• Published 5th Dec 2021
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Get Him! 2 - AndrewsArchive

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Chapter 27: Andrew's Snap

Chapter 27: Andrew's Snap

Princess Luna sat in her private chambers deep in her thoughts. She wanted some time to reflect on everything that had just happened. Luna could not stop thinking about Alex and what could've happened to him or that new human. But her hopes that those two were safe out there soon turned to regret. She had only just wanted a true friend, but instead she ended up endangering Alex, and she ended up accidentally bringing another human to Equestria. She wanted to make up for her actions. But how?

Her thoughts were cut short when Celestia then entered the room. It was clear to her what was on Luna's mind. "Have you been thinking about Alex again, sister?"

"Yes." Luna replied. "What we've been doing recently is unforgivable! I brought two creatures into our world against their wills, we've been treating this 'hunt' as a game, but they most likely see us as demons because of how we want to use them!"

As tears streaked down Luna's face, she felt her sister's hoof on her chin. She looked up to see Celestia's gaze of sorrow. "You aren't the only one with regrets, Lulu." She said, "I'm starting to have second thoughts too, I only wanted to try to establish peaceful relations with his people. But now I worry how they would react to seeing us. I am also unsure how advanced his people are compared to us."

Luna simply closed her eyes in shame and sighed. "I should've never brought Alex, nor that other human here. I just wish I could make it up to them. If only I could send them back."

“Well, I went back to Star Swirls mirror and discovered that a there's still a chance to send them back home." Celestia replied. "Though it may take some time. But we better make sure that they are still safe and if they haven't been caught.”

Luna's eyes sparkled hearing her sisters words. "Thank you, Tia. We must go find them. But I have a terrifying feeling something sinister might happen..."


In the hedge maze outside the castle, the small flowers on the side suddenly tilted forward after feeling a wave of G-Force. The source of said speed was Lachlan with Andrew holding onto him. The two had made it to Canterlot, thanks to Lachlan’s speed. Lachlan wiped only a single drop of sweat from his forehead, showing little to no exhaustion from the run.

"So... This is Canterlot?" Andrew asked, looking around the setting in front of him.

"Yep." Lachlan replied. "What do you think?"

"Y'know, if it weren't for ponies trying to go after me, this place is certainly amazing!"

"Thanks!" Lachlan said, "I actually live here."

"Wow...." Andrew said. "Whoever your parents are, they must be completely wealthy to live somewhere here."

Lachlan scratched the back of his head and chuckled. "Heheh... just “parent” actually..."

"Oh......" Andrew replied. "Divorce?"

Lachlan shook his head. "Nope."

"Alright then..." Andrew looked into the hedge maze. Well hopefully Alex is nearby.. Maybe he's hiding somewhere in that hedge maze. Along with those... weird statues...

"Weird is right." Lachlan agreed.

"Yeah.. especially this one. It gives me chills."

Andrew pointed at a certain statue. It looked to be like a combination of a lot of creatures, such as it having a a blue goat horn, one long fang, the left claw of an eagle, and so much more. Lachlan looked to where the statue was and rolled his eyes seeing who it was.

"Oh, that’s Discord." Lachlan introduced. "The sultan of chaos, and a major pain in the rump."

"Discord?" Andrew said, taken aback, You mean... there's someone... inside there....?"

"Yeah, and you can believe me when I say, he made everything crazy, literally!"

"But don’tcha worry dude." Lachlan said as he put his arm around Andrew. "If he does return, 'which I doubt will happen' I wouldn’t let him lay a claw on you!"

Andrew looked at the dingo and smirked seeing his bravery. "Thanks, Lachlan."

The two walked away from the statue, and headed into the hedge maze. But unbeknownst to them, another creature had found said statue as he crossed his arms.

"So... this is you, I presume?"

"Indeed." Discord's voice echoed.

"Very well... If you're willing to help me restore order to this pathetic planet, then so be it."


The demon then held his hand against the statue as his demonic powers started to set him free. He closed his eyes as Discord's statue started glowing. But after sometime of concentration, He bursted out of the stone statue and he started stretching.

"Ahhh, so good to be out again!" Discord exclaimed.

"Hmph, your welcome." The demon said unamused, not getting a 'thank you' from the Draconequus.

"Oh, you look more... pale than I imagined. Did I scare the color out of you?" Discord laughed, due to the demon's skin tone.

"I'd watch your mouth if I were you. I can easily put you back and continue this myself." The demon said, offended by his words.

"Gee, where’s your sense of humour?"

"Now isn't the time to joke around. We must prepare to reveal ourselves to those ponies. Then, we'll have our revenge."

"I know there’s ONE little pipsqueak I’d like to see again..." Discord said as he smirked.

"Is that so?"

"Oh... You’ll know him when you see him..."

However, the two felt sudden G-Force as the looked to see Andrew and Lachlan both leaving the hedge maze, meaning they were unlucky in finding Alex. The demon took notice of Andrew and noticed he looked very similar to him. He pondered if he might be related to him, before brushing it off.

"Well well well, looks like we've found them." Discord said.


The boys got to Ponyville while hiding in a small alleyway to make sure they weren't being seen Lachlan stopped when he realized where exactly in Ponyville they are.

"Hey, I know this spot...!"

"You do?" Andrew said, giving him a puzzled look.

"...This is where I met... my first friend... my only real friend..."

"Your... real friend?"

"Mhm... before that... I didn’t have any friends..." Lachlan said. "No one wanted to be friends with me just because I’m a dingo..." He sat down, curling his tail around himself and solemnly closed his eyes, "...Especially Twilight..."

"What did Twilight exactly do to you?" Andrew asked.

"It’s not what she did... it what she said... and it wasn’t just her... it was everyone..."

His ears folded down sadly. Andrew sat next to him. "I guess we're both in the same boat... Not many ponies like you because you're a dingo, and I'm being hunted like some sort of alien..."

"At least they wanted you... no one would even get 3 feet of me..." Lachlan said as a small tear ran down his face.

"You know what?" Andrew scowled as he got up, "I'm sick of all this! I'm done running away. I'm done with this "so-called" hunt! If I see any of those ponies again, I'll-"

That's why I thought it's bad to chase those two anymore!

Andrew couldn’t even finish his sentence as the two heard the voice of Pinkie Pie. The two peered from behind the corner to see Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity walking close to them, not knowing the boys were near them.

'You’ll what...?' Lachlan whispered to him as Andrew blew air out of his nonexistent nose.

"I'll give them a piece of my mind."

Andrew expected Lachlan to laugh and call his bluff because of all the running, but what he said next really threw him off unexpectedly; Lachlan actually believed in him as he he stepped back. "Okay, here’s your chance."

Andrew was surprised by Lachlan’s words before giving him a small thumbs up as the ponies got closer. Andrew took a deep breath, preparing for what may happen next. He had never confronted anyone before so this'll be new to him.

"You're right, Pinkie." Twilighed sighed. "This whole "hunt" really isn't worth it."

"Positively, darling." Rarity added, "It hurts me just thinking how much grief we caused those two!"

"So... you all FINALLY admit it..."

The four jumped back from Andrew's words, to see him giving them the biggest death glare ever, it would've made make Fluttershy’s stare look normal. Meanwhile, Lachlan was standing by hidden, trying to stay out of the conflict.

"You finally admit that you're in the wrong. After this long?! If you ask me, you should all be ashamed of yourselves for even THINKING that any of this is okay! Chasing us around! Trying to make us do something against our wills!"

"W-We... uh..." Spike stuttered, before Andrew cut him off.

"Don’t even finish that sentence! Did any of you even bother to see things through my perspective? Or even Alex’s? I was literally forced into this awful hunt that I had nothing to do with!" Andrew said angirly.

Lachlan on the other hand, saw the looks on Spike and the girls’ faces... complete fear and sadness... it made him wonder; Had he made the mistake of trusting the wrong person like he did with Discord? Could Andrew hurt them? He bears his claws and quietly growls while trying not to involve himself.

"Not to mention, I saved some poor dingo out of a lake because he almost drowned! And he helped me throughout all this! But he gave me a little sob story about how unfairly he's been treated."

Twilight stuttered. "You know-?!"

"Apparently, he has his feelings hurt when he was called names. Especially you, Twilight."

"W-Wait, that was before I got to know him, and we-!" Twilight was cut off.

"Like how you treated me and Alex like some sort of treasure?" Andrew said. "You just crave nothing but knowledge! Not to mention, while I was with Lachlan, he told me a lot about you and your friends' adventures, one had some sort of griffion come to town and was a jerk! Would you treat another griffon like it was the that jerk griffion?"

"What?! N-no I?"

"And what about your dragon friend?!" Andrew pointed at Spike. "What makes him different from Lachlan?!"


Andrew suddenly felt felt a sharp sting on his back as he fell to his knees. Spike and the girls gasped as it’s revealed that LACHLAN attacked Andrew by clawing his back. Lachlan pants for a moment before looking at the claw marks on Andrew’s back and at his claws, realizing what he did. Andrew lifted up his shirt and dabbed at where Lachlan attacked him and saw blood drip down his fingers.

Andrew looked at his friend in disbelief, "Lachlan... why?"

"I... I’m so sorry! Y-You were yelling at my friends a-and I-I panicked...! I didn’t mean... I... uh..."

Andrew just sighed as he wiped the blood on his clothes which were luckily red so they'd blend in. "I... I honestly don't know how I should feel right now..." Lachlan just whimpered, As he tried to comfort Andrew.

The girls and Spike couldn't believe what had just happened. But now the guilt in their minds were even worse now seeing what they're actions had become. Even someone who wasn't accepted by everypony wasn't wanting to use him like a trophy, or a pet. He was wanting him as a friend...

"...I..I'm so sorry...." Twilight spoke up. "I didn't really wanted to see you or Alex hurt."

Andrew got up, cringing from the pain on his back. His gaze met Twilight's. "Look, Twilight.... I know I may not be a pony, but can't we all just get... to know each other...?"

"Just like you got to know me!" Lachlan added.

"Exactly... I know you've been wanting this "Trotholm Hoofbel Prize" ever since you discovered Alex. And Rarity wanted to have a pet for that fancy party she's attending in a few days. And Pinkie's trying to throw me and Alex a "Goodbye Human Party." But maybe, if you instead try to help us first, we might consider doing these things." Andrew stuck out his arm, clearly asking for a simple handshake. Or... hoofshake in this case.

Spike and the girls look at each other. They knew they're actions were unforgivable, and they knew that they must eventually face the consequences. But somehow perhaps, they could redeem themselves. And maybe if they got to the others, they could convince them to stop all this. They all nodded their heads as Twilight then shook Andrew's hand, with their trust had now begun. Spike also shook Andrew's hand, as he also felt guilt for helping Twilight.

Pinkie bounced over and gave Andrew a tight hug whiched Andrew winced from the pain of his injury being squeezed. Pinkie took note of this and wiped the blood off her hooves. Rarity also hugged Andrew, but was more gentle with him.

"I’m.. so sorry if we caused you any grief!" She said.

"Don't worry about it," Andrew assured. "I'm just happy you four came to your senses."

The group then all exited the alleyway and made they're way towards the Golden Oaks Library to treat Andrew's injury.

"Ooh! What's your name by the way?" Pinkie asked.

"Oh I thought you would've known by now. It's ANDREW."