• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 12,582 Views, 1,100 Comments

Kick about! Los Lobos! - Dirty Bit

Watch as a coyote and his cub finally meet with a pack of their own...

  • ...

Capitulo Veintiocho

Capitulo Veintiocho

Crisis Averted

Luna was practically speechless, lucky to keep a grip on the struggling bats with her magic. No doubt that the alicorn in her sights was obviously Starrk despite his altered appearance, but never did she think that him and Lilynette were capable of becoming one pony with such a powerful form. She watched the new alicorn, adorned in his grey coat, stare down the Ursa Major as his horn began to glow with a vibrant blue aura.

"Before I go through with my idea, I want to make sure I won't have to push myself..." He said before his horn shot out a large blue beam that instantly connected with the Ursa Major's chest, who roared in a mixture of pain and surprise as it skidded farther than usual. Starrk narrowed his eyes and shot another beam, pushing the beast even farther. One last beam had successfully distanced the Ursa Major away from Ponyville and deeper into the forest, as if it had never moved from its spot.

"Incredible..." Luna whispered as she saw the stunned Ursa Major shaking itself out of its daze while smoke trailed from its chest. She looked over at her bats, who were still struggling, and - much to her befuddlement - have lost all detectable traits of dark magic. She released them, allowing them to seek refuge in the forest below as she glided towards Starrk, though felt a small twinge in her heart when she drew closer to him 'What in Equestria?'

"Not enough, huh?" Starrk said lazily as he watched the Ursa Major recover "Guess that means I'll have to go all out..."

"Of course you do! Why didn't you act sooner?"A familiar voice drove Starrk to look up at his horn, to which the sound of Lilynette's voice was heard "Let's just finish the job and see if we can't get back with the others! We've wasted enough time as it is!"

"No need to get testy. I know what I'm doing." Starrk said tersely as he looked up at his horn. Unbeknownst to him, Luna hovered near him, her jaw hung open as a stupefied look was on her face.

The small twinge she felt was one thing, but Luna couldn't believe that Starrk, a now powerful alicorn, possessed a talking horn that she easily deduced was Lilynette, judging by the impatience in her voice.

"Coyote Starrk, is that you and Lilynette as one pony?" She asked, grabbing Starrk's attention.

"Yeah, it's me. I'd talk more about it, but I have to wrap this up." Starrk replied as he focused on the Ursa Major, who roared in anger before charging at the two alicorns on all fours, ravaging most of the forest's trees. Starrk's horn glew again, but it was more vibrant than usual as the Ursa Major was very close to him and Luna.

"Cero Metralleta..."

The Ursa Major did not have time to view the attack that had transpired around its upper region. Both its face and chest were bombarded by a volley of magical beams fired in rapid succession, all of which were just as powerful as his first three shots. The beast was unable to roar as it was pushed back at a dangerous speed by the several beams that collided against its body. Starrk only stared stoically as his ceros continued to fly.

Rainbow Dash, who remained at her position far from the fight with her jaw hanging down in the air, was too stupefied to act between joining up with Starrk up close or going back to her friends in Ponyville.

'So...awesome...' Were the only words that had coursed through her head as she beheld the sight of Starrk triumphing over a massive creature with ease.

When it was at an acceptable distance, Starrk had ceased his attack and beheld the smoldering form of a wounded Ursa Major standing with its head facing the sky. There was a pause before the Ursa Major lightly swayed, then fell down on its back, leaving an impact on the forest behind it while causing a massive shake. Starrk let off a sigh of relief as he shut his eyes.

"Alright! That'll learn that stupid beast! No one messes with the Primera Espada!" Lilynette's voice shouted triumphantly from Starrk's horn.

"Unbelievable..." Luna said breathlessly, overtaken by Starrk's previous attack "You've felled an Ursa Major without batting an eye." She looked down at the widely ravaged forest, several trees either uprooted, hacked to pieces, or both "Although it came at the cost of the Everfree Forest's wilderness." Starrk followed Luna's gaze downward.

"That does suck...Never thought I'd even fight something that'd give me so much trouble. That thing reminded me of a Menos Grande." Starrk said as he surveyed the damages. Luna looked up at Starrk and raised an eyebrow.

"What matter of pony are you to become an alicorn just by joining your former pegasus form with Lilynette, who is a unicorn? I'm aware you're not of this world, from what I've heard from my sister, but how are you capable of such a feat?" She asked inquisitively. Now that she was finished with fending off a threat with help from Starrk, she could finally know more about him and his mysterious background. The former espada looked over at Luna, a reluctant frown on his face.

"It'd be a drag to explain it all, so I'll just say that I can split myself apart with ease..." He looked down "At least back then. I hope it can be done again right now..." He said with faint unease.

Luna huffed before she collected herself.

"I suppose it would be inappropriate to press on this matter when there are more important points to be discussed." She said in a serious tone "We should notify the safety of the villagers before we search for more leads on this issue with dark magic."

"That was WICKED!"

Luna and Starrk looked over at an approaching prismatic blur, and noticed that it was an overly-excited Rainbow Dash flying their way. When she got close to Starrk, she could barely contain herself.

"Oh my gosh, I don't even know where to start with this! I can't believe that's what you look like when you're-...you're..."

For reasons that she could barely comprehend, Rainbow Dash was beginning to feel heavy. Her vision was blurring as she tried keeping herself up in flight, moaning in pain as she did so.

"Wha-...What is this?" She weakly uttered as she held her chest with one foreleg, and her head with the other.

She could barely make out the look of dread on Starrk's face.

Luna was baffled by Rainbow Dash's sudden change of demeanor, but she then noticed how Starrk darted his head towards her, his eyes narrowed.

"Get her out of here!" He shouted.

As curious as she was about Starrk's outburst, Luna was quick to agree with his request; she could not leave one of her subjects in pain, let alone an element bearer. The princess of the night quickly scooped up Rainbow Dash in a magical hold and flew out of Starrk's space at a remarkable speed towards Ponyville, leaving the former espada behind.

'When I approached Starrk, I felt a slight prick in my chest, but when Rainbow Dash had done so, she looked to be on the verge of coma...' She contemplated over the effect of how Rainbow Dash and herself felt different around Starrk's presence as an alicorn and compared it to what Celestia had told her, then remembered what was said: Starrk wasn't just powerful in his form. His power was oozing out of his body and encompassing around his form, giving him the impression that he was indeed stronger than he looks. Luna looked back at the distant alicorn hovering in the air as she neared Ponyville.

'I remember Tia sharing with me that Coyote Starrk had suffered a period of loneliness due to his immense power...He must've led such a troubled life back then...' Luna thought morosely.


Luna looked up at Rainbow Dash, who had a foreleg to her temple as she groaned.

"What happened? I felt like some kind of boulder that was ready to crack back there..." Rainbow quipped weakly as she rubbed her head.

"You merely fell victim to Starrk's power when you were in his range. It seems that you were more susceptible to it than myself." Luna explained as she glided across the air "Are you able to fly?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think I can manage now, but..." She looked down "What about Starrk? Now that he's an alicorn with so much power, how can he even come back to us in town with everypony waiting?" Luna released her hold on Rainbow Dash as she sighed.

"All we can hope for is if Coyote Starrk is capable of splitting himself apart once again. We'll have to give him time until that happens." Luna replied "Until then, let us inform Ponyville of his success." Rainbow Dash was able to smile after the idea.

"Yeah, looks like Pinkie's gonna have to throw yet another party today. This is gonna make the third one since Starrk arrived in Ponyville!" She giggled at the thought.

"As much as I would like to enjoy one of Pinkie's parties myself, there is still much to discuss as far as the matter at hoof." Luna said, causing Rainbow Dash's spirits to damper.

"Right, the dark magic..." She said as she groaned "I keep forgetting that some random jerk is giving us trouble in the shadows!"

"And it is up to us to uncover them and bring them to justice." Luna replied with determination."

Meanwhile, Starrk hovered in the air with a somber gaze, silently lamenting the fact that he nearly got one of his own killed. He was satisfied with the fact that he had saved Ponyville from certain doom, but knowing that his own power had become an issue once again, he was reluctant in going back to Ponyville without exiting his alicorn form.

"That idiot! Didn't she hear about your power the other day?" Lilynette's voice snapped in irritation.

"We were lucky to get her away in time, but I'm not worried about that." Starrk said as he examined a foreleg "We have to try and split apart again."

"What's stopping you? You did it before, haven't you? It should be a snap." Lilynette said in encouragement, to which Starrk looked annoyed.

"It was easy back then because I wasn't a pony...I don't know how I can pull off the same feat in my current form." Starrk said. Lilynette huffed.

"You always gotta keep making excuses, don't you?" She asked dryly.


"Ow!" Starrk was seen striking his own horn with a hoof, looking more annoyed than before "Hey, that hurt!"


"Ouch! Cut it out, will ya? I'm sorry!" Starrk brought down his hoof as he continued to hover "All I'm saying is that you should stop moping and start thinking. We'd be lucky to get back if you weren't just lingering here in the air doing nothing."

"Guess you're right." Starrk looked up at his horn "Magic seems to be commonplace here. Maybe I can perform my soul separation technique in the form of a spell."

"There's an idea. Give it a shot." Lilynette said eagerly. Starrk took a deep breath and closed his eyes as his horn began to glow. His glow began to spread from his horn to all across his body. In a few seconds, Starrk's entire body was coated in a blue aura, his features unseen.

It lingered for a small amount of time until the light instantly vanished to reveal a befuddled pair of ponies that consisted of Starrk and Lilynette in their regular forms. They both hung in the air until the latter began to fall, letting off a yelp and flailing as she fell. Starrk was quick to act as he burst down with his sonido and caught Lilynette before she reached the forest. The red filly glared at Starrk while in his hold.

"It's not fair. How come you get to fly and I don't?" Lilynette asked in complaint.

"You think I'm not envious of the fact that you can perform a cero without a cloud?" Starrk shot back, albeit lazily. Lilynette's features softened before a sly grin crept on her face.

"I guess you got a point there." She looked over at Ponyville in the horizon "Let's go home, Starrk...I'm happy you're gonna be back with us again..." She said in an uncharacteristically soft tone. Starrk looked down at Lilynette before nodding and setting his sights on Ponyville.

"Yeah, back to our pack..." Starrk said before he blurred out of existence with his sonido.


"You girls should've been there! It was just AMAZING! Starrk not only looks awesome as an alicorn, he's also super good with magic!" Rainbow Dash rambled on in her praise of Starrk, shuddering in excitement after thinking about Starrk's earlier attack "I saw it with my own eyes! He was firing magic beams like Twilight when Pinkie used her as a weapon during Shining Armor's wedding!"

"That fast? No way!" Pinkie replied with the same enthusiasm as the cyan pegasus as she quickly trotted in place.

"We're aware of that, Rainbow. Us and the rest of Ponyville could spot Starrk's cero from a mile away." Twilight said, slightly irritated with how Rainbow Dash was acting like Pinkie Pie on a good day. Although, she felt rewarded with more information on Starrk's capabilities. She smiled "Still, it's nice to know that Coyote managed to defeat the Ursa Major before it could reach Ponyville." Twilight looked back at the crowd of ponies murmuring in awe "It was already an ordeal to keep everypony calm until we mentioned the words 'Starrk' and 'Princess Luna' with our explanation." Zecora nodded sagely.

"Calming all of Ponyville was much to ask.
To be the voice of reason is a trying task."

"That poor Ursa Major..." Fluttershy lamented quietly with a sad expression "If only he wasn't bothered by whoever was responsible for all this dark magic..."

"Whomever the culprit, I'd say we were lucky to be safe with the help of Coyote." Rarity said with relief.

"I, too, feel accomplished about this situation running it's course, but we're far from safe." Luna said matter-of-factly "It's sad to say, but from this day forward, Ponyville shall remain on high alert. To further solidify this decree, I shall share the details with my sister and request for more royal guards once I return home."

"Yer not gonna help us, princess?" Applejack asked with mild disappointment. Luna hung her head in resignation.

"Trust me when I say that I would stop whatever I was doing back in Canterlot and gladly aid you all in rooting out whoever is responsible for this bedlam. Regrettably, I cannot further complicate things by remaining here for too long and ignoring our royal duties. Ponyville is one thing, but we cannot risk all of Equestria being flung into a panic over this situation due to my prolonged absence from the throne. After informing my sister of this turn of events, we both shall do all that we can from our castle in order to ensure your town's protection."

"With all due respect, Princess, We can take whatever that mystery kook throws at us with Starrk at our side. You saw what he did back there." Rainbow Dash said cockily. Her expression faltered when Luna's gaze met hers.

"That's hardly the point. Coyote could either be susceptible to the dark magic as well, lured away by a clever ruse, or could very well be exhausted of all energy the moment the shaded fiend chooses to reveal itself to us." She closed her eyes "But that's not to say I do not doubt his power. I'm personally impressed at what he is capable of."

The sound of booming static was heard behind Luna, and she turned around to see Starrk hovering in the air with Lilynette in his forelegs, then heard the many cheers from the crowd.

"Hi, Starrky! Welcome back!" Pinkie waved to Starrk as he set Lilynette on the ground "Ready for another party?"

"Truthfully, I just want to sleep right now." Starrk said as he rubbed his head "They were good company, but it was hard to sleep with the timberwolves."

"But what about Sparkler? She's still trapped at Zecora's!" Derpy exclaimed in worry. Starrk looked over at Derpy's saddened face, then back at the forest's entrance in the distance.

"I'll go grab her then. It won't take but a minu-" He grunted when he felt his neck being wrapped around by a certain mailmare, who was nuzzling his cheek with her own.

"Oh, thank you, Starrk! Just hurry back with Sparkler and make sure she's fine, okay?" She nearly bawled with joy. Lilynette looked up at Derpy, then over at Dinky.

"You think she worries too much?" Lilynette asked her adoptive sister curiously.

"Sometimes. But she does it because she cares about our family and everypony she loves. Mommy's nice that way." Dinky replied with a chipper smile. Lilynette looked up at Derpy, who continued to nuzzle Starrk until he lightly nudged her away from him, the mailmare smiling sheepishly.

'We never had folks who'd care that much for us, let alone anyone else. Not even Lord Aizen was this compassionate...' Lilynette thought to herself.

"I'll be right back." Starrk said before blurring out once again. Zecora flinched at the sight, blinking at what had happened.

"That was a fright I did not need.
I've never witnessed such blinding speed!"

"Heh, yeah, Starrk's awesome like that." Rainbow Dash said with a smirk "Surprised he didn't show you sooner." Rarity gave the cyan pegasus a deadpan look.

"Well, I myself doubt he would've had an opportunity to use his super speed in the middle of a winding forest, especially when he made friends with," Rarity shuddered "timberwolves..."

"I know." Fluttershy said before she smiled brightly "Isn't it amazing? I wonder if he were able to teach me how he did that." Rarity smiled nervously.

"No offense, darling, but I'd rather he didn't..." She said in a leveled tone, with the other mares voicing their agreement. Fluttershy blushed in embarrassment after hearing the others.


Starrk was lucky to know the way to Zecora's hut, and while there were several ravaged trees, it was much easier to track down. For the many trees that blocked his path, he could simply move them out of the way as if they were mere bushes.

When he spotted the hut up ahead blocked off by a fallen tree, the former espada silently made his way over and lifted the tree up, chucking it away a few feet before he made his way inside the hut.

Starrk winced at the scenery. Many different potions and masks were scattered across the floor, some of which were broken; the contents from the broken flasks were lucky not to touch each other. No doubt this was from dealing with all the tremors caused by the Ursa Major's fury. One thing was for certain, Zecora is not going to be happy once she goes back home.

However, amidst the messy room, two things remained intact; Zecora's black cauldron that rested in the middle of the room, and a sleeping Sparkler a couple of feet to the left of it. Starrk could make out that she was still wearing the scarf she had brought along the trip to see her, which he found very strange, even for a level-headed mare like her.

Starrk walked over and nudged Sparkler awake, causing her to murmur and stir from her rest as she rubbed her eyes and looked up at the former espada.

"Oh, it's you...Hey, Starrk." Sparkler murmured as she got up and stifled a yawn.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. Your mom's worried sick about you, so we should get you back to Ponyville." Starrk said nonchalantly. Sparkler looked ashamed, shifting her eyes away from Starrk as she pawed at the ground.

"I should be the one to apologize. I didn't know what I was thinking when I wanted to warn Zecora about the Ursa Major, only to end up trapped in her own home." She looked up at Starrk with a penitent glance "I was full of adrenaline at the time that I was confident in getting myself out of here, but that went up in smoke since I wasn't strong enough to move the tree. So I basically stayed here, praying for my own safety until I felt drained, then fell asleep to regain my energy." She smiled at Starrk "Thanks for coming to my rescue. Let's go home."

Starrk nodded in agreement before the two ponies trotted out of the hut. The former espada stopped for a moment and looked back at Sparkler, somehow making her feel nervous.

"What's wrong?" Sparkler asked inquisitively. Starrk remained silent before he sighed and waved a hoof.

"I was thinking about bringing us both back to Ponyville with my sonido, but I'd figure you would be against it when you just woke up." Sparkler smiled again after Starrk's response.

"That's considerate of you. I am still a little tired." Sparkler rubbed her eyes again to punctuate her statement. The two ponies then made their way back to Ponyville through the Everfree Forest.

When they were halfway there, Starrk heard a rustling in a nearby bush to his right, then noticed a timberwolf hop out and examine him and Sparkler. The timberwolf sniffed at Starrk and let of a small bark, then wagged its tail when the former espada patted its head. The timberwolf then looked over at Sparkler and sniffed at her. However, instead of barking, it growled threateningly and got into a stance, to which Sparkler felt wary. Starrk gazed sternly at the timberwolf.

"Knock it off. She's with me." He said, making the timberwolf fold its ears back and whimper "Just go back with your pack now. I'll be sure to visit you all sometime in the near future."

The timberwolf paused, then barked again before turning away and running off deeper into the forest. Sparkler grimaced after it had left.

"I still can't believe you're friends with those things..." Sparkler said with mild disgust.

"They see me less as a friend and more as a leader." Starrk explained briefly "It's funny how they feared me at first, only to accept me. At least they're not dead..." He said wistfully.

"Well, as long as you're happy, I guess." Sparkler said with a fixed smile. As they neared the forest's entrance, Sparkler adjusted her scarf. She was lucky that Starrk did not care to notice, and hid a grin that was both devious and triumphant.

Her plan was a resounding success. All she had to do now was wait for the opportune moment to bring Equestria to its knees...

To be continued...

Author's Note:

It's as the title said. Good, right? :pinkiehappy:...

More to come.

Enjoy the chapter, everyone! Peace! :twilightsmile: