• Published 5th Dec 2021
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Get Him! 2 - AndrewsArchive

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Chapter 28: Chaotic Darkness

Chapter 28: Chaotic Darkness

Inside of the Golden Oaks Library, the ideal place to look if one were to seek Twilight Sparkle. Rarity and Spike were busy putting a bandage on Andrew's injury with him wincing from the pain of his exposed blood being touched. The two took note of his reactions and made sure to be more gentle while doing so. Lachlan on the other hand, had told everypony about his And Andrew's mini adventure.

"You're telling me that he saved you out of a lake in the Everfree Forest?" Spike asked the dingo, which he responded with an "uh-huh!"

"I couldn't just let him die like that." Andrew added.

"Why were you in that part of the forest?" Twilight asked.

"I was trying to catch some Everfree Forest catfish for lunch!" Lachlan said as he rubbed his tummy.

"Does he usually do things like that?"

"Yeah, but he doesn’t usually go alone, he usually has his best friend with him..." Pinkie Pie answered. Andrew looked at her with confusion. He had heard about this "best friend" of Lachlan by Lachlan himself, but never mentioned her by name.

"Well, you could have asked any of US to go with you, we’d be happy to help you get a catfish snack!" Spike said.

"Spike’s absolutely right." Twilight added. "We have warmed up to you ever since last time..."

"Yeah..." Lachlan chuckled, "Sorry, girls. Guess I'm more used to being with her."

'Who exactly is he talking about...?' Andrew whispered to Rarity.

"Oh? He didn't tell you?" Rarity said, taken aback, "I thought he would've told you all about RAINBOW DASH by now."

That completely caught Andrew off guard. Andrew remembered how Rainbow Dash treated Alex over something completely petty. He spoke up, "Wait, Rainbow Dash? As in that blue pegasus with the Rainbow colored hair and tail?"

"Yep, that’s her!" Pinkie said.

"Oh no.... Alex is in big trouble!" Andrew said as he got up quickly.

"Why?" Lachlan asked.

"I just remembered that Rainbow Dash is completley deadset on finding Alex because of what he unintentionally did." Andrew answered.

"Unintentionally?" Lachlan said, confused by Andrew' words. "So it must’ve been an accident... I’ll go and find them and see if I can reason with her!"

"I don't know..."

"Seriously! It’s like Lachlan’s the only one who can soften the tough shell around Rainbow Dash’s heart!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Well, from what Alex told me, after he escaped Twilight’s cage. She hired Rainbow Dash to hunt him down. But Alex pretended like he was a big fan and made her do a stunt that she was saving for these "Wonder-dolts?"

"Wonderbolts." Lachlan corrected.

"Right... Anyway..." Andrew narrated, "Everypony was in view and she knew they would've most likely seen it. So she... tried to get her revenge by shooting him with lightning bolts on the clouds somehow. But Alex did get away. But after sometime he got smaller because of a "poison joke plant." Twilight then found him and kept him here. Rainbow Dash did come back but she spotted Alex and saw this as an opportunity to toy around with him. I think she even ate him at some point."

"She ate him?" Lachlan commented. "Why does that part ring a bell to me...?"

"I dunno... he said that during the hunt in Whitetail Woods, she liked that smaller version of himself and has a small bottle of that poison joke potion that will turn him small again. I'd suggest you'd be careful."

I always am! Lachlan said with confidence as he jogged out the door to look for them.

"He’s really not...!!" Pinkie Pie whispered to Andrew.

Ever since Lachlan left, Andrew decided to take some time to get to know the four. Twilight told Andrew about all the adventures she had with her six friends. From the first time she came to Ponyville, to the Canterlot Wedding, to even what happened at the Crystal Empire and how Spike saved everypony.

"No way!" Andrew exclaimed, "Changelings?! I'm honestly surprised you all fell for that faker."

"Yeah..." Spike rubbed the back of his head in shame. "We honestly still regret leaving Twilight there at the rehersal."

"Even I'll admit," Twilight added "I probably should've provided more evidence of that moment. I'm just glad that Princess Celestia was able to start taking threats more seriously after that."

The mention of Princess Celestia made Andrew feel uneasy. Pinkie Pie took notice of this, and sat next to Andrew. "Uh-oh, somebody’s baked a batch of frownies!~ Tell Auntie Pinkie what’s got you down."

"Well..." Andrew sighed, "I'm just really worried about Alex right now... Especially with these "Celestia" and "Luna" ponies after him... Hearing that Alex says that Celestia wants nothing more than to possibly conquer our world."

"Conquer your world?" Twilight asked, eyes widened at Andrew's claim.

