• Published 26th Sep 2012
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The Final Crusade - Enfield

What would you do, and how far would you go to protect the ones you love?

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James opened the garage door and he led the Crusaders out and down the street to Seth’s house. As James gave the Crusaders instructions he noticed that there were very few cars in the driveways of the houses. Normally there were about three or four cars per driveway but there were only six cars on the whole street. James had a funny feeling about what was going on.

“This is unusual,” he said, “I’ve never seen the street this deserted before.”

“Maybe people are on vacations,” said Sweetie Bell.

“Yes, but all at the same time? I think not,” James said.

“Do you hear anything?” Scootaloo asked.

“I don’t hear anything,” said Apple Bloom.

“It is quiet yes,” said James, “I don’t even hear the hedge trimmers or chainsaws that people use around here.”

James managed to lead the Crusaders to Seth’s house. James was a little skeptical about if his only trustworthy buddy was home. James knocked on the front door and waited. A few seconds later James knocked again, he put his ear to the door and listened for Dune to run up to the door.

“Where’s the dog at?” James asked. He jiggled the door handle and the door swung open.

“Was that meant to happen?” Scootaloo asked.
James shook his head and peered inside.

“Seth?” he shouted, “Diane? Jenson? Anyone?”

“I don’t think anyone is in,” said Sweetie Bell.

James stepped inside the house and looked around, if there was anyone in Seth’s in the house they would understand why James was here. Until they see the Crusaders holding on to him crying and James’ bloodied nose.

“Anyone in?” James shouted. There was no response.

“What do we do now?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Search for food, figure out where everyone went, that sort of thing,” James said.

“Isn’t this considered stealing?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“I’ll leave them a note explaining everything,” said James.

“Where should we start searching?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well we can divide up into two pairs and search the house,” James said, “You can choose who you want with you.”

“I’m with James,” Scootaloo said almost immediately.

“If it’s okay with you two,” James said.

“I don’t mind,” said Sweetie Bell.

“Same,” said Apple Bloom.

James went to investigate upstairs for any clues as to where everyone went while Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell searched for food in the kitchen. Scootaloo went to search the spare room while James rummaged around in Seth’s room.

“Find anything?” James asked.

“No, just a bunch of busted up toys and stuff,” Scootaloo replied.

“Not a single thing to help us,” James said, “There has to be a note or something.”
James started pulling things at random out from under the bed, he stopped for a second as he tried to figure out where any sort of hiding place Seth would dream up to might be when Scootaloo came into the room holding a piece of paper.

“Hey James, look at this,” she said. James got the paper from her and read it. The paper was a letter. It said that in the night FBI agents came to their door and told them that there was a crazed serial killer and rapist in the area and they had to evacuate so they could locate the madman. James knew this was a lie because it was only yesterday when his traitorous parents decided to leave him and the Crusaders for dead. The letter also mentioned about one of the neighbors hearing gunfire at James’ house and the fact that there was something strange going on with the Rogers family. James huffed and tossed the letter onto the desk, he then went to find Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell.

“Anything?” James asked once he found them in the garage.

“Not a single soda can,” said Sweetie Bell.

“Where can we get food now?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Well we have enough for at least three days,” said James, “The best idea now would be to search the other houses but I’m going to need the keys for the houses.”

“You have keys for the houses on the streets?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“Just a couple,” said James.

An hour later James and the Crusaders had managed to find a few houses that contained food, sadly it still wasn’t enough and half of the food they found had expired. James was a little frustrated but he put it out of his mind when he found a watermelon in one of the neighbors backyards. James took it outside and mounted it on a large stool, he then went upstairs and cracked open the gun safe, which hadn’t been emptied by Dave. James found his Enfield carbine and the bayonet for the gun and took them both outside. The Crusaders watched as James affixed the bayonet to the rifle. James took one look at the watermelon, and then skewered it. He threw the melon to the ground and stabbed it several more times before he jumped on it.

“I feel better now,” he said.

“Is that the first time you’ve used the bayonet?” Scootaloo asked.

“This is the first time I’ve used it to see if it can gut a watermelon,” James said.

“Are you going to train yourself to use it?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“I’ll try to once the food problem is sorted,” James replied.

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