• Published 22nd Jan 2012
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Continuing the Dream - Blue Breeze

A certain wind controlling pony moves to Ponyville to finally live out his dream after eight years.

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First Day on the Job

I had spent several hours reading that book I got on the Everfree Forest from Twilight. A lot of it was stuff I already knew. Strange monsters, naturally occurring weather(I WILL figure out how you work!), but one thing I had not read up on were the many types of strange plants the forest had. One particular one stood out to me: Poison Joke. The book describes it as, "A strange blue plant, similar to Poison Oak, that when touched, will give whoever touched it any random ailment." I better make sure to steer clear of that. Who knows what could happen?

After having read for Celestia knows how long, I finally decide it's time to go bed.

'Well, tomorrow I can finally start my first day on the job as a weather pony.' I think to myself(if you hadn't noticed, I tend to do that a lot). 'Hopefully it'll be better than that boring old mail delivery job I had back in Cloudsdale. Oh, who am I kidding? Of course it'll be better!' I lie down, falling asleep in ten seconds flat(wonder why I said it like that).

The next day

I wake up, same as any morning. Turn off the alarm clock, get myself cleaned up, lather, rinse, repeat. But this morning was different. I was in a good mood and actually excited to get up for once. You can probably guess why. Because I was starting my first day working my dream job as a weather pony.

I quickly get ready and head out the door, on my way to Ponyville Weather Control.

I shortly arrive a few minutes later, Sunny greeting me as I walk in. "Morning, Blue. Ready for your first line of work as a Ponyville weather pony?"

"Morning, Sunny. I sure am!" I exclaim. "So, when do I get my first assignment?"

"Head in to the employee lounge, Rainbow Dash will be in there to give you your assignment."

"Ok, thanks."

"No problem."

I walk into the lounge, and what do I see as I walk in. Rainbow Dash sleeping on the couch... again. I've got a little surprise for her.

I lean in close to her; take a deep breath, and yell, "RAINBOW DASH! WAKE UP!"

"WOAH!" she shouts. "Ugh, are you gonna wake up like that every time?'

"Maybe. Are you going to keep falling asleep at work?" I ask smugly.

"Point taken. So, what'd you need?"

"Sunny told me to come see you about getting my assignment."

"Alright. Your job for today is to bring in some clouds to shade Ponyville. It's a little warm outside, so we need the clouds to-"

"Get it colder, yeah, yeah. I get it." I interrupt. "Is that really it? It sounds too easy." I say, sounding kinda arrogant.

"Oh, really? It's nine o'clock right now, so how about you get it done before noon?"

"That'll be easy."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"Then how's about we make a bet? If you can shade all of Ponyville by noon, I'll take you out for lunch. But if you can't, you take me out for lunch."

"Oh, you're on!" We spit in our hooves and brohoof on it.

I quickly make my out the door, into the lobby. "Bye, Sunny. Wish me luck."

"Luck? With what?" she asks.

"I made a bet with Dash saying that I could shade all of Ponyville by noon. The loser has to take the winner out to lunch."

"Sounds fun." she says sarcastically. "Well, good luck, Blue."

"Thanks." and with that, I'm off to win that bet.

Later that day

"It's already 11:58. Just two minutes til noon and I win the bet." confidently says Rainbow Dash

"I wouldn't be too sure, Dash." Sunny says smugly.

"Just you wait. In just one more minute, I'll be the winner!"

"In five... four... three... two..."

"I'm back!" I shout. "Sorry to keep you girls waiting. I would've been back sooner, but I had to help a little old lady cross the street." I smugly say. Aren't I just the worst?

"No way!" Dash shouts in disbelief.

"Way. Now, I do think you owe me lunch. "

"Fine. Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm... how about Olive's Garden?"


As we walk out, Sunny says, "Have fun you two."

"Shut up." Dash says irritably.

We shortly arrive at the restaurant and are quickly seated. "Here you are, monsieur." the waiter says in a Prench accent.

"Thanks." I say.

"Now, what will the two of you been having on this fine afternoon?"

"I'll take an order of hay fries, please."

"I guess I'll have a hay and daisy sandwich." Dash says.

"As you wish. Your meal will be ready shortly." the waiter trots away, order in tow.

As we sit there in silence, Dash is glaring daggers at me, apparently still sore from having lost the bet.

"Come on, Dash." I plead. "Just because you lost and are having to pay doesn't mean we still can't enjoy ourselves."

"I guess you're right." she says. "So, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Well... why were you and Sunny the only weather pegasi in town before I showed up?"

"Eh, ponies left for a number of different reasons. Whether they wanted out or just weren't working out, they just kept leaving. Just a few weeks ago, we had this one pony named Derpy working for us, but she kept constantly screwing up, so we had to let her go. I heard she got a job as a mailmare, so she's doing all right."

"Oh, I see."

"Okay, my turn. How did you get your cutie mark?"

"My cutie mark?!" I start panicking. Telling somepony about how I got my cutie mark and about my powers could result in a lot of unwanted attention. I can't tell her!

"Yeah! Come on, spill it!" she persists.

I cave. "Alright, Dash. I'll tell you, but you have to promise you won't tell anypony, at least not right now."

"I promise. Now, spill."

"Well, it all started when I was twelve years old..."

One long explanation later

"And ever since then, I've learned to control my powers and have only become more interested in studying the forest's weather." I finished explaining.

Rainbow Dash was just sitting there, in complete aw at what I had told her. "No way... D-Did all that really happen? Do you really have wind powers?"

"It all happened and I do have powers."

"I guess that explains why you're not afraid of going into the forest."

"Oh, even if I didn't have powers, I wouldn't be afraid. Having the powers just makes everything a lot easier." we both laugh. "Just remember, don't go telling anypony. I don't want to get any attention drawn to me."

"I understand. Don't worry, I won't."

"So, how'd you get your cutie mark?"

"Well, let me tell ya, it was amazing!"

"Don't just brag about it, give me the details."

"Okay. It happened when I was just a filly; I had gotten into a race with two colts who had been bullying Fluttershy."

"Bullying Fluttershy? That just ain't right." I say, concerned.

"I know, right? Anyway, during the race, I started falling down at an incredible speed. Just as I hit the ring near the ground, I had pulled off the Sonic Rainboom, winning the race shortly after."

"Wait, I was there during that race."

"You were?"

"Yeah, you were racing those two idiots, Hoops and Dumb-bell. Man, that Sonic Rainboom was the most amazing thing I've ever seen! Well, other than when I got discovered my powers. I guess I didn't recognize you since you had grown up to such a pretty mare."

She blushes at the compliment. "Thanks. You're not too bad yourself."

We both share a laugh. The two of us are just sitting there, eyes locked on each other. I can't even look away from her beautiful eyes.

'Why can't I look away from her? Why's my heart beating so fast? Why can't I stop smiling? Could I really be falling for Rainbow Dash?' I think a bit nervously

We both start leaning in close and closer, until...

"Your order is ready, monsieur." the waiter says, popping in and putting out food on the table.

"Oh, uh, thanks." I say nervously as Dash and I quickly back away from each other, both a bit red in the cheeks.

For the rest of the time, we both just it in silence, quietly eating our food.

'Why does someone always have to show up at the worst possible time?'

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