"Yeah... from what he's told me, he fears that once that happens, you'd all treat us like slaves."

The four gasp before Rarity spoke up, "That does not sound like something Princess Celestia would do!"

"Rarity’s right." Spike said, "You think the ruler of Equestria, who we trust with our lives, would do something like that?"

"I don't know, I never met the mare!"

"She’s more than a mare! She’s an alicorn!" Pinkie said.

"An ali-what now?" Andrew asked, not knowing the context of an alicorn.

"An alicorn." Twilight said, "They're very rare. No pony can just be born an alicorn. It has to be earned."

"Earned how?" Andrew asked.

"...I'll tell you later. But to put it simply, alicorns are ponies with the traits of every pony tribes. The horns of a unicorn, the wings of a pegasus, and the heart of an earth pony."

Before Andrew could speak up, they suddenly heard weird noises from outside. It sounded like rustling and very muffled talking. The five froze from the sudden shock and stared at the door.

"What’s that noise?" Twilight asked. "Did Lachlan return with Alex and Rainbow Dash."

"If you girls ordered pizza, I'd say this is pretty unprofessional of them." Andrew said as he walked to the door. Hesitantly, he gently presses against the door and reaches for the nob, only for sparks to suddenly surround it, making him back away. the door creaked open. As the silhouette of a certain someone stood in the doorway.

Everyone gasped as the shadowy figure revealed himself to be DISCORD!

"D-Discord?!" Twilight said.

"Hello there, girls. Did you miss me?" Discord said with an evil smile on his face.

"How did you get back?!" Twilight asked as her fear turned to anger.

"Oh that doesn't matter, Twilight. I'm just going to finish what I started!'

"Well, he’s not here!" Spike said, standing by Twilight.

"But if you want him, you’ll have to deal with us!" Pinkie Pie said as she and Rarity also stood with Twilight.

"I don't know how you got back, but you made a big mistake coming here!" Twilight said, but Discord just laughed.

"Au contraire mon frere!" Discord replied "The mistake was thinking that you and your friends won. But that was just a prelude, an d'oeuvre, an aperitif, an Amuse-bouche--"

"I get it!" Twilight interupted.

Oh, I don't think you do!" chuckled as he stepped inside. "But you will. And so will your silly princess as well."

Twilight angrily charges her magic up as Discord spoke again, "And your little dog too!"

Angered by the fact that Discord threatened Lachlan, the four rushed up to him, and Twilight was ready to fire her magic as time felt like it slowed down. Discord then backs away to the side while smiling, revealing someone behind him. The four's expressions turned from rage to shock as the demon from before suddenly leaped towards them. But what shocked them the most was that this demon had a very strikingly resemblance towards Andrew, but his skin, hair, and his clothes were all different shades of gray.

Time goes back to normal as the demon doppelganger suddenly attacked the four, sending them crashing into a bookshelf. As the four laid on there dazed, Andrew looked through the wall to see the faker looking right at him through a hole in the wall. It almost felt as if he was looking into a mirror.

"Pitiful." The demon simply said as he made his way towards the entrance to the room.

"Wh-what?!" Andrew said seeing the demon who looked like him, "Who are you?!"

Oh! Where are my manners?" Discord said as he poked his head through the hole. Before joining the others in the room." "Everypony, meet this demon I met in the Everfree Forest, his name is Dark! Or as I like to call him, DARK ANDREW. My new BFFAE! Bestest Friend For All Eternity!"

"Look Discord, I don't care who you brought to help you. You won't use me in your little game Lachlan told me all about!" Andrew growled.

"Do I look like I need YOU for anything?" Dark Andrew said as he holds up his fist as purple electricity sparked out.

"Oh, I heard what he said about you." Discord chuckled, "And that’s what the pink one meant about “he”, she was referring to Lachlan!"

"You won't hurt him! I won't let you!" Andrew yelled towards the two and charged at them, only for Dark to punch him so hard, he sent Andrew flying towards the others, causing them all to fly out of the Golden Oaks Library while leaving a giant hole behind. Andrew regained consciousness and looks to Dark, standing across from him after jumping out of the giant hole, pounding his fists together. As Discord watched the show while eating a bowl of popcorn he brought out of nowhere.

"So nice when diabolical chaos lives up to our expectations!" Discord laughed, watching what he considered an Oscar worthy scene.

"Where are they?!" Dark Andrew asked angrily as Andrew got up to face the demon. who stands his ground.

"Oh, you want it?" Andrew asked, "Here it comes!"

"I was honestly expecting more out of you." Dark said, giving Andrew a disappointed glare, "You're unskilled.... untrained.... and... UNWORTHY!"

"You forgot one, whoever you are..." Andrew said, "UNSTOPPAbLE!"

"Good one..." Pinkie siad before cringing from the injuries, "Owie..."

Andrew then grabbed a stick off the ground and charged at Dark. As he got closer, he aimed for Dark's head and stabbed the stick into it, resulting in an explosion of light. As it dims, it is revealed that Dark held Andrew in place by using some sort of dark magic, casting Andrew in a dark purple aura. Dark then walked forward, raised a fist, and pummels Andrew into the ground, creating a massive explosion of energy and a large crater. It rattled even Discord by making his drop the popcorn.

Andrew groaned in pain from the sudden attack as Dark suddenly grabbed ahold of him and pinned him up against a tree. "It is my destiny to do wat I should've done centuries ago! To make the pony race suffer and restore order to Equestria!"

Discord had a confused look hearing what Dark said. He had not mentioned anything about restoring order to Equestria before.

"Wh-what do you mean by "make the ponies suffer?" I don't have anything to do with whatever you've dealt with! You've got the wrong guy!" Andrew said, trying to convince his faker, but it fell on deaf ears.

"Your lies don't fool me, apprentice of Princess Celestia!" Dark said.

"Y-You know Celestia...?!" Twilight said, raising her head up.

"Celestia and her sister are the main enemies I've been waiting for!" Dark ranted, "They ruined my life in the worst way possible! And now with this look-a-like's destruction! I'll show this pathetic universe what true suffering is!"

Before Dark could deliver a final blow, two blurs of light suddenly came towards him. The colors being yellow and blue. Seeing the two blurs, Dark dropped Andrew and tried to face them off, only to be rammed into by the two of them, causing Dark to fly right into a nearby haystack.

“Hay” now! Discord laughed, making another one of his jokes.

Andrew looked at who had just attacked Dark, revealing it to be none other than Princess Celestia and Luna looking down upon him.

"Are you alright?" Celestia asked, which Andrew simply nodded.

"Princess Celestia!!" Twilight exclaimed, "What are you doing here?!"

"Greetings my faithful student," The sun princess greeted. "Now come with us if we are to escape."

Not wasting any time, Andrew got on Celestia as she and Luna lit up their horns, encasing th other four in either a golden yellow or blue aura. THey quickly made it away from the two villains. leaving them behind. Dark snarled as he got out of the hay. He then suddenly sped off towards the others, leaving Discord alone.

"Ooh! This'll be fun!" Discord said as he secretly followed them.


"Art thou alright, human?" Luna asked,

"I'm alright..." Andrew simply said "How did you two even find us?"

"My son was able to tell us where you were." Celestia said.

"You have a son?" Andrew said picturing a white unicorn stallion in his head. "I'm guessing that stallion must be really nice."

"Stallion?" Celestia said.

"He's...not.. a stalion?" Andrew asked.

"Well, let's just say he's a little different." Luna replied.

"Huh," Andrew said raising an eyebrow. "Maybe Lachlan will let me meet him."

"So you HAVE met him!"

"Wait...." Andrew suddenly connected the dots as his eyes widened. "LACHLAN'S YOUR SON?!"

"Indeed he is." Celestia smiled proudly.

"You should’ve seen Twilight when she learned that!" Pinkie giggled.

"Cool... Also, WHAT IS GOING ON?! How did that Discord guy escape? And who is Shadow the Edgehog Rage Monster?"

"That “shadow” guy must’ve set him free!" Spike said.

"He said something about wanting revenge on you two." Andrew added "Was there some sort of beef between you two and him?"

"He said that?" Celestia said, "I don't seem to remember him."

"Also, that Discord guy mentioned getting his own revenge on someone."

"Oh, it’s Lachlan who Discord wants revenge on." Celestia answered.

"Hey, I'd hate to break up an interesting moment, darlings." Rarity intervened, "But, THAT RUFFIAN IS AFTER US!"

Celestia and Luna suddenly dodged a thrown boulder at them. They looked back, revealing Dark was pelting boulders at them to try and case their flight. The royal sisters then knew what must be done.

"Does thou trust me and my sister?" Luna asked

"Of course not! I literally just met you two!" Andrew exclaimed.

"You can trust us." Celestia assured, which Andrew sighed.

The sisters lit up their horns, preparing to perform a teleportation spell. Dark took note of this and launched himself at them. But as he was about to grab them-


Everyone that was with Celestia and Luna suddenly vanished, escaping the edgy demon. Dark then went felling down a mountain but then his fingers converted into claws as he dug them into the mountain.

"I almost had them!" Dark ranted to himself, "Next time, luck will be in MY favor!"