• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 3,138 Views, 1,893 Comments

Continuing the Dream - Blue Breeze

A certain wind controlling pony moves to Ponyville to finally live out his dream after eight years.

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Preparing for the Everfree

Several hours later.

The party had ended and mostly everypony had gone home, except for Dash and her friends, who decided to stay back and help me clean up.

"Thanks again for the party, guys." I say. "And thanks for helping me clean up this mess. It would've really sucked if I had had to clean this whole place up by myself."

"No problem, Blue." says Twilight. "After all, what are friends for?"

"And I simply would have felt awful leaving somepony to deal with a mess this large." says Rarity.

"Yeah, Breezy. I set up the party, the least I could do is help clean it up." says Pinkie.

"And... There! That's the last of it." I exclaim. "Phew. It's getting pretty late, so I guess you girls better be getting on home."

I escort them to the door as I open it, smiling warmly as they each depart.

"Bye, Blue!" they shout.

"Bye, girls! I'll be seeing you around!" I shout as I stick my head outside

I close the door as I finish my good bye. 'Well that sure was an exciting first day here in Ponyville.' I think to myself. 'Better go hit the hay myself. I've got a big day tomorrow.'

I walk up the stairs and head into my room. Lying in bed, I think to myself 'Things sure are going great. I've got a new house, a new job, some great new friends, and I'll be able to head back to the Everfree Forest to continue studying its weather soon. Life is good.'

The next day.

My alarm clock starts going off. I slam my hoof down on it to shut it off. Remind me, why do I have that thing when it's so darn loud? By the way, I am NOT a morning pony.

I get out of bed, very groggily. I start getting myself ready for the day. "Use" the bathroom, take a shower, and comb my mane. All that jazz.

While doing all that, I start thinking. 'Today is my last day off before I start my new job as a weather pony. I should probably take that time to get familiar with the lay-out of Ponyville. I could also use this time to prepare myself for my trip to the forest. Let's see, I'll need some food, a coat since it gets chilly out this time of year, and I'll need to get a book on the forest to study up on. But first thing's first, I gotta get that chimicherrychonga recipe from Pinkie!'

I finish getting ready, grab my saddlebags, and head out to Ponyville on my way to Sugarcube Corner.

After doing some asking around, I finally find Sugarcube Corner. Should've figured it would be the giant gingerbread house.

As I walk in, a blue earth pony mare greets me. "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner. I'm Cupcake and this is my husband, Carrot Cake." she says, pointing to a yellow earth pony stallion.

"Hello." says Carrot Cake.

"How may we help you?" Cupcake says.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Cake." I say in return. "I'm Blue Breeze. Is Pinkie Pie here?"

"Let me call her for you." the earth pony mare turns toward the stairs. "Pinkie! You have company, dear!"

"Coming!" Pinkie shouts. She then starts hopping down the stairs to come see her visitor, me. "Hey, Breezy. What's up?" she asks in a bubbly attitude. I guess she's not just like this at parties.

"Hey, Pinkie. I just came by to ask if you could give me your chimicherrychonga recipe. I loved them so much I just had to figure out how to make my own."

"Sure thing." she pulls out a piece of paper with the recipe on it. Where she got it from, I have no idea, but I decide not to ask. "Here you go." she hoofs me the paper.

"Thanks, Pinkie. Well, I gotta go."

But as I'm about to leave, a pegasus foal and a unicorn foal crawl up to me.

"And who are these little tykes?"

"The pegasus is Pound Cake and the unicorn is Pumpkin Cake. They're the cakes kids."

"Really? Well, hey little guy." I say to Pound Cake. "I can tell you're going to grow up to be a great flyer someday. Just keep at it and you'll be able to fly, just like me."

As I say that, Pound Cake starts flying. I just sit there, slack jawed by what I'm seeing.

"Surprising, huh?" Pinkie asks.

"Yeah... surprising. Well, like I said, I gotta go. See ya, Pinkie."

"Bye, Breezy."

'Okay, now that that's done with, off to the market to pick up the ingredients for the chimicherrychonga ingredients. Celestia I love how that sounds.'

After getting to the market, I pick up all the ingredients. While I'm there, I notice Applejack, standing behind an apple cart. I decide to walk over and say hi.

"Hey, Applejack. What's up?"

"Howdy there, Blue. I'm just selling some freshly bucked apples from Sweet Apple Acres."

"Freshly what apples?" I ask, confused and concerned as to what that meant.

"Freshly bucked apples. Ah kicked them apple trees so hard, these little beauties just fell right off their branches and into these here buckets. Wanna buy some?"

"Oh! That's what you meant. Sure, I'll buy a bushel."

"Well, what'd you think I meant?"

"Oh nothing, nothing." I say nervously

"Uh huh." she says suspiciously. "Alrighty then, that'll be five bits."

I give her the bits. She gives me the apples and my put them in my saddlebag.

"Thanks, Applejack. I'll be seeing ya."

"You're welcome, Blue. See ya later."

"Oh, by the way, Applejack, could you tell me the way to the library and the Carousel Boutique? I need to get a book from Twilight and I need to see about getting Rarity to make me a coat."

"Well, the library is inside the big tree in the middle of town. The Carousel Boutique is just east 'o there."

"Alright. Thanks again, Applejack."

"No problem."

'Next, to get a book on the forest from Twilight.' Truth be told, I had actually already studied the Everfree Forest a few years back. But getting a refresher from the newest book out there about it couldn't hurt.

As I get to the library, I knock on the door. "Coming." says a voice. That doesn't sound like Twilight.

The door opens to reveal a small, purple dragon. "Hello?"

"Woah. Are you a real dragon?" I ask in amazement. This day is just full of surprises.

"Yes, I am. And who might you be?" he asks.

"Oh, sorry, I'm Blue Breeze. I came here to see Twilight, is she around?"

"It's cool. I'm Spike, Twilight's assistant. Yeah, she's here."

Twilight then trots up behind Spike. "Hi, Blue. Can I get you a drink?" she asks

"Hey, Twilight. No thanks. I came here to see if you had any recent books on the Everfree Forest."

"The Everfree Forest? Why do you want a book on that place?"

"Oh, you know, I just like keeping up to date on everything happening in Equestria." I lie. I couldn't tell her the truth. I knew telling her would only make her worry about me.

"Oh, okay then. Spike, go see if we've got something, would you?"

"Sure thing, Twilight." he says, complying to Twilight. "Found something." “The Everfree Forest: A Reference Guide Version Three"."

"That's perfect." I say, flying up and grabbing the book from Spike "Thanks. Well, later, Twilight. It was nice meeting you too, Spike."

"Bye." they both say as I walk out the door.

'Just one last thing to do. Go to the Carousel Boutique and ask Rarity if she can make me a new coat.'

I make my way to the boutique, arriving in just a few minutes. I walk inside to see Rarity working on a new outfit.

"Why, hello there, Blue. What can I do for you?" she asks.

"Hey, Rarity. I was wondering, could you make me a coat? We're entering the chilly season and I don't have one."

"A coat? Of course, darling. It's not often I work with a stallion, so this should be interesting. I'll just need you to stand over here so I may take some measurements."

"Sure thing." I trot over to her.

She brings out some measuring tape and starts measuring me. "Alright. Yes. Okay. Just one more measurement and... There! All finished."

"Sweet. Do you think you could get it done by Friday afternoon?"

"Of course, dear. There is nothing I can't handle." she says proudly.

"Great. Thanks Rarity. Catch you later."

"Good bye, dear."

I step outside the boutique with a smile on my face. 'Sweet! I got all my errands done and there's still a lot of time left in the day. I think I'll get home so I can get to reading up on the forest.'

And with that, I am now off back to my house, ready to get reading. First time I'm actually looking forward to reading in a long time.

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