• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 12,582 Views, 1,100 Comments

Kick about! Los Lobos! - Dirty Bit

Watch as a coyote and his cub finally meet with a pack of their own...

  • ...

Capitulo Diez

Capitulo Diez

Girl meets Boy

Lilynette looked around the house at the crowd of ponies with her friends. She was bothered by how they seemed so cheerful around her after her display of power at school "Why would they want to welcome me and Starrk here? It shouldn't be a big deal if we're here or not."

Dinky smiled "They're always happy to meet new ponies in Ponyville, sis. Especially Pinkie Pie! She throws the best parties around!"

Applebloom chimed in "Yeah! Besides, it's always nice t' make a new friend once in a while. Sure, yer very different an' all, but a friend o' Dinky's is a friend o' ours!"

Lilynette stared at Dinky and her friends before looking away in a huff "I still don't see the point in it..."

Scootaloo tilted her head "You really are different, Lilynette. Can't you at least enjoy this party?"

Lilynette turned to Scootaloo "I don't know what to do here since I barely know anyone in this house!"

Sweetie Belle piped up "Anypony!" Lilynette blinked at the unicorn filly "You gotta say anypony."

Lilynette stared before rolling her eyes with a sigh "Anypony in this house..." She muttered irritably.

Applebloom scouted the area to see no filly or colt in sight, much to her surprise "Wow, ya think that everypony in school would wanna come t' this party...None o' them showed up!"

Scootaloo held up a hoof "I think they're afraid of Lilynette after her little skiff with Diamond Tiara..." She answered nonchalantly.

Lilynette scoffed "There! You see? Like any of them would even show up to this party and talk to m-"

" 'Ello there!"

The red filly stopped at her interruption and looked behind her to see a colt smiling at her. He was a white earth pony with brown calico spots all over his coat; Both his mane and tail were brown as well. The little colt tilted his head "Are you th' new pony in town? If so, it's really nice t' meet you!"

Something about the colt's accent was getting to Lilynette, and she just turned to face the token child in the party aside from Dinky and her friends "Who are you?"

The colt beamed "My name's Pipsqueak! What's yours?" He asked curiously.

Lilynette was pixelated to see a pony other than Dinky that would talk to her without feeling scared or awkward upon their first impression. She decided to go along with it as she held a skeptical glance "Lilynette Gingerback..." The red filly introduced herself in a suspicious tone. Upon further inspection of the colt in front of her, she realized one thing: She hasn't seen him at Ponyville Elementary. Unless it was because she was entirely focused on wanting to punish (or kill) Diamond Tiara, or that she wasn't familiar with the whole town, all she could do was ask "I've never seen you around here before! Were you at school?"

Pipsqueak shook his head "Actually I wasn't. Me and my sister just came back from visiting our parents in Canterlot. Pinkie came to us with an invitation to a party welcoming two new ponies, and I thought today wouldn't be better!" She looked behind Lilynette to see the other fillies, but waved to one in particular " 'Ello, Dinky!"

Dinky waved back with a smile "Hi, Pipsqueak!"

Lilynette spoke up "Your parents don't live here? Do they not care about you or something?"

Pipsqueak answered instantly "Of course they do! My sister just offered to take me in is all! We usually visit our parents from time to time and enjoy a day together as a family!" He smiled warmly.

Lilynette stared in confusion before he asked "Well, where's your sister anyways?"

Pipsqueak looked around and pointed at a distant corner "Oh, she's over there setting up her equipment!" Lilynette looked over to see a white unicorn mare with purple goggles setting up a turntable and going through her records. Her wild blue mane was very distinguishable in the crowd of ponies.

Lilynette watched, then turned back to Pipsqueak "Why aren't you a unicorn then? Your sister's a unicorn, too!"

Pipsqueak shrugged "I don't know, really. But that doesn't bother me at all." He smiled "But I see you're one! Do you know any spells?"

Lilynette blinked "Spells? What are you talking about?"

Pipsqueak pointed a hoof "Spells! You know, because you're a unicorn! Don't you know any tricks?"

Scootaloo galloped up to Lilynette's side "Yeah she does! She can shoot a huge magic beam from her horn!"

Lilynette turned to Scootaloo with a frown "That wasn't magic! That was my cero!"

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom gathered with the other foals "Cero? What's a cero?" Sweetie Belle asked inquisitively.

Lilynette held up a hoof "It's the name of my attack! It's not exactly magic!"

Applebloom scratched her head "What kinda unicorn uses somethin' from their horn that isn't magic? That's just strange!"

Lilynette frowned "Well, I'm different! Get used to it!" The red filly looked back at Pipsqueak to see him staring at her face. After a small moment, she grew annoyed "What are you looking at?"

Pipsqueak flinched and spoke "Oh! I'm sorry! It's just that I like the way your mane covers your left eye!" He smiled "It reminds me of how much I love pirates!"

Lilynette paused before she felt the part of her mane over her left eye with a hoof. She then gave a light huff "Thanks, I guess...But if anything, why would you even want to talk to me? I doubt you and your friends would even come near me without being afraid!"

Pipsqueak tilted his head "Afraid? Of what? Is it your magic beam?" He realized his words and retracted his question "I mean, your cero?"

Scootaloo shifted her eyes at Lilynette "You might think it's crazy coming from us, but Lilynette's pretty strong! She totally destroyed the school's jungle gym with just a few punches!"

Pipsqueak gasped "Really? Wow!" He grinned at Scootaloo's words.

Lilynette was surprised by Pipsqueak's reaction "Wait...So you're not mad? Or even scared of me?" This whole world was beginning to confuse the red filly more and more with how they choose to take certain words.

Pipsqueak scratched his head with an embarrassed smile as he looked away "Well, I liked the jungle gym and stuff...I even pretend it's my pirate ship!" He then looked at Lilynette with a smile "But I never thought I'd meet a filly so strong!" He then frowned "Wait...Did you get in trouble for it? The other classmates liked the jungle gym, too!"

Applebloom held up a hoof "Believe it or not, Lily here actually got off scot free! Not only that, but Cheerilee even dismissed class before recess even ended!"

Pipsqueak was astonished at the news and looked at Lilynette "Blimey...You're really something t' do all that, Lily! I'll bet you have an awesome family!"

Lilynette went to speak, but Sweetie Belle cut in "All she has is her dad Mr. Starrk! He's the only pegasus faster than Rainbow Dash!" The red filly glared at Sweetie Belle for her interruption.

Pipsqueak could hardly believe what was said. He looked at Lilynette with an arched eyebrow "Issat really true? We've seen how fast Rainbow Dash can go!"

Lilynette frowned "Of course it's true! I can gladly bring him over and show you!"

Dinky looked at Lilynette's irritated expression and chose to step in "It's really true, Pipsqueak. Mr. Starrk is very very fast! Even Rainbow Dash saw it!" It was best for Dinky to make sure that her sister wouldn't act out at the wrong time.

The little colt was surprised to hear this information coming from one of his only friends and even felt that it was amazing to hear all of Lilynette's accomplishments. He decided to press on with another question "Is everypony afraid of you because of your cero and how strong you are?"

Lilynette looked away with an annoyed frown "Yeah, but they can just get over it! The reason I'm even going through school right now is for my sister!"

Pipsqueak blinked "Sister?" He parroted in confusion.

Dinky giggled "Lily's my new sister since she's living with me and Mommy!"

Applebloom gave a respectful smirk to Dinky "Ah'd say Dinky here's got it made with havin' a sister her own age!"

Sweetie Belle chimed in "I'll say." The unicorn filly always wondered what would happen if Rarity were the same age as her; or vice versa, at least.

Pipsqueak was already intrigued with Lilynette after hearing so much about her "You really have it good, Lilynette! You're strong, you got a sister, and a very fast pegasus for a dad!" He smiled at her "I kinda like you!"

Lilynette's eyes went blank for a moment before she stared back at Pipsqueak "What?" She asked.

Pipsqueak's smile did not leave "I like you, Lilynette. If you'd like, we could be friends! I could even let you be my first mate if you like to play pirates!"

Lilynette did not respond. All she could do was process the information that apparently another colt liked him rather than just fleeing in fear or ticking her off to a large extent. Dinky was one thing, but Pipsqueak is a different story altogether. She wondered why he would even like him since they only met for a moment; that and the strange feeling building up in her chest. She shook it off briefly to respond "Sure, maybe we can be friends or something..." Lilynette answered calmly.

Pipsqueak nodded "Well, it really was nice to see you, Lilynette. I'm gonna go get some food before I help my sister out. Maybe we can talk more tomorrow at school! Goodbye!" He galloped off towards the snack table while the five fillies watched him leave.

Lilynette stared at the energetic colt who apparently liked her disappear into the crowd of ponies. Her blank stare filled the crusaders with both discomfort and curiousity. Dinky approached Lilynette with mild concern "Are you alright, sis?"

"That boy..." The red filly uttered blankly.

Dinky tilted her head at Lilynette "What about Pipsqueak, Lily?"

The crusaders were easily catching onto what was happening and whispered amongst themselves. Applebloom looked between her friends "Y'all don't think..." She stole a glance at Lilynette's trance-like stare.

Sweetie Belle grinned "I think it is!" She hissed with excitement.

Lilynette stared "Something about him..." It wasn't long before her blank stared instantly contorted into a scowl "Makes me wanna punch his face in!"

The crusaders had their spirits easily dampened by Lilynette's remark "Or not..." Scootaloo whispered to her friends with a disappointed frown.

Dinky frowned "But Pipsqueak's a good pony! He's nothing like Diamond Tiara at all! And he even liked you and wanted to be friends!"

Lilynette snapped "I know that! It's just..." She looked down with a low growl "I can't believe he even said that to me...that idiot..." Lilynette muttered under her breath as she felt the strange feeling inside of her grow worse.

Dinky couldn't exactly understand why her sister would act like that towards one of the nicest colts she knew. She heard music play, and noticed some of the ponies beginning to dance "Hey! Why don't we go and dance? Would that help you take your mind off of Pipsqueak for a while?" She smiled at her sister.

Lilynette looked at Dinky and nodded "Sure..." The red filly followed her sister and the crusaders towards a more clear spot in the house so that they could dance.

Cheerilee, arriving late for the party, stepped into the house and looked at everypony enjoying themselves. A part of her was reluctant to attend after witnessing Lilynette's destructive capability, but she figured there could be a way to change the red filly's train of thought to where she wouldn't do anymore unneeded damage to the school or anypony in range. A good start would be talking with Starrk before talking with Lilynette.

She managed to spot the former espada looking around apprehensively, entirely different from when he appeared bored in her eyes. Derpy stood beside him with a cheerful smile while her eyes slowly circled in different directions. Cheerilee quirked an eyebrow for a moment before approaching him "Erm...Excuse me, sir. Can we talk?"

Derpy noticed Cheerilee and grinned as she waved "Hi there, Ms. Cheerilee! How's it going?"

Starrk felt at ease when he didn't hear Pinkie's voice, and turned to Cheerilee with his former bored expression "Oh, hey...You're Lilynette's teacher?"

Cheerilee paused before smiling politely "Yes, my name is Cheerilee. I wished to talk to you about Lilynette, if you don't mind." She asked in a soft, but serious tone.

Derpy tilted her head "You wanna talk with Starrk?" She turned to the former espada "Look at that! You made a friend! Wanna talk to her?"

Starrk shrugged "Sure...I've got nothing else to do."

Cheerilee nodded "Good. I want to know why Lilynette acts out so violently towards her classmates. I don't mean to pry, but is there something going on between you and her that lead to her destructive behavior?"

Starrk shook his head "Nothing at all. Lilynette's just full of energy. As for how she acted today, I'd expect her to behave better around Dinky...I don't know who this Diamond Tiara is, but I'm guessing she's the cause of it." He answered plainly.

Cheerilee frowned "I've heard that as well..." She took a deep breath and planted her hoof on the ground "Now, Mr. Starrk, I hope you realize that what your filly had just caused could have taken a serious toll for both you and her. I don't want to sound intimidating, but destruction of school property can be a serious offense."

Starrk lightly stretched his limbs while Cheerilee talked. He then stifled a yawn before he responded "Don't worry about it...I've already said it to Derpy and her daughter: it's not their problem to deal with." He noticed how Cheerilee seemed confused at his statement "If it's that bad like you and everyone else keeps saying it is, I can handle it before I can take another nap..."

It was a towering conundrum for Cheerilee to figure out why or how Starrk can seem so calm - if not bored and lazy - after something big had happened in Ponyville. She was happy to know he was willing to make up for Lilynette's mistake, but she wondered if there was more to Starrk than just his laidback personality. With a sigh, she found her voice "Is it alright if I speak with Lilynette for a short moment about her behavior as well? Or can I trust you to take matters into your own hooves?"

Starrk stared before closing his eyes and scratching his head lazily "Do as you please. It's not like she would even listen to what I have to say to her sometimes..."

Cheerilee frowned "What about when you arrived to take Lilynette home? You seemed to have demonstrated a small degree of strictness towards her..." She looked away with embarrassed eyes 'And everypony else that saw it...'

Starrk opened his eyes at Cheerilee "About that...I just wasn't in the mood for her to continue. I can only tolerate her actions to a certain extent, and I make sure she knows if she doesn't."

Cheerilee craned her head back after Starrk's statement "That seems rather harsh."

Starrk gave a light snort "She should be lucky I limit myself to small hits. But that doesn't mean I don't like her..." Cheerilee stood still as he continued while looking away; his face held a distant expression tinted with genuine care "Back then, she was all I had before I met other folks in my time...We look after each other despite our differences." He answered truthfully.

Cheerilee was touched at Starrk's explanation. Here she thought that the relationship between him and Lilynette was near-abusive and unstable, but she already took his words to heart after studying his expression. She gave a warm smile "That's good to hear, Mr. Starrk. I think I would like to speak with Lilynette now, if you don't mind." Starrk replied with a curt nod and watched Cheerilee trot into the crowd of ponies in search of Lilynette.

Derpy, who remained silent throughout the conversation, was equally touched at Starrk's explanation and threw her forehooves around the former espada in a hug "Oh, Starrky, that's the most sweetest thing I've heard out of you!"

Starrk grunted while Derpy held him tightly "It's nothing big..." He answered flatly. As he was being held, he thought to himself 'They seem to care an awful lot about me and Lilynette to act this way...Are these ponies so willing as to accepting us into their group?'

Derpy finally relented in her hug and grinned as she heard music "Hey, Starrky! Wanna dance?"

Starrk looked away apathetically "I'll pass..." His eyes widened slightly when he caught the distant image of Pinkie staring at him with a grin in the crowd "...On second thought, why not?" He added instantly.

Derpy grinned "Yay! Follow me, Starrky! I can find us the perfect spot!" She tugged at Starrk's forehoof and signalled for him to follow her.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

The irony here is that I hate tsunderes :derpytongue2:

Also, note that Starrk and Derpy aren't sharing any romantic interests in this story (I'll bet a number of you thought otherwise two chapters ago :trixieshiftright:).

As seen in a part of this chapter, I've decided to go with the headcanon of Pipsqueak and Vinyl Scratch being brother and sister, with Fancy Pants and Fleur being their parents. There are two awesome stories that also follow this headcanon, and you can find them here and here

...Nothing else to do but dance...

Enjoy the chapter! Peace! :twilightsmile: