• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 12,582 Views, 1,100 Comments

Kick about! Los Lobos! - Dirty Bit

Watch as a coyote and his cub finally meet with a pack of their own...

  • ...

Capitulo Trece

Capitulo Trece

Old Habits Die Hard

Derpy burst towards Ponyville Elementary in search of Dinky and Lilynette. She couldn't bear to have her daughter all alone amidst the impromptu havoc brought upon by Cerberus. When she made it to the school, she burst through the doors and sped towards the classroom "Dinky! Lilynette! Are you there!?"

Much to Derpy's expectance, the children in the classroom were either panicking or curling up in a corner, crying to themselves. Cheerilee had trouble trying to keep everypony calm "Please, children! I'm sure the princesses will save us from this disaster!"

Dinky was frightened, but then noticed her mother, galloping to her side "Mommy! Cerberus is back!" She said, sniffling as she held Derpy tight.

Lilynette was the only pony to remain calm while she looked outside. She noticed the three-headed dog roaring and demolishing more buildings. Lilynette grinned to herself 'No way! I never thought this would happen! I'll bet Starrk's on his way to take care of this right now!' Feeling invigorated, Lilynette galloped towards the door, only to be stopped by Cheerilee "Hey! What gives!?"

Cheerilee gave a concerned frown "Lilynette, it's not safe to go outside! You'll have to stay here!"

Lilynette scowled at Cheerilee "I can handle this beast! Besides, what makes you think that dog won't come here?" She ignored some of the classmates hearing her and heightening their panic and sorrow.

"Please don't do this! What would Starrk think of you going out there?" Cheerilee urged.

Lilynette turned away with a huff "You don't know how me and Coyote take care of things, do you, lady? Well, I'm gonna show you right now, and you can't stop me!!" She barked as she galloped out the door.

Cheerilee gasped "Lilynette, no!" She called out as she chased her. The teacher was astonished with Lilynette outrunning her with ease.

When Lilynette reached the doors, she opened them and ran outside, only to bump into a mare when she took her first step. The red filly looked up to see Applejack staring down at her "What in tarnation do ya think yer doin'?" She asked incredulously.

Lilynette recovered and glared up at Applejack "I'm gonna go out there and grind that beast to dust!"

Cheerilee caught up to Lilynette and heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing Applejack "Oh, thank heavens you've arrived! I don't know what would've happened if Lilynette were to leave..."

Applejack shook her head "It ain't just me, Ms. Cheerilee." She looked behind to see Rarity, Vinyl Scratch, and the parents of each child in the school.

Rarity stepped forward "Is Sweetie Belle safe in there? Please tell me she isn't hurt!"

Cheerilee looked at everypony outside "What's going on?"

Applejack frowned "We gotta evacuate Ponyville while th' princesses take care o' this problem! Twilight already sent a letter to them!"

Lilynette looked up "Everypony's leaving? Good! Then I won't have to worry about hurting anypony!" She said as she dashed past Applejack, only to be stopped by her "Hey!" The red filly flailed in Applejack's grasp "Let go!"

Applejack struggled to keep Lilynette still "C'mon, partner! Ah know yer peeved about this, but we gotta stick together! Yer dad won't be happy about this!"

Lilynette stopped and glared at the farmpony "You don't know me OR Starrk! So let...GO!" She snapped as she finally broke out of Applejack's grip and galloped away.

Applejack grunted "Consarn it..." She turned to her friends "Ah'll go after her! Th' rest o' ya get t' safety!" She said as she pursued Lilynette.

Pinkie gathered the Cakes and their children as they galloped in search of the rest of Ponyville "Stay close, everypony! This is getting crazy!" As she took point, she noticed Fluttershy up ahead and smiled "Hey, Fluttershy! Over here!"

Fluttershy saw Pinkie approach with the Cake family and frowned "Pinkie! Thank goodness you and the others are okay! We have to get everypony out of Ponyville!"

Pinkie nodded "Okie Dokie Loki! Let's stick together!" The small group went off to converge with the other citizens. As Pinkie looked back, however, she stopped when she noticed a small red dot headed towards Cerberus "Huh??" She gasped "Oh no!! It's Lilynette!"

Fluttershy looked back as well in fear "What!?"

Lilynette closed the distance between her and Cerberus, who ignored her presence as it continued to destroy more of Ponyville. She leered up at the creature as she caught up to it 'Where the hell is Starrk!? I'd figure he would be all over this by now!' She heard galloping behind her, and looked back to see Applejack catching up and sneered "Don't try and stop me! I can beat this monster!"

Applejack did not let up in her pace "Like hay ya can! Get on back here before ya hurt yerself!!" She called out sternly.

Lilynette growled and stopped "I'll show you just how strong I am!" She said as she aimed her horn at Cerberus. Her horn began to glow green until it fired off a cero that struck Cerberus at its side, causing it to roar in agony while toppling over. Lilynette took a deep breath and smirked "Hah! Take that!"

The blast was seen from Ponyville Elementary; the children who witnessed it while traveling with their parents and guardians stared in complete awe. Pipsqueak was slackjawed "...Wow..." he whispered in astonishment.

Applejack stopped in her tracks and stared at Lilynette's feat in disbelief "Ah...Ah don't believe it..."

Lilynette turned to Applejack in a mixture of smugness and irritation "Are you satisfied? Now why don't you clear everypony out of here while I bring this monster down?" She heard a growl and looked over to see Cerberus getting up and shaking its head, then having all three glare at Lilynette. Their eyes widened in anger as they roared at the red filly, the mist in their eyes trailing rapidly.

Lilynette wasn't phased as she took a stance "You don't scare me, you stupid beast! Come on!"

Applejack snapped out of her awe and galloped up beside Lilynette "Oh no ya don't! We gotta get outta here!"

Lilynette shot an annoyed glare at Applejack "Are you serious!? You saw what I can do! If anypony's getting out of here, it's you! So butt out already!!"

Applejack matched Lilynette's glare with one of her own "Ya maybe strong, but yer not THAT strong! Cerberus is an old beast that can take a huge beatin'!" She looked over to see the aforementioned beast charging and widened her eyes before she took Lilynette onto her back and galloped away "C'mon!"

While Applejack was fast, she was not as big as Cerberus. The monster easily caught up to her, causing Applejack to try and steer Cerberus off-course. She made a sharp turn to the right, making sure to avoid the ponyfolk while making a beeline towards Whitetail Woods.

Lilynette, feeling as if she rode on for too long, hopped off and landed on her hooves as she activated and aimed her horn again "Eat this!!" Firing another cero, it landed a direct hit on the middle head, obscuring its vision and scathing its face as it reeled back and roared in pain.

Applejack skidded to a stop and grunted "Lilynette, yer takin' this too far!"

Lilynette scoffed at Applejack, not turning to face her "I haven't even begun! This fight would've already been over if Starrk would just move his lazy butt!"

Applejack went to go back and retrieve Lilynette, but looked up when two pegasi flew over her. She looked up to see Rainbow Dash and Starrk with clouds "What in the hay?"

Lilynette looked up and huffed "It's about time!!"

Rainbow Dash pushed her cloud as she flew over Cerberus with Starrk following behind "Okay, Starrk! Clearly you don't know how clouds work, so I'm gonna show you!" She said as she readied her cloud at a fixed position "Now just set it up and..." As Rainbow Dash trailed off, she readied her hindlegs to buck the cloud. When she did so, it sounded off with thunder and shot a bolt of lightning that struck the back of Cerberus' right head, causing it to yelp. The three heads then looked up and growled at Rainbow Dash.

Starrk gave a light sneer at the beast "I don't think it worked..."

Rainbow Dash barely avoided a swipe from Cerberus' paw and glared at the beast "We just need to add more oomph in our attacks! Let's just nip this fight in the bud!" She turned to Starrk and pointed a hoof "Now, like I showed you! Just prepare your cloud and give it a good kick!"

Starrk nodded and prepared his cloud while Rainbow Dash kept an eye on Cerberus. She grew nervous when Cerberus went to jump and swipe "Hurry up, he's gonna attack!"

When Starrk's cloud was ready, he bucked his cloud. The weirdest thing had happened when he did so. Instead of a bolt of lighting, the cloud bulged before spewing out an enormous glowing blue beam that shot across Whitetail Woods, destroying the treetops and missing Cerberus easily; It made the same exact sound of Lilynette's cero. Starrk looked back with widened eyes '...My cero...'

Lilynette stared up in awe, then hopped up and down cheerfully "Yes! Starrk can still use his cero! The Primera Espada is back!!"

Applejack was dumbfounded at the sheer size and power of Starrk's cero 'Just how strong ARE these ponies!?'

Rainbow Dash was both slackjawed and speechless by what had just happened, her pupils trembling from the amazing spectacle.

Starrk himself was amazed that he can still use his cero, although was thrown off by how he has to execute it from now on. Remembering the current matter, he looked down to see Cerberus jump up and swipe a paw at him. He flew back, but his cloud had vanished from the monster's paw. Rainbow Dash went to move, but ended up getting swatted by Cerberus, yelping as she was sent back from the hit. Starrk noticed this and grunted as he blurred out with his Sonido.

Rainbow Dash soared until she instantly stopped, thinking she collided with the ground. A part of her was iffy on account of two things: Her landing wasn't exactly painful, and she remembered the ground not feeling like two hooves under her body. She opened her eyes, and her vision cleared to see Starrk staring at her with his usual expression while hovering in the air. Rainbow Dash flinched and her eyes widened as she stared back with a light blush. After a moment of staring, she jumped out of Starrk's hold and looked away "Th-Thanks..." She muttered.

Starrk only nodded back and noticed Cerberus coming their way "I'm gonna grab your cloud. Can you keep this monster busy for me?"

Rainbow Dash turned to Starrk "Sure I can! It might've been a lucky shot, but there's no way Cerberus can hit me twice!" She said with a puffed out chest.

Starrk rolled his eyes at the cyan pegasus' cockiness and blurred out with his Sonido, leaving Rainbow Dash to deal with the approaching beast. She huffed "C'mon, you mangy mutt! See if you can't hit me again!" Rainbow Dash flew away from each of Cerberus' attempts at attacking with ease while waiting for Starrk to come back.

The former espada reached Rainbow Dash's cloud and flew back with it, making sure to keep a keen eye on Cerberus 'How do I know if I can aim the cloud correctly?' Trying to shake his doubts, he set the cloud in his possession at a fixed position, trusting his instincts as a marksman. When he felt he had targeted Cerberus despite him moving around in an attempt to catch Rainbow Dash, he squinted his eyes and turned around to buck the cloud 'Hope this hits...'

He gave a mighty buck, and Starrk's hit landed on the cloud, causing it to spew out another radiant cero headed towards Cerberus. The monster turned when he heard it, and all three heads had their expressions changed from angry to surprised. The blast had engulfed Cerberus entirely; Rainbow Dash was lucky to avoid it as she flew upward and stared at the trailing beam of energy 'How does he DO that!?'

The ponies in town watched with a gasp at the massive cero that was launched. Derpy, Dinky, and Sparkler stared at it in amazement despite it's destructive power.

When the cero subsided, Cerberus stood with his entire body burnt. Each head looked groggy and spent of energy as the monster swayed left and right before finally toppling over unconscious, dropping to the ground in a loud thud. A faint black mist trailed from their closed eyes and mouths before vanishing into thin air.

Lilynette and Applejack watched from a short distance, and the former held an ecstatic grin on her face "Alright! Starrk took down the monster!!"

Applejack stared blankly until she shut her eyes and shook her head before giving a thin smile "Don't that beat all..."

Starrk watched his handiwork from above and heaved a sigh "Finally..."

"No way!"

Starrk looked up to see Rainbow Dash zip towards her with a wide grin "That was AWESOME!! You fired that huge blast and that was all you needed to take Cerberus down!" She looked over and noticed how the blast's length had reached Ponyville, reducing some of the already-destroyed buildings into smoldering piles. Rainbow Dash winced "Wow...You really did a number on him and Ponyville..."

Starrk watched apathetically "At least no one was hurt, right?"

Rainbow Dash watched before she gave a thin smile "Yeah...Yeah, you're right." She turned to Starrk with a grin "You know, Starrk, you really earned that cutie mark of yours! I'm gonna go tell Twilight that everything's okay! Wanna come?"

Starrk looked away "I'll catch up later. I need to check on Lilynette, wherever she is..."


The former espada and Rainbow Dash perked up and looked down to see a red filly below waving her forehooves up at them with Applejack next to her. Starrk blinked before descending towards them with Rainbow Dash in tow. When he landed, Lilynette approached Starrk and gave him a friendly jab with a smug grin "I knew you could take care of this problem! Nopony's better than you!"

Starrk stared down at Lilynette and placed a hoof on her head, lightly stroking her mane "I'm glad you're safe..."

Lilynette huffed "Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be? We're strong, remember? This is nothing!" She said as she shot a light glare up at the former espada.

Applejack sighed in relief "Well, th' problem with Cerberus is solved. Let's get a move on back int' town!" They all trotted back to Ponyville to spread the news.

When they arrived, they saw how most of Ponyville's citizens surrounded them. This made Starrk and Lilynette feel uncomfortable as they stood close together and lightly took a stance as they stared back at everypony else. Their guard was instantly lowered when the crowd burst into a raucous cheer, stomping their hooves in applause at Starrk and Lilynette's feat. Lilynette looked around in confusion "What the...?"

Starrk looked around himself and took in the applause from the ponies in front of him with confusion and intrigue. This never happened to him before, being applauded for his efforts. What he didn't expect was being glomped by Pinkie Pie, who he did not distinguish in the crowd. She trapped him in a crushing hug "You did it, Starrky! You saved Ponyville!! You're a hero!!"

The former espada groaned, but then his eyes widened when he noticed the Hooves family approach; Derpy flew in with Dinky in her grasp, tackling Starrk in a hug "Starrk, that was amazing!!" Dinky jumped out of her mother's grasp to hug Lilynette; Sparkler galloped towards the group and smiled, though was unnerved by Starrk and Lilynette's demonstration of power.

Applejack chuckled "Looks like y'all 're popular right now!"

Lilynette looked around while she was hugged by Dinky "Popular?" She never was considered to be popular back in Hueco Mundo.


The sound of the red filly's name being chorused by three feminine voices surprised Lilynette as she noticed the Cutie Mark Crusaders eagerly gallop up to her with grins on their faces. Scootaloo pointed a hoof "You and your dad were both awesome!" She proclaimed joyfully.

Sweetie Belle hopped up and down "I can't believe your cero could hurt Cerberus! Can you teach me how to use it?" She asked with her eyes shimmering with glee.

Before Lilynette could answer, she noticed one more foal come up to her; One she did not expect most. Pipsqueak galloped up to Lilynette and stopped in front of her with a bright smile "Lilynette, you were great!"

Vinyl Scratch caught up to her little brother with a cheerful grin "Kid, you and your dad were righteous!"

Lilynette stared at Pipsqueak smiling at him and felt her heart quiver against her will, her cheeks flushing 'Why am I feeling like this!?' She looked away and grunted "Wh-Whatever! That beast was too weak anyways!" Lilynette answered instantly

Starrk managed to get up after being tackled and hugged by Pinkie and Derpy and looked back at the many faces of happiness in the crowd 'I can't believe this...They like us that much now? Are we actually heroes?'

Rainbow Dash hovered next to Starrk and smiled "I'm kinda jealous of you now! Look at all the attention you got!"

Starrk looked up at Rainbow Dash "You helped, didn't you? Shouldn't they be showering you with praise?"

Rainbow Dash shrugged "They won't believe me if I told them that you didn't know how to use a cloud! Besides, you earned it, what with that large beam of yours!"

Starrk stared up at Rainbow Dash, then spotted something flying towards Ponyville out of the corner of his eye. He looked above the crowd to see a large white pony with wings and a horn, wearing golden shoes, a breastplate, and a tiara; Her mane and tail flowed with different colors. Behind her was a group of white pegasi wearing golden gorgets and holding spears in their hooves "Who's that over there?" Starrk asked inquisitively.

Rainbow Dash looked over and perked up when she spotted the group of flying ponies "It's Princess Celestia! And she brought some of her guards!"

Soon, the rest of the crowd noticed the princess and ceased their cheering as they awaited her arrival. When she landed, the crowd cleared themselves to make a route leading to Starrk and Lilynette, bowing in genuflect as she passed each pony in a casual trot; Her guards remained in the air and soared towards Cerberus when they spotted the unconscious black mass at Whitetail Woods.

When she reached them, Princess Celestia looked down at Starrk as he looked back up at her, him and Lilynette being the only ponies who didn't bow upon her presence. The red filly stood by Starrk and stared up at Celestia with a light glare, seeing if it wouldn't intimidate her.

Sadly for Lilynette, Celestia's gaze remained neutral until she smiled at the two former arrancar "Greetings. Can you tell me who you two are?" She asked in a polite tone.

Starrk stared up at the princess and answered curtly "I'm Coyote Starrk." He pointed a hoof at Lilynette "This is Lilynette Gingerback..." The red filly gave a quiet growl at Celestia.

Pinkie rose from her bowing and hugged Starrk again while grinning at the princess "Princess, Starrky here stopped Cerberus from destroying Ponyville!!" She looked over at the collateral damage "...Well, half of it anyways, but he still saved us all!! Lilynette helped, too!" She ignored Starrk giving her an annoyed stare while she clung to him.

Celestia held a surprised expression upon the news and turned to Starrk and Lilynette "Is this true?"

Lilynette growled "What of it? Got a problem?" She snapped defensively.

Dinky hissed pleadingly "Sis, this is the princess! Please don't talk mean to her!"

From the crowd, Twilight lightly pushed past some ponies and galloped up to Celestia "Princess!" Fluttershy and Rarity were found close behind her. She frowned "I'm sorry you came after the problem was resolved!"

Celestia gave an amused chuckle "It's nothing to worry about, Twilight." She turned to Starrk and Lilynette "Though I must say I'm curious with Ponyville's newest heroes." She said in an intrigued tone.

Fluttershy piped up "B-But what about the issue with Tartarus?"

Celestia nodded "I've sent for Luna to handle the problem since she's more capable of monitoring Tartarus aside from Cerberus. She and her night guard should be able to fend off any escaping monsters easily." Celestia looked up to see an approaching guard.

The guard flew down and landed in front of Celestia, bowing to her "Your Majesty. We've managed to awaken Cerberus. He seems to be more tame as opposed to our given report."

Celestia gave a curt nod "Then there isn't much to worry about then. All that matters now is getting Cerberus back to Tartarus." She waved a hoof "Have the guards carefully guide him." The guard bowed and took off back towards the forest. Celestia smiled down at Starrk "You and Lilynette have done a great service in protecting Ponyville from danger. For that, you have mine and everypony else's gratitude."

Starrk stared before scratching his head tiredly "This was unexpected. But if you're happy, then who am I to complain?"

Lilynette cocked her head to the side at Celestia "What are you going to do with us?"

Celestia shook her head as she kept her smile "Nothing of the sort, my little pony. But If anything, you deserve something for your efforts."

Pinkie stood next to Starrk with a twinkle in her eye "I can think of something~..." Starrk felt his ears droop upon hearing Pinkie's idea.

At the Gates of Tartarus, Princess Luna looked over the vast landscape and noticed that nothing was amiss "The area is secure! We shall wait for Cerberus to arrive before departing back to Canterlot!"

The group of armored thestrals that accompanied Luna on her mission snapped a salute and chorused a "Yes, Princess!" With diligent looks in their yellow eyes.

One of the thestrals that saluted had a yellow eye, but also a red eye that slowly faded back to the common color of the soldier's eye.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Before any of you get technical, Starrk's attack being channeled by the cloud was based on pegasi and their weather magic. But aside from that, he still has his cero :raritywink:.

Who knows what perils await our pair of former arrancar in the near future? Will they be strong enough to face the-*snickers* I can't say that in a straight tone...

But I WILL say, stay tuned...Peace! :twilightsmile: