• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 12,593 Views, 1,100 Comments

Kick about! Los Lobos! - Dirty Bit

Watch as a coyote and his cub finally meet with a pack of their own...

  • ...

Capitulo Treinta y Dos

Capitulo Treinta y Dos

Stoking the Fire

Starrk and Rainbow Dash decided to lounge on a large cloud in the sky, although the latter was still upset about Twilight's actions. She was lucky that Starrk didn't notice, as he lazily glanced down at the town below him. As Rainbow Dash looked over at the lazy pegasus, she noticed that Starrk's wings started to look frazzled.

"Hey, uh, Starrk? When's the last time you took care of your wings?" Rainbow Dash asked, to which Starrk looked over at the cyan pegasus.

"What do you mean? I don't recall having trouble flying as of late. Why did you bring this up?" Starrk asked.

"Well, it's just...I know you're from another world and junk, but you need a serious preening right now, buddy. Those wings of yours are starting to look pretty messy." Rainbow Dash said as she pointed at his wings "Seriously, they look like they've seen better days." Starrk decided to examine his own wings, and realized where his fellow pegasus was coming from.

"I suppose. But how do you expect me to preen?" Starrk asked lazily "I never exactly preened before." Rainbow Dash stared before chuckling.

"Yeah, I forgot." Rainbow Dash calmed herself down and inched towards Starrk "I can help you if you want." Starrk stared at her, and the cyan pegasus thought she was making it weird as she began to blush "I-I mean, unless you wanna preen yourself, that is!"

"...I don't mind." Starrk looked away "Go ahead." Rainbow Dash blinked at both the unexpected answer and its delivery. Truly, Coyote Starrk is the most lax of ponies.

"Okay, but you're gonna have to spread 'em out for this one. Can't exactly preen your wings while they're folded." Starrk wordlessly complied to her request, and the cyan pegasus took a deep breath before she examined Starrk's wings and lightly grasped his left wing, slowly inching her muzzle towards his feathers. Starrk's head perked up as he gave a light shudder when he felt Rainbow Dash's lips on his wing.

"That felt weird..." Starrk looked over at Rainbow Dash "Are these wings that sensitive to touch?"

"This is your first preening, so it'll feel like that." Rainbow Dash giggled when she momentarily paused "You'll get used to it over time. Just hold still and let me do the work." She said as she continued preening '...Oh geez, that sounded so wrong...'

Starrk gradually eased into Rainbow Dash's ministrations as he laid contently on the cloud. It wasn't too long until she was finished with the former espada's left wing, and then proceeded to do the same with the right with delicate grace. Starrk had to admit that it felt nice for his wings to get preened like this, although he couldn't imagine doing this kind of thing to himself for the rest of his life.

"There we go. What do you think?" Rainbow Dash said after she finished. Starrk inspected his wings and noticed how they were much more smoother and neat than before. He raised an eyebrow before he nodded with respect and approval.

"Not bad. You're really good at this preening stuff." Starrk said gratefully, albeit in a dull tone.

"Well, obviously. I'm a pegasus, remember?" Rainbow Dash said before pointing a hoof at Starrk "Just remember that you gotta preen your wings at least once a day."

"Got it. Thanks for the help." Starrk said as he flexed his wings before he stretched his limbs "I think I'm gonna take another nap..."

"Wow. You really do love naps more than me, and that's saying something." Rainbow Dash said in amusement.

"Rainbow! Coyote!"

Starrk and Rainbow Dash looked down to see Twilight, Spike, and Zecora below them. Confused by the new addition with the former two, the two pegasi traded glances before descending towards the trio.

"What's going on, Twilight? I mean, Starrk and I just left your place a few minutes ago." Rainbow Dash said.

"The situation's changed greatly. It turns out our mysterious enemy has stolen the Alicorn Amulet." Rainbow Dash's eyes widened while Starrk just raised an eyebrow "I need you both to spread out, gather our friends, and have them meet at the outskirts of town." Twilight said seriously "The elements are being delivered to us right now." Rainbow Dash perked up before saluting in determination.

"Got it." Rainbow Dash replied before turning to Starrk "You think you can get AJ and Fluttershy while I round up Pinkie Pie and Rarity?"

