• Published 26th Sep 2012
  • 3,448 Views, 189 Comments

The Final Crusade - Enfield

What would you do, and how far would you go to protect the ones you love?

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Screaming In Superhornets

One week later and two days prior to the air show Bill came over to the Rogers residence to guide the way to the Reapers airbase. After several unusual turns and a drive through a forest, Bill turned a corner concealed by bushes and drove toward a massive vine covered gate. They had reached the Reapers airbase.

“This place is big,” said Apple Bloom.

“I bet the airfield is hidden behind the hangar,” James said.
James and the Crusaders were the first to step out of the car and follow Bill into the barracks. Dave and Katherine followed shortly after. The barracks looked a lot like the Enforcer Compound, but there were more pictures of planes rather than tanks and soldiers. James felt sort of confused but Bill led him and his family into a back room. He then stopped to talk to James.

“Only you and one other person can come,” Bill said, “It’s all I’m allowed.”
James looked back to the Crusaders. Apple Bloom shifted uneasily from one foot to the other, Sweetie Bell bit her lower lip and rubbed her arm, Scootaloo was looking rather excited and was grasping her hands tightly.

“I’m gonna choose her,” James said pointing toward Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom let out a small “eep” and Scootaloo switched from excitement to disappointment.

“The farmer girl?” Bill asked.

“No, the one with the mad purple hair,” said James.

“Susie?” Bill asked. James nodded in reply.
Scootaloo ran forward and hugged James tightly around his chest.

“Thank you!” she said loudly.

“Hang on there Scoot,” James muttered, “We haven’t even got to the jets yet.”

“Before you go up you’re going to have to go through a physical and a safety lecture,” Bill said.

“Why?” Scootaloo asked as she let go of James.

“It’s for your own safety,” said Bill, “Jets are a little different than prop planes.”

“When do we start?” James asked.

Bill led James and Scootaloo to a medical waiting room where medics would do their physicals and see if they were healthy enough for flight. Bill said that they would be taken into separate rooms where both blood pressure and height would be checked before examination of their spines would take place to check for any bends. A medic took Scootaloo into one room and after a few minutes James was taken into another room by another medic. James had both his blood pressure and height checked, James made small talk with the medic to figure out why his height was being recorded. The medic said that it was to check if he had lost any height after the flight and that James’ spine had to be straight or the slightest turn would cripple him for life.
James was let out of the medical bay after several minutes and Scootaloo followed soon after. Bill then took them to a briefing room where there was another pilot sitting on a table.

“James, Susie, this is Charles,” Bill said, “We call him Foxtrot.”

“How you kids doing?” Charles said as he shook both James’ and Scootlaoo’s hand.

“Doing fine,” said James, “I gather that this is the health and safety portion of our pre-fight?”

“Sure is,” said Charles. Scootaloo groaned a little but she sat down to listen.
Charles explained that both James and Scootaloo would be experiencing extreme speeds and G-forces. He went on to explain the different parts in the cockpit and ejection precautions. An hour later Charles leaned closer to James and Scootaloo.

“This is a little something we do for our guests to prove they were with us,” Charles said, “If you can withstand nine gees then you’ll get a golden pin. How does that sound?”

“Nine?” James asked.

“Yep, nine or nothin’ is the motto we use,” said Charles.

“What’s nine gees?” Scootaloo asked.

“Nine times your body weight,” James said, “It’s what’ll be crushing you on tight turns.”

“If you want to back out you can,” Charles said.
Scootaloo thought it over.

“No,” she said, “I’m not giving up that easily.”
James was impressed with Scootaloo’s enthusiasm.

“Count me in too,” said James, “I want this to be in my summer vacation report.”

“Okay then,” Charles said, “Just go through there and get suited up.”

“Wait, we have our own flight suits?” James asked.

“Suits and helmets,” said Charles.

“Come on James!” Scootaloo said tugging at his arm. James got up and let Scootaloo drag him to the rooms where they would suit up for flight. They both got separate rooms to change in, several minutes later they came out in black flight suits and holding black flight helmets. James looked on the back of his and saw his name printed on the back. His name was also stitched to the suit.

“I’m definitely going to wear this at the next Halloween party I get invited to,” James though to himself.

“How do I look?” Scootaloo asked. James looked at her in her flight suit, it was a little big for her but it suited her perfectly. Scootaloo’s fake name was stitched to her suit as well, James could also see her fake name printed on the back of the helmet.
“Rainbow Dash is going to be so jealous when I show this to her,” Scootaloo said as she tried to put her helmet on. She was struggling a little with the chin strap.

“Let me help you,” James said.
James took the helmet and undid the straps, then he slid it on her head.

“There you go,” he said.

“What? I can’t hear you,” said Scootaloo.

“You can hear me can’t you?” James asked. Scootaloo nodded.

“So where do we go now?” asked Scootaloo.

Bill and Charles showed up a few seconds later.

“Bad news,” Bill said, “The jets need to have repair work done on them.”

“What?” Scootaloo asked.

“We forgot to tell you that we had to fly through a storm a few days back and the planes got a little buffeted,” said Charles.

“Where are you going on this?” James asked.

“The jets will be fixed in an hour or two,” said Bill, “In the meantime it’s better this way so you can eat something.”

“Any reason why?” James asked.

“No reason,” said Bill, “We thought that you two might be hungry.”

“I am,” said Scootaloo.

Bill and Charles led James and Scootaloo down to the canteen, James wondered what food wouldn’t make him vomit during the flight. He knew it was inevitable and he hated it, but James hoped he could hold it in until they landed.

“So,” James said, “Any advice on what we should eat?”

“Peanut butter,” said Bill.

“Why’s that?” James asked.

“Tastes the same either way it enters your mouth,” said Bill.
Scootaloo giggled a little but James seemed a little disbelieving.

“You’re not serious?” James said.
Bill shot him a glance.

“Oh my god you are,” said James, “Where do you keep it stashed?”

In the canteen, James and Scootaloo were scarfing down peanut butter. The canteen was mostly empty, Bill and Charles were talking with another pilot and there were two cooks talking and making food behind the counter. After several minutes and two tubs of peanut butter, James dropped the spoon he was eating with.

“I swear I’m going to make myself sick just by eating this junk,” he said.

“It’s not too bad,” said Scootaloo. James could tell she was lying, each time she ate a mouthful she cringed and swallowed.

“All we can hope for now is that the jets are running,” said James.

“Ugggh, I hate this stuff,” Scootaloo said as she pushed the peanut butter away, she looked on her legs and saw two grey pieces of paper attached to her calves.

“What are these?” Scootaloo asked James.

“Airsickness bags,” James said, “Just in case we do feel ill. I hope we don’t have to use them in the jets.”
Bill and Charles came over to their table.

“Great news,” said Bill, “The jets are ready.”

“So we can go now?” Scootaloo asked.

“Follow us,” said Charles.

Bill and Charles led James and Scootaloo to the tarmac where the F-18 sat. The jets were black as night and looked very fearsome. James wondered if they were used more on night missions rather than day. The black paint would stand out on a clear day.

“Okay then,” Bill said, “Here’s how we’re going to do this, James is with me. Susie, Charles will be your pilot.”

“Take care of her,” James said.

“I will,” said Charles.

Bill took James over to his F-18 and helped him into the cockpit. James wasn’t familiar with the weapons systems but the navigation computer was lot like the one in his Spitfire. James looked around to see every last little piece of the jet, most he recognized from his books but there were a few buttons that he had never seen before.

“What’s this red button?” James asked, pointing to a rather large red button on the joystick.

“The button that fires the nukes,” Bill replied as he climbed into his seat. James’ hand snapped back and Bill chuckled.

“Just kidding,” said Bill, “But seriously, don’t press anything.”

“Tell me the ropes of this bird,” said James.
Bill then explained the different buttons that James would be using. From the oxygen unit to the ejector handle, James listened closely to each word that Bill said, one button could be the difference between life and death.

“Now did you get all that?” Bill asked.

“Every last word,” said James.

“One more thing,” said Bill, “Since we’re going to break nine gees I’m going to warn you prior. I’m going to say ‘here we go’ slowly, after I say ‘go’ you’re going to have to hold your breath to support you.”

“I know this, I read a lot,” said James.

Bill started up the jet and guided it down to the runway, Charles had done the same also and was behind Bill. The jet rumbled as the afterburners kicked in for a few seconds. James felt a rush of adrenaline surge through him. He wondered how Scootaloo was faring in the other jet.

“Okay then, ready for takeoff,” Bill said.
Bill’s F-18 rolled onto the runway and aligned for the takeoff run. Bill pushed the throttle to max and engaged the afterburners, the plane screamed down the runway and then soared into the sky, James was so amazed he forget to attach his breathing unit. He realized it wasn’t on and he stuck it onto his face and flipped the shades on his helmet down. The jet swayed from side to side as Bill waited for Charles to join him, in the meantime he checked up on James.

“Are you okay?” Bill asked.

“We’re quite high up aren’t we?” James asked.

“Just ten thousand feet,” said Bill.

“Higher than I’ve been in my Spitfire,” said James.

“What’s the most g-force you’ve generated in that plane?” Bill asked.

“No more than two and a half,” said James.
Charles’ jet then flew next to them, James could see Scootaloo in the back looking around the cockpit canopy.

“Reaper one this is Reaper two, do you read?” Charles’ voice came.

“I read you Reaper two,” said Bill, “How about we do some tricks for the kids?”

“Acknowledged,” said Charles. He then speared off to the right and vanished behind a cloud.

“Will they be okay?” James asked.

“They’ll be fine,” said Bill, “Want to do a barrel roll?”

“Sure,” said James. But he instantly regretted it when the jet started rolling around incredibly fast. James was rather dizzy when Bill stopped.

“How was that?” Bill asked.

“I don’t know,” said James, “Which way is up again?”

“More tricks?” Bill asked.

“Impress me,” James said without thinking.

For almost an hour Bill was darting around the sky performing both combat maneuvers and tricks used in air shows. James had never been so dizzy and excited at the same time, soon Bill leveled the jet out and flew straight.

“How was that?” Bill asked.

“Greatest thing I’ve ever experienced,” said James. He watched Charles and Scootaloo pull up next to them.

“Reaper two, Reaper two. Shall we break the nine mark?” Bill asked Charles.

“Sure thing Reaper one,” Bill replied, “I’m at bingo fuel anyway.”

“Alright James, prepare yourself,” Bill said. James gripped the side bars on the canopy.

James started breathing quickly and heavily.

He wondered which way the jet would swing, hopefully upward so that he didn’t get sick.

Bill pulled back on the stick and the F-18 shot higher into the sky, James had sucked in as much air as he possibly could. The jet was screaming upward towards the sun, James was finding a crushing pain on his chest. He could barely move, most of his body was being held back by an unseen force. Under his mask and his helmet, James had gritted his teeth and his eyes were watering, he wondered how much more punishment his body could take. James feared for Scootaloo, she wasn’t as well built as James but she didn’t weigh much. He hoped that she would be okay after this. Bill then stalled the jet and it fell backwards and then nose dived. James found his breath and used the oxygen unit to suck up more air, he also felt lighter than before.

“How was that?” Bill asked.

“Oh…My…God!” James said between breaths. Bill laughed a little.

“Are we, are we canceling out gravity?” James asked.

“Sure are in zero gravity,” said Bill, “We do this and then level out.”

“Is Susie okay?” James asked Bill.

“Reaper two, is the girl okay?” Bill asked.

“She’s fine,” said Charles, “She wouldn’t stop screaming as we swung around you.”

“She will do that,” James muttered.

“Okay then,” said Bill, “Coming in for landing.”

The jets landed without a problem, James was then starting to feel a little dizzy after they parked up and got out of the jets.

“The bathroom is over there,” said Bill, reading the look on James’ face.

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