• Published 5th Dec 2021
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Get Him! 2 - AndrewsArchive

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Epilogue: To Tartarus And Back

Epilogue: To Tartarus And Back

The room had gone silent. The only noise being made were the electricity constantly sparking out of Andrew and Dark's arms. Andrew was breathing slowly at his faker who stood right in front of him while still holding his fist in place. Dark on the other hand was shocked at how Andrew had shown up quickly to defend his new "friends." He then only closed his eyes and smirked.

"Oh... I see..." Dark said as he removed his hand from Andrew's grasp, "The worthless dog unintentionally gave you a piece of his power..."

Dark then threw a fist towards Andrew and punched him back into the ponies. Andrew the quickly landed onto his feet while panting. Dark then spoke up, "You pathetic creatures are just nothing but foolish to think your friendship can stop me and Discord."

"We don’t think so! We KNOW so!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh please..." Dark rolled his eyes. "Those pathetic elements didn't work on me. What makes you even say such foolishness?"

"Because even if the elements didn't work, that does not mean our friendship together can't stop you two."

The girls all got into a fighting position. Dark also did so. It felt like a staring contest between the six ponies and the demon doppelganger. After what felt like hours, Twilight yelled.


"YAAAAAAA!" Pinkie screamed as the six ponies charged straight towards Dark. Only for them to suddenly DISSAPPEAR as they got closer to him, leaving only their elements and Applejack’s hat left on the ground.

The Royal Sisters, the humans, Lachlan, and Spike's mouths were hung down, seeing what had just happened to them. Celestia shook of the shock and glared at the demon.

"What did you do to them?!" She asked angrily.

"That's none of your damn business, cake-for-brains!" Dark replied. "Now then, where were we?"

Before Dark could get any closer, he felt a tug on his shirt, looking over to see Alex had snuck behind him and grabbed the collar of his shirt and was holding him back.

"Leave them alone you scumbag!" Alex shouted.

"Hands off." Dark replied as he smacked Alex so hard he went flying towards a window.



Andrew and the 3 royals quickly ran towards the damage, only to be caught in a dark purplish gray aura and sent flying into the archives.

Alex groaned from the pain, he had gotten from the impact. Luckily for him, he wasn't covered in any window shards. Gaining consciousness, he checked his surroundings. Only to see was somewhere in the garden.

"Man... First, I was brought here against my will. Then, I'm chased for the most ridiculous of things, and now this?" Alex thought to himself. "If almost feels like some sort of Fanfiction to something. Maybe I should start a writing carreer once I'm outta here."

Alex then got up and started running towards the entrance to the castle, only to be stopped by someone in his way.

"Hello, Alex." Discord greeted.

"Ugh, you again." Alex said, "I don't have time to deal with you!"

"Oh I'm sure you've got plenty of time, the story is almost over." Discord said. "I must say, you've really got some sweet determination to have not been caught at this point."

"Just cut to the chase!" Alex said annoyed.

Discord frowned. "Wow, you're no fun. And here I was, thinking that we could have a nice conversation about your adventure."

"Why do you care?"

"Because, my fellow friend. I know deep down, you just want your revenge on those silly fillies for the way they treated you."

Alex tried to talk back, but he knew that Discord was right. He wanted to give the eleven ponies some comeuppance for everything that had happened to him.

"Oh, the chases! The manipulation! The lies! They all must've been too much for you to handle, weren't they?"

Alex dropped to his knees, Discord was clearly toying with his emotions. He wanted to fight back, but he felt like he couldn't.

And to Discord's delight, Alex was slowly losing his colors, he was giving in to the corruption. He continued on, "Clearly you shouldn't let them go scott-free like that."

Alex felt tears running down his face. He couldn't take anymore of all this. When he said he wished something could happen to him, this was NOT what he meant.

Andrew, Lachlan, Celestia, and Luna all got up from the pain from all the impact of the walls.

"Is everypony alright?" Celestia asked the three, which they nodded in response. "Good. I never thought some creature could be so... vile."

"Even though he said you two are the reason he's like this. I just want to know why all of this is happening..."

"I believe I can set some context about this." Luna spoke up. "I had noticed a prophecy a long time ago, before I was banished to the moon."

Luna then went on to explain the entire prophecy that Alex had discovered. About how a creature would be aided by the Elements of Harmony to destroy the darkness created by his evil counterpart.

The three were all in awe. Andrew then spoke up, "So, that means that I'm... a chosen one."

"Perhaps that is the case, young Andrew." Luna said. "I understand if you feel uncomfortable about all this. I won't judge you."

"No.... I'm not upset about it..." Andrew assured her, "It just feels, i dunno. Too cliché for that?"

"Cliché or not, that's so cool!" Lachlan said, "Boy I wish I was in your shoes! I mean... if you're wearing any..."

"The chosen one, you say?" Dark suddenly appeared in the archives right next to the mirror. "I honestly thought he'd be a little more... strong. But clearly not. You haven't even trained once! But I have been training for this moment my entire life!"

"Yet we're still alive with no training at all!" Lachlan smirked, "That's gotta be embarrassing!"

Dark snarled. "Insolent little brat!"

"Do you not see how much trouble you have caused, demon?" Luna said. "You won't succeed in the end! The prophecy said so."

A wicked smile crept across Dark's face. "Even if that's true, but there's something that the prophecy didn't say.... How would he get back home?"

Dark Andrew then suddenly summoned a sword out of nowhere and swung it at the mirror. The mirror shattered the second the sword collided with it.


Alex felt himself in a dark void. Everywhere he looked, it was nothing but pitch black. All he felt was anger, saddness, and fear. Everything he had been through in the past few days. He just wanted to go home.


He suddenly heard the familiar voice of Twilight Sparkle. He looked up to see her standing right in front of him.


"Alex, you need to get up. You have to stop Discord!" Twilight said.

"I can't Twilight...." Alex said, "I just can't..."

"Of course you can, Sugarcube." Alex then felt a hoof on his shoulder. Revealing it was Applejack. "If Y'all were able to outwit us, ya can do the same to him."

"That was different! You girls didn't have some chaos magic!"

"Darling, you even were able to trick the princess', Rarity said.

"They aren't relevant to this!" Alex shouted. "I can't handle the stress anymore!"

"Hey now, Lexy." Rainbow Dash said, "No need to be upset-"

But that was the straw that broke the camels back.

"I'M MAD OKAY! I'M MAD AT YOU ALL!" Alex shouted. "I'm brought to this world against my will! And you girls only cared about your own desires by using me! And your mean to me! And yet when Andrew came here too, you still only cared about your stupid desires! And.... I-I don't know! Turning into my own kind so you can lure me into a trap! Or planning to shrink me with a potion just because you thought I was better as a tiny human! And not even considering my OWN thoughts!"

As Alex ranted, the six ponies felt nothing but genuine guilt. They were not themselves throughout all of this. And they were paying the price.

"And look, I'm sorry for eating two apples. I'm sorry for breaking a Pinkie promise. I'm sorry for ruining a dress! And I'm sorry for making you perform a trick you were saving for some team! I was not in the right to do those things, but the way you all responded wasn't even close to justifiable!"

Alex looked upon the ponies seeing their sad faces before sighing.

"Maybe I was too harsh... I just-"

"No... Alex. You're right. None of us were thinking correctly that day. We should've helped you. And we're sorry. You don't have to accept our apologies... but we just want you to know..."

Alex just exhaled in response. "I understand. And... I'm honestly glad you did apologize. But, it's gonna be a LONG time before I forgive you girls."

"That's understandable, Alex." Twilight replied. "I won't judge you. But we need you to stop Discord and Dark before they take over the world."

"B-but how?"

"Think of it, Alexander." Rarity spoke up. "You've used various tricks on us back in Whitetail Woods. If you can use some new tricks, it could work!"

"You... think so..."

"We know so, Lexy!" Rainbow Dash said. "Now go kick some butt out there!"

Discord smirked at Alex. He was now completely corrupted by him. His entire body and clothes were just different shades of gray.

"Well. That was easier than expected!" Discord said, believing that he had triumphed over the human. As he turned to walk away, he suddenly noticed that Alex had gotten up, but his colors were returning.

"What's this?" Discord said, confused. Alex just glared at him in response.

"Eh. I think you'd look better as a statue anyway." He then suddenly shot a lazer towards Alex, but he wasn't afraid. Not anymore.

Alex then grabbed one of the shards from the broken window and reflected the lazer straight back at Discord.

"Oh dear." He said as he got hit by the lazer he had just created. He felt himself slowly returning to stone once again. Panicking he tried to fly away but it was too late!

The statue of Discord landed right on the ground a few feet away from Alex. The human got up and slowly breathed from what had just happened.

"Huh... I'll admit, that was pretty anticlimactic..." Alex said. Alex then noticed a back door leading into the castle.

Dark crept towards the four with the sword in his hands ready to finally close the books on Celestia and Luna. Purple electricity covered everywhere on his body from his eyes to his arms. His face clearly filled with resentment towards them.

"I am going to make you two regret everything you did to me!" Dark glared at the white and indigo alicorns who only gave him a look of fear and confusion. Unbeknownst to the three of them, Andrew and Lachlan had snuck off.

"What are you talking about?" Celestia asked. "I don't recall me nor my sister even meeting you before."

Dark raised an eyebrow at them before closing his eyes. "I see... I forgot." He spoke. "I erased your memories of me after the whole Nightmare Moon Incident."

The princess' eyes went wide as Dark went on. "After she was sent to the moon, I erased your memories so you wouldn't remember me. Perhaps it was a dumb decision. But now I can exact a better revenge by destroying you two and ruling this pathetic world. Besides, you two just sit on your fat-asses and do absolutely nothing and send your pawn Twilight Sparkle and her pathetic friends to stop any threats. But they can't save you now!"


Dark suddenly turned around and grabbed Lachlan by his wrist who had tried to sneak up behind him and attack him like his did with Andrew. Dark snarled at the dingo's attempt as the dog had a terrified face. "You think I didn't know you you would pull something like this?"

Lachlan's fear turned into a smirk, "Oh, that's the thing. I'm not the one attacking you, I'm just the distraction."


"AGH!" Dark screamed as Andrew suddenly ran right in front of him and slashed at his face with a similar sword to Dark's. This caused Dark to drop his sword and back away while covering his face that was bleeding. During that time, a trapdoor opened a few feet from Dark, revealing it to be Alex.

"Ugh, tight places are so uncomfortable." He said to himself, Alex then noticed Dark slowly backing towards him. Thinking on impulse, Alex then pulled out the potion that Zecora had given him. He knew that if he could throw the potion at the demon, he could send him to another universe he thought of, but he wouldn't return to Earth. Putting his thoughts aside, he threw the potion straight at Dark. The glass shattered on impact and the liquid all over Dark.

"Gah!" Dark exclaimed. "What is this?!"

Dark's answers were answered right away as a blue vortex suddenly opened up between him and Alex. Alex held onto a nearby railing as the vortex suddenly started sucking Dark into it. The demon gasped and tried running, but it was no use! The vortex's pull-on gravity was too strong! Dark then went flying right into the vortex as he screamed.

"NOOOOOOOooooooooooooo" Dark's voice became faint as the vortex slowly closed. He was gone.

Alex, Andrew, Lachlan, and the Royal Sisters all breathed heavily from what had just happened. But before they could talk to each other....





The Mane six all suddenly fell onto the ground. Now that Dark was gone, his spell returned them back to the real world. They all groaned as the got off each other. They looked so confused. Twilight was the first to speak up.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight exclaimed as she ran to her mentor and hugged her. "What happened? Is it over?"

"It is my dear faithful student." Celestia replied.

"That was so weird..." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well. I think we all might've learned something from this..." Luna said. The girls all had their heads hung low remembering the past few days events.

"Yeah..." Lachlan spoke up, "Most of us were at fault here."

"Look, Alex... Andrew." Twilight said. "We're sorry... for everything...."

"Yeah." We are total jerks for all that chasing and everything else..."

Andrew then held up his hand to silence them. "You girls may have apologized. But If I'm going to end up living here. I want to set some boundaries."

Alex looked at Andrew as if he was crazy as he went on. "First off, I want us to be treated as citizens here and not as a pet or a circus animal. Second, after hearing what Lachlan told me, I want you all to be more welcoming to creatures that AREN'T ponies. Because that's just discrimination. And third, if a creature from another world comes to this place. Do NOT chase it around so you can gain something special. Instead, try to help them if they aren't hostile."

"That can all be arranged, my new loyal subject." Celestia said as she walked beside Andrew. Alex then spoke up.

"W-wait. Andrew... You're going to live here?" he asked.

"Yeah..." Andrew said. "That prophecy that Luna told me about. If I'm supposedly determined to help save this world. Then it must be done."

"Oh yeah! That prophecy!" Alex said. "I saw it in the old castle."

"Wow..." Lachlan said.

"Anyway, where did you get that potion from?" Andrew asked.

"I got it from Zecora." Alex said, "It was originally supposed to send us back home, but I decided to use it to banish him to another dimension. Where he went is beyond me. But at least we still have that mirror!"

"Oh yeah... about that...." Andrew said as he pointed at the shattered mirror. Alex's eyes went wide as he fell to his knees with a look of defeat.

"Great! JUST great!" Alex said in frustration. "Now how am I supposed to go home?"

"I believe I know a better solution, Alex." Celestia said. "However, it may not exactly be your world..."

Later in the evening, the royal sisters, the two humans, and Lachlan got off the train that brought them to the Crystal Empire. To both Andrew and Alex's shock, the ponies who lived here looked as if they were made of crystals! However, as they continued on, they came across a huge crystal tower in the middle of the land, there were also two ponies were standing beside each other awaiting their arrival.

The tall mare had a pink coat and a slim appearance similar to Celestia and Luna. Her mane and tail were puffy at the end with a color mixture of yellow, magenta, and purple. She also wore similar jewelry to Celestia, implying that she was a princess. The smaller one was a stallion with a white coat with a short blue and indigo mane and tail.

"Hiya, Auntie Cadance and Uncle Shining!" Lachlan greeted his family members.

"Hey there, bud!" Shining replied to him as he and Cadance hugged him.

"What brings you all here?" Cadance asked.

"We need the gateway to the other universe." Celestia spoke up, "We are in need of sending one through it."

"Oh, "Cadance said. "Whom is this, "Creature?""

Celestia and Luna both backed off to reveal Andrew and Alex. The two both looked shocked seeing the two new beings as they weren't anything they've seen before.

"Oh, who my these two be?" Cadance asked.

"These are Alex and Andrew." Celestia introduced them. "At first, we didn't treat them like citizens, but now we've paid for our mistakes. But now, it's time to send one of them home as the other decided to stay here."

"Wow..." Shining Armor said. "That's pretty insane."

"Tell me about it..." Alex replied, "You don't know what I went through before Andrew showed up."

"Do you two still have the gateway?" Celestia asked. Cadance only nodded in response as she led the group into a room somewhere in the castle. What Andrew and Alex had expected was some sort of wormhole that connected Earth to Equestria. But instead, they found nothing but a simple mirror.

"Uhh.... why is there a mirror in here?" Andrew asked.

"This is no ordinary mirror." Celestia said. "It is a gateway to another world. A gateway that opens once every thirty moons."

"It has always been kept in the throne room of Canterlot Castle." Luna added, "But when Princess Cadance took over the Crystal Empire, we sent it here for her to watch over."

"I believe it's best we let you two say your goodbyes..." Celestia said as she led her sister out the door to leave the three alone, but Alex then spoke up.

"Wait! Can I talk to your sister before you leave?" Alex asked. The two stopped and stared at Alex, before Luna took a sad sigh as Celestia let her come to Alex.

"Yes?" Luna asked.

"I...um... I wanted to give you this..." Alex held up his his drawing from his art class of the beautiful horse emerging from the dark lake in the deep dark forest, with the moon reflecting on its still surface as the light bathed it in a supernatural glow. "I want you to keep it... just to show that even if it's gonna take me possibly a millennial to forgive you and the others, I do believe you don't deserve to be alone..."

Luna felt tears in her eyes well up as she used her magic to levitate the picture closer to her before looking at Alex. The two stared at each other before walking closer to each other and hugging themselves so tightly.

"Take care of Andrew for me, okay?" Alex whispered to her.

"I...I promise..." Luna replied, willing to protect Andrew at all costs.

The two then let go of each other as she then left with her sister, leaving Alex to turn his attention to Andrew and Lachlan as he walked to them. He knew that this may be his last time seeing his possible only friends. "I... I guess this is goodbye... you guys..."

"Alex..." Andrew said, "What do you plan on doing once you start a new life?"

"Well... I'm sure I could find something else other than art to try and master at like music, maybe find a girl... make some new friends..." Alex said, "I also thought I could get a new name too! I liked the name, FLASH SENTRY. Does it sound good for you guys?"

"That sounds cool!" Lachlan said as he wagged his tail, before it suddenly stopped as Lachlan then gave him the puppy eyes. "I wish I could've heard any of your future songs..."

"Hey, don't sweat it, you two." Alex said as he knelt down to their levels, "I'm sure you guys will protect this world, it's what the prophecy said after all!"

"Heh... yeah..." Andrew said was he scratched his head. "Good luck out there, Flash."

Alex simply smirked as he walked to the portal and smiled, knowing now that he won't have to live a nightmare anymore. He then turned back towards his friends and waved at them, which they also waved back in response. Alex then turned back to the portal and walked into it, now starting his new life.

Twilight never received her Hoofbel prize. Yet in spite of this, it didn’t stop her from learning more about Andrew and where he came from. She visited him regularly and he would tell her all he knew about his world and its workings. She in turn would teach him all about Equestria and gave him free access to her library any time he wanted to borrow a book. She apologized for the hard time she, Spike and her friends had put him and Alex through, and she especially apologized for hurting Alex's feelings.
Using her magic for much better use, it didn’t take long before they both eventually became good friends. Now currently, Twilight is teaching Andrew how to use magic as she felt some sort of aura from him.

Andrew managed to pay Applejack back for the apples Alex ate by helping her out with some odd jobs around the farm. While she never got the chance to make a fortune out of him, she was impressed with his working skills. She apologized for her behavior and even wanted to hire him as a farm hand.
She even went as far as practically making him a small part of the Apple Family.

Fluttershy never got the chance to care for Alex or Andrew like she wanted, but she did however always provide a safe environment for him if he ever needed it.
Fluttershy would also visit him regularly to check on him and see how he was doing.

Pinkie Pie never got to throw Alex nor Andrew their ‘Goodbye Human’ party. Instead, she threw Andrew a ‘Welcome Human’ party and it turned out to be a huge success. She apologized for her behavior and was happy to see Andrew getting along with the other ponies and that they in turn got along with him.

Even though she had lost her pets, Rarity never gave up on her creativity. In an attempt to salvage her ruined dress, she unexpectedly created a design so unique and so retro that it became the talk around Canterlot. Needless to say, her dress earned her more than enough Bits to repair her boutique and buy more supplies.
Seeing that Alex had been responsible for ruining her dress in the first place, she gave Andrew a share of the profit when Andrew thought of the retro idea. She even offered him a time at the spa as a sign of good will.

Andrew forgave Rainbow Dash for the troubles she had caused Alex and him by proxy. She felt really bad about her behavior and promised to never bully him or Alex again. She even went as far as wanting him to punch her just to make things even. Andrew didn’t punch her, but instead forgave her and pranked her with a buzzer he had borrowed from Pinkie Pie.
Surprisingly enough, the wild chase had actually inspired her with some ideas for some new moves in which to impress the Wonderbolts with during their visit.

The CMC would visit Andrew often to tell him about their adventures in crusading for their cutie marks. They still didn’t earn any, but always remained in high spirit (much to the painful chagrin of Andrew’s ears). At times they even invited him to join in and help them, often resulting in hilarious hijinks.
They apologized for the jar treatment they gave Alex, and Andrew just found them too adorable to stay mad at for that.

While it did take a while, Andrew eventually forgave Luna for bringing him and Alex to Equestria. Luna made it her solemn vow to watch over him and to make sure nopony and nothing threatened him as she had promised to Alex. On occasion she would visit Andrew in his dreams as often as she could and through his creative mind, they had many grand and fun adventures together.

With the mirror destroyed and the magical tether binding Alex and Andrew to the it gone, Celestia eventually admitted to herself that humanity probably wasn’t ready for her and her ponies just yet. Still, when she told Alex about her true intentions, he did feel rather embarrassed after that. Still, that didn’t mean all was lost. She continued her work on the mirror, and with new notes based on Luna’s actions, she believed the answer to cross the barrier safely was very close…
In return for him being a good sport in letting her and her ponies hunt him, Celestia let Andrew ride her and he had her parade through both Canterlot and Ponyville, earning a lot of surprised looks from her subjects.

Trixie on the other hand, never truly apologized as she had disappeared to set her revenge very soon...

But who Andrew was really happy to have around the most was Lachlan Dingo. The two had finally fulfilled a trustful bond with each other and now they got to spend time any chance they got.

“Hello? Is anypony there?”

Twilight was scared. It had been days since she and everypony returned from Canterlot with Andrew. Since then, everything had been pleasant, and all had been forgiven.

The day today had been just your typical normal day where everything was peaceful. After spending a delightful day with Andrew and her friends, Twilight had decided turned in early for the night. The last thing she remembered was reading a book on her bed while Spike was already fast asleep. Once done, she put it away, turned off the lights and closed her eyes.

Then suddenly, for reasons she couldn’t understand, she found herself deep in an unfamiliar and frightening forest, surrounded by dense fog and eerie noises. Lost and scared, Twilight had up until this moment been calling out for help and assistance to no avail.

“Hello? Please! Is there anypony? HELLO?!”

“Twilight! Over here!” Twilight’s ears perked as she finally heard the familiar voice of Applejack. She galloped towards the voice and soon saw her and the rest of her friends galloping towards her in the opposite direction, looking just as confused and worried as her.

“Girls?” Twilight exclaimed. “What’s going on? What’s happening? Where are we?”

“You don’t know?” asked Rainbow. “We kinda hoped you did. The last thing I remember is going to bed and then I woke up here.”

“Same here!” replied Applejack.

“I as well.” said Rarity.

“M- Me too…” said Fluttershy in a frightened tone.

“Ditto!” said Pinkie Pie.

“What in Equestria is all this, Twilight?” asked Applejack. “Is it some kind of nightmare?”

“If so, then we’re all having it at once.”

“But that’s impossible!” exclaimed Rainbow Dash. “How can we all have the same nightmare? And what happened to Princess Luna? Isn’t she supposed to protect us from nightmares?”

“You’re right Rainbow.” replied Twilight worried. “She is the Princess of the Night after all… What if something happened to…”


“Welcome my little ponies!” The surprised ponies quickly turned towards the familiar voice of Luna as she suddenly appeared in a flash before them. The ponies were even more surprised to see Andrew sitting on her back.


Twilight slowly approached them. “Luna? Thank goodness! We all thought something terrible had happened. What is all this? Why is Andrew here? What’s going on?”

“Forgive me Twilight.” Luna smiled apologetically. “But I’ve brought you all here because I made a promise to young Andrew that I swore to keep. He has something to share with thee.”

Everypony looked to Andrew. “And what’s that?” asked Twilight.

Andrew smiled. “First, let me start by saying, Welcome to my favorite dream, my friends. And… YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!” he laughed villainously as lightning cracked behind him.

Everypony just tilted their heads to the side in confusion.

“Worst nightmare?” muttered Twilight. “Andrew… What are you talking about”?

“It’s a little something I’d like to call; Andrew shows Ponies what karma truly is!!”

Twilight and the ponies looked at one another even more confused. “Karma...? I’m afraid I don’t quite…”

“It’s quite simple Twilight… You are all here because you all made me, and Alex's lives miserable when we first got here! And now I want to settle that score.”

Everypony blinked.

Andrew rolled his eyes and sighed. “I want revenge.”



“You see Twilight, when Alex first arrived here you and your friends gave him that rather ‘delightful’ chase and put him through a whole lot of trouble. But when I came here, I kinda hoped you’d all change right then and there and maybe... I dunno, stopped this whole hunt. But sadly not. I want for some payback for that.”

“But… We said we were sorry… You forgave us!”

“True, you did apologize, and I did forgive you for it, even if Alex said it'd take him a long time to. But, in order to balance out the universe, I can’t let something like that simply be ignored. And since Luna is a princess of dreams, she was more than happy to give me this one opportunity and make my wish come true.”

Everypony’s eyes went wide. He was going to punish them in their dreams like some boogeypony. “What… What are you going to do...?” Twilight asked nervously as sweat began to appear on her forehead.

“I’m going to do to you what you did to me and him…” A shotgun suddenly appeared in his hands as he smiled deviously at them. “I’m going on a hunt. And Ith you've all guessed who the prey is…”

“Squeak!” Fluttershy hid behind Rainbow.

“P- Prey...?”

“Oh yeah?!” exclaimed Pinkie. “Well, you can’t get us if we wake up! And I'm going to wake up right… NOW!” She shut her eyes and made silly faces as she was… ‘trying’ to wake up. Everypony just facehoofed. “Am I awake yet?”

Andrew and Luna giggled. “I’m afraid you’re going to find waking up rather impossible at the moment. This is my dream. You won’t wake up until I do.” Andrew grinned.

“Now Andrew… Darling…” Rarity laughed nervously. “Surely you're just jesting. I- I mean, we all can agree we did some rather silly and inexcusable things to you, but you can’t punish us like this…”

“Yeah!” added Pinkie as she pushed herself in front of Rarity. “I mean, all we did was chase you and Alex, cage you and him, lock you and him up, box Alex in, shrink Alex, stone Alex, eat A-”


“What? We did!”

“Luna!” exclaimed Twilight. “You and Andrew are obviously doing this to teach us all a lesson. I’ll admit we all acted pretty badly, but there is no way Celestia is going to allow this!”

“Now, don’t you tell me what I can and can’t allow…” Twilight and everypony suddenly turned their heads towards the nearest cloud in the sky as they heard a familiar voice. Twilight was nearly rendered speechless. “Besides, this is Luna’s night. I rule the day.”

“C- Celestia?!?”

“Hi Twilight! I hope you don’t mind while I sit up here and help the Crusaders keep score? I’ll root for you all. I hope you last longer than the others, my faithful student.” She winked. Twilight looked as if her mind was about to blow.

“I… Huh...? Wha...?”

“Apple Bloom?” said Applejack.

“Sweetie Belle?” said Rarity.

“Squirt?” said Rainbow.

“What in tarnation are ya’ll doin’ here?”

“Oh hey Applejack!” Apple Bloom smiled and waved at her. “We’re keeping scores!”

The Mane Six gawked at them. “WHAT??!?”

Applejack cocked an eyebrow. “Yer ‘what’ now?”

“We’re keeping scores!” repeated Scootaloo with a smile. “We’re Andrew’s personal score keepers. We just sit here and note the pony with the most ‘hit points.”

Rarity’s jaw dropped. “Gah...?”

“That’s right!” Sweetie Belle chirped. “And if we’re really good, we’ll probably earn a cutie mark for it!”


Andrew shielded his ears and cringed. “Yeesh, now I know why Alex hated that.”

Applejack just pulled her Stetson over her head and groaned. Rarity nearly felt faint.

“Hey! No fair!” exclaimed Rainbow. “Why aren’t Celestia, Luna, and the kids being punished? They chased Andrew too.” She then noticed the looks on Celestia and the fillies’ faces. “I mean… No offence…”

“My dear Rainbow Dash...” replied Celestia with a playful grin. “Andrew said he felt them getting shot was quite messed up, right Andrew?” Andrew looked at Celestia and nodded. She looked at rainbow and narrowed her eyes. “As for me and my sister, we’ll be joining in soon as prey in a little bit, since I believe it wouldn't be fair if we got away with a slap on the hoof."

"Oh yeah?!" Rainbow Dash spoke up, "It's six against one! We can easily take Andrew down!"

"Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure of that." Andrew snapped his fingers as a red blur suddenly came into view, revealing it to be Lachlan.


"He's gonna be my hunting dog for this dream." Andrew smirked. "He was down with the idea, since he knows that you'll all be alright anyway."

"Come on, Sugardog," Applejack pleaded. "Are Y'all sure ya wanna help Andrew out this time?"

"Sorry girls, but I can't forgive how you all treated Andrew and Alex." Lachlan said,

"You were literally there when we apologized to them!" Rainbow Dash. "Besides, you don't want to see us hurt, do you?"

"Eh...I can't always back you up, Dashie."


Before more protests could be uttered, everypony suddenly froze at the sound of Andrew loading his shotgun. “We’ve got all night girls, so I'd suggest you all start running while you still can.”

“Now Andrew…” Twilight tried to reason while nervously backing away. “Can’t we all just… sit down and talk about this?”

“Hmmm..... NAH."






“Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear! Oh dear…”



As the ponies fled into the woods, Andrew leaned forward towards Luna. “Hey, um... do you think they’ll forgive me for this when they wake up in the morning?”

Luna laughed. “Why wouldn’t they? After what they did, it’s only fair.” she snickered. “Besides, a bad dream is usually caused by guilty conscience, right?” She winked at him. Andrew smiled back and laughed.

Andrew and Lachlan then both quickly ran after the Mane Six, with the shotgun echoing throughout the woods, followed closely by pony screams.



“I think I’m gonna enjoy being in Equestria!” Andrew laughed.


Throughout the night, Andrew and Lachlan slept happily in their respective beds, dreaming one of his now favorite dreams. As for the Mane Six… Not so much…


Original Story:

Written by:
AndrewTRM & LachlanDingoOfficial

Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle

Vincent Tong as Alex

Dave Franco As Andrew

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack/Rainbow Dash/Lyra

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Princess Luna

Cathy Weseluck as Spike

Michelle Creber As Apple Bloom

Claire Corlett As Sweetie Belle

Madeleine Peters As Scootaloo

Colleen Clinkenbeard As Lachlan Dingo

Nicole Oliver As Princess Celestia

Kathleen Barr As Trixie

Chiara Zanni As Bon Bon

John De Lancie As Discord

Kirk Thornton As Dark Andrew

Andrew Francis As Shining Armor

Britt McKillip as Princess Cadance

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
Hasbro and Lauren Faust

Lachlan Dingo

Andrew & Dark Andrew


Author's Note:

Well, here we are at the end. It's been such a long ride, hasn't it?

Now before anyone asks, "Wouldn't Alex just turn into a pony on the other side?"
In my headcanon, I feel like the mirror wouldn't change creatures that didn't come from Equestria or the EQG universe.

I want to thank everyone for reading this. I'm sorry if there was anything you weren't satisfied with in this story.
And I also want to thank my friend LachlanDingoOfficial on DeviantArt for helping me on certain parts of the story. (Yes, he's the owner of Lachlan Dingo)