• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 3,138 Views, 1,893 Comments

Continuing the Dream - Blue Breeze

A certain wind controlling pony moves to Ponyville to finally live out his dream after eight years.

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One Last Night

(Reposted for reasons explained in this blog)

Author's Note: Wow. It's definitely been a while since I've been here. Most of you know that I've been hard at work on my recent side story, 'Those Awakwad Teen Years'. To those who didn't know, well, why don't you check my page for updates? Anyway, this chapter is getting back to the canon story and takes place at the end of the fight with Alloy. Also, I'd like to give a quick shout out to a long time fan and friend of mine here on the site, Rhino, who recently started his new fic, 'The First Steps of the Rest of Your Life'. I recommend that any of you that like this story, which you obviously must to have read this far, to check it out. Now, on with the story.

As if my I thought my life was crazy before, I know have myself leaning up against a wall, trying to catch my breath after my friends and I just took down some kind of super pony that was half dragon. Dark and Zeph both still lay unconscious after gettingknocked out by Alloy. Vine and Ice didn't get too damaged, nor did Drax or Steel Hoof. Overall it could've been much worse. At least npoony got killed or seriously injured. Oh, wait, Dark got stabbed in his wing. Um...

After seeing his prized fighter be taken down, Albert watches in fear at the other end of the room. "I gotta get outta here!" he shouts. He jumps up as he starts to bolt for the front door.

Just then, Dark's eyes snap open as he shoots up and dashes after Albert, tacling him to the ground. "You think after putting us through all this you're just gonna get away?! No chance!" he brings up and electrically charged hoof and slams it down on Albert's chest, shocking him and knocking him out.

Wow. Even a stab wound can't keep Dark down.

I smile at Dark as I look over at him. "I'm impressed, Dark. That stab wound in your wing doesn't seem to be effecting you at all."

"Stab wound?" he asks, raising an eyebrow at me. He looks over at his left wing to see blood dripping and a hole cutting right through it. He reals back as he now feels the full pain of his wound.

"*sigh* Never mind."

Just then, our friendly neighborhood flying expert wakes up, still dizzy and holding his head. "Oh, my head. What happened?"

I smile at him. "Don't worry, Zeph. We won."

"Really? Awesome!" he puts his hoof up in the air before flinching. "Ow. Guess I'm still a bit sore."

"No worries. Everything is good now."

"Good?! My bucking wing has been stabbed!" Dark shouts.

"Ignore him."

"I was planning to anyways."

"Buck you guys!"

"Ugh, would you just shut up?! I really could use a cup of coffee right about now." Vine says.

"And a nap." Ice adds.

As we continue talking, the rest of the group as well as some cops burst through the front door.

"Sorry about the wait, guys." Fern says.

"Sorry?! You would show up AFTER we got our flanks beat and nearly died!"

"Hey, I went as fast as I could. It's like I can fly or know how to teleport."

The surrounding cops walk over to Albert's unconscious body and look at him. "Well well well. Look what we have here. Albert Capony. About time we finally caught him."

"Yeah, no kidding." another cop says. He looks over to see a large, green stallion lying in a corner. "Looks like we caught Pussy 'Big Wood' Willow too. It's a great day for us."

As they do that, we get reestablished with all of our friends and marefriends.

"BLUE!" Dash and Haily both shout. They both run up to me and pull me into a big hug.

I return the hug with a huge smile. "What? You weren't seriously worried about me, were you?"

"I knew you could do it, Blue." Haily says. I can't tell if she's just being nice, or if she really thinks that highly of me. Even I thought I was gonna die doing that.

"Me? Worried? Yeah right." Dash says nervously, trying to play cool. "Just don't ever worry me like that again, okay?"

"No promises." I say jokingly, even though it is true.

"Heh, I figured as much."

A few yards over in the room

Octavia walks runs up to Zephyr and wraps around him tightly. "I was so worried! You musn'y keep doing this to me."

"Sorry sbout all that, Tavi. I promise to make you worried over again." he says.

