• Published 26th Sep 2012
  • 3,448 Views, 189 Comments

The Final Crusade - Enfield

What would you do, and how far would you go to protect the ones you love?

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Crossing The States

The last few weeks of July were miserable or unbearable, constant rain and sweltering humidity tormented the east coast and another hurricane had rolled through the south of America. But this didn’t stop James and the Crusaders from making the most of it. New movies were released, the neighbors’ pools were always open and the gun range had a new experience to it every time they went. One day after the Crusaders got a chance to shoot the pistols once more they found James at the counter with Dave purchasing ammo.

“Are we going back to shoot again?” Scootaloo asked, her shirt had specks of gunpowder on it.

“No, this is a little different,” said James.

“So why are you buying more bullets?” asked Apple Bloom.

“For our safety,” said James, “We’re going up to South Dakota later this week remember?”

“So what’s with the weird box?” Sweetie Bell asked. James pulled out a .357 round out of the box, it was a normal looking round until James pointed out the bullet itself. The bullet had a sharp point and made was of steel.

“This here can kill bears,” said James.

“Bears?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yep, had a nasty run-in with one once,” said James.

“What happened?” Apple Bloom asked.

“We were riding horses around the Black Hills and a grizzly came out of the brush,” James said, “Scared us and spooked the horses, the guide had a rifle with these rounds and he killed it.”

“Why did he kill it?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“If he didn’t I might be dead,” said James.
Dave purchased the bullets and took them from James, Katherine collected a couple of the guns, James and the Crusaders helped out with carrying some of the gear to the car and back home.

The end of the week came faster than expected, James had only just finished packing up the Winchester repeater that they always took with them since the grizzly bear tried to kill them when he heard that the car was packed and everyone was ready to go to the airport. The airport that James’ family used for long trips was much bigger than the flying club.

“Welcome to Philadelphia international airport,” said James.
The Crusaders stared out of the window at the massive airport, they had never seen anything like this before. As Dave drove around looking for a parking spot the Crusaders asked James more about what they were about to enter.

“Is this how you get around in this world?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yes it is,” said James, “It’s a hub of activity and travel, which reminds me, stick together alright? I don’t want you getting lost.”

“Are there a lot of people here?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Hundreds,” said James, “Stay with us, if you do get lost don’t move from where you are. It’s easier to find you then.”

“What can we expect in here?” asked Sweetie Bell.

“Tight security, long lines and even longer waiting time,” said James, “And that’s before we pass the security checkpoints.”
The Crusaders all looked at one another then back outside, James assured them he would tell them what to do. After a half hour they made it inside the terminal, the place was brand new and unusually quiet in the ticket lines.

“This could go easier than I expected,” said James.

The wait for the tickets and depositing the large bulky baggage was much shorter than James and his family had ever experienced. The wait to pass security was, as usual, painfully long. The security guard checked the passports for James’ family and the new passports that Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo acquired only last week. The long wait through the checkpoint wasn’t helped by Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo complaining that their feet were cold, they had chosen to wear sandals and were walking barefoot on the cold tile floor while James and Apple Bloom wore sneakers and had socks on. After they made it through security, James found the gate that had their flight, all was left was an agonizing wait until boarding.

“How long until we can get on?” Apple Bloom asked.

“About five hours,” said James. Scootaloo huffed and sunk down in her seat.

“How about we find somewhere to eat?” asked Katherine.

“A good idea since I can’t stand airplane food,” said James.

“Is it that bad?” asked Sweetie Bell.

“I would rather starve than eat on a plane,” said James.

Dave found a decent restaurant for them to eat at. While eating in the restaurant James and Katherine entertained the Crusaders with stories of his rather bonkers Uncle Norbert, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo enjoyed hearing the misadventures and said that a few of them sounded like adventures they had done themselves. Almost six hours later the plane was ready for boarding, after jostling their way through other passengers on the plane James and the Crusaders found their seats.

“I’m here by the window,” James said, “Abigail, you’re next to me and my dad, you two get to sit opposite with mum.”
Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo sat down in their seats while Katherine and Dave stuffed bags in the overhead bin. As James made himself comfortable in his seat, Apple Bloom sat down next to him.

“James,” she said, “How long will we be flying in here?”

“Six hours I think,” said James.

“How do we pass the time?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I usually sleep,” said James, “But I’m going to wait until we’re airborne.”

“Why’s that?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Because I usually need a drink before I sleep,” James said taking out a Skymall magazine.

The plane was eventually up and flying, James was idly flicking through the magazine when the drinks cart came down the aisle.

“Can I get you anything?” the stewardess asked.

“Just water for us please,” Dave said. As the stewardess got James, Apple Bloom and Dave water Dave handed James a small plastic tube.

“What’s that?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Dramamine,” said James, “I always have this when flying long distance.”

“What is it for?” asked Apple Bloom.

“It’s a motion sickness pill that helps you sleep,” Dave replied, “You can have one if you want.”
Apple Bloom watched James take one and drink the entire cup of water he had, Apple Bloom nudged him and pointed to the plastic vial.

“You want one too?” James asked.

“I’ll get bored without someone to talk to,” Apple Bloom replied.
James chuckled and gave her one, he then rolled over in his seat and fell asleep. Apple Bloom looked at the pill in her hand, she wasn’t sure if this was safe for her to take. Then again, she was starting to feel a little dizzy. Apple Bloom decided to take the Dramamine so she could at least sleep the hours away. She swallowed the pill and drank her water, then drowsiness slowly started to affect her, Apple Bloom didn’t know what was happening but tried to let sleep take over, soon she fell asleep and wondered what they would do in South Dakota.

After what seemed like a few minutes Apple Bloom slowly started to wake up, she could hear and feel something but she didn’t know what it was.

“Wakey wakey,” James’ voice came, Apple Bloom opened her eyes and saw James gently shaking her awake.

“Hey there kiddo,” James said, “Sleep well?”

“Are we there yet?” asked Apple Bloom.

“We touched down a few minutes ago,” said James, “Come on, we’re getting off this thing.”
Apple Bloom unbuckled herself and stood up, a thumping headache and a dry throat followed.

“Ow,” she said, “Why does my head hurt?”

“Just a small side effect of the Dramamine,” said James, “I’m a little dehydrated myself. Let’s get into the airport and get some water.”
James helped Apple Bloom grab her bag and follow Dave. The flight crew waved them off the plane and James led everyone to the main gate.

“Welcome to Rapid City,” said James.

Rapid City airport was much smaller than Philadelphia’s airport so finding baggage claim was easy, once all the bags were accounted for Dave led everyone outside to the SUV that they would be using.

“It that ours?” James asked once he saw it.

“We had to since we brought the girls along,” said Dave.
The SUV was almost twice the size of Katherine’s SUV, Dave opened up the trunk and started putting bags in the back, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo clambered in and examined the vehicle.

“It’s much bigger than last year,” James said as he struggled to get a large case in the back, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo helped him pull it in.

“I know, but it’s going to be better on those dirt roads,” replied Dave.

“At least we have that,” said James.

“So where are we going first?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“You’re going to like this,” said James, “We’re going to stay at a ranch.”

“A ranch?” Apple Bloom asked. She sounded a little surprised but somewhat excited.

“Same one we’ve been at for the past three years,” said James, “You’re going to like it there.”

“Alright now everyone in,” said Dave, “We’ve got a long drive ahead of us.”

The trip through Rapid City and the Back Hills looked the same to James and his family, as for the Crusaders they could not stop looking outside the car. South Dakota was a new place to them and they wanted to see every last bit of it. The road soon left the sights of the hills and the car ended up in Hill City, a much smaller town that James, Dave and Katherine used for shopping and eating out.

“This is one nice place,” said Apple Bloom.

“Wait until we get to the ranch,” said James.

“I can’t wait,” said Apple Bloom.

“You’re really excited about this ranch,” said Sweetie Bell.

“It’ll help remind me of home, help make sure I don’t forget,” Apple Bloom said.

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