• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 3,138 Views, 1,893 Comments

Continuing the Dream - Blue Breeze

A certain wind controlling pony moves to Ponyville to finally live out his dream after eight years.

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Drax's Determination

Author's Note: Stupid fimfiction! Y U NO WORK?! It's like the site is against me writing today. But I shall not stand for it! But enough of my pointless whining(which really is whining). Now, on with the story(sounds weird putting this after what I just said. Meh.).

That same morning, Zephyr(confused we're starting off with Zephyr in a chapter about Drax? Good.)

Zephyr wakes up in Jack's living room, having slept on the sofa during the night. "*yawn* That was a rough night's sleep." he says to himself. He walks over into the kitchen. "Jack probably won't mind if I make myself some cereal."

Of course. Eat someone else's food without asking. Though, I'd probably do the same thing.

Zephyr pulls out a box of Applejacks. No relation to Ponyville's resident cowpony. "Huh, I wonder if Applejack knows about these." He pours himself a bowl and sits down at the dining table to eat.

Jack walks out from the hallway as Zephyr continues to eat. "Good morning, Zephyr. Sleep well?"

"Hey, Jack. No, not really."

"You should've taken my offer to sleep in my room with me."


"Uh, that's okay." Zephyr says with a nervous and fake smile.

Jack frowns. "Well, if you say so. So, any plans for today?"

"Yeah, I really just wanna head back to the hotel. My friends are probably worried about me."

"I'll go over there with you and help carry your money."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

The two of them then just spend the next half hour eating breakfast and making small talk. Once done eating, they go get Zephyr's money and head out to the hotel.

They reach the hotel after a bit of walking and take an elevator up to the sixth floor. "Here's our stop." Zephyr says. Well, duh. That's why you hit the button with a six on it. But I digress.

They walk through the halls and come to the rooms. "Here's the rooms." he knocks on the door only to recieve no answer. "Huh, let me try the others." he knocks on the other doors, but again, nopony answers.

"It seems like they've all left already." Jack says.

"Aw, man."

"Well, no point in sticking around here. Let's just go out for a bit and come back later."

"*sigh* I guess."

Wondering where everypony is? That'll be in the next chapter. You mad?

That same morning, Drax(here's what you all wanted to see this chapter)

Drax and Spitfire sit up, barely getting any sleep during the night. "Man, this bed feels like it's full of rocks." Drax says.

"Tell me about it." Spitfire says. "My wings feel so stiff."

"Is that because of the bed, or are you just happy to see me?"

Spitfire playfully punches his sholder. "Shut up."

Drax chuckles a bit and gets up to use the restroom. Upon entering, he sniffs a horrible smell. "Bleh, this place smells like it's never been cleaned."

After "going" and trying not to puke from the smell, Drax gets out of the bathroom. Suddenly, a pony opens their door. "I'm glad to see you're awake. You're next match is in a few minutes."

"Fantastic." Drax says sarcastically.

"Good to hear. Break a leg. And we mean that pretty literally here. THey're leg, you're leg. Anypony's really."

The pony leaves them after that. "*sigh* Let's just get this over with."

Spitfire comes over and kisses him on the cheek. "Don't worry, I'll be in the crowds to cheer you on all the way."

"Thanks, Fire. You can make even this bareable for me."

"That's what I'm here for."

The pegasus leaves the incredibly dingy room and heads down the stairs to see a crowd of ponies has already gethered for the fight. Do ponies in this town ever sleep?

Spitfire goes over to the stands and takes a seat in the audience. Drax goes over to the cage and opens up the door to walk onto the ring.

'Hopefully my next opponent isn't all that tough. That Steel Hoof guy really gave it to me.' Drax thinks to himself.

"Fillies and gentlecolts!" Albert announces to the crowd. "Let's here it for our favorite rookie, Drax!" the crowd cheers for Drax... I think. I think they really just wanted the fighting to start.

Just then, an incredibly muscular pegasus pony with even more incredibly small wings and a scary look on his face walks into the ring.

"And introducing his opponent, Roid Rage!"

"YEAH!" Roid Rage shouts.

"Roid Rage? Haven't I seen you in Ponyville?" Drax asks.


"Then what are you doing here?"


"That doesn't really answer my-"


Drax facehoofs. "What is wrong with you?!"

"Don't bother talking to him, Drax." Alvbert says from his announcer's stand. "Al the steroids he's on kinda went to his brain. He can't really think too well anymore."


'Great. Just my luck. My opponent is a brainless, buffed out, psychotic, moron.'

"Well, bring it on!" Drax challenges Roid Rage.



Roid Rage takes off for Drax, despite his size, dude's pretty quick on his hooves. Drax narrowly dodges as Roid Rage slams face first into the cage.

"HA! Take that!"

Roid Rage backs up from the cage, unphased from the crash. I guess stupid people don't feel as much pain.



Roid Rage grabs Drax and throws him onto the mat. He tries to drop his muscular elbow onto Drax only for Drax to roll out of the way. Drax gets onto his hooves and gets behind Roid rage to wrap his forelegs around his neck. As Drax tries to choke him out, Roid Rage opens his mouth wide and bites down on Drax's foreleg.

"OW!" Drax shouts in pain. He lets go and starts using his free foreleg to repeatedly hit Roid Rage in the face, desperately trying to make him let go. "Get off! Get off! Get off!"

With one last strong punch, Drax hits Roid rage between the eyes and makes him release his bite. Drax brings up his foreleg and blows on it to relieve the pain.

"YEAH!" Roid Rage shouts AGAIN.

He charges at Drax as Drax he falls onto his back. Drax his hindlegs to launch Roid Rage into the air. Becuase of his tiny wings, Roid Rage his unable to catch himself in the air.

Drax flies up and wraps a foreleg around Roid Rage's head. He pulls him down and delivers a devastating DDT to Roid Rage, making the entire cage shake and knocking Roid Rage out.

"Folks, Drax is on a roll! Let's give it up for him!" Albert shouts again. Drax just stands in the ring and pants as he looks upon Roid Rage. "Drax, you may exit the ring and head over to our locker room to blow off some steam."

Drax eits the ring and looks over to a door with a sign saying "Locker Room" on it. Deax goes over and goes inside the locker room.

Drax sits down at a bench for a minute before punching cracks in the wall in frustration. "I can't take much more of this!"

Just then, a familiar earth pony walks up to him. "I know what you mean."

"Steel Hoof? What do you want?"

"I'm just getting ready for my match."

"They're making you fight after that injury I gave you yesterday?"

He nods. "They had some medical ponies work on me, but I'm still hurt. This place just doesn't care about its fighters."

"Really? I never would've guessed."

"Joke all you want, but the truth is, I hate being here just as much as you do. Also, I wanna apologize for how I might have come off yesterday."


"Yeah. I know I may have seemed like a jerk, but I just do that to intimidate my opponents. I'm just trying to survive in this place."

"Well, apology accepted. But I don't plan on staying here."

"Heh, good luck getting out. But while you're here, just hope you don't have to fight my brother, Alloy."

"Why is that?"

"He's ruthless. He'll kill you and not even think twice about it. Everypony here fears him."

"Well, I don't care what he's like. I don't care who gets in my way, 'cause I'm gonna get out of here."

Steel gives Drax a smile. "Well, I wish you luck. But now, I've gotta go do my match."

"Yeah, good luck to you too."

Steel leaves the locker room and leaves Drax to be alone with his thoughts.

'I talk a big game. I just hope I can back it up.'

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