• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 3,138 Views, 1,893 Comments

Continuing the Dream - Blue Breeze

A certain wind controlling pony moves to Ponyville to finally live out his dream after eight years.

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Sticking Together

Author's Note: I'd like to take a moment of silence for our friend, Ice, who has taken his own life due to his depression. Ice, if you can see this, thanks for everything. I hope you're finally happy. This'll be the last chapter to break away from the Cloudsdale stuff. Thanks to Rhino for helping me with th idea for it. Now, on with something a bit happier.

The next day, in Ponyville

Vinetion, now back to being a mare after days of being a stallion, stands behind the counter in her store, a very bored look on her face.

She sighs to herself. "Geez, no wonder I don't work here more, it's completely boring. Guess things really are boring around here without Blue or Dark."

She drops her face on the counter in defeat. Despite how annoying they say we are, those guys know they love having us around. Especially during a time like this.

The bell atop the door jingles as a pony comes in. "Oh, thank..." Vine starts before noticing who it is.

"Hello there, dear." Fleur says, walking inside.

"Oh, hey, Fleur." Vine says in disappointment.

"What's the matter?"

"Ugh, I'm just so bored."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but work isn't supposed to be fun."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. So, what'd you come in here for."

"Oh, I broke a chair at home by accident and wondered if you had any glue I could use."

"Sure, let me grab some." Vine reahes over to a nearby shelf and pulls down a tube of super strong glue. "Here you go."

Fleur takes it in her magic as she looks at it. ""Vinetion's Rose Thorn Glue". You have your own kind of glue?"

"Of course. I even patented it."

"Patented it?"

"You ALWAYS patent this stuff."

"Hmm, I suppose. Oh well. Thank you, dear."

"Sure, no problem." Fleur walks out as Vine goes back to being bored by herself. Her ears perk up as she gets an idea. "That's it! Glue! Oh, this is going to be fun."

Vine grabs her own tube as she pulls out a sign saying "Out to lunch" and puts it on the front door. She then makes her way down to the cafe to start her trolling.

Celestia help the ponies involved.

Vine arrives at the cafe and spots Zephyr and Drax haning out with Ice at the front as usual. "Perfect." she says to herself under her breath. She walks over to them and takes a seat. "Hey, guys."

"Hey, Vine." they all say. That unison thing still perplexes me.

Vine looks at Zephyr holsing something in his hooves. "What's with the box, Zeph?"

"Oh, this? This is something 've been wanting to do for a long time."

"Didn't know you were into boxes."

"Not like THAT. Inside is my engagement necklace to Tavi."

"You mean you're finally gonna propose?"

"Yep, taking her out tonight and I'm gonna ask her."

"That's great to hear". 'And only makes this prank even better.' she thinks to herself. "Hey, is that her coming in right now?"

"Where?" he says, turning his ahead around. With this opportunity, Vine puts some glue on his back. Zeph turns back around. "I didnt see her."

"Oops. My bad, I guess."

Drax turns his seat as he prepares to get up. "Well, I think I'm gonna go. See you guys later."

"Hey, Zephyr. Is that a spider?" Vine says, trying to trick him."

"What?! Where?!" he says with worry, He backs up from his seat and his glue covered back hits Drax's. Zephyr struggles, but to no avail. "Hey, what the?"

Drax gets up as he unknowingly takes Zephyr with him. As they reach the door, Drax's great height and Zephyr being on top of him makes Zephyr hit the door head first.

"Hey, what gives?" Drax says, un able to exit. He repeatedly gets stuck as Zephyr's head keeps hitting the door.

"DRAX!" Zephyr shouts.

Drax turns around to face the call, but sees no one. "Who said that?"

"I did! Me, Zephyr!"

"Zeph? Where are you?"

"On your back. I'm stuck and I can't get off."

"What? Why?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Here, let me try something."

"What are you do-"

Zeph stops as Drax flips forward and lands on him, the two of them still stuck. "Well, that didn't work."

"What made you think it would?!" Zephyr shouts inm anger.

Vine sits in her chair as she laughs. "You two are never gonna get that stuff off normally. Only way to get that glue off is my own special brand."

"Vine, you better give us that remover! I can't go on my date with Drax on my date!"

"One thousand bits."


"I'll give it to you for one thousand bits."

"No way! I'd rather rip my own fur off!"

"Oh, that's not possible. The glue's already gotten to your skin."

"Nothing's impossible! Ice!"

"What?" he says.

"See if you can freeze this stuff off!"

"Ugh, fine." Ice's horns give off mist as he focuses energy on their backs and ice forms on their backs. Vine just watches in amusement. "There, try that."

They try to pull again, but nothing happens. "I-I think it g-got more stuck." Zeph says as his teeth chatter from his frozen back.

"Y-Yeah, i t-think so t-too." Drax says, also cold.

"My offer's still open if you want." Vine says nonchalantly.

"N-Never! We'll j-just find something e-else. L-Let's go, D-Drax."

The two stuck ponies exit the cafe as they try to find a solution. From across the street, the Cutie Mark Crusaders spot them and walk over.

"Woah, what happened ta ya'll?" Apple Bloom asks.

"Vine stuck us together." Zeph says. "I'm used to being on top, but this is ridiculous."

"Hey, maybe we can help you guys get unstuck." Sweetie Belle says.

"Hmm, worth a try." Drax says.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER PONY UNSTICKERS! YAY!" all three fillies shout, nearly shattering they're eardrums.

With that, Drax hold onto a pole in the street as the crusaders tie one end of a rope around Zeph and the other end to Sccotaloo's scooter.

"Alright, go!" Zeph shouts at them.

The sccoter revs up as it starts going as fast as possiblr. Zeph and Draw pull towards them a bit, but Drax keeps a tight grip on the pole. The pole starts to get uprooted from his oulling as the fly off and crash into a wall.

"Can we just give Vine her money?" Drax asks.


Drax picks them both up as they untie the rope and leave the crusaders. They return to the cafe to find Vine readinga book and drinking some coffee.


"Fine, I'll pay you. Just gets us unstuck."

"Can do, but the tonic will take me several hours to make."

"You mean you don't have any already made?!"


"Great! Looks like you'll be a third-wheel tonight, Drax."

"What?!' he shouts. "You're seriously taking her out like this?!"

"Look, I've already got this set up. I'm gonna wait another month to get a reservation to try this again."

"Ugh, fine."

Well, this should be just a barrel of fun.

Later that night

Drax walks to Vinyl and Octavia's house with Zephyr still stuck to his back. "Ugh, I can't believe you're making me do this." says Drax.

"Just go with it and help a bro out."

They get to the house as Drax knocks on the door. Octavia answers it with excitement. "Oh, Zephyr. You're-" she stops as she see Drax. "Oh, hello, Drax. Where's Zephyr?"

"I'm right here." he calls out. Drax bend over for them to meet face to face. "Hey, Tavi." he says to her sheepishly.

"What in the world happened?"

"Long story. All you need to know is Drax and I are stuck because of Vine."

"Well, are you all right?"

"Yeah, just fine. Now come on, we've got a reservation to make."

"Are you really sure we should go right now?"

"Yeah, sure. Drax will be so quiet you'll barely notice him. Right, Drax?"

He sighs. "If I must."

"Well, if you're sure then."

The three ponies go off, all of them feeling a bit awkward about this. Understandable.

They arrive at the restaurant a while later as they take their seats, Zephyr taking the seat and having to slouch with the much larger Drax on his back.

"See? This is perfectly fine." Zephyr says while struggling.

"My back hurts." Drax says.

"Zephyr, are you really sure about this? We can reschedule if you want."

"No! I mean, no, this is perfectly fine." he says. "Did I mention how beautiful you look tonight?"

She blushes. "Why, thank you. I did try to make myself look good tonight."

"I had to TRY to look that good? I just thought you were naturally beautiful."

The two leans in and kiss, Drax's mane drooping over them.

"Well, maybe you just might get something tonight for being so nice to me."

"Not with me you're not!" Drax says.

"Quiet you." Zephyr says. He starts feeling more strain before he completely falls on the table and Drax's head lands in a bowl of soup.

"Dang it, Zeph!" he shakes his head around to get the soup off, but due to his longer mane, it gets all over Octavia.

"Maybe I should go." Octavia says with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

"No! I'll go get some napkins!" Zephyr says. He leans over as Drax takes control again and heads over to a sald bar with napkins.

Vine comes through the door at the front as she looks around and easily spots them. She goes over to them. "Hey, guys. Having fun?"

"Buck you!" Zephyr shouts. "Just give us the stuff! This is horrible!"

"Fine, fine. ere's some of my Sonic Tonic. Patent pending."

"Patent?" Drax asks.

"ALWAYS get patents." she pops of the cap as she rubs some against their backs and Zephyr slides right off of Drax.

"All right! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a mare to propose to." Zephyr says before dashing off.

He goes back over to the table where an irritated Octavia sits. She looks at him in surprise as she notices Drax has left. "Where did Drax go?"

"Vine came by and got us unstuck!"

"Well, that's very nice. Now we can finally enjoy ourselves."

"Actually, I've got something I want to do."


Zephyr takes a spoon as he taps a glass and gets everypony in the restaurant's attention. "Everypony, I have an announcement." he oes over to Octavia and bends down. "Octavia, you are the most wonderful mare I've ever had the privelage to know. Will you do the honor of being my wife and marrying me." he finishes by taking out the necklace case and showing it to her.

Octavia cries tears of joy as she is speechless. She nods as she hugs him and everypony in the restaurant cheers.

Vine and Drax stand over at the slad bar as they watch. Vine looks at Drax with a setious look. "I still want my money though."

Author's Note: This chapter is brought to you by Vinetion brand Rose Lostion. Patented of course. Perfect for both couples and loners.

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