• Published 26th Sep 2012
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The Final Crusade - Enfield

What would you do, and how far would you go to protect the ones you love?

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Preparation, Parties and Princesses

Enfield and his newly adopted daughter roamed the town stores stopping at each store they came across. Scootaloo wanted to buy everything she saw but Enfield stopped her and let her get something from each shop, the owners of the shop asked Enfield why he was helping the filly out and Enfield replied with saying that he had just adopted her, the owners would shake his hoof and congratulate him. Eventually, they were weighed down with a mix of posters, toys, electronics, lamps and a few decorations for Scootaloo’s room. As the two walked down the road joking and laughing, they ran across Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell.

“Oh, hi Enfield,” Apple Bloom said.

“Hey, what are you two up to?” Enfield asked.

“We were invited to a party, but nopony told us what it was about,” Sweetie Bell said.

“Pinkie told us to meet over by your house,” said Apple Bloom, “So what are you and Scoot up to?”

“Nothing much,” replied Enfield, “I’m just getting some stuff to liven up the house.”

“I’m helping him pick the stuff out,” said Scootaloo.

“Need help?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“Nah, we’re okay, aren’t we Scoot?” Enfield said.

“Sure are, dad,” Scootaloo asked.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell’s jaws dropped. Enfield and Scootaloo couldn’t help cracking up from the sight of the two in utter shock.

“You two should see the looks on your faces,” he said.

“Did she call you ‘dad’?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Yep, Enfield is my dad now,” Scootaloo said.

“But how?” Sweetie Bell asked.

“Easy, I adopted her,” Enfield said, “All this stuff is for her new room.”

“Wow, Enfield is your dad and you have a place to live?” Apple Bloom said, “Scoot, that’s great news!”

“Yeah!” Sweetie Bell said, “We’re really happy for you.”

“Thanks for still being my friends,” Scootaloo said.

“I have to ask something,” Apple Bloom said, “Why didn’t you just stay at the Clubhouse instead of that box?”

“You always kept the door locked,” Scootaloo replied.

“If you told me I would have let you stay there,” Apple Bloom said, slightly upset and guilty.

“No, it’s okay, I have a dad now,” Scootaloo said.

“Yeah,” Enfield said, “Me.”

“I wish Enfield could be my dad,” Sweetie Bell said.

“You have a family, Sweetie Bell,” Enfield said.

“I know, but you would be the coolest dad ever,” Sweetie Bell said.

“He is the coolest dad ever,” said Scootaloo.

“Give me time to prove it, I only just started,” Enfield said. The girls laughed a little, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell congratulated Enfield and Scootaloo once more and ran off to find Pinkie Pie. Scootaloo pushed Enfield so that they would get back home faster and so Scootaloo could pick her new bedroom and decorate it to her liking. Scootaloo and Enfield got back home and Scootaloo ran upstairs to choose a room. Enfield trotted up after her. Scootaloo picked the very room she had slept in on the day Enfield let her stay, they unpacked all of what they bought and set it up in her bedroom. Once Scootaloo was satisfied with her new room, Enfield decided to take her up in the Spitfire to celebrate and to teach her the basic controls of the plane.
Enfield led Scootaloo out to the hangar and unlocked the main door, slid it open a crack and flicked the light on.


Enfield stood frozen as he looked around the hangar and saw almost the entire town standing in the hangar waiting for Enfield and Scootaloo to enter. Pinkie Pie bounded from behind the Spitfire wearing an assortment of ridiculous party favors.

“Are you surprised?” she asked.

“Yes,” said Enfield, “Very.”

“We set up the party in here,” Pinkie Pie said.

“I suggested that we have the party in here,” Twilight said.

“And you did an amazing job,” said Enfield, “All of you.”

“Is this for me?” Scootaloo asked.

“It’s for both of you,” Twilight said, “It’s to welcome Enfield to Ponyville and to congratulate you on becoming his daughter.”

“Thanks,” Scootaloo said.
Enfield pulled her closer to him and gave her a quick squeeze.

“Well no point in standing around,” Enfield said, “Let’s party!”

A loud cheer ran through the hangar and the music started up. Scootaloo ran off to dance with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell as Enfield went to talk with other ponies that he hadn’t met but had the politeness to come to the party, or that Pinkie Pie made them. Enfield liked how the place was decorated, streamers and lights coated the Spitfire, the jukebox had been hooked to a mixing desk with a wild haired unicorn DJ looking through the songs on the jukebox. The entire workbench had food and drinks covering every square inch of it and the seats of the Ecstasy 550 had been removed and the cooler fitted instead. Enfield let Scootaloo enjoy the party without having him towering over her, he trusted every single pony at the party.

The hours sped by as the party raged on. Enfield was over with a group of fillies and colts showing them the Spitfire while Scootaloo showed Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell the cockpit. As the party slowed to a more relaxed state, the hangar doors slid open. Enfield drew his pistol and kept it trained on the door as he tried to focus who was outside. The sky had gone from day to night and Enfield flicked the flashlight on, reveling both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

“I see that you’re enjoying your party,” Celestia said.

“It was Pinkie’s idea,” Enfield said.

“I guessed that much,” Celestia replied, “So is this for your arrival?”

“Well it’s a two in one party,” Enfield replied.

“How is it two in one?” Luna asked.

“The first part you already said,” replied Enfield, Scootaloo hopped down from the plane and went to stand next to Enfield, “Second is a little more interesting. I, Brit Enfield, adopted Scootaloo.”

“You have adopted this little filly?” Luna asked.

“She needed me,” said Enfield.
Celesta and Luna both exchanged looks until Scootaloo got their attention.

“Are you coming in to party or not?” Scootaloo asked.

“We might as well,” Celestia said.

“The fun shall be doubled!” Luna exclaimed.

Once the two princesses joined in, the party became even more hectic than earlier. Several ponies left coated in foam string and food, thanking Enfield and giving Scootaloo a kindly hug just before they left. Eventually, the party died down and everyone left, including a pair of worn out rulers and Enfield’s six new best friends. Enfield and Scootaloo were the last to leave the trashed filled hangar, as he slid the door shut Scootaloo stretched her legs out and took one last look inside.

“Had a good time?” Enfield asked.

“Yeah, shame about the mess,” Scootaloo said.

“It’s okay,” said Enfield, “We’ll have it all cleaned up tomorrow.”

Enfield locked up the hangar and walked back to the house with Scootaloo slowly following him. Enfield had enjoyed himself, his head hurt, he was tired and he was full of cake and soda. He stopped and let Scootaloo catch up, he picked her up and placed her on his back. Within an instant, Scootaloo fell asleep. Enfield chuckled and took her inside and up to her room, he set her down on her bed and pulled the sheets over her.

“Night dad,” she whispered.

“Good night Scoot,” Enfield replied.

He switched the lamp off and gently shut the door behind him. Enfield felt great knowing that Scootaloo’s stay wasn’t going to be temporary, now that he was her dad, she was going to be his daughter forever. Enfield clambered into his bed and fell asleep, knowing that all this wasn’t a dream or a figment of his imagination, it was really happening and he couldn’t be happier.

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