She releases the hug as she looks him in the eyes sincerey. The two of them share a pssionate kiss. "You know, I think I was a bit harsh on yoyu. Maybe we can "celebrate" a little later."

Zeph's wings spread and his grin widens. "I'm liking the sound of that."

Another few yards over

Ice and Vinyl meet up, having now really seen in each other for the first time in days.

"I'm so glad to have you back, Ice."


"Yeah, Zeph used his winnings to bail you two out."


"Yeah, he got really rich. He's still got, like, 175K left."

"That much?! I'll have to go see him after this."

Vinyl just giggles as she pulls her coltfriend into a hug, which he returns.

Another another few yards over

Spitfire jumps into Drax for him to catch her and pull her into a hug. "You were amazing, Drax. I couldn't believe how you just jumped onto that lunatic to save me."

Drax releases the hug as he looks her in the eyes. "Spitfire, I'll always be there to protect you., I thought I already prived that."

"Yeah, I guess you did." she replies sheepishly. The two of them share a kiss before Drax turns back to Steel Hoof.

"So, what are you gonna do now Steel?"

He shrugs. "Dont know. Never thought I'd see the day where I could just walk away from it all."

"Well, would like to come back to Ponyville with us?"

"Nah, I couldn't see myself living in a little village like that. But I appreciate the offer."

"Well, good luck with whatever you end up doing."

He smirks at Drax. "Thanks."

Moving over a bit yet again

Fleur and Vine hug each other in celebration of the winning. "I'm so glad you're all right." Fleur says.

"I'll be all right once I get a nice rest. That was a real pain."

"Well, either way, I'm glad you're safe." the two kiss before looking at each other funny. "It feels weird to kiss a stallion."

"Yeah, I think we should wait til we're back to normal before doing any of that."

Fern just laughs at the couple's antics. "You two really do make a cute couple, yiou know that?"

Last transition to another part of the room, I promise

Twilight walks up to Dark and looks at him worriedly. "Are you okay?" she asks as she looks at his hurt wing.

"What? This? It's nothing but a scrAAHHHHHH!" he screams as she toches his wing. "Buck me, that hurt!"

"Sorry sorry." she says, backing off of him. "Don't worry, I can fix this. In fact, can everypony involved in the fight please come over here?"

We all get up and walk over to her as instructed, each of us giving curious looks to each other. "What's this about, Twi." I ask.

"You'll see." she says with a smile and a wink. Her horn starts glowing its normal glow, but as more energy charges in it, it grows brighter and brighter until a huge flash fills the room, making everypony cover their eyes. For some reason Dark had shades on to block his eyes.

As the biright flash fades, everypony looks down at themselves. Wait...

"Hey, I'm not hurt or sore anymore."

"Hey, me neither." Zeph says.

"And my wing is all better." Dark says, smiling at his wings and giving them a flap.

"What was that, Twi?" Vine asks.

"You see, I've been working on a new and more advanced healing spell since the last time I had to heal Blue. I just knew something like that was bound to happen again."

"Well, that was definitely some good thinking." I say. I stretch a little bit as I let out a yawn. "But it didn't make me feel any less tired. Celestia, I could use a nap."

Everypony nods in agreement except for Pinkie.

"Aw, but I'm not even tired."

"Well, Pinkie, the thing is, I think everypony here agrees that this'll be our last night in Las Pegasus, what with all the craziness we've come across. And since it's our last night, we'll want as much energy as possible to party it up before we go." I explain.

Everypony else nods.

"We'll, when you pit it that way."

"Glad to hear we're all in agreement then."

"I'm sorry to say, but I don't think I'll be coming to your little party." Steel Hoof says. "I'm very grateful for all of your help, but I just can't go. I do hope to see you all again some day."

Everypony just sits in silence as he walks out through the front entrance.

I'm the first one to brak the silece as I turn towards Drax. "What was all that about, Drax?"

"I couldn't tell you honesty. All I know is that we should just respect his decision and let him go."

"Aw, but I wanted to get to know him better. You can never have too many friends." Pinkie says.

"It'll be fine, Pinkie. We can still have tons of fun with just the rest of us." I reassure.

"Well, I guess so." she says, slightly bummed out.

"Quick question." Ice says. "Who's the new chick?" he asks, pointing at Fern.

"Oh, that's Fern. She's the one who helped us find you guys. She's gonna come back with us to Ponyville to live with Vine and Fleur and get a job at the bar."

"Hey, glad to finally meet you guys." Fern says.

"Now that that's out of the way, time to go."

Over at the prison

Two guards walk with Albert and Pussy Willow as they are escorted to their new cells. They stop in front of a cell and one of the guards opens the door.

"Here's your new cell, Capony. Hope you enjoy it."

"What's that suppoosed to mean?" he asks angrily.

"Oh, you'll see." the other guard says.

They close the door behind him and cotinue their walk with Pussy(stop snickering). Two figures get up from their cots and approach Albert.

"Well, look at this here lil' feller. I'm Bubba."

"And I'm Zeke."

"Looks like we'e gonna be cellmates together, eh, feller?"

"So, what?" he asks, again angrily.

"Ooh, another fisety one. Ah call the rump."

"ThenahI call the mouth."

Albert starts breaking out in a sweat at hearing this. "W-What?"

He's so bucked it's considered rape... wait.

Several hours later

Dash and I lay in our bed at the hotel, resting after all the craziness. Suddenly an alarm clock that we had set goes off and wakes up. Celestia, I hate those things. I would break it like my old one, but I don’t wanna have to pay for it.

Both Dash and I sit up and give each other a ‘good waking up’ kiss. What? It’s a thing.

“So, you ready to party our last night here, Dash?” I ask her.

“You know it! It’s about time we had a real vacation!” she says with excitement.

From all of our talking, the others stir as they wake up. “Ah, it feels good to sleep in a real bed with my mare friend.” Dark says.

“I hear that.” Ice says.

“I’m glad to hear you’re both glad to be back, but I think it’s time we meet up with the others so we can party.”


“Buck yeah!”

I chuckle at Dark’s enthusiasm, though his enthusiasm can also be worrying at times. All six of us get up and exit out into the hallway to have yet another coincidental meeting with the rest of the group. Guess we’re just that good.

“So, what’s all this super partying you were talking about, Blue?” Vine asks.

“Yeah, does it involve drinks?” Dark asks with excitement.

“No.” I answer.





“Party pooper.” he says disgruntedly. He looks to see Twilight glaring at him. “What?”

“Anyway, I really didn’t have any kind of plan for the partying. I was just thinking we could go around and find something crazy going on. It usually seems to work for us.”

Vine facehoofs. “It figures knowing you.”

“OOH! I have an idea!” Pinkie shouts excitedly, bouncing around all of us.

I’ve given up on fighting it. I guess the least I could do is hear her out. “Okay, what is it, Pinkie?”

“There’s this really awesome pool with a water slide in the back of the hotel. We should all totally go swimming.”

I put a hoof to my chin and smile. “You know, that’s actually a pretty good idea, Pinkie.”

Everypony else nods and gives off agreeing mutters.

“Okay, looks like we’re all in agreement then. Tonight we’re going swimming.”

We make our way over to the elevators and walk inside of them. We head down to the bottom floor and start following the path that had a sign that read “Pool”. Well, ain’t that convenient? I'm pretty excited considering I haven't been swimming in a long time not counting cloud swimming. I'm especially excited for the pool.

What wasn’t so convenient was that we had to walk through one of the casinos to get them. We start slowly but surely making our way through. Vine got dizzy from all the lights and had to get carried by Drax. Through a lot of manuevering, pushing, and enduring second hoof smoke, we made to the hallways that led to the outside pool area.

We make our way outside to find a very quiet pool area. Perfect. Let’s us get the whole place to ourselves.

“Yippee!” Pinkie shouts with glee. She runs over and does a cannonball into the pool, making a big splash of water around her. She pokes her head out from under the water and smiles at us. “Come on in, guys. The water’s fine.”

Everypony cheers and runs over to join her in the pool, all jumping in with a slpah of their own. Everypony except Rarity, Fleur, and Ice that is.

I turn to our missing friends. “What’s up, you guys?”

“I will not allow my mane to be ruined by being dunked chlorinated water.” Rarity says.

“Nor shall I.” Fleur says.

Prisses. I turn the our only missing stallion. “What about you, Ice.”

“Well, let’s just say, water and I don’t have good chemistry.”

I shrug at him. “Whatever. Suit yourself.”

I turn around to get splashed in the face by Dark. “Hahaha, I got you!”

I smirk and raise an eyebrow. “Oh, did you now?” I fly out of the water and start furiously flapping my wings to create a huge tidal wave.

Dark stops his laughing and goes wide-eyed as he sees the huge wave. “Oh buck.” the wave hits him and send him flying into a wall. Everypony laughs as he peels off the wall like a piece of tape.

After that, everypony goes back to to their own business. The girls all splash about as they play Marco Polo.

Vine takes a sip of her coffee as she lays on one those blow-up lounge rafts. “Ah, now this is what I call a vacation.”

Outside of the pool, Dark watches Ice from afar. Is he bi or something? “This is gonna be so good.” he says to himself. “Hey, Ice!”

“Huh?” he says as he turns around to see Ark charging at him with full force. He kbocks him into the water, creating a splash that cover both Fleur and Rarity.

“My hair!” they both shout.

Everypony turns to look as they see a block of ice with Ice inside bobbing up and down. “Dark, what the buck, man?!” I shout at him.

“Hahahahaha, that was the best!” he laughs, holding his stomach. He smirks as he looks at Ice. “Actually, I just the greatest idea ever.”

He grabs the hunk of ice and flies up and over to the top of the stairs that lead to the water slide. He takes the ice block and lays it flat on the slide so that he can get on top of it as if it were a skateboard.

Ice shouts a muffled scream from inside the giant block. “What’s that, Ice?” Dark asks him. “You wanna do this too? Great!”

Dark uses his back leg to push off and they both start skating down the slide like something out of Jackflank. As they reach the bottom, Dark slips off the block and it shoots off, crashing into a wall and shattering on impact.

A now dizzy Ice shakily gets up, dancing around while his eyes spin in his head. “Dark, I’m gonna murder you.”

“I’ve got first dibs on that, Ice.” Vine says.

“You two don’t have any sense of humor at all.”

I just shake my head at them. I love these guys, but boy are they grating on the mind.

I step out of the pool and grab a nearby towel to dry myself off with. I finish my dry with a shake of my body, similar to a dog, and grin.

“Okay, so, anypony have any last ideas on what to do on our last night here?”

“Oh, I’ve got one.” Fern says.


“I’ve always wanted to go see the night sky, above the clouds where the lights don’t block out the stars.”

“How do you suppose we do that? Only pegasi can stand on clouds.”

“Actually, I have a solution to that.” Twilight says. “I know a spell that allows anypony to walk on clouds.”


“Yep. Every nonpegasus get in lne and let me perform it on them.” everypony gets in a line as instructed as Twilight puts her horn to each of them, apparently giving them all the abilities originally only available to pegasi. “And done. That’s it.”

“Okay, then to the sky. Onwards and upwards!” I say, putting a hoof in the air jokingly.

The pegasi start hoisting the nonpegasi members of our group up into the air as they start flying. We fly into the sky and land on a somewhat high cloud and land.

The couples cuddle next to each other as we all start laying down.

“I gotta admit, this was a good idea, Fern.” I say.

“See? I told ya this was a good idea.” she says.

Even though this entire vacation was insanely crazy and didn’t go as planned, it was still pretty fun. And though this is our last night here, we made it go out with a bucking bang.

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