• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 3,138 Views, 1,893 Comments

Continuing the Dream - Blue Breeze

A certain wind controlling pony moves to Ponyville to finally live out his dream after eight years.

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Another One

I was at the cafe, hanging out with Ice. I had gotten off of work(I bet a lot of people wish they could get off as early as I do) and Ice was on break.

"So, you got any plans for tonight?" I ask Ice.

"Yeah, I'm taking Vinyl out. She said she wanted us to go to her club, Club Pon3. She said it would be awesome." he answers.

"I've heard about that place. It sounds really awesome. I hear the music's so loud, dozens of ponies have lost their hearing, but were too happy about having an awesome time to care."

We both laugh. "So, you doing anything?"

"Yeah, going back to the Everfree Forest, only instead of doing my basic note taking, I plan on asking Zecora if she may know anything."


"Oh, right, you don't know her. She's a zebra who lives in the forest. I met her through Rainow Dash."

He smiles and shakes his head. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Ice, break's over!" we hear Bon Bon shout.

"Coming!" he shouts before turning back to me. "I've gotta go, I'll see you later."

"It's cool. I think I'll just hang out here for a bit."

He nods and walks off. Just then, the front door opens and I turn to see a tall and slender green pegasus mare walk in and take a seat. Her mane is white with a green stripe, lighter than the green of her coat. Her hooves are also white and her cutie mark is some sort of strange looking tree. To most ponies, she would appear completely normal, but I couldn't shake this weird feeling I had about her. Could she really..?

"Hey, Vine. Good to see one of my regulars." Bon Bon says to the mare. Vine huh?

"Hey, Bon Bon." the mare replies.

"So, your usual normal coffee?"


I continue to look at the mare before she looks over at me. "Are you just going to keep staring at me?"

"Oh, uh, sorry." stealth is not my strong point.

Bon Bon returns with her coffee and sets it down. "*sigh* Stallions." the mare says before drinking her coffee.

Ice walks by and I lean near him. "Hey, Ice, you see that mare over there?" I whisper to him, pointing to Vine.

"Yeah, she's in here pretty often. What about her?"

"I have this weird feeling about her, kinda like the feeling I got when I first saw you."

"You mean, you think she could have powers?"

"I can't be too sure, but I think so. Do you know anything about her?"

"Only that her name is Vinetion and she really likes normal coffee. Not much else besides that."

"It's fine. I'll look into it later."

"Ice, no talking while on the clock!" Bon Bon shouts.

"Oh, sorry." he trots off and gets back to work.

I start thinking. 'Could she really have powers? It's definitely possible. Ice proved I'm not the only one out there with them. Any other pony with powers would probably be in hiding just like I was. But, if she does really have them, then just how many of them are out there?' I get up and make my way out. 'I can't let this distract me. Right now, forest. I'll deal with her later.'

I make my way back home and get inside. Since it's still early, I think I'll take a bit of a nap before I go. I hope Dash's laziness isn't starting to rub off.

Two hours later

I get up. Now I see why Dash naps so often. It's nice. I start doing my normal preparation routine. Grab notes, make about a dozen chimicherrychongas, pack everything up, and head out. I'm hoping this visit can be uneventful, but knowing my trach record with the forest, it doesn't seem likely.

I get to the forest and make my way inside, actually having a destination rather than blindly running around.

As I walk, I try to recall how to get to the zebra's hut. "Now, if I take a right here I-WOAH!" I scream as I begin flapping my wings to stop my fall. "I fall off a cliff. Right."

After some walking around, this place is even worse than the near identical houses in Ponyville, I find Zecora's place. I go up and knock on the door.

Zecora answers the door and looks at me with a smile. "It is very nice to see you, Blue Breeze. I feel the time since your last visit has been centuries."

"Hehe, sorry about that. May I come in?"

She steps aside and allows me to walk in. The place is decorated with masks, potions, and a big cauldron. And I thought the outside looked weird. Then again, I'm not the best interior designer either.

"Now, how may I help you this fine night, my friend with colors so bright?" do all zebras rhyme?

"You've been living in this forest for a long time, correct?" she nods. "I was wondering, do you know anything behind what makes the weather here so weird?"

"Ah, the answer you seek does not come from the sky, the ground, or even the ants. The answer to this mystery you will find from the plants."

"The plants huh? I'll try it. Thanks, Zecora." I say before leaving.

For about the next hour, I try studing the plant life. Let's see, there's trees, flowers, trees, the grass, trees, berries, and, guess what? More trees! I wish Zecora had been a little more specific. The entire time I'm doing this, I can't help but feel I'm being watched. Maybe I'm being paranoid again. Then again, does anyone remember what happened the last time I thought I was being paranoid?

I start getting a little frustrated by the lack of any findings."Ugh, what's the deal?!" I kick at some shrubs near me. "Dumb plants!"

Just then, I feel something wrap around my back leg. A large vine shoots up from the ground and pulls me into the air.

"What the buck is going on?!" a mysterious figure emerges from behind the trees and comes out. No way. "You're the mare from the cafe!"

"And you're the creep who kept staring at me."

"It wasn't what it looked like."

"You expect me to believe that? And now you go and attack these innocent plants for no reason. What did plants ever do to you?"

"A ficus killed my father." I say sarcastically. Even in danger, I'm a smart flank. My mouth is gonna get me killed one of these days. "Look, this is a big misunderstading. Why don't you put me down and we can talk about this?"

"I don't think so." her hooves begin to glow a soft green to match the green of her mane.

I start feeling the vine around my leg grip to me tighter. This is actually starting to hurt. I charge my wings and send out a wave to cut the vine off.

"What?!" the mare shouts in confusion.

I land back on the ground. "This is a big mistake."

"There's a mistake, alright. You being in this forest." her hooves start glowing again as more vines shoot up around her and point at me.

What'd I tell ya? Something ALWAYS happens when I come in here.

Author's Note: The pony used in this chapter comes from my friend(we are friends, right?), the coffee drinking, plant controlling, internet trolling, Vinetion. Go check her out. Like I said with Ice, let me know if you ever think I write you incorrectly.

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