• Published 26th Sep 2012
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The Final Crusade - Enfield

What would you do, and how far would you go to protect the ones you love?

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Following Secrets And Forming Ideas

The next morning Scootaloo was woken up by Dart clambering over her. She was a little weary but well rested. Scootaloo wondered what had happened last night, she sat up and looked around the room, she was still in the spare room of Enfield’s house. Outside, the rain had stopped and the sun was out. She looked on the bedside table and saw her prized blue feather sitting on it, Scootaloo took it and went downstairs to find Enfield and thank him for letting her stay. She walked down the stairs and stopped when she saw Enfield at the front door, it was open and he was talking to someone.

“The water level is that bad huh?” Enfield said.

“Yes sir,” an unseen pony said, “We’ve been trying to figure out how to drain half the town. So far we’ve had no luck.”

“Did you isolate the flood waters?” Enfield asked.

“Yes sir we did,” said the pony.

“What’s the predicted temperature going to be for today?” Enfield asked.

“About eighty nine sir,” the pony replied, “But how will this help us?”

“Lift the barriers and spread the water around the town, or at least get it in the fields,” Enfield said, “The water will evaporate eventually, the only downside is the humidity.”

“You want us to re-direct the flood waters around the town in order to thin it out so it’ll evaporate?” the pony asked.

“You’re a pegasus, you should know,” Enfield said.

“Yes sir, and again sorry to bother you,” the pony said.

“No problem, now hop to it!” said Enfield. The pegasus flew away just as Scootaloo walked over to Enfield, Enfield sensed Scootaloo next to him.

“Who was that?” Scootaloo asked.

“One of the royal guards posted in Ponyville,” said Enfield, “He was telling me that a small part of the town got flooded.”

“That happens around here sometimes,” Scootaloo said.

“It’s nothing major,” said Enfield, “Do you want something to eat? Derpy brought me muffins yesterday.”

Scootaloo at first refused but smelled the muffins in the oven and felt her mouth water. Within seconds, Scootaloo was sitting with Enfield eating blueberry muffins while Enfield cleaned an M60.

“I knew you would like those muffins,” Enfield said, “Derpy insisted I have some of those but I’m not too much of a blueberry sort.”
Scootaloo just nodded in agreement, she then cocked her head to one side in a questioning manner.

“It’s an M60 machinegun,” Enfield said, “I found this under my bed for some reason, probably because I was going to clean it.”
Scootaloo gave a muffled laugh and swallowed the rest of the muffin.

“Sounds like you forget things sometimes,” she said.

“Only if there’s something bigger that pops up,” Enfield said.
Scootaloo made and excuse to leave and Enfield let her, rather reluctantly. She went over to the front door and opened it, the storm had left massive puddles in its wake but they were spread out.

“Well, see ya, I guess,” Scootaloo said.

“Hang on there Scoot,” Enfield said, he trotted over with a small bag in his mouth. Scootaloo took it and opened it up, inside was some money, a bottle of water and some food.

“Why are you giving me this?” Scootaloo asked.

“Because I want you to have it,” said Enfield, “You really need something to help you out and I don’t want you to walk out with nothing.”

“Thanks Enfield,” Scootaloo said. She left without another word.

Brit was curious about where Scootaloo actually lived. Feeling rather sad and helpless for letting Scootaloo walk away to go and live in the box she called home. He went upstairs, found a gillie suit and put it on. He took his 1911 and screwed a silencer on the end of the barrel, he wasn’t going to use it, he felt like it was appropriate and that it matched his gillie suit. Enfield found his night vision goggles and strapped them to his head. Once he was suited up he went downstairs to track Scootaloo, but he stopped when he saw something sitting on the Xbox, Enfield went over to it and picked it up. The box was the case to the new “Far Cry” game. A wave of excitement hit him when he picked it up, but then Enfield remembered why he was suited up, he had to solve the mystery of where Scootaloo truly lived. Brit set the box back down and ran out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

It took him three hours to find Scootaloo in the bedlam of a flooded Ponyville, the Royal Guards had taken Enfield’s advice and had tried to thin the amount of water in the town. He dove between bushes and boxes to avoid being spotted. As he sneaked his way around the town he finally found Scootaloo. She was dumping what looked like a bag of garbage into a dumpster, Enfield watched as she went to the front door of a house, knock on it and then receive money from a cheery and pleased looking pony. Scootaloo said something and then ran off, Enfield following in the shadows.

He tracked Scootaloo’s every move, from helping ponies with jobs to attempting to fly. Enfield watched as she jumped off a rock and try and fly, her wings were flapping faster than a hummingbird but she wasn’t getting any lift. Scootaloo crashed to the ground, got up and dusted herself off. Enfield really wanted to go over there and say something kind and encouraging but he stayed put because he didn’t want to blow his cover. As Brit followed her back into town, he felt rather sinister from being undetected for so long, if he was on earth living his old life, he would have tried to get into the SAS. He felt invisible, he felt like a ghost, no-one knew where he was.

“Hi there Mr. Enfield!” a loud and ecstatic voice said from behind him.
Enfield span around, grabbed Pinkie Pie, covered her mouth over and pulled her behind him in the bush.

“Shush,” he hissed, “Do you want to get me spotted?”
Pinkie said something but Enfield kept her silent as he looked through the bush. Scootaloo had heard Pinkie Pie and was looking in his direction, she then shook her head and walked away. Enfield breathed a sigh of relief and let go of Pinkie.

“Whatca doin’?” Pinkie asked.

“Look, it’s not open to the matter of discussion,” said Enfield.

“You’re doing something fun, I know it,” said Pinkie.

“This is important,” Enfield said as he tried to figure out where Scootaloo went.

“Can I join in?” Pinkie asked.

“Pinkie, this isn’t the best time,” Enfield said, he stopped and tried to figure out an excuse to get rid of Pinkie, his mind then came up with the perfect thing to say.

“Are you going to tell me what you are doing?” Pinkie asked.

“Sure, I can tell you,” Enfield said, he then added, “But once I do I will have to kill you. It’s a top secret assignment.”
Pinkie looked at Enfield, surprised about what he said, but she went back to her usual self.

“Okey dokey,” she said and hopped off down the street.

It took Enfield another hour to locate Scootaloo. He did find her wandering around a rather dark and shady part of town. Enfield drew his silenced 1911 and slowly followed Scootaloo, she had no idea that Enfield was following but from what it looked like, she knew this part of the town very well.

“I hope she doesn’t run into trouble,” Enfield said quietly.

He followed closely behind her and trained his gun on anything that came too close to her. Enfield kept pace until she rounded a corner into an archway, he wondered if Scootaloo lived there. Sneaking up around the corner, he used a small mirror to peek around the bend. There was a single light illuminating the alleyway, there were a few trash cans and bags of garbage sitting by them. Enfield shifted to the other side of the archway and managed to see Scootaloo, she was pulling something out of a large, soggy cardboard box. It appeared to be a tattered blanket, in the light, Enfield could see that it was dripping with water and falling apart. Scootaloo balled it up and tossed it against the trash cans in frustration. She then started pulling out small amounts of food and tossing that out as well, she flipped the box over so that the wet part was now the ceiling rather than the barrier between Scootaloo and the ground. Scootaloo crawled inside and pulled one of the flaps shut. Enfield withdrew and sank against the wall. His eyes were filling with tears, he wiped them off and looked around the corner again.

“No kid deserves that,” he whispered, “Especially Scootaloo, she should not be living like that.”
Enfield crept up on the box and listened closely.

“Guess I’m gonna starve again,” he heard Scootaloo say.

“Who’s she talking to?” Enfield thought, “Oh wait, probably an imaginary friend to keep her company. That’s so upsetting, she has an imaginary friend because of her loneliness. I know how that feels.”

“I don’t know how I look so healthy either, but I know that I’ve lost weight since I got back,” Scootaloo said, she paused and then continued, “Yeah I’m also gonna freeze tonight, the last blanket was ruined by the storm.”

“My God,” Enfield thought.

“Why me? Why is my life like this? I didn’t do anything to deserve this,” Scootaloo said, her voice sounding like she was about to cry.

“No Scootaloo, you don’t deserve any of this,” Enfield thought, “I really feel bad now for giving you a place to stay and then having you come back to the life you have here. I didn’t know that you were living like this, I wish I could help you somehow.”

Enfield then knew how he could help her through the night and the morning. Without a moments hesitation he ran back to his house, collected a blanket, a packet of blueberries and some water and then ran back to the alleyway where Scootaloo had taken shelter. He sat behind a crate and waited for Scootaloo to fall asleep. Once Enfield could hear the soft but heavy breathing of Scootaloo in her slumber he crept up to the box. He opened the flap and through his NVGs, saw Scootaloo sleeping but shivering from the cold that had just set in. Enfield really wanted to find some way of helping her even more but this would have to do until he figured something else out. He placed the blueberries and water next to Scootaloo and tossed the blanket over her, she felt it and pulled it up under her chin. Scootaloo gave a happy sigh and rolled over, completely oblivious to what just happened. Enfield backed out of the box and then ran for home, his mind still fixated on helping Scootaloo.

Brit ran through the town, feeling remorseful and guilty, but he stopped for a second to catch his breath. Once he knew that he was close to home he slowed to a walk and crossed the bridge outside of Ponyville. Enfield then ran into Applejack as he neared his house.

“Howdy there Enfield, what’s that you’re wearing there?” Applejack said, pointing to Enfield’s night vision goggles.

“Just something I made in my spare time,” Enfield replied. He was glad he had the goggles over his face, he didn’t want Applejack to see his tears.

“You okay there?” Applejack asked, “You sound a little upset about something.”

“It just that I’m glad I’m alive,” Enfield lied, “I can’t believe that only a week ago I was lying on the road bleeding to death and you guys fixed me up and gave me a place to live.”

“Aw shucks, it was nothing,” Applejack said, “Say, can you help us out tomorrow morning? We found more apple trees that need to be harvested.”

“Sure I can help,” Enfield said, “I need a little extra on the side.”

“Okay then, I’ll show you how to apple buck tomorrow,” said Applejack.

Enfield waved and then sprinted back home. He slammed the door shut and locked it, he stood against the door for a few minutes until an idea hit him that would help Scootaloo and himself out. Enfield was greeted by Dart but he pushed past him and ran to the bookcase upstairs, hoping to find what he was looking for. He found one law book and flicked through the pages, he then read some of it and slid it back into his book case.

After a shower, Enfield went to the window and looked outside. A mist had descended over Ponyville and the temperature had dropped several degrees. Enfield felt really bad for Scootaloo, but once he managed to get more money from helping Applejack, he would be able to make things right. Enfield climbed up into his bed, a little nervous about his new job of helping Applejack out but extremely afraid that his plan might not work.

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