• Published 5th Dec 2021
  • 1,622 Views, 31 Comments

Get Him! 2 - AndrewsArchive

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Chapter 17: The Winner Is...

Chapter 17: The Winner Is...

Alex yawned as he ate his breakfast with his mother at the dinner table. Alex's mom seemed to look concerned for her son's odd emotions he was having recently.

"Alex, dear?" She asked him. "You seem to not be yourself today, is something the matter?" Alex looked up at his mother with a deadpanned look in his face. "I don't know mom..." he said. "I know today's my last day of High School and all but, I've got bad grades, no job... I'm still living here... and all my friends are doing good with their lives." He sighed as he lowered his head down. "I just wish something extraordinary happened to me for once!"

Alex's mom gave him a sympathetic look. "Alex... I know you're a lot smarter and stronger than you already are. I know you can be better in the future. And maybe... just maybe... something extraordinary will happen to you."

Alex looked up at his mom and smiled. he knew she was the one who truly gave him the best advice he could ever hope for. "Thanks, mom." he said as he hugged her. "Now then, you should get going to school." she said. "You wouldn't want to be late again."

Alex chuckled as he grabbed his backpack and walked to the door. "Love you mom!" he said as she replied back with "Love you too, sweetie!"

Alex then turned to his dad who was reading a newspaper and said "Love you dad."

"Stupid boy." Was all he responded with as he left the house.

That was the last time I ever saw my mom again. Little did I know that something extraordinary did happen to me that day, but it wasn't the way I had hoped for. I was now an alien in another universe. Being hunted down by ponies, ethier to be experimented, used as a slave, used as a pet, and so on. I missed being back on Earth. Why did all this have to happen to me? Why?......."


There was an intense silence in the air. The dust slowly began to settle as the shadowy image of a pony pileup became visible. All the other ponies moaned and groaned as they rubbed their head trying to shake away the dizziness. Twilight, Celestia and Luna stared with their mouths wide agape at the incredible sight, with their horns still lit.

Somewhere beneath that pile of ponies was Alex, the weight of all of them having knocked the wind out him. Unsure of which of them had their magic locked on Alex, the two monarchs and Twilight simultaneously lifted Alex off the ground, pushing away the ponies above him. As soon as he was in view, everyone’s eyes widened with more surprise and disbelief.

“P- Pinkie?” Twilight was confused. Even the sisters were confused. Instead having Alex in their magic, they had Pinkie.

“Hi again Twilight!” Pinkie giggled before being suddenly dropped to the ground with a thump.
“But... where is he??!?” Twilight immediately raced over past a recovering Pinkie towards her friends, who were now stirring and slowly getting back up. “Does anypony have Alex?”

Everypony glanced at each other. “Uh... Nope.” answered Applejack as she rubbed her head. “Ah haven't caught 'im.”

“Me neither.” said Rarity.

“Or me.” said Fluttershy weakly.

“Wait!” Scootaloo shouted, earning everypony's attention. She and the Crusaders were blindly holding on to something. “He's here! We caught him!”

“You caught ME, pipsqueak...!” Rainbow grumbled. The Crusaders eventually opened their eyes and realized their mistake.

“Whoops...!” Scootaloo blushed as she and her friends let go. “Sorry Rainbow Dash... Squee!” Rainbow, getting back up, merely let out an annoyed snort.

“What manner of magic is this!” asked Luna bewildered. “Sister?”

“How curious...” Celestia rubbed her chin. “I wonder...”

Twilight scratched her head while looking around. “This is really weird. Where did he go...?”





Appearing out of a cloud of smoke, Alex blindly ran for his life, trying to escape the ponies behind him. He knew that at any moment he would be tackled to ground.

'THIS IS IT! THIS IS IT! TH- Huh?' He then suddenly realized that none of the ponies had tackled him yet. He opened his eyes and shot a quick glimpse back. He discovered to his surprise that they were all gone. Screeching to a halt, he turned around and looked dumbfounded back the direction he came. To add more to his confusion, the open field had suddenly changed back into a forest again. Not to mention it looked slightly more different now. “What? Where am I? And where are the ponies?” he asked to himself.

His face then went white as he realized he was in the Everfree Forrest again. “Oh no… not this place again!” He worried. “Maybe I can find Zecora, she wasn’t after me before…” Alex felt unsure whether to take his chances with finding Zecora or finding a way out of the Everfree Forest. But he knew he had to find a way to get back to Earth somehow. Alex decided to run through the forest, hoping to find Zecora.

"I hope I'm not too far from her hut. Maybe she can find a spell that can open a portal back home to Ear-"


Alex suddenly tripped over something and fell face first on the ground. He then suddenly silenced himself realizing that he could’ve attracted any attention from any of the ponies that were chasing him.

"Did I trip over a log?" He said to himself, only to look down and see what he had tripped over. Alex got up to his feet and looked down at what he had tripped over and gasped in shock.

There lying on the ground was another odd-looking creature. He looked human, but he had more of a cartoonish look to him. His body was nothing by a cylinder, his head was a big sphere with pale skin, his limbs were black, and his clothes were nothing but a red tank top and shorts, and he had dirty blonde hair that looked. He didn't seem to be wearing shoes, but his feet looked black like his legs, and they didn't have any toes.

Alex then checked his pulse; a heartbeat was felt. He could hear faint breathing. Alex sighed in relief. “This guy is still alive…” He spoke. Alex then noticed this other human was twitching his eyes and he groaned.

“Are you okay?” Alex asked this other human with concern. The other human slowly opened his eyes and got a good glimpse at Alex.

“I’m alright…” He replied.

“What happened to you?” Alex asked the human.

“I’m not sure…” He spoke. “All I remember is this kid fighting with a homeless man fighting over a weird ball and I tried to intervene but when I got close to the kid, the ball suddenly started glowing and everything went all black!”

Alex’s eyes suddenly widened. This other human was talking about him, he remembered he was fighting with the homeless man over the ball, and it caused them to become stuck in Equestria. What worried him the most was the fact that this human had no idea what the ponies were trying to do to him.

“Listen umm… I believe that kid that was fighting the homeless man was me…” Alex said to the other human.

“Wait, really?” The other human said. “It is you! You are the kid!”

“Yeah…” Alex replied. “I’m Alex… what’s your name?”

The other human got up on his feet revealing he had a few bruises and scratches on him.

“My name is ANDREW.” The other human replied.