• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 3,138 Views, 1,893 Comments

Continuing the Dream - Blue Breeze

A certain wind controlling pony moves to Ponyville to finally live out his dream after eight years.

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This Isn't a Good Idea

After Twilight leaves to her room, we continue to stare at each other in silence, both trying size up each other. Neither of us could really sleep right there because of all the thoughts and feelings going through us. At this point, neither wanted to give the other any kind of advantage, that advantage being going to sleep and leaving the other asleep. Our stubborness also get the better of us.

I start to break the silence. "So, why were you in the forest in the first place?"

"Not that it's your business, but I live there." he replies bitterly.

"Live there?" I ask, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yeah, living there and using my powers to fight the monsters in there is one hay of a time." he puts on a sinister grin. "What were you doing in there, besides looking to die that is?"

This guy is definitely sick in the head. "I was there to fulfill my dream of being the first pony to figure out the mystery behind the forest's weather."

He starts chuckling to himself. "Seriously? That has got to be the stupidest thing I ever heard. You are such a loser."

"Well, don't look now, but this "loser" just punded your sorry flank into the ground."

"You got lucky! Let me go and I'll show you what I can really do!"

"Hehe, I don't think so. As long as you're tied up, you're not going anywhere. Even if you got out, I'd take you down before you could even do anything."

"Oh, yeah? If I weren't tied up, it'd put you six feet under in ten seconds flat(Ihad to)!"


We both go to back to sitting and staring at each other in silence. We eventually both just pass out at the same time. Convenient I must say.

The next morning

Dark and I both wake up. This is kinda freaky. I sniff the air and smell something. Pancakes!

"Well, about time you two woke up. "Twilight says. "Spike's in the kitchen preparing breakfast. He should be done soon."

"Sounds good, Twi." I say.

"I don't want anything you have to give." Dark says.

Twi and I both roll our eyes at him. "Breakfast is ready!" Spike yells.

"Nice!" I get up and head towards the kitchen.

Twi uses her magic to levitate Dark and carry him over. "Hey! Put me down! I don't want breakfast!" he shouts.

"Hush. You're eating and that's final." Twilight tells him. Twilight sure can be tough when she wants.

We reach the kitchen and take our seats, Twilight putting Dark in his. Spike brings over a bunch of plates filled with pancakes and sets them infront of each of us.

"Bon appetite." he says.

"Man, these look great!" I say before digging in.

As the rest of us eat, Dark just sits there and looks at his food. "It's not poisonous. See?" Twilight says before taking a bite. "Besides, you really need to keep your energy up, especially after what happened to you last night."

"You mean me kicking his flank?" I say.

"You're not helping" Twilight says through gritted teeth.

"Even if I wanted to eat, I can't move my legs to grab the knife." Dark says to twilight.

"Well, do you want me to feed you?"

"Excuse me?" he says in annoyed voice.

"You let me feed you."

"No way! I'm not a little kid!"

I reach over to his plate. "Sweet! More for me!"

"Wait! Fine, I'll let you feed me."

Twilight smiles and uses her magic to begin feeding Dark. This is too rich, but I sustain my laughter. We all finish eating and head back into the main room.

"So, has there been a reply from the princess yet?" I ask.

"Yes, she wants us to meet at the palace at-" before Twilight can continue, a bright flash fills the room. As the light fades, it reveals to be Princess Celestia.

"Good morning, everypony." she says.

"Princess! I thought you wanted us all to meet at the palace!" Twilight shouts in confusion.

"I decided to give you all a break and drop by myself."

"Now I can see why ponies call her Trollestia." I mutter silently.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing." I say nervously.

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow before trotting over to Dark. "Dark Lightning, after all this time, I have finally found you."

"What are you taking about, princess?" Twilight asks.

"You see, Dark has been a fugitive of he Royal Guard for over fifteen years. He is wanted for the death of his adoptive father."

"The son of a mare had it coming!" Dark shouts.

Everypony just looks at him with a shocked expression, everypony except the princess that is. "I think discussing this would be easier without you being constricted." her horn glows as the vines around Dark break and release him.

"Oh yeah! Much better!"

"Princess!" Twilight shouts.

"It is all right, Twilight. He shall not harm you. Right, Dark?"

Helands and looks at her smugly. "Sure. So, I guess you're going to take me away now?"

"No." she replies.


"I want you to stay here in Ponyville. I think staying here would be good for you."

"What?!" everypony shouts.

"Are you sure, princess? I don't think that's a good idea. Even if he stayed, where would he live? I've run out of room at my place." I say.

"I am well aware of this. I think Dark here should stay with Twilight."

"What?! You can't be serious! This psycho is way too dangerous!"

"How about I show you how dangerous I am?!" Dark says, getting in my face.

"Bring it on!" I reply.

"Enough!" Princess Celestia shouts. "Blue Breeze, it is obvious you're being here is making this more difficult than need be. I think it would be best if you leave."

I back away from Dark and stomp out of the library. I just dont trust that guy.

'You needn't worry, Blue Breeze.' a voice says.

"What? Who's there?" I say outloud.

'It is I, Princess Celestia. I'm taking to you telepathically.'


'Yes. I'm sorry I made you leave, but I believe Twilight is fully capable of handing this.'

'Are you sure? Twilight is your student after all.'

'I know, which is why I am still worried. If he dares to hurt any innocent pony, especially one so close to me... I'll make sure he never sees the light of day again.'

'Geez, that's pretty harsh.'

'Harsh or not, if I feel it necessary, I just do it.'

'Did you feel it necessary to send your sister to the moon for a thousand years? Because I think you could've tried harder.'

'...Anyway, I really should be going. But before I go, can you promise to keep an eye on him?'

'Sure, I was planning to anyway.'

'Good. Good luck with him.'


We finish up our little telepathic discussion and arrive back home to see the guys hanging out.

"Shouldn't you guys be at work?"

"We're going. e just wanted to make sure you came back first." Zeph says.

"Thanks. Now, does anyone want some breakfast? I'm still a little hungry."

"Sure." they all say.

I go over and start making some chimicherrychongas. "So, what's the deal with Dark?" Ice asks.

"Apparently Celestia thinks he should live with Twilight."

"Really? I hope she'll be okay."

"Me too. Pardon me here, but if he so much as touches Twilight, I'll be dead on his flank like Spencer for bucking Hire. I'll hunt him down and feed him his own testicles AND I'll do it in a jiffy. And I dont care if his mom's there, his grandma, innocent bystanders, little kids, babysitters, bill collectors, whatever. I'll leave his whole body in pieces if I have to! And you know why?! 'CAUSE I JUST DON'T GIVE A BUCK!"

A bubble of grease pop as I finish. "So, who's hungry?" I ask hsppily. They just sit there and stare at me. "Come on, guys. You know I'd never go that far." I reassure.

Maybe I wouldn't go that far, but he's dead if he hurts Twilight.

Author's Note: So, can anyone name what that little scene at the end is inspired by? I;ll give you a shout out if you can.

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