"Yeah, I can do it." Starrk replied before turning to Twilight "You know where exactly we can find you all?" Twilight pointed over at the distant image of Canterlot.

"There's an exit in town that shows a route to Canterlot. No doubt they'll make the delivery there." Twilight explained before facing her friends "We gotta hurry. Every second counts!"

With a nod from both pegasi, Rainbow Dash flew off, leaving a prismatic trail while Starrk blurred out of sight with his Sonido. Twilight, Spike, and Zecora decidedly made for the desired town exit while keeping a wary eye on their surroundings.

"I can't believe somepony would actually steal the Alicorn Amulet." Twilight whispered as she peered left and right for any suspicious activity "Are they not aware of its corruptive influence on the mind?"

"Maybe they found a way around it? Or the culprit's just desperate." Spike offered as he nervously scanned the area. Zecora walked with a solemn glance.

"We mustn't make the time to assume.
If we're not careful, we'll face certain doom."

"This is getting ridiculous. Why can't whoever's responsible just show themselves already? I mean, anypony with the amulet would do that, wouldn't they?" Spike asked Twilight.

"While that may be true, Spike, we have to remember that the amulet's corruption is a steady process. Anypony can still have their wits after just putting it on." Twilight replied.

An apple tree shook and dropped its fruit after Applejack bucked it with her hindlegs, watching her produce fall into some strategically placed buckets. Big Macintosh did the same next to her, albeit with more relative ease. They continued the same exercise with each tree they came across as they were completing their work at a satisfactory pace.

Before they could buck their next tree, they heard the sound of static behind them, and noticed Starrk standing with his look of disinterest. He then looked over at Applejack.

"Twilight sent me. You're needed outside of town." Starrk stated.

"Fer what exactly? Ah don't mean t' sound rude, but Big Mac an' Ah are kinda busy here." Applejack said with slight impatience.

"They said something about an alicorn amulet, and that the elements being delivered there. Apparently, our situation's growing worse. If you want, I can take you there myself."

"Th' Alicorn Amulet's been stolen!?" Applejack gasped, starting to feel uneasy "What in th' hay's goin' on?"

"I don't really know. I just came here because we have to be quick about this." Starrk then looked over to Big Macintosh and they stared at each other in silence.

Big Macintosh recognized the seriousness that belied Starrk's lethargic gaze and nodded to him in confirmation, to which Starrk returned before looking back at Applejack, a hoof held out to her.

"Let's go. We're not making any progress just standing around." Starrk said, while Applejack looked at the former espada's hoof warily.

"Ah dunno about yer method o' travel, but if what we're dealin' with is gettin' worse..." Applejack trailed off before she tentatively stretched out a hoof of her own to make contact with Starrk's, and he gently pulled her into an embrace before they both blurred out, leaving a surprised Big Macintosh behind.

"C'mon, hurry up!" Rainbow Dash said as she was flying ahead of a galloping Rarity and a pronking Pinkie Pie, the latter of whom was merely humming without a care in the world.

"While I recognize the severity of your news, you realize it's an endeavor to match your speed, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity shot back as she tried catching up to her friends.

"Sorry if I'm rushing you like this, but we gotta get a move on! Who knows what'll happen next!" Rainbow Dash said without facing Rarity.

"Well, if we can manage to stop the baddie with the elements, then what do we have to worry about?" Pinkie asked nonchalantly as she hopped with her friends.

"Considering that the ruffian plaguing our peace is in possession of the Alicorn Amulet, we have quite a lot to worry about." Rarity said pointedly as the three neared the town exit, where they saw Twilight, Spike, Zecora, and an approaching chariot in the sky. The lavender unicorn breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at her friends.

"I'm glad you made it, girls." Twilight said as she looked up at the large chariot "Good timing, too." She squinted her eyes and got a better look at the passengers, widening her eyes when she noticed two ponies traveling with Princess Luna "Wait, is that Shining Armor and Cadence?"

"What's your brother doing here? Does he know about this whole thing?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously. The sound of static coaxed the group to look behind and see Starrk standing with two frazzled and dizzied mares that staggered in their steps.

"Whoa nelly..." Applejack said as she held her hat "Ah knew it was a rush th' first time, but the second time didn't help." Fluttershy only muttered unintelligible things as her eyes spun around before falling over.

"We're here." Starrk said nonchalantly, as if Applejack or Fluttershy weren't phased by their fast travel. He then looked up at the chariot drawing close to the ponies.

The guards pulling the chariot descended, allowing for Luna, Shining Armor, and Cadence to get off and approach the group. Luna was seen with a jeweled chest wrapped in her magic. Twilight beamed at Shining Armor and Cadence and approached the latter.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clop your hooves and do a little shake!" Twilight and Cadence chorused as they performed a dance that Starrk could only find silly.

"It's nice to see you again, Twily. We heard about your situation and thought it'd be best to come by and see for ourselves." Shining Armor explained.

"You, too, Shiny." Twilight said amiably before facing Luna "I take it those are the Elements of Harmony?"

"Indeed." Luna said as she opened the case to present them " It is wise for you all to keep them on at all times to prepare for any sudden danger." Applejack managed to snap herself out of her daze before joining her friends in gathering around the elements and putting them on, save for Fluttershy, who was being lifted up by Starrk.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy said as she came to and looked over at Starrk "I never knew you would be so fast, Coyote." Starrk didn't respond as he accompanied her over to her friends and let her put on her own element. Shining Armor caught a glimpse of the lone stallion of the group and hummed as he laid a calculating eye on Starrk.

"So you must be this Coyote Starrk I heard so much about." Shining Armor said neutrally as he noticed the former espada glancing back at him.

"Oh, right!" Twilight said before looking to Starrk while directing a hoof to Shining Armor "Coyote, this is my older brother, Shining Armor. He used to be captain of Celestia's Royal Guard, and now rules the Crystal Empire with my sister-in-law Cadence."

"It's nice to meet you." Cadence said with a warm smile "We heard how you saved Ponyville not once, but twice."

"I know!" Pinkie said, wrapping her forelegs around Starrk's neck, much to his chagrin "Isn't he awesome?" Rainbow Dash tried to ignore Pinkie's sudden display of affection. Meanwhile, Cadence examined the group before looking around

"Is Lilynette Gingerback around?" She asked curiously.

"She's at school, not that it matters." Starrk said as he looked at the group "So what's the deal about this Alicorn Amulet you keep talking about?" He saw how he received several looks of dread.

"Coyote, the Alicorn Amulet is an old artifact that can cause great pain not only to many ponies, but the one wearing it." Twilight explained "One pony named Trixie had found its whereabouts and used it to defeat me in a magic duel and take over Ponyville."

"And I'm guessing you won with the help of the Elements of Harmony?" Starrk asked.

"Actually, no." Twilight shook her head "It was a gamble, but with the help of my friends in Ponyville, we managed to defeat Trixie by tricking her into taking off the amulet. It's the only way the curse can be lifted."

"Then why bother using the elements? If whoever's wearing it can be easily tricked, then all we have to do is find them and do so again, right?" Starrk pointed out.

"We can't exactly perform the same trick twice, Coyote." Twilight said as she put on her tiara "And even if that were possible, it'll be hard to track down the thief in time and try to do it again."

"Besides, the elements are our ticket to an easy win." Rainbow Dash said with a confident smile "We took down Discord with them, not to mention Nightmare Mo-" She instantly stopped when she remembered she was in the presence of Luna and smiled sheepishly "Sorry..."

"You needn't apologize, Rainbow Dash. I acknowledged my past faults and moved on from them with the help of my sister and all of you." Luna said before looking over at Ponyville, her eyes narrowed "We mustn't stick around for too long if it means trying to figure out our enemy's next move."

"But are we really going to look around in Ponyville?" Spike asked "Wouldn't they expect that as part of their plan?"

"Spike's got a point." Starrk piped up "I worked under a meticulous planner myself before coming here..."

"Really? Who?" Pinkie Pie asked "Is this planner a party planner like me?"

"No." Starrk answered flatly "He's actually the only one I know that's stronger than me, but he really didn't care for my friends and I in the end. But I digress. What's our next move?"

"I'd try going back into town separately so you won't come off as suspicious to your enemy." Shining Armor said "But don't be too far from one another. Not only will that heighten your chances to come together when the time comes, but you'll need the element of surprise for yourself even though whoever's hiding from us is waiting for an opportune moment to strike."

"Not bad." Twilight said respectfully "I think we can work with that plan for the time being."

A scream was heard back in Ponyville, and Starrk decided to use his sonido to go back into town, leaving behind the group. When he was at the center of town, he shifted his eyes left and right and kept his ears open for the source of the commotion. He blurred out again, and then stumbled upon a scene near Town Hall, where two guards were fighting with each other roughly, with more of their fellow guards gathering near them.

"Hey!" One soldier in particular, donning battle scars along his eyes, shouted "Cut it out at once! You're both on duty!" He watched both of his guards comply, only for them to glare at their superior with red eyes before tackling him, shocking the other guards before they began swarming the rogue soldiers, only to be knocked away. Starrk was easily confused by this activity, wondering what their reason for fighting could be.

The former espada decided to intervene as he blurred out of existence before appearing behind the rogue soldiers and pinning each of them down with his forelegs, watching them struggle and growl indignantly. The other guards, although still shocked by the sudden display of hostility in their ranks, were grateful that the rogue guards had been pacified. The guard captain recovered and approached the pinned guards in irritation "What in the name of Luna compelled you two idiots to act like foals all of the sudden!?" His answer came in the form of snarling, as if the guards never listened to their superior.

'They're like animals...' Starrk thought as he looked down at his apprehended ponies. Despite his towering strength, they still lashed out without pause, anger and hate clear in their red eyes. The gathered guards stared uneasily at how berserk the two were acting, when they could have sworn they were so stoic and disciplined before.

"How did this happen?" Starrk asked the group of guards.

"We don't really know." One guard said "Last we checked, those two were stationed around here by themselves. Then moments later, we just stumble upon them fighting each other like they had a major dispute." "We noticed because their skiff startled one of the civilians and caused them to flee." He winced as he noticed how neither guard under Starrk relented in their barbaric display of ire.

"This is getting ridiculous. Can you hold them down for me?" Starrk asked the guards, to which they complied as they struggled to keep the angry ponies on the ground, wondering how Starrk was able to do so with relative ease. The former espada stared down at the both of them before giving the ponies a good jab on the head, knocking them both out "That should hold them off. Sorry, but it was for the-" Starrk noticed some red static in the downed ponies' eyes before it dissipated "What the...?" Starrk stared at the unconscious pair, as with the guards as they traded glances amongst themselves over the sudden reaction.

Another scream was heard, and Starrk decided to ponder the issue later. Leaving behind the guards and moving with his Sonido, he traced the scream near the refurbished joke shop, where he saw two night guards cornering Sparkler near a wall. Starrk quickly swooped in and knocked out the guards before they could come closer to Sparkler and looked over at the amethyst pony that stood by with mild fright in her eyes.

"Are you alright?" Starrk asked, to which Sparkler nodded.

"I'll be fine. One moment I was minding my own business, then suddenly, these two just decided to team up on me for no reason. They had that crazed look in their eyes." Sparkler visibly shuddered as she cringed.

"Whatever it was, I think they were being manipulated. I'm not sure it's safe for you to be out here like this." Starrk said pointedly.


Starrk and Sparkler looked up to see Derpy rushing towards them with her mail satchel hanging from her body, descending near the latter and hovering over her with concern in her lopsided eyes.

"Are you okay? Did anypony hurt you?" Derpy asked Sparkler as she inspected her body from different angles. Sparkler reflexively bent down a little while she looked up at her mother.

"Yes, I'm fine." She looked over at the two guards "I just merely avoided a crisis was all." There was the sound of thundering hoofsteps and the three ponies noticed a group of night guards showing up. The guard captain noticed the two downed guards and stammered "What in Equestria is going on here!?"

"Those two were going to attack my daughter!" Derpy shouted indignantly, taking some of the guards by surprise "I thought the Night Guard was supposed to protect everypony, not hurt them!"

"They are." Starrk's voice instantly calmed Derpy down "Those two I just knocked out were possibly under some kind of control. I dealt with two other ponies earlier that fought each other and their allies."

"Really?" Derpy's eyes straightened for a moment before she frowned "So it's not even safe outdoors..." She then looked over at Sparkler "C'mon, Sparkler. Mommy's gonna take you home, where it's safe." She approached the amethyst unicorn, only for her to move away slightly and lightly grip her scarf.

"What? But what about you?" Sparkler asked. Derpy only smiled.

"You know your mother's made of tougher stuff. Now let's get you home. I'll come back for you after I finish my shift and pick up Dinky and Lily."

"Actually, you may leave that job to us, ma'am." The guard captain spoke up as he approached Derpy with a curt, but formal bow "We were unaware of this entire situation in our ranks, and we have strict orders to protect the civilians." He looked at Sparkler "I, myself, am responsible for this sudden happening, and wish to make up for it by personally escorting you home while the rest of my team returns to their duties."

"Well, I'm coming with her whether you like it or not!" Derpy said firmly as she stood by Sparkler "I want to keep doing my job knowing my daughter's safe." The night guard stared at Derpy's narrowed eyes before he sighed.

"Fair enough." He then turned to his guards "Go back to your stations, but stay in larger groups and be more vigilant! Am I clear?" The captain barked to the guards, eliciting an instant salute from each of them before they marched back to their own designated areas. The guard captain then nodded to Derpy and Sparkler before the three trotted away. Before their distance grew, Derpy looked back and waved at Starrk with a smile.

"Keep up the good work, Starrky!" She called out.

Starrk watched them go and hummed to himself as he looked down at the ground. He was starting to get frustrated over the fact that he was being constantly eluded by this mystery threat. It was ironic to him that he felt powerless despite how much power he possessed within himself.

'This would be a whole lot easier with my pesquisa...' He thought to himself before he decidedly bolted into the air to spot the element bearers, the royals, Spike, and Zecora. It seems they had indeed stuck to their plan to re-enter Ponyville separately, with Zecora going in first, and taking their time so they wouldn't draw too much attention. He then blurred out with his sonido and quickly reached the group, startling Shining Armor and Cadence as he blurred into existence near them.

"Wha-!? Coyote!?" Cadence stammered after she noticed Starrk appear out of thin air.

"How did you do that?" Shining Armor asked in shock and bemusement.

"Oh, that's right." Twilight said sheepishly "It turns out Coyote is faster than Rainbow Dash."

"Stronger, too!" Pinkie said as she stood next to Starrk, while the former espada shimmied away from her slightly.

"As much as Ah'd love t' stay an' chat, Ah gotta get back t' my house and let my family know about this." Applejack said as she began trotting "It's been nice catchin' up with y'all, Shinin' an' Cadence." Shining Armor and Cadence waved as she left.

"I'll go next, if that's alright with everypony." Fluttershy said as she looked back "The animals are probably worried about me being swept away by Coyote." She then smiled at Starrk "Not that it's a bad thing. Thanks for bringing me here. Maybe when this is all over, you can show me how you communicate with the timberwolves?" Starrk rubbed his chin before nodding.

"I don't mind that. It'll be nice to catch up with my pack." Starrk responded.

"You communicate with timberwolves? That's amazing!" Cadence exclaimed as she grinned at Starrk.

"I know." Fluttershy replied cheerfully "I can't wait to communicate with them myself someday."

"You seem like a jack-of-all-trades kind of pony, Starrk." Shining Armor said before looking at his cutie mark "Then again, I wouldn't be wrong."

"I wouldn't go that far." Starrk replied "So you're Twilight's brother? Are you as smart as she is?" Shining Armor snorted before he laughed.

"I wish. Then I wouldn't deal with too many problems. She's the smarter one out of both of us." He briefly smiled over at his sister, who blushed in embarrassment "But anyways, from what I've heard, you seem pretty powerful; that you and Lilynette fused into an alicorn." Starrk stared, then nodded.

"It's true. But it's only for hairy situations only." He pointed out before Pinkie Pie came between them.

"And even without it, Starrk's pretty good on his own!" Pinkie grinned "It's too bad he sleeps too much, and I mean way too much." She then looked at Shining Armor "And if you ever have trouble waking him up, Lilynette could wake him up herself, or you can just kiss him to wake up!" Luna, Shining Armor, and Cadence stared blankly at Pinkie's expression, to which Spike waddled up and nodded.

"It's true. After all, Twilight did it herself." The purple dragon pointed out.

"Spike!" Twilight blurted out as her face became red.

"Wait a minute, so you kissed my sister?" Shining Armor asked, his eyes narrowing a bit.

"She kissed me." Starrk corrected before he looked at Twilight's blushing form "She apologized for it, though, so I'm not bothered." He paid no mind to Shining Armor's light glare. Meanwhile, Cadence giggled at the news.

"You know, Twilight, if you liked Coyote Starrk that much, you could've just said so." She teased.

"Not you, too." Twilight moaned as she hid her face in her hooves.

"Oh my...Well, I really should be going now. Goodbye for now, everypony." Fluttershy said before trotting into Ponyville.

"Twilight actually kissed Coyote Starrk?" Rarity asked incredulously, placing a hoof on her cheek "And this was just to wake him up as well? How..." She then swooned "Enchanting."

"...That's enchanting to you?" Starrk asked dryly while staring at Rarity in exasperation.

"Yes, well, in spite of this news regarding Twilight Sparkle kissing Coyote Starrk," Luna spoke up "I hope that the Elements of Harmony shall serve you all well when the time comes. Sadly, we must depart for now to ensure stability in Canterlot. The rest shall be up to you." She finished as she climbed onto the chariot, waiting for Shining Armor and Cadence, the latter of whom approaching Twilight.

"It really was nice to catch up with you again, Twilight. And for the record..." She leaned in to whisper into the lavender unicorn's ear "I wasn't merely teasing you back there. You can do it if you tried." This made Twilight flinch and blush again "I'm not forcing you, of course. Just take your time." Cadence said with a friendly smile before going to the chariot. Twilight merely scrunched her face in mild irritation towards Cadence. Meanwhile, Shining Armor kept a close eye on Starrk.

"Whether or not you're together, I'm counting on you to keep my sister safe." Shining Armor said firmly, earning a nod before he followed his wife to the chariot. He didn't really get why the white stallion had suddenly changed his tune upon mention of his sister kissing him when it wasn't even his fault. Not mostly, at least.

"Fare thee well, my little ponies! And good luck!" Luna called out before she flew off with Shining Armor and Cadence, leaving the remaining element bearers, Spike, and Starrk behind. Soon, the remaining ponies and dragon would make their way back into Ponyville and prepare themselves for the battle that was yet to come.

"Hey, Twilight." Spike asked Twilight "What did Cadence say to yo-"

"Nothing!" Twilight responded tersely, much to the confusion of Spike and the rest of the group.

Derpy and Sparkler stood at the front door of their home after the guard captain had accompanied them. Although, most of the time, Derpy, for as long as she lived in Ponyville, had trouble with directions, and gave both Sparkler and the guard captain a hard time before she could remember their home's exact location. The mailmare gently placed a hoof on Sparkler's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Sparkler. Things might look bad now, but everything's going to be fine! Just stay inside this house and be safe, okay?" Derpy said before she took off "I'll see you later tonight!"

"Goodbye!" Sparkler replied before she went inside. She trailed through the living room and kitchen before finally reaching her own room, shutting the door, and closing the shades and curtains on her window. With a wicked grin, she channeled her magic as a malignant red aura was on her horn and - in conjunction with the Alicorn Amulet - began to siphon more of the trinket's limitless power into herself.

"That's right, my dear..." Sparkler said to herself ominously "Everything is going to be fine..." Her eyes lit up as her purple pupils temporarily became red and catlike before fading back to normal.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

This gif summarizes the struggle of an amateur and the lengths he had to go to see an installment through.

Thanks to those who have coped with my tardiness, and I hope to do well in the near future.

Enjoy the chapter. Peace! :twilightsmile: