• Published 26th Sep 2012
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The Final Crusade - Enfield

What would you do, and how far would you go to protect the ones you love?

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Back To School: Pt. 3

“Say hello to my Hyde,” James said.

“That was the most scariest thing I’ve ever seen,” Carl said.

“That’s something that’ll be stuck in my mind for a long time,” said Molly.

“High five!” Maria said holding up her hand to James.

“Who Dares Wins,” James retorted high fiving Maria.

“Hey James!” a voice was heard from behind, James turned around and saw five teens looking at him.

“Nice going,” one said.

“That douche bag deserves what ever you said,” said a second.

“I’m just making sure he gets the right message about me taking care of those girls,” James said, “Hopefully he’ll get it.”

“So how’s the tests going?” Molly asked.

“History was a doddle,” said James.

“Well you know a lot about History,” said Carl.

“Look out he’s coming back,” said Maria.

“I got more,” Bob said, trying to do a southern accent but sounding like he was about to gag up his lungs.

“I don’t understand how anyone can drink several cans of Rivet and still be alive,” James said as Bob dumped several more cans of Rivet on the table.

“I’ve blacked out a few times and I feel my heart beating faster,” Bob said opening another can.

“I don’t think you should drink that anymore,” said Molly.

“Why?” Bob asked after he drank the can, “It make me feel good.”

“Yeah, then you won’t feel anything at all,” said James.

“You’re British, what do you know?” Bob said.

“More than you,” said Maria.

“Burned,” Carl whispered.
Bob stopped talking and chugged down the energy drinks, as James started looking at the pictures on his phone Maria got his attention.

“James,” she said.

“Hm, what?,” James said looking up.

“Would you do whatever it takes to help those kids and keep them safe?” Maria asked.

“Yes,” said James.

“Even if it completely destroys you?” Maria said.

“Where are you taking this?” James asked.

“I’m just saying that the thing we love the most in life could end it,” Maria said.

“Are you talking weird stuff again?” Molly asked.

“Yes,” Maria cheerfully replied.

Lunch ended several minutes later and the doors were crammed with kids trying to get to the last class of the day. James stood up and shook the stiffness out of his legs.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” said Carl.

“Likewise,” said James.

“I’m not sitting with you anymore,” said Bob dumping the empty cans into his bag and walking away.

“He says that every time we insult him but he’s there again tomorrow,” Carl said.

“Probably because he had no friends,” said James.

“Ha,” Maria said, “James is always right.”

“Don’t the kids with the disabilities have more friends than Bob?” Molly asked.

“Yes, because people are sympathetic toward them,” said James, he then pointed to Bob, “Him however, he has no friends because he’s a psychopath in waiting. No one wants to invite a maniac to a party because he will murder somebody.”

“Domestic terrorist,” said Carl.

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” said James.
The last class for James was biology, as he walked to the classroom he saw several people watching him, the were muttering and pointing at him. James managed to catch what they were saying.

“That’s the guy,” one said.

“He doesn’t seem like he would do what Bob said he was doing,” said another.

“Oh come on,” a third said, “Who here really believes Bob?”

“No one in the school should,” said James as he walked past them, “You make sure that everyone knows that those girls are in good hands.”

“Everyone would think that in the first place, you’re one of the good people, ” said the first student.

James jostled his was past students and teachers until he made it to his biology class.

“YO ROGERS!” someone said the second James put his foot through the doorway.

“Fuckin’ ’ell!” James said recoiling from shock.

“Nice going,” said Charles. James looked and saw Maxx, one of the students in James' biology class.

“Are you trying to kill me from a heart attack?” James said.

“No, just wanted to do that,” said Maxx.

“You’re a dumbass,” said Franklin, another student in the class said who had just entered the room.

“Charles,” James said, “Why did you spread the story of me?”

“I didn’t do it,” Charles said, “I forgot about it while we were leaving.”

“What about Josh and Binkly?” James asked going over to his desk.

“They wouldn’t anyway,” said Charles, “And neither would these idiots.”

“Slimeball,” said Franklin.

The teachers entered the classroom once James had finished with explaining his story, the male teacher, Mr. Wellington was in charge of the class and was one of the friendliest teachers that James had. The female teacher, Mrs. Horner, was a little more strict but still was rather easygoing so long Maxx and Franklin kept quiet.

“Alright then everyone sit down, we’ve all heard James' story,” Mr. Wellington said. James groaned and hit the desk with his head.

“I though you would like us to talk about it,” said Mrs. Horner, “It’s such a nice story.”

“One that I’m sick of hearing,” said James, “Yes I helped three girls, yes they are living at my house, no Bob is wrong so tell him to shut up and ignore what he says.”

“What did Bob say?” Maxx asked.

“Don’t ask,” said James.

“If James doesn’t want to talk about his story then we can watch Bill Nye,” Mr. Wellington said.

“Don’t say anything!” Charles said.

“No worries,” said James, “Start the DVD then.”
The rest of the class duration consisted of watching Bill Nye the Science Guy and trying to squeeze more information about James' story out of him.

The bell that signaled the end of the day rang and James was one of the first out of the classroom. He quickly made his way to the buses and once he sat down he concealed himself from everyone who was outside, as he was listening to the music on his iPhone he felt someone tapping his head.

“I’m trying to not attract attention,” he said.

“Come on you can still talk to me,” Maria said, Maria was also on James' bus.

“Not for a prolonged period of time,” said James, “I like a little attention but this is too much to handle.”

“Hey you,” said one person from a couple of seats from James.

“What?” James said, “You should have heard the story as well.”

“Do you know Bob?” the student said.

“Who, the idiot who thinks he’s funny because he’s seen Blue Collar comedy tour about eighty times?” James asked.

“He sits with us,” said Maria.

“Well he said that you’d better have something good to clean your house with,” the student said, “I think that he’s planned something. Something for you.”

“Bob plans things?” Maria asked.

“Yeah right,” said James, “What’s he gonna do, dump Rivet over the carpets?”
James and Maria laughed.

“I just wanted to warn you,” said the student.

“Thanks anyway,” James said, “However, if he dares tries to break into my house and do anything to those kids, I will kill him.”

“Well if I were you, I’d check around the outsides of my house,” Maria said slinking down onto her seat. James sighed and looked at his phone, he hadn’t told the Crusaders about emergency calls, or his phone number. But his mother was home and Dart had been trained to attack any hostile intruders, and also Scootaloo knew where James' 1911 was kept. He hoped that he wouldn’t come home to Bob harming the girls and making a clean getaway, if he was there James would chase him down and give him the beating he deserved. Or he could just shoot him, one way or another, Bob would not escape unscathed.

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