• Published 26th Sep 2012
  • 3,447 Views, 189 Comments

The Final Crusade - Enfield

What would you do, and how far would you go to protect the ones you love?

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An Awkward Awakening

James was still in the void of blackness. He felt rather stiff and weak, there was a faint light that was shining through his eyelids. He slowly opened them and saw the light on the ceiling, James then sat up and gasped for air.

“Am I alive?” he asked himself though heavy breaths.

James’ vision was blurred but he was more or less able to see that he was in a hospital room. An empty IV stood next to his bed, and the heartbeat monitor sat next to it. James rubbed his arms and legs, stiff from being immobile for an unknown amount of time. He felt rather dizzy from trying to move around but he rubbed the sides of his head, James noticed that his hands were very stiff he tried to rub his eyes with his fingers, that’s when James realized something disturbing, he had no fingers.

“Gah!” he said as he backed his way up the wall. He looked at his arms, all that he had were flat stumps instead of hands.

“What’s going on?” James asked as he pulled the sheets off him. He got another nasty shock from his appearance, his entire body was a dark brown color and his legs matched his arms, no feet and only stumps where they should be.

James leapt down from the bed and ran over to the mirror, he stumbled and fell a few times before he reached the mirror. James looked into it and recoiled in absolute horror, he was no longer a human, he had been transformed into a pony.

“Bleedin’ hell!” he yelled as he fell to the floor and pushed himself to the bedside table. He noticed that he also had a tail when he was pushing himself across the floor James grabbed his 1911 and held it close to his chest, he tried to stand up on three legs but he almost fell over. James heard the door open and he pointed his gun over toward the door.

“Hi James!” Pinkie Pie said as she bounded through the door.

“What have you done to me?” James asked.

“You’re really funny,” Pinkie Pie said with a laugh.

“Why am I like this?” James barked at Pinkie Pie.

“Twilight will explain everything to you,” Pinkie Pie replied, “You’re shaking a lot, are you okay?”
James’ arm that was holding the 1911 was shaking, he calmed down and lowered the gun.

“Where is Twilight?” he asked, “I want to know what’s going on.”
Pinkie Pie stuck her head out of the door and shouted to Twilight that James had woken up. Twilight and Rainbow Dash entered a few seconds later.

“I see you’ve made a nice recovery,” Twilight said to James.

“Yeah I did,” James said, “I’ve also had my entire physical anatomy changed but I’ll get over it.”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Twilight said.

“How long was I out for?” James asked.

“About four days,” Twilight said, “We turned you into one of us the day after the operation.”
James nodded and changed the subject.

“I suppose you have a good reason for explaining this,” James said as he held up his front leg that was holding his 1911, he shook his hoof and looked at the gun.

“How the hell am I able to hold this?” he asked “I have no fingers.”

“Well it’s easy,” Rainbow Dash said as she took hold of a book on the table, “See?”

“How do you do that?” James asked.

“Just think of it as you would normally do it as a human,” Twilight said.
James walked over to the table and tried to drop the gun, all he did was think of dropping it, and it fell onto the table.

“This might take time to get used to,” he said as he picked the gun up and dropped it several times.

“Anyway, the reason why you’re an earth pony is because we didn’t have any of you’re human blood type,” Twilight said, James stopped trying to pick up various objects and let Twilight continue, “If we hadn’t changed you, you might have died and none of us could bear the guilt and the Crusaders couldn’t deal with such a loss.”
James could feel his ears sag from sadness, he kind of liked how his ears did that.

“Anything else to tell me?” James asked.

“Only your appearance,” Twilight said.

James went back to the mirror, now over the initial shock he was able to see himself much more clearly. He was still the same dark brown color, although he had no idea how that came to be. James got a little closer to the mirror and looked at the mane that replaced his hair, James was particularly glad that it still had the appearance and color of his hair, a dusty blonde with a few dark streaks running from one side of his head to the other diagonally, the pattern and color matched his tail as well. He also had the same bright blue eyes, the scars and bullet wounds were gone. James was fully healed.

“At least I’ve still got my looks,” James said.

“And your humor,” Pinkie Pie added.
James chuckled a little and tuned to Twilight.

“So tell me Twilight, why am I this color?” he asked.

“I think it had something to do with that Enfield,” Twilight replied. James went over to his Enfield and picked it up, he held the frame of his rifle next to his arm. The color was an exact match, a dark brown color.

“Looks like you done everything for me,” James said.

“Almost,” Twilight said as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie sniggered behind her. James looked at them, rather confused.

“What do you mean almost?” he asked.

“You don’t have a Cutie Mark,” Rainbow Dash said, pointing to James’ flank.
James looked at where she was pointing and saw noting but the same brown color.

“And the problem with that is what exactly?” James asked.

“All of us have Cutie Marks,” Pinkie Pie said as she showed James hers.

“Is this supposed to be natural for ponies around my age?” James said, he then realized something, “Wait, how old am I?”

“That’s something else I need to tell you about your transformation,” Twilight said, “Your age has been doubled as a pony but we worked out that if you turn back human you’ll stay the same age you were.”

“So I’m thirty-two years old?” James asked with surprise.

“Yes,” said Twilight.

“Can we got out of this place?” asked Rainbow Dash, “I really don’t like it here.”

“Let me grab my stuff,” James said as he trotted to the cupboard that contained his belongings.

James opened the cupboard up and retrieved the small bag he had on when he was shot, inside was his holster, his knife, and his blood soaked beret. Hanging in the cupboard was his torn apart uniform and body armor.

“Did you get that off me after you transformed me?” James asked.

“The doctor took it off you after you were turned into a pony,” Twilight said.

James took his uniform and crammed it into the bag along with the armor, he had put on his holster had slid the knife into the sheath. James managed to put on the holster and have it cover his bare flank, he then slung the Enfield over his shoulder and used the butt of the gun to cover the other flank, by utilizing the weapons he was able to disguise the fact that he had no Cutie Mark. After a few compliments from Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, he holstered his 1911 and joined them at the door. Just before he left he saw the blue feather that Scootaloo gave him, James slid it between his holster and belt and left the room. Twilight helped out with checking James out of the hospital.

“I’m impressed you’ve adapted to walking on four legs so quickly,” Twilight said as they left.

“Anything else you want to tell me about why I’m like this?” James asked.

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