• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 12,582 Views, 1,100 Comments

Kick about! Los Lobos! - Dirty Bit

Watch as a coyote and his cub finally meet with a pack of their own...

  • ...

Capitulo Treinta y Seis

Capitulo Treinta y Seis
Step Into The Light

The sun rose over Ponyville, signalling for another tense morning as the night guards stationed in town continued their scheduled patrol shifts as the daylight grew. Up in the clouds, Starrk laid comfortably in his cloud more comfortably than usual; a ghost of a smile could even be seen on his sleeping form.

As he slept, Rainbow Dash flew towards him, already wide awake for her morning shift with Starrk. Upon reaching his cloud, she hovered over him with a curious glance at his slumbering visage.

'Man, he looks comfier than usual for some reason. Almost makes me feel bad for waking him up.' The cyan pegasus said as she slowly descended towards Starrk, carefully rolling him onto his back to get a better look at his face. She looked around, and down below at any possible prying eyes before she took a deep breath.

"Okay, nopony's watching. I'll just wake him up, if he says anything, it's not my fault." Rainbow Dash muttered to herself, feeling her heart race as she slowly leaned her head down towards the sleeping stallion's face, her lips quivering as she almost closed the distance entirely.

"Hi, Dashie!"

Rainbow Dash found herself quickly a few feet away from Starrk and what appeared to be a smiling Pinkie Pie next to him, unable to yelp due to hearing her friend's voice as well as feeling her own heart lodge itself into her throat.

"H-Hey, Pinkie Pie..." Rainbow Dash greeted halfheartedly before she perked up "Wait a minute, how did you get up here? Also, what are you doing up so early in the morning!?"

"Believe it or not, I had a huge doozy this morning that involved Starrky over here, so I had to go see him and warn him about it!" Pinkie explained briefly "I popped by Twilight's and had her give me a cloudwalking spell for this occasion. She blushed when I mentioned Starrk, though. Weird, right? It's like she really does like him!" She giggled before looking down at Starrk's sleeping form "Awwww, he's like a large puppy!" She cooed.

"That still doesn't explain how you got up here, Pinkie Pie." Rainbow Dash said irritably.

"Trampoline." Pinkie responded instantly, never breaking eye contact with Starrk. She hummed to herself before she gentle peck on Starrk's lips that lasted five seconds, oblivious to Rainbow Dash flinching at the sight "Huh, he's still asleep? Maybe I gotta try harder." The pink pony smiled before she closed her eyes and gave Starrk a deeper kiss, not aware in the slightest of her cyan friend's paled form and widened eyes.

Starrk felt the presence of the best dream he had in days fade away as everything went black. However, as he began to come to his senses, he felt something very sweet on his mouth; as if somepony tried feeding him confectionaries in his sleep. He groggily opened his eyes with a tired moan as the color pink flooded his blurred vision. The former espada blanched when he realized that it was none other than Pinkie Pie in his face.

With her mouth deeply pressed onto his.

Starrk instantly pushed Pinkie Pie off of him into the air, where she gave a surprised yelp as he flew upward. Rainbow Dash snapped out of her stunned state to gawk up at her friend before flying up to save her. She was unaware of Starrk blurring out while she carefully held a lightly dazed Pinkie in the air.

"Pinkie Pie! Are you alright?" Rainbow Dash asked urgently. Pinkie was in a pause before she shook off her daze, a grin seen on her face.

"Wow, that was a great way to wake Starrky up!" She said cheerfully, oblivious to the sour look on the cyan pegasus' face after her answer. They looked down to see that Starrk was out of sight, and the two slowly descended to the ground, where Rainbow Dash gently set Pinkie on the ground.

"Now we gotta go find him if it means warning him about your doozy, whatever it is." Rainbow Dash murmured bitterly. After Pinkie's spontaneous appearance this morning, she felt as if the universe had something against her.

"Okie dokie loki! Where should we start?" Pinkie asked as she looked around "Maybe he went inside Derpy's house?"

"This early in the morning? He'd wake everypony up!" Rainbow Dash shot back. A thought crossed her mind when she remembered how disgusted Starrk must have felt after realizing that Pinkie had kissed him, and figured out a place to start looking "I'll be in Town Square. Good luck, Pinkie Pie." She said as she flew off. The party pony waved frantically.

"Good luck to you, too, Dashie!" She called out before she pronked off to start her own search for Starrk

Starrk was seen at Town Square, where he stood by the fountain as he caught his breath. Much to his chagrin, he found himself unable to take from the fountain's water to properly gargle his mouth with, and could only suffice with roughly rubbing his lips and tongue with a forehoof. Some guards noticed this and displayed varying reactions of confusion and amusement.

He groaned to himself as he sat down after dealing with yet another unnecessary wakeup call. Why must he be kissed by mares whenever he was asleep? Starrk shook his head before he calmed down and thought back to his lucid dream of Celestia and Luna coming to his rescue. Looking to the sky, he figured that he should at least be happy that the curse had been lifted from him, allowing him to freely think of the one responsible.

The former espada widened his eyes when he remembered what he had to do today. He unfurled his wings before he noticed a familiar cyan figure approach him from the skies, a knowing smile of amusement on her face.

"Heh, knew you'd be here." Rainbow Dash smiled as she touched the ground and trotted up to Starrk "Sorry about what happened with Pinkie Pie." She then pointed a hoof with a stern glance "But try to be more careful, next time? I know she can be a hoofful, but Pinkie didn't deserve that push." Starrk stared at Rainbow Dash with a light sigh.

"Can you blame me for being taken by surprise?" He mildly shook his head "Look, I just needed to get away from Pinkie at first, but now I gotta go back to Derpy's. I found the one responsible for casting all that dark magic." Rainbow Dash widened her eyes.

"Wait, seriously!?" A glare from Starrk made Rainbow Dash fold her ears back after realizing her volume. She then spoke in a whisper "Why didn't you tell us this sooner? We could've handled this easily!" The cyan pegasus hissed in frustration.

"Simply put, I ended up playing into their trap and had to keep silent this whole time, but I'll make sure to pay them back for it." Starrk whispered back as he took a few steps past Rainbow Dash "I suggest we go round up your friends so we can put an end to this. This has gone on long enough."

"You said it." Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement. She was about to take off before she remembered something "Oh, by the way, Pinkie said she felt a doozy involving you today with her Pinkie Sense. Considering what we learned, I think this might be it." She said with a chuckle. Meanwhile, Starrk looked back in befuddlement.

'Doozy? How crazy is this mare?' He thought to himself, although had to wonder if Pinkie was more powerful than she let on.

"Well, no point in sitting here, right? Let's go grab our friends and put a lid on this whole thing." Rainbow Dash declared proudly before she took to the skies. Meanwhile, Starrk blurred out and decided to go find the other elements.

A few minutes later, Pinkie was pronking into Town Square while looking around.

"Starrky~! Where are you~?" She asked blithely as she moved towards another part of town.

Twilight found herself wide awake this morning after being woken up by Pinkie Pie and having to muster the strength to give her a cloudwalking spell after she brought up how she had a doozy this morning that involved Starrk. She silently hoped that it wasn't anything too dire that may befall him in the near future.

She sat in the kitchen with Spike, who took it upon himself to prepare their breakfast as they ate in silence. Spike, for his part, was slightly annoyed at the prospect of being woken up so early in the morning by Pinkie along with Twilight, but chose to let it slide from what he had heard.

They were halfway finished with their meals before they heard the door to the library fly open. Twilight and Spike perked up, and the former hopped from her seat to see a serious looking Starrk standing inside, causing her to widen her eyes.

"S-Starrk?" Twilight asked, surprised by his sudden appearance "What are you doing here? Is-"

"Grab your element and meet me at Derpy's house. We have our offender." Twilight and Spike surpressed a gasp as Starrk instantly saw himself out. Twilight - ignoring the food on her table - quickly made for her room upstair to grab her element, wearing it on her head and making for the door.

"Twilight! Wait up!"

The lavender unicorn's adrenaline lessened when she noticed Spike running up to her. It was obvious to Twilight that he wished to go with her.

"Spike, I understand how you're as involved with this as the rest of Ponyville, but I cannot abide putting you in danger when we're about to take care of the dark magic user for good!" Twilight pointed out urgently.

"I know that, but I at least wanna be there for you." Spike shot back "I don't care if this isn't my time to shine. That doesn't mean I'm gonna leave you alone forever!" Twilight stared at the resolve in Spike's eyes before sighing.

"Just promise me you won't get hurt, Spike. This may be more serious than we both realize." Twilight said as she allowed Spike to climb onto her back. The two then proceeded to exit the library and make for their next destination.

Lilynette laid in bed with Dinky nestled next to her under the covers, stirring from her slumber without the help of the sunlight peering from the bedroom window. She stretched her limbs and gave a quiet yawn and rubbed her uncovered eye before gently prying herself away from Dinky and sitting up. She had an uneasy feeling in her heart, and she couldn't ignore how she felt about Sparkler as of late. The red filly turned to look at the bedroom door before quietly getting out of bed.

"Sis?" came Dinky's sleepy voice behind Lilynette as she turned around to see her surrogate sister waking up as well.

"Hey, Dinky." Lilynette whispered instantly, watching as Dinky joined her on the floor and stretched her limbs.

"I never thought you'd get up before me this time." She whispered groggily with a giggle before yawning.

"Neither did I..." Lilynette muttered under her breath as she looked back at the door. Her ears twitched as she thought she had heard a faint sound somewhere in the house.

"Well, let's go get some breakfast then? Mommy and Sparkler are probably awake right now, too." Dinky said as she trotted to the door and opened it up as she exited the bedroom with Lilynette following suit.

Outside in the halls, Lilynette stopped and looked over at the door to Sparkler's room and thought she saw what appeared to be a red light at the bottom of the door before it vanished. Catching a brief glance at Dinky moving ahead to the kitchen, she decided to go over to the door to Sparkler's room, quietly opening it and peering inside.

Lilynette caught a glimpse at what appeared to be Sparkler - with her back turned - levitating the scarf she had been wearing as of late towards her in her newfound red magic aura. What rested upon her neck, however, greatly piqued the red filly's interest: A silver choker was seen resting on the amethyst unicorn's neck, but she couldn't make out the front part of it as the scarf had been moved to wrap around and cover it.

Anger began building up inside of Lilynette upon her discovery, but despite her tempting desire to end it here, she couldn't risk acting so rashly for the sake of what could very well be her new family sitting inside of the house. Whether or not that was actually Sparkler in her room was a different story.

She quietly trotted away and silently hoped that Starrk would catch on and do something about this, or at least the Elements of Harmony. Taking a deep breath, the red filly joined up with Dinky and Derpy, who was seen sipping coffee while enjoying her morning muffin. The older mare spotted Lilynette coming in and waved with a tired smile.

"Heya, Lily. Did you sleep well?" Derpy asked. It was clear by her tone of voice that she was still waking up. Lilynette nodded with a forced smile.

"Yeah." She responded instantly. As it stood from what she had witnessed, Lilynette was trying her hardest to not lose her cool upon realizing her sworn enemy was right under her nose the whole time.

"Sis woke up before I did, Mommy. Can you believe that?" Dinky said as she sat at the table. Meanwhile, Derpy's eyes rolled slighty before she giggled.

"No, actually. Lilynette's usually the heavy sleeper out of the two of you." Derpy pointed out before sipping more coffee. The red filly envied the calm of both ponies in front of her. Even moreso when she heard a door opening followed by the sound of approaching hoofsteps.

"Good morning, everypony." Sparkler greeted nonchalantly as she went towards the fridge. Lilynette stood stock still as she was inches away from the amethyst unicorn. A cero was all it would take, she thought. But it was the part of her that cried out for both battle and the desired conclusion without paying attention to collateral damage. As much as she hated it, she needed to be as calm as possible.

"Morning, Sparkler." Derpy replied as she got up from her seat and stretched her limbs. Dinky herself wore a thin smile.

"Good morning, big sis." She said, trying to sound enthusiastic. Unfortunately for her, her halfhearted response earned Sparkler's full attention as she opened the fridge.

"What seems to be the problem, Dinky? Did you not sleep well?" Dinky flinched when she felt her older sister's eyes boring into her. It was hard for her to appear calm and friendly as she scratched the back of her head.

"No! I-I mean, yes, I have slept well. It's just, um..." , Dinky figured it would be wise to come up with a convincing lie. However, as scared as she was, Dinky couldn't possibly think of anything remotely convincing for her older sister.

"She was just bothered that I woke up before her!"

All eyes were on Lilynette, who donned an irritated glance aimed at a confused Sparkler.

"That's right, she's still just dumbfounded is all. Quit putting her on the spot, huh?" Lilynette snapped impatiently. Derpy was taken aback by the scene while Dinky took a deep breath to calm herself down.

'Thanks, sis...' She thought to herself as she smiled over at Lilynette, who stood her ground against Sparkler.

"I dunno what's gotten into you this morning, but do you think you could tone it down a little? You can clearly see that we're all trying to start the day properly-"

The front door swung open, startling everypony present, as Starrk stood in the doorway with a hardened gaze of resolve on his face. Behind him were Twilight and her friends, each with their elements equipped. Spike, for his part, stood on Twilight's side, but otherwise tried looking as brave as his friends.

"Starrk?" Derpy asked as her shock faded, though it gave way to confusion upon seeing the other guests behind him "Twilight? Applejack? Rainbow Dash? Rarity? Fluttershy? Pinkie Pie? What are you all doing here!?"

"I'm here, too, ya know..." Spike murmured with a pout.

"Starrk rounded us up and led us here!" Applejack answered, though shook her head "Still can't get used t' travellin' with that Sonido o' his, though..."

"We figured now would be a good time as ever to put a stop to this." Starrk pointed over at Sparkler, who perked up from the attention suddenly drawn to her "It was my fault for not saying so yesterday, but I found the one responsible for not only the dark magic around here, but the theft of the Alicorn Amulet, too." Starrk narrowed his eyes "Whoever it is, it's controlling Sparkler and needs to come out now..." Derpy's eyes straightened from the baffling news.

"What? But how could you possibly know that Sparkler is-" Derpy never got to finish as Lilynette quickly lunged towards Sparkler and ripped off the scarf with both of her forehooves, revealing the Alicorn Amulet in its soul-sucking malevolence. A collective of gasps from most of the ponies and dragon present rung in the house.

"He's right! The amulet is right there!" Rarity blurted out as she pointed at Sparkler.

"Sparkler? Why?" Derpy whispered with eyes wide open, unable to fathom what had just transpired. Sparkler, for her part, slowly shifted her head, looking at the many pairs of eyes that were focused on her with a neutral glance. She then closed her eyes and lightly hung her head before a chuckle escaped her lips, growing into laughter as she narrowed her eyes on Starrk and the element bearers.

"My, aren't we impatient? Very well, then. If I'm to make my grand entrance, I might as well let the rest of this town know that I have returned." 'Sparkler' stated arrogantly as her horn flashed a bright red aura "I'll meet with you all at Town Square. Do not keep me waiting." She said in a commanding tone before teleporting.

"Everypony! Hurry!" Twilight shouted. Spike hopped onto her back as she and her friends began to rush towards Town Square. Starrk went to follow before he looked back at Derpy, who stood frozen with an expression that meshed pure shock and despair. Dinky was seen hugging her mother tightly while Lilyenette stared with a stoic, albeit hurt glance.

"No...Not Sparkler. Not my daughter..." Derpy uttered as tears welled up in her eyes and proceeded to roll down her cheeks.

"Mommy, I'm so sorry..." Dinky whispered as she buried her head in Derpy's chest and proceeded to sob herself. Lilynette stared before glaring over at Starrk.

"Let's go." She said in a low growl as she galloped towards Starrk. With a nod, the former espada blurred out with his sonido, but not before looking back at Derpy and Dinky one last time.

Night guards continued remaining vigilant out in Ponyville, shifting their eyes for any more suspicious activity. The ones stationed in Town Square felt especially vigorous upon seeing Starrk and Rainbow Dash leave so quickly earlier. Pinkie Pie was a different story. As they remained on high alert, they noticed how a flash of red light had spontaneously appeared near the fountain.

The light faded to reveal 'Sparkler', who leisurely towards the center with a smug smile on her face as she began drawing attention to those around her. The present guards - threatened by her sudden and ominous entrance - got into defensive stances. Two unicorn guards readied their horns for combat, eliciting a giggle from 'Sparkler'

"Please. I welcome you to try..." She uttered menacingly, watching as each guard only stayed in their positions and glared at their newest threat. Some of the citizens watched with curiousity that gave way into horror as they stared at the amulet resting on 'Sparkler's' neck. They began murmuring amongst themselves, struggling not to panic.

"Hold it!" A voice shouted from behind 'Sparkler'. She looked back to see Twilight and her friends rushing in with looks of determination on their faces. Starrk soon blurred in with Lilynette on his back as he glared at the unicorn. The guards, for their part, recognized the Elements of Harmony and carefully distanced themselves for their encounter.

"I don't know who you are, or your reasons to cause all of this mayhem, but you're not getting away with this!" Twilight called out indignantly. Sparkler only smiled.

"How adorable. You think your little act of heroism will work a second time, hm?" This question caught the element bearers and Spike off-guard.

"Wait, what does she mean by a second time?" Spike asked with an arched eyebrow.

"I don't remember Sparkler ever planning anything in secret while she lived in Ponyville." Pinkie Pie cocked her head to the side with a pensive glance.

"You're dragging this out and it's getting old..." Starrk piped up with narrowed eyes "You already got an audience, so why don't you show us who you really are?" 'Sparkler' scowled at Starrk momentarily before chuckling again.

"Very well, since you seem to be so eager..." There was a pause and a moment of silence before 'Sparkler' let off a scream of agony, with an expression to match as she faced the heavens, with her body surrounded in both red and purple static that arced sporadically. Everypony present watched intently as her head shakingly moved to face the group that confronted her.

"I have no further use of this body..." She said evenly in a warped tone before gently reached for the amulet and taking it off. Her mouth then opened wide as a pitch black smog poured out of it, covering the amulet as it then flew skyward. Echoing laughter was heard from the smog after it exited Sparkler, who flopped to the ground unconscious.

"Why does that smoke-no..." Twilight muttered "Why does that laughter sound familiar?" She said as the smog billowed in a spherical shape as the laughter escalated. A whirlwind was picking up around the square before the smog dispersed in a powerful gust. What it left behind shocked everypony present.

There was a large and muscular stallion with a black coat and a mane that covered all around his head like that of a lion's, although the mane itself billowed like a cloak of pure darkness. He wore silver boots that covered each of his legs, and a maroon cloak that had once looked regal, but was longer and more tattered near the ends, with the Alicorn Amulet keeping it together.

He had a long, curved red horn that stood out from his black form, as well as large black dragon wings that cast an enormous shadow over most of Town Square as he leered down at the cowering townsfolk with red eyes that glowed along with his green schlera. Red mist escaped along the corners of his eyes as he grinned his sharp teeth at his public. Twilight, for her part, widened her eyes as she somehow recognized the malevolent form above her.

"King Sombra!?"

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Well, we finally reached the anticipated (And obviously pointed out :twilightblush:) discovery of the big bad. I'm certain most, if not all of you are satisfied that it has come to this; no doubt, some of you feel obligated to say 'Called it' or 'Finally'. Well, I don't blame you :derpytongue2:

There's still 3-4 chapters left of this little thing, so hopefully you all can bear with me for the remainder of this story that my lazy butt decidedly let linger.

Enjoy the chapter. Peace! :twilightsmile: