• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 12,582 Views, 1,100 Comments

Kick about! Los Lobos! - Dirty Bit

Watch as a coyote and his cub finally meet with a pack of their own...

  • ...

Capitulo Veintisiete

Capitulo Veintisiete

Reunited Once More

Luna swooped down from the sky and faced the group with eyes of worry "Vacate the forest at once! An Ursa Major is headed this way!" She warned, causing the mares to gasp.

Rarity froze before an uneasy grin was on her face "Surely you don't actually MEAN that, princess..." She giggled nervously, but her smile faded when she noted Luna's serious gaze, causing her to scream, with her friends and the Hooves family following suit. The timberwolves donned terrified looks and instantly fled deeper into the woods after they heard another roar.

Starrk and Lilynette were the only ponies that didn't scream "What's an Ursa Major?" The former espada asked inquisitively, oblivious to the fear that was shown on the other ponies' faces.

Twilight turned to Starrk with a face of terror "An Ursa Major is a giant creature semblant to a bear; they're very ferocious when provoked, be it some other animal attacking their young or antagonizing them head-on. We have to get out of here and warn Ponyville!"

Applejack frowned "But we can't jus' cause a panic an' let an Ursa Major destroy our town! We were lucky t' recover from Cerberus th' other day!"

Pinkie stopped her panicking and gasped before grinning "Wait a minute..." She murmured before she pointed to Starrk "We got Starrky on our side!"

Rainbow Dash was next to stop as her eyes widened in realization "Hey, yeah!" She smiled down at Starrk "He took down Cerberus without even trying. All he needs is a cloud and that Ursa Major's finished!"

Lilynette scoffed "It took you all long enough to realize that..." She muttered, baffled by the fact that these mares have forgotten who was the strongest being at the moment.

Luna was stumped by the aspect of Starrk actually using a mere cloud to fend off a fearsome monster that was seventeen stories tall. But she was willing to see Starrk's power for herself as she looked at him, conviction in her eyes "Well, Coyote Starrk? If their praise rings true, are you willing to assist me in battle?"

Starrk nodded "We can't afford any more problems, can't we? Let's make this short and sweet." He blurred out of sight with his sonido, startling Luna as she looked around.

Rainbow Dash sped to her side and pointed upward "He went up to the sky, Princess; you'll find him there. We'll clear out of here while you handle this."

Luna snapped out of her shock and followed Rainbow Dash's words as she took flight and soared past the top of the forest, where she noticed the Ursa Major even closer than before, swiping at the air with its massive paws; she could've sworn she had seen some bats flying around its face. However, there was no sign of Starrk as she looked around "Where did he-" She yelped when she caught the desired stallion appear with a cloud in his possession, his eyes locked on the Ursa Major drawing closer "Did you fly back to Ponyville to acquire that cloud?"

Starrk merely nodded and turned away from the cloud as he reared back his hindlegs "Here we go..." He kicked at the cloud, which caused the fluffy mound to produce a large blue beam that trailed across the sky and struck the Ursa Major in its chest, causing it to stumble back in its path after giving off a painful roar; the bats quickly flew down into the forest after the hit had connected.

Luna was in awe at the spectacle, the very feat confirming the information Celestia had shared with her. Who was this stallion and where did he come from? She looked over at the Ursa Major, who had recovered from their hit before giving off an enraged roar "Coyote Starrk, beware the beast before you! Your attack has only given it pause!" Luna warned as she lit up her horn, conviction clear in her eyes "I shall buy you time for a second attack if need be!"

Starrk reared his hindlegs back again "That won't be necessary, princess." He said as he struck the cloud again, eliciting another cero that struck the approaching Ursa Major in the same spot on its chest, causing it to stumble once more. Starrk looked back to see that he only further enraged the ethereal beast and provoked it into running towards him on all fours, ravaging the forest below "Damn...This thing's stronger than I thought..." He said nonchalantly.

Luna narrowed her eyes at Starrk "An Ursa Major is no ordinary creature, Coyote Starrk. Not only are they formidable in the wild, but their very body is capable of sustaining magic energies being thrown at them. You may seem powerful at first glance, but it will take more than your beams to best this monster."

Starrk stared at the oncoming monster, then the forest below him, causing him to grunt as he focused back on the Ursa Major "Maybe I should take it head-on instead of relying on my cero then..." He said to himself before blurring out of existence and appearing directly in front of the Ursa Major, landing a kick from his right hindleg directly into the center of its eyes and causing it to skid backwards a few meters. Starrk felt a bit embarrassed to resort to weaponless combat, already missing his zanpakuto.

From below, Rainbow Dash flew up just in time to see the feat for herself, excitement clear on her face 'Sweet Celestia! Seeing him lift so much junk was one thing, but did he actually just land a hit on an Ursa Major!?' She stared before she grinned mischievously to herself 'Trixie, eat your heart out.' Remembering her duty, however, she quickly flew down with her group and supervised their safety.

Starrk sped foward and struck the Ursa Major in the chest, hoping to add more damage after his two previous ceros, but only succeeded in pushing it back a few more meters. He drew back slightly and repeated the process a few times, drowning out the pained roars his strikes had caused.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was busy leading the group through the forest, until Sparkler skidded to a halt and earned the attention of the other mares "I'm sorry, it's just..." She looked towards another route in the forest "I should probably warn Zecora about this whole thing before she ends up on the receiving end of it all."

Twilight looked up at the trees warily "I don't think it'd be a good idea with that Ursa Major running around."

Sparkler frowned "We're lucky to have Starrk even hold the Ursa Major back with Luna's help. His efforts should buy me some time and reach her before any harm comes her way. Just trust me on this!"

Lilynette pointed a hoof at Sparkler, her eye narrowed "If it means saving her life, then I don't have a problem with it. Just hurry back with us as soon as you can, okay?"

"Just be careful..." Derpy and Fluttershy said in unison, both of whom were highly concerned for Sparkler's safety.

Rainbow Dash tilted her head "Why don't I go warn her instead? It'll save you the trip."

Sparkler held back her irritation towards Rainbow Dash's intervention "Because you already have a job making sure my family and your friends get back safe and sound! Just leave this to me!" She barked before she broke off into a gallop down the route, ignoring Rainbow Dash calling out to her.

Twilight watched Sparkler leave before she looked up at Rainbow Dash "Rainbow, you can make sure she travels safely while the rest of us get back to Ponyville. Don't worry about us."

Rainbow Dash snapped a salute with determination in her eyes "Got it. You girls stay out of trouble, alright?"

Pinkie giggled "Since when were we ever in trouble?"

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at Pinkie's absentminded response before flying off in pursuit of Sparkler while the others made for Ponyville on their own.

After being separated from the group, Sparkler stopped again and caught her breath before leering up at a patch of trees showing a good clearing of the sky. She could easily hear the sound of the Ursa Major being drove back by Starrk 'He's making this too difficult for me...I'll need to even out this little fight...' She clenched her eyes shut and activated her horn 'Go my servants...distract that miserable stallion and further my goals...'

The sound of a pegasus flying towards Sparkler drove her to quickly stop her telepathy spell quickly after giving the order. She looked over to see Rainbow Dash flying towards her and huffed "You didn't have to follow me, Rainbow Dash. I said I'd take care of it!"

Rainbow Dash frowned "And I said I'd save you the trip, but now I'm just here to look out for you and make sure no danger comes your way."

Sparkler sighed "It's appreciated, really..." She looked up at the sky "But something tells me that Starrk might need your help more than I do."

Rainbow Dash snorted "You're kidding right? Him AND Luna are up there right now, so I doubt they'd need me around."

Starrk continued his physical onslaught and drove back the Ursa Major while Luna continued to watch in disbelief at his display of strength. The former espada drew back at a greater distance than his usual hits while the Ursa Major was slightly fazed and grunted "Now to step it up..." He said to himself as he proceeded to fly towards the beast and deliver another hit.

Only to have a group of screeching bats fly around his face and obstruct his vision.

He quickly stopped and tried swatting away the bats that refused to relent on their diversion "Argh, dammit." Starrk grunted.

Luna, noticing the bats, quickly flew down towards Starrk and wrapped the bats in a magical aura, drawing them away from him. When she did, however, she noticed the Ursa Major had recovered and went to strike, causing her eyes to widen.

Starrk noticed and quickly sidechecked Luna away before he took the Ursa's paw, getting swatted away at bullet speed. He passed over the clearing Sparkler and Rainbow Dash stood over, and earned the undivided attention of the latter pony "Starrk!" She shouted before she bolted up and flew after him.

Sparkler grinned deviously "Excellent..." She hissed to herself before she made her trip towards Zecora's hut.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was able to fly faster than the speed Starrk was being launched, managing to fly up and block his path in an attempt to save him, only to be bombarded by him and causing the two to fall down into the forest.

Crashing through the trees and onto the ground, Rainbow Dash gave off a pained moan before the air escaped from her body. Unlike her, however, Starrk looked as if he had barely taken any damage, facial expression and all "That didn't hurt as much as I thought it would..." The former espada said nonchalantly. He paused before he raised an eyebrow "But how was my landing so cushioned?" Starrk looked below himself and his eyes widened when he noticed Rainbow Dash groaning, hopping off of her and looking down "What are you doing here?" He asked in befuddlement.

Rainbow Dash got up and scowled "Saving you!" She snapped defensively until she winced and rubbed her head "Or trying to, at least...Ouch...." She looked at Starrk "You're a lot heavier than you look, you know that?"

Starrk did not wish to dignify that with a response. He turned away from Rainbow Dash and looked up "Just go back with the others and make sure they're safe. I gotta stop this damn thing before it destroys all your hard work."

Rainbow Dash grunted "My friends are on their way to Ponyville right now, and you're gonna need all the help you can get! I'm not gonna get in your way or anything." She said, offended by Starrk brushing her off. They both felt the ground shaking and were uneased by the very sensation.

Starrk gave a tired sigh without facing the cyan pegasus "Fine. Do as you please...Just don't get hurt, okay?" He said before he flew back up into the sky past the trees, Rainbow Dash following suit.

They both got back up and saw Luna keeping the Ursa Major at bay while simultaneously keeping the bats from earlier in her magical hold. However, the beast had gained a good amount of distance that was made from Starrk's offensive and was much closer than before. Rainbow Dash looked terrified as she looked back at Ponyville "We gotta hurry this up before somepony gets hurt! Any idea on how to push back that thing?"

Starrk frowned before a thought crossed his mind; a risky move in itself, but it would prove useful in a situation like this. He looked over at Rainbow Dash with a serious gaze "Listen...I want you to go find your friends, but bring Lilynette back to me, okay?"

Rainbow Dash was pixelated by Starrk's request "How's Lilynette gonna help this thing? No offense, but she's a lot weaker than you!"

Starrk narrowed his eyes "Just trust me on this." He said in a low tone "I'll help Luna out, but you have to be quick about this, alright? This could be our only chance..."

Rainbow Dash felt a chill run down her spine from Starrk's tone, but she nodded to him with a serious gaze of her own"Alright, but I hope you know what you're doing. Be careful!" She flew away towards Ponyville while Starrk sped towards the Ursa Major and to Luna's aid.

Sparkler galloped through the forest with the destination clear in her mind. She stumbled when she felt the ground beneath her shake violently, but instead of fear, exhiliration was coursing through her veins as she barely contained her grin 'Closer than I had hoped for! This may end in my favor after all...' She noticed the hut up ahead, and Sparkler's eyes gleamed red briefly before she bolted towards Zecora's home. She quickly composed herself and feigned a worried expression before she knocked on the door frantically. The amethyst unicorn was rewarded with Zecora looking slightly flustered "Thank Celestia I found you! We gotta get out of here and quickly!" She pointed to her left "There's an Ursa Major coming this way!" Zecora looked down with a grave expression on her face.

"I should've known I've heard its roar...
We should hurry away and leave before-"

A tremor more powerful than before had both Sparkler and Zecora trying to regain their footing. From where the former had directed earlier, both mares noticed a small sight of a translucent purple that nicked a tree and somehow caused it to fall near them. Zecora yelled something in her native language and galloped away from her home while Sparkler thoughtlessly dove inside the hut, the tree falling over and sealing her inside. The zebra mare noticed this and called out to her.

"Sparkler, do not be afraid!
I'll think of a way to lend you aid!"

"Don't worry about me!" Sparkler said from inside "I'll find my own way out, but you should head to Ponyville!" Zecora could not believe what she had heard. Before she could argue, Sparkler continued "Just go! If it makes you feel better, Starrk and Princess Luna are holding off the Ursa Major, so I'm sure I'll have time to get out!"

Zecora wished to question how Starrk was even managing such a feat, but nodded to Sparkler and made a hasty retreat towards Ponyville. She glanced back at her barricaded hut before she rushed further into the forest in search of its entrance.

Her ears twitched when heard the faint sounds of Twilight and the others, following their voices as she finally ran into the group. Applejack was the first to notice "Zecora? Don't tell me th' Ursa Major destroyed yer home, did it?" Zecora shook her head with a dreadful glance.

"My home is fine, but Sparkler is not with me.
She is trapped inside my hut because of a tree."

Derpy and Dinky gasped "Sparkler!" They chorused with fright.

Lilynette growled "That idiot! Now we gotta go back and save Sparkler if that Ursa Major's that close to her." She heard another roar, but then noticed a prismatic blur headed her way. When it stopped to reveal Rainbow Dash, Lilynette scowled at her "A lot of good you did! Sparkler's trapped and you were supposed to watch her!"

Twilight was equally shocked "You left Sparkler behind? What were you thinking, Rainbow Dash!?"

The cyan pegasus grunted before looking down at the group "Look, I might've fouled up back there, but Starrk's in a jam and he sent for me to bring Lilynette to him."

Lilynette perked up "Seriously? It can't be THAT bad...can it?"

Rainbow Dash regarded Lilynette with a determined gaze "Not only did he say it could be his only chance, but that thing's getting closer to Ponyville than we think! We gotta push it back!"

Fluttershy whimpered "Why does this have to involve Lilynette? She's just a filly." She was unaware of the hateful glare she received from the red filly.

Twilight pondered on the concept herself until a look of realization hit her "This could have something to do with his explanation at the party regarding him and Lilynette."

Rainbow Dash nodded "Whatever it is, this might be it." She held out her forelegs to Lilynette "C'mon, kid! We don't have much time!"

Lilynette was hesitant at first, looking back at Derpy and Dinky before she swallowed her pride and looked up at Rainbow Dash with a determined gaze of her own, hopping into her legs as the two took off.

Twilight turned to the others "We gotta let everypony know that Coyote and Princess Luna have this under control. Let's hurry!"

"But what about Sparkler?" Derpy mewled as tears welled up in her eyes "I can't risk my daughter being trapped!" Zecora laid a hoof on the mailmare's back.

"I apologize for causing you so much stress
But she made her decision nonetheless.
She believes that Coyote and Luna will prevail,
And ensured she will escape without fail."

Applejack gave a comforting smile to Derpy "Zecora's got a point; Ah think Starrk can save 'er before any harm can come her way, sugarcube. It's tough, but we jus' gotta have a little faith. Ah know Coyote can pull through fer us again like last time." She said encouragingly.

Derpy wiped her eyes and sniffled before she donned a hopeful smile "M-Maybe you're right..." She looked at the deeper parts of the forest "She is a very smart mare, after all."

Dinky held a smile of her own "Yeah. Sparkler's good like that." She said optimistically.

Pinkie wrapped both Derpy and Dinky in a hug "That's the spirit! We know Starrky's got this!" She said with her usually cheerful grin.

Twilight nodded "And it's up to us to let Ponyville know that. We got no time to lose!" She said as she led the group in a rush, each of them galloping fervently out of the entrance.

Luna growled as she fired another magic beam that was lucky to give the Ursa Major pause before it tried swatting at her with a massive paw. She gave herself a wide berth away from the beast as Starrk came in and pushed it further back with his physical attacks. Luna looked over at the bats in her hold and squinted her eyes as she noticed their glowing eyes 'More dark magic? Who could be responsible for this? Unless...' While Starrk handled the Ursa Major, Luna looked over to see what appeared to be Rainbow Dash carrying Lilynette. She quickly flew towards her while the cyan pegasus was drawing closer.

As she flew, Rainbow Dash looked down at the red filly in her grasp 'I really hope Starrk knows what he's doing...What's he gonna do with Lilynette?' Rainbow Dash noticed Luna up ahead and ceased her flight "Hey, Princess Luna. I know this looks pretty crazy, but Starrk needs Lilynette here." She looked over at Luna's side and arched an eyebrow "Are those bats?" She asked quizzically.

Lilynette flailed her hooves at Luna "Would you move? Starrk needs me right now!"

Luna scrunched her face at Lilynette's rude remark before looking over her shoulder "I know not of what Coyote Starrk wants with you, but I'll make haste and contact him while I keep the Ursa Major at bay. Hopefully he'll be able to drive it back."

Lilynette pointed a hoof "Less talking, more moving!" She snapped.

Luna briefly glared at Lilynette before flying towards Starrk, stopping at a safe distance while he foguht off the Ursa Major "Coyote Starrk! Rainbow Dash has arrived with Lilynette Gingerback! What is your plan that involves that filly?"

Starrk perked up and looked back "Finally..." He blurred out with his Sonido, narrowly avoiding another claw from the enraged bear as Luna moved in to distract it. The former espada appeared in front of Rainbow Dash and held out his own hooves "Thanks. We'll take it from here."

Rainbow Dash gave Lilynette to Starrk and tilted his head "What's the plan? Do you two have an ace up your sleeve?"

Starrk nodded "Something like that..." He stared at Rainbow Dash and looked away, uncertainty seen in his hardened features "...You should go..." He said reluctantly.

Rainbow Dash craned her head back "What? Why?"

Starrk knitted his brow, though did not seem angry "Trust me on this...It's for the best..." He replied with mild wistfulness in his voice.

Lilynette frowned, but surprisingly did not appear angry "Just listen to him, will ya? This is kind of a difficult thing for us."

This was shocking, even for Rainbow Dash; sure, the situation was critical, but the two seemed entirely different from their usual selves as opposed to how they acted earlir. The cyan pegasus shifted her gaze between the two before she slowly inched herself away from them, then bolted away after she had stared at them for too long.

The two former arrancar remained in the air with silence. Lilynette looked up at Starrk with narrowed eyes, an otherworldly gleam seen from them "So...You gonna do it or not? We don't have all day, you know."

Starrk was silent until he let off a sigh "Yeah...This was my idea after all. You ready?"

Lilynette nodded "As I'll ever be." She smirked confidently "Let's kick that bear's ass!"

Starrk nodded and placed a hoof on Lilynette's head while he took a deep breath 'Time to see if this works...' He said as he looked down at Lilynette intently.

Lilynette paused before she closed her eyes 'Alright...Now we become one...' There was a moment of silence before the red filly was surrounded by a blue aura that enveloped her body and towered over Starrk slightly. More power surged from the filly's body until she suddenly disappeared from existence along with her aura. Starrk narrowed his eyes with conviction; he knew the last thing he needed to do as he took a stalwart stance while he hovered in the air.

"Kick about! Los Lobos!"

After his barked command, he was instantly enveloped by a pillar of blue light more powerful and radiant than Lilynette's that had a wider radius and towered high into the sky as if it were an ominous beacon. All activity had ceased upon seeing both the large beacon's light and the intense force it was exerting; even the Ursa Major could not help but look at the sight. The force was so great that the magic that controlled the bats had vanished, and they screeched in fright as they struggled to break free and flee from the light.

At the forest's edge, Rainbow's eyes widened at the light, mouthing 'No way' as she was enraptured by the light.

Back in Ponyville, the town's residents gasped and murmured as they looked upon the massive beacon for themselves. Twilight and her group were also overtaken by the sight before they could even warn the citizens about the Ursa Major.

The beacon had increased in brightness and force before finally giving way to a large plume of light blue smoke. Luna felt a stronger presence behind that smoke, and she gasped when she got a look at what was dwelling within as the smoke subsided.

In place of both Starrk and Lilynette was a tall amber colored alicorn with a horn and a set of wings in a majestic appearance similar to Celestia and Luna, wearing a gray fur-lined white jacket over a double-breasted vest with his forehooves slightly hidden beneath his fur legbands, his lower torso left bare despite being covered by his jacket; two black, ribbon-covered bandoleers were seen from the back of his jacket reaching towards his forelegs; His brown mane was flowing, and had managed to cover his left eye as it blew in the breeze; underneath the end of his jacket, Luna was able to distinguish the stallion's cutie mark, which contained three small, blue wolf heads underneath the number 1 seen on Starrk with two pistols crossed that beared resemblance similar to Lilynette's cutie mark.

The alicorn appeared stoic as ever, and it looked over at the Ursa Major, slightly narrowing his eyes "...As much as I hate to do this...I'll have to take you down..."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Yeah...We all saw this coming :derpytongue2:

Enjoy this chapter. Peace! :twilightsmile: