay, the first, there is this pony named Twilight Sparkle and she wants to use me for some Hoofbel Prize she won’t stop talking about, and then there’s Appleja…”

Trixie’s eyes widened after hearing Twilight's name, as we all know, Twilight and Trixie were rivals before.
“So that Sparkle thinks she can just take these humans and get all the credit?!” Trixie thought, “Oh we’ll see Twilight, Trixie will take these humans and show them off at her next show when she goes back to Ponyville! Then we’ll see who will be laughing now!”

‘Hello? Trixie? Are you listening to me?” Alex said, making Trixie snap back into reality.

“Oh… Yes, Trixie was, I know who Twilight Sparkle is!” Trixie said. “Trixie was her biggest rival in Equestria!”

“Well, do you think you can protect us from her and her friends?” Andrew asked while Alex gave him a look of shock and confusion.
“As a matter of fact, yes Trixie will!” Trixie lied, “Even better, I may even help you leave this place!”

Alex and Andrew’s eyes widened with happiness, they thought they would finally they were going home. The two humans jumped and cheered as imaginary fireworks exploded, signifying they’re indescribable joy.

“Come with me to my wagon you two!” Trixie said. “The Great and Powerful TRRRIXXIE, shall protect the humans from Twilight Sparkle and her friends!”

Andrew and Alex both walked with Trixie to her wagon so that way she could lure them into her trap. Trixie had the biggest evil grin on her face as she made it to her wagon with the
two boys.

“Okay, boys, we have made it!” Trixie said. “Now we just need to find how to get you two back to your planet.”

Alex sighed. “Y’know, somehow, I might actually miss this place a little bit.”

“You sure?” Andrew asked. “Are you going to miss getting chased by ponies?”

“Wh-what?! N-no! I… uh…” Alex stammered. “It’s just… that… I- “
“relax, bud.” Andrew chuckled. “I’m just joking!” Alex gave Andrew a T_T face in response. Meanwhile Trixie was inside her wagon and started setting up secret cages so that way it would be hard for the boys to escape. “Oh yes, Trixie will finally get the respect she deserves by Everypony!” Trixie said to herself. “Then Twilight Sparkle will be jealous that Trixie got all the credit!” Trixie then added the finishing touches to the cages and put her plan into action.
“Okay boys, Trixie has finally found a way to get back to your plant. So, come and go home!”

Alex and Andrew’s smiles grew after hearing that they would be “Going home.”

“Well, what are we waiting for?!” Andrew exclaimed. “Let’s go!”

Alex and Andrew quickly ran towards Trixie, but then Trixie exposed her evil grin and summoned the cages, and they came down and dropped on the boys.

“YES! Trixie has caught you two!” Trixie exclaimed. Alex and Andrew were bewildered and confused. They looked at Trixie with shock and confusion. “You two are going to come with me! I’ll show you all off to everypony in Ponyville before Sparkle can! If you excuse me, I must find some blankets to cover you two with, just so nopony sees you two.” Trixie went back into her wagon to find some blankets.

Alex, having watched and listened through the bars of their cages, slumped back against the bars, and hung his head low. He couldn’t believe he and Andrew had been so stupid. He should have seen it coming considering it had happened to him once. The way she acted, the way she talked and how she kept urging them onward. He had to give her credit though; it was a really clever plan. Playing with they're fear.

Andrew on the other hand, was upset that somepony had tricked him and tried busting out of the cages, but it was no use. The bars were too heavy and hard to break. He eventually tired himself out from all the hitting.

“I... Can’t believe this happened AGAIN!” Alex shouted. “How am I always gullible?!”

Andrew looked at him and sighed. “Trust me, Alex. You weren’t the only one fooled by her. But if this is how we end up, then at least it was good meeting you.”

Alex looked at Andrew and let out a small smile. “Thank you, Andrew.” He said softly. “At least I have someone to relate too…”

Before Andrew could respond, Trixie came out, carrying two blankets with her magic and put them over the two. “That's better!” Trixie said in a boastful manner. “Now then, let us go!” Trixie used her magic and levitated the cages off the ground and pit them in her cage. Trixie then hooked herself up to the harness and started moving it and eventually was out of sight.

Alex and Andrew didn’t really know what to think or believe, as they still sat there on the grass. Did what they witnessed just actually happen? A smile crept across their faces as the realization hit them and they laughed.

“Looks like Twilight isn’t the only one to forget to lock the bottom part after she traps someone!” Alex said.

“No kidding!” Andrew said. “Come on, Alex. Let’s get out of here before…”

“THERE HE IS!” Twilight yelled as she ran out of the Everfree Forest with the rest of The Mane 6, The CMC, and The Royal Sisters showing up behind her.

“They… show up…” Andrew said.

“Wait a minute…” Rainbow Dash said while looking at Andrew. “Is that another human?!” The ponies all stopped and looked at Andrew as he looked nervous to see them.

Pinkie Pie gasped. “There were two humans in this world the whole time!”
“Luna, how is this possible?” Celestia asked Luna. “I thought you had brought only Alex into this world!”

“We thought that too!” Luna said with shock.

The ponies all looked at Alex and then at Andrew and ideas suddenly realized what this could mean. They had the ability to catch not only one, but two humans now!

“Maybe if I can catch these two humans,” Twilight thought. “I could increase my chance of winning the Trotholm Hoofbel Prize!”

“I can make more money with these two!” Applejack smiled.

“I have more humans to keep safe.” Fluttershy wondered.

“I can turn two humans into ponies and throw them a Goodbye-Humans Party!” Pinkie Pie thought.

“I can have two prized pets now!” Rarity smiled.

“Looks like I have two toys now!” Rainbow Dash smugly grinned.

“CUTIE MARK CRUSAIDER HUMAN FINDERS YAY!” The CMC all thought in their minds.

“We must keep thou humans safe at all costs!” Luna thought to herself.

“These two can increase the chance of finally break the barrier!” Celestia said with delight.

Alex’s eyes widened when he saw the ponies again, he knew he and Andrew were out in a plane, they had nowhere to hide. Alex then realized the Everfree Forest were right behind the ponies. He believed that if he tried to find a way to lure the ponies away, He could let Andrew escape so at least he could still be safe.

“Hey Andrew, I’ve got a plan.” Alex whispered to Andrew. “I can try and lure these ponies away, but you are going to have to get to the Everfree Forest and if any of the ponies follow you, just keep running and hide.”

“A…Are you sure?” Andrew asked Alex with mixed feelings.

“Trust me,” Alex responded. “I’ll come back for you.”

The two humans both looked at the ponies with all the strength they had left. They knew that if they split up, it would be the biggest risk of their life.



Author's Note:

If your confused about that last part, follow this link: