• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 12,582 Views, 1,100 Comments

Kick about! Los Lobos! - Dirty Bit

Watch as a coyote and his cub finally meet with a pack of their own...

  • ...

Capitulo Diecinueve

Capitulo Diecinueve

Silence is Golden

Twilight observed the completion of everypony's tasks with a satisfied smile on her face "This is great. We've got plenty of time to spare for repairs now!"

Pinkie grinned "And let's not forget the one pony that made this possible!"

Twilight turned to Pinkie with a bewildered look on her face "I never thought you would be the type to take so much credit, Pinkie."

Pinkie giggled "Not me, silly!" She looked up at the sky "Wait for it~..." Pinkie said expectantly before a certain pegasus blurred into existence next to her and Twilight, startling the latter "Here he is!" She said with a smile.

Twilight noticed Starrk "Starrk? Singing was your idea?" She asked in mild surprise, not expecting somepony who seemed so lazy having an affinity for singing. Strangely, she inched herself away from the former espada after her question.

Starrk frowned "Far from it. Pinkie's the one who started it, not me." He stated dryly.

Pinkie inched herself towards Starrk "But it wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for you." She said as she grabbed the former espada in a hug, nuzzling his cheek with her own "You're the best, Starrky!" Pinkie proclaimed brightly, ignoring Starrk's discomfort with her breeching his personal space.

Twilight watched the two, though she inwardly quivered when her eyes were on Starrk "Well, regardless of who's idea it was, we're halfway done with rebuilding Ponyville." She smiled "We're making excellent time thanks to you."

Starrk wore an annoyed frown while Pinkie continued to nuzzle at him "It was nothing..." After a few more nuzzles, Starrk shifted his eyes at Pinkie "Can you stop now, please?" He asked in a mildly impatient tone.

"Just a minute." Pinkie replied quickly as she continued nuzzling.

Over by where the pile of junk used to reside, Rainbow Dash was seen pulling up an empty cart "That oughta do it. Now to wait for the owner to pick it up." She said as she got out of the harness and trotted towards Town Hall with her eyes closed, a smug smile on her face 'I noticed how Starrk wasn't even lifting a hoof once we started to sing. I'll bet he's wondering about my secrets right now.' She thought to herself as she slowly opened her eyes. They shot open, and Rainbow Dash stopped instantly in her tracks when she noticed Pinkie nuzzling Starrk while he stood with his annoyed expression.

Pinkie continued nuzzling Starrk, until she finally broke the embrace and stood next to him with a content grin "Okay, I'm done." She chirped.

Starrk rubbed his neck while he shot an annoyed stare at Pinkie 'She's like some kind of vice...' When he looked away from both her and Twilight, he noticed a certain cyan pegasus coming his way at top speed until she stopped in front of him "Do you need anything?" He asked Rainbow Dash passively, his annoyance fading.

Rainbow Dash shifted her glance between Pinkie and Starrk before she stopped on Twilight "I just wanted to know what I missed is all." She said in a cool, but rushed tone.

Twilight raised an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash's statement "You didn't miss anything other than Pinkie Pie giving Starrk a congratulatory hug." She deadpanned, not anticipating such a response from her friend.

Pinkie turned to Starrk with a wide smile "I could give another one for good measure if you like." She said in a persuasive tone.

Starrk and Rainbow Dash both perked up and looked at Pinkie "No!" They said simultaneously before looking at each other blankly. The cyan pegasus quickly looked away "I mean, I don't think it's a good idea." She recovered cooly.

Pinkie waved a dismissive hoof "Oh, pshaw! Starrky's only warming up to us one step at a time. We gotta show him how much we care!" She didn't pay attention to the mentioned pony's look of reluctance towards her suggestion.

Twilight rolled her eyes at Pinkie's comment until she noticed some ponies showing up at Town hall with their own supplies from tools to building material, each one feeling chipper in their own way "Looks like everypony's gonna rally up for repairing the buildings." She said as she turned to the others with a slight frown "Something tells me that this might take longer than expected, though. I'd say we lucked out on time when we were busy cleaning the damages."

Pinkie smirked "Nothing a little song wouldn't fix!"

Starrk drooped his ears and grimaced "None of that, please..."

Rainbow Dash chuckled "What's the matter, Starrk? Don't like to sing?" She teased with a small jab to his shoulder, but flinched when she noticed the look that betrayed no nonsense in the former espada's eyes "Okay, maybe you don't..." She muttered awkwardly.

"Hey, everypony!"

The four ponies saw Applejack approach them from the gathering crowd "We're ready t' get started with th' hard part o' this job, but Ah gotta head over t' my place to grab more supplies in case anypony else needs 'em. Could Ah trouble y'all t' lend me a hoof?"

Pinkie grinned "You got it, AJ!" She said as she draped a hoof over Starrk's shoulder "We can go with you, right, Starrky?" The mentioned pony merely drooped his ears after Pinkie's question.

Rainbow Dash tried not to pay attention to Pinkie's gesture as she voiced herself "Sure thing. Lead the way?" She asked nonchalantly.

Applejack turned to Rainbow Dash, her head tilted "Yer willin' t' follow our pace fer once? That ain't like ya at all, Dash." She pointed out with a calculating stare towards her friend.

Rainbow Dash grunted "Well, I WOULD just race there, but I don't feel like it right now."

Pinkie turned to Rainbow Dash with a spark of inspiration in her eyes "Why not have Starrky go get the supplies? He's faster than all of us!"

Applejack shook her head "There's gonna be plenty o' stuff t' carry back into town, so Ah'd rather have a group of extra hooves than jus' rely on Coyote alone." She smiled "Mighty appreciated, though."

Twilight looked over at Mayor Mare, who was still resting on a chair "I'd love to accompany you all as well, but I should probably take care of Mayor Mare and get her inside Town Hall. Derpy already came by with mail belonging to her."

Starrk felt as if he had no say in the matter, but he realized that everypony still needed assistance with their task of repairing collateral damages. He shrugged it off and nodded to Applejack, letting her lead the way while he was traveling with Pinkie and Rainbow Dash dangerously close to him on both sides, making him uncomfortable.

Twilight watched them leave until she felt the need to speak "Erm, Starrk?" The former espada stopped to look back at Twilight, who developed a faint blush as she looked embarrassed "I-I wouldn't recommend sleeping..." She said feebly.

Starrk raised an eyebrow at Twilight's warning, especially with the knowledge that he was currently busy at the moment. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash stopped to look back as well, the latter appearing shocked. He gave a curt nod to Twilight in response before following after the others, though he had to deal with both mares close to him at both sides once more.

When they were far off, Twilight sighed to herself in exasperation 'Why did I have to go and say that? If it weren't for Derpy telling me how to wake up Starrk, I wouldn't feel so nervous around him!' She thought before she turned to Mayor Mare with a wince "I just hope he'll be awake and alert once I go look for him..." Twilight said to herself as her horn lit up, her magic wrapping around the unconscious mare in her sights.

At the joke shop, Dinky, Sparkler, and Lilynette trotted out and looked around at the town's current state. The purple filly beamed "Goody! We'll get Ponyville fixed in no time."

Lilynette cast a bored stare at the work that had been done, but looked around in confusion shortly after "Hey, where's Starrk? Or those other girls that were with him?"

Sparkler hummed "I suppose they must be at another part of town." She said as she rubbed her chin "If only there were somepony that would supervise you both, I'd gladly let you be on your way. There's something I need to take care of back home before I can continue working."

Dinky turned to Sparkler "Really, sis? But what do you have to do that's so important?"

Lilynette shot a look at Sparkler "Yeah. I don't remember you actually needing anything at all." She held up the toolbox "Also, we already raided the house for tools, so what DO you want from there?"

Sparkler stared down at the fillies, trying to come up with a believable lie that would be able to separate her from them, until she noticed a flying figure in the sky. She looked up to see what appeared to be Derpy without her mailbags and a bright smile on her face, swooping down and closing in on her and the fillies.

Dinky noticed as well and galloped towards her "Mommy!" She cheered.

Derpy landed and wrapped her hooves around her daughter in a warm embrace "Hiya, muffin. Mommy's done with deliveries right now, so she's ready to help with rebuilding Ponyville!"

Sparkler sighed in relief 'Excellent, a distraction. Now I can use this to my advantage...' She smiled at Derpy "Hello, mom..." Sparkler said in a suspiciously cheerful tone "I was just about to go home for a moment to take care of something."

Derpy stared at Sparkler, her eyes rotating momentarily before she gave a hearty laugh "Oh, you're such a riot, Sparkler. You know Lily and Dinky have the toolbox already." She said as she pointed at the toolbox in Lilynette's grasp "Besides, we can't make any stops while we're busy rebuilding the town."

Sparkler looked troubled "You mean..."

The amethyst unicorn found herself wrapped around grey hooves as Derpy smiled "That's right! We're gonna stick together and work as a family. Nopony's gonna separate until we're done with our job."

Sparkler forced a grin "How sweet..." 'Confound it all! Now I'll have to wait for another opportunity away from these dullards!'

Lilynette frowned "Wait, then we'll need Starrk, too. We can't finish without him!"

Derpy gave a small gasp "You're right, Lily. Why don't we find him so we can get all of this work finished?" She asked Lilynette with her innocent smile.

Sparkler stared at Derpy in disappointment "Do you even know where he is?"

Lilynette smirked at the two mares "Why bother looking for him?" She asked mischievously as she distanced herself from Derpy, Dinky, and Sparkler. Once she was at an acceptable distance, she hung her head before turning to the heavens.


Derpy, Dinky, and Sparkler gritted their teeth and covered their ears as Lilynette shouted the former espada's name. Sparkler peered at Lilynette once she was finished 'Since when was a unicorn filly capable of channeling the Royal Canterlot Voice?'

On the trail to Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack took point in leading Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, and Starrk back to her homestead. Pinkie had already explained the reason for everypony singing earlier, already impressed "Well, don't that beat all. We needed so much help an' th' newest pony in town happened t' give it t' us." She looked back at Starrk with a smile "Thank ya kindly fer yer help, sugarcube."

Starrk traveled stoically with Pinkie and Rianbow Dash next to him "I already told you that it wasn't my idea; it was Pinkie's. I didn't know that singing would make the work go faster."

Rainbow Dash looked at Starrk "Well, maybe you should try to look into it sometime. You know, since you're gonna be living here and junk. I'm sure you got a good singing voice behind that rough exterior of yours." She said as she closed her eyes and laid a hoof on her chest with a prideful smirk "Yours truly happens to be an expert singer, if you couldn't tell earlier."

Starrk gave Rainbow Dash an unamused stare "I can see that..." He muttered.

Pinkie inched her head near Starrk "You can't SEE singers, silly. You hear them!"

Rainbow Dash noticed Pinkie's move and cleared her throat loudly "Yeah, what Pinkie said, but you get the idea." She said as she smiled "You should give singing a chance now and then."

Applejack looked ahead as she voiced herself "Pardonin' Rainbow strokin' her ego, she's got a point; T'ain't no harm in singin' a few notes when it feels right to." She said in encouragement.

Starrk rolled his eyes "I think I'll pass...I don't have any rhythm."

Rainbow Dash snorted "Not with that attitude. All we gotta do is show you the basics, and you'll work your way around it in no time. After all, you are number one, right?" She said teasingly with a smirk to match.

Starrk sighed "Can we leave my number out of this?"

Rainbow Dash frowned "I don't get it, Starrk. I know you led a rough life before coming here, but how can you NOT like being at the top of your game?"

"Because it's lonely at the top and you can only find satisfaction amongst the lower ranks?" Pinkie answered with a question, earning the stares of the ponies around her "Just a hunch." She quipped as she grinned obliviously.

Applejack shook her head at Pinkie's words before she noticed they were near her home "Alrighty then, y'all. We'll get th' supplies an' be back at Town hall in two shakes of a lamb's tail. Won't take but a minute."


The group stopped their pace and looked up at the booming voice heard over the horizon, the mares darting their heads about in confusion; Starrk identified it easily as he held a bored glance "I'll be right back. Lilynette's calling..." He said as he blurred out with his Sonido.

Applejack noticed and sighed in disappointment "Consarn it. Looks like we're loadin' ourselves until Coyote's finished with Lilynette."

Pinkie giggled "Then it'll only take a second since Starrky's the fastest flier alive."

Rainbow Dash looked up at the clouds "Yeah, I suppose I can't hold that title forever." She looked away "As much as that leaves a bad taste in my mouth..." She murmured bitterly.

Applejack looked at Rainbow Dash "Yer takin' this a whole lot better than expected." She arched an eyebrow towards the cyan pegasus "Come t' think of it, ya have been actin' mighty strange lately."

Rainbow Dash shrugged "Well, what can I do? We're talking about somepony from another world that could take down Cerberus with some trick we don't even know about."

Pinkie tilted her head "So does that make Starrky an alien?"

Rainbow Dash was silent, contemplating over Pinkie's question as she thought back to Starrk's story; She wondered what Starrk would look like with a hole in his chest, or what he would look like before he became a pony.

Applejack piped up, stopping Rainbow Dash from thinking "Ah'm about as curious as both o' y'all, but we got ourselves a town t' fix. Let's shake a leg an' round up our supplies; We'll start at my tool shed." She said as the three mares trotted away.

Starrk appeared before Lilynette and Derpy's family with his usual expression of boredom. He looked down at the filly that summoned him "What's wrong, Lilynette?" Starrk asked, annoyed with being called at the wrong time.

Lilynette pointed a hoof at the family behind her "We were gonna work together and rebuild Ponyville as a family, but we needed you so we could make it complete."

Starrk looked over at Derpy and Dinky smiling innocently while Sparkler rubbed her ears as if they were in pain. He sighed and turned away "Give me a minute, okay? I'm already tasked with bringing back supplies from Sweet Apple Acres..."

Derpy blinked "You're helping Applejack?" She smiled warmly "You can be so kind sometimes."

Lilynette scowled "What? You can't just ignore us like this, Starrk!" She snapped irritably at his reply.

Starrk looked back at the others "I'm just hauling back supplies. Meet me back at Town hall and we'll work from there." He requested in a laidback tone.

Dinky nodded "Okay, Mr. Starrk. It's a promise." She grinned cheerfully.

Derpy gave a nod as well before turning to the others "Well, girls, you heard the stallion. Once Starrky reaches Town hall, we're working together!"

Sparkler forced another smile "Got it." 'Perhaps I could get creative with the townsfolk if I cannot easily separate myself from these peons...'

Lilynette pointed a hoof at Starrk with narrowed eyes "We'll be waiting for you, alright? You better not take your time." She warned.

Starrk shook his head at Lilynette's bossy behavior and blurred out with his Sonido once more, leaving his pseudo family to make for their next destination.

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie were trotting towards a large tool shed. Close by, they noticed a large red stallion with a yoke over his neck headed towards the same destination. Applejack waved over at him "Hey there, Big Macintosh. We were just about t' borrow th' supplies and head back into town. Ya here t' do th' same?"

Big Macintosh turned to Applejack with a relaxed look on his face, a straw of wheat in his mouth. He nodded to her with a simple "Eeyup." in reply.

Pinkie hummed to herself "I wonder where Starrky is...He should've been here by no-" A blur out of the corner of her eye beckoned her to quickly turn around and spot Starrk a few feet away "There you are! You really know how to move around." She complimented.

Rainbow Dash noticed Starrk and waved "Took ya long enough. You gonna help us or what?" She said jokingly.

Starrk approached the others by the tool shed "I'm gonna be moving the supplies before I go back to Derpy and her family. How much are we moving."

Applejack looked over at Starrk "Basically this whole thing followed by some wood. We got some carts fer it an' stuff, so it won't be but a trip." She stole a glance at Big Mac before she smiled "Oh, an' Ah haven't properly introduced my family to ya. This here's my older brother, Big Macintosh; Big Mac for short."

The two stallions looked at each other in silence, their laidback stares speaking to each other rather than their mouths. After the small staring contest, they shared a nod, and Big Mac had a thin smile on his face. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were busy trying to comprehend what had went on between them beyond their session of staring, each donning their own expressions of intrigue and confusion.

Applejack shifted her glance between the two stallions before grinning awkwardly "Well, okay then. What say we get t' movin', huh?"

Big Macintosh turned to Applejack "Eeyup."

Starrk nodded "Okay." He replied cooly.

Applejack opened the tool shed's doors and stepped inside to see several tools from hammers to saws, and enough lumber to build an extra barn if she ever saw fit. The others made their way inside as well to have a look for themselves. Applejack gave each item a courtesy check before turning to Starrk and Big Macintosh "What say ya two go grab th' carts while me an' th' girls gather everythin' here?"

The two stallions wordlessly complied, and Big Macintosh turned to Starrk, nodding his head out of the shed as a signal to follow him. Just like their encounter, the trek was silent, much to their pleasure. Starrk was lead towards a barn nearby that held empty wooden baskets and some carts. Big Macintosh made his way to one of them, easily attaching himself to the cart he chose and trotted a few steps forward as he pulled it out of the barn.

Starrk followed suit and eventually caught up with him, the two stallions not even saying one word to each other. When they got back to the tool shed, the mares were seen with their supplies ready to be loaded "Good timin', y'all. Now t' load everythin' and vamoose."

The two stallions dislodged themselves to help with loading the two carts with ease. As Starrk loaded some lumber onto his cart, he was occupied with Pinkie talking with him "So, Starrk, do you like Big Mac at all? Because something tells me you don't since you two didn't even say hi. Me and Dashie were just lost on what to think of you both after Applejack introduced him to you!"

Starrk stifled a groan of irritation towards Pinkie wanting to talk with him "We respect each other."

Pinkie smiled "So you do like him? That's neat." She tilted her head "But why not at least make some conversation with him? You know, to show that you do respect him?"

Starrk loaded another bundle of lumber while trying to be patient with Pinkie "Because sometimes I don't feel like talking constantly. He knows I respect him and vice versa, so that's pretty much it."

As if his troubles didn't end there, Rainbow Dash was found next to Pinkie, inviting herself into the conversation "So you're just like Big Mac? The strong and silent type?"

Starrk drooped his ears as he finished loading his cart 'Why must I put up with this?' He thought to himself, feeling as if his spirits were crumbling. He looked over at how Big Macintosh happened to hold his own in loading his cart without no mare bothering him. Soon enough, the red stallion looked back at him and gave him another silent nod. Starrk stared for a moment until he realized the significance behind it, nodding back to him in gratitude before facing Rainbow Dash "Essentially. Not that it matters a whole lot."

Rainbow Dash approached Starrk "Well, seeing as how you're not alone anymore, I'd figure you would be quite the chatterbox." She smiled "After all, what's the point in having company when you don't feel like talking to anypony?"

Starrk stared at Rainbow Dash, but gave a light scoff "Touche. But my point still stands; I'm not much for talking."

Pinkie frowned "Awww, but what's the point not talking too much when somepony WANTS to talk to you?"

Starrk grunted "Then I suppose it can't be helped. Just because I'm not much for talking a lot doesn't mean I'll shut everyone away."

Pinkie instantly grinned "That's great. So does that mean I'll be able to reach you anytime I wanna talk with you?"

Rainbow Dash felt a tinge of anxiety before she huddled up next to Pinkie, glancing at Starrk with expectant eyes "And me, too, right?"

Starrk craned his neck back as he stared back at the two mares crowding together while trying to get close to him. He looked over at a certain orange mare pulling them both back by their tails until they were at an acceptable distance away from the former espada. She spat out their tails and spoke up with a frown "Hold yer horses, girls. Ya know y'all can talk t' Starrk anytime, but right now we have a town t' fix."

Pinkie turned to Applejack before she smiled "Okie Dokie Loki! Ponyville first, then we can talk to Starrky."

Rainbow Dash cursed under her breath before she waved a hoof "Alright, no need to get assertive about this." She defended herself brashly.

Applejack huffed before she smiled and winked at Starrk - who was silently grateful for her intervention - then turned away to hold her hat with a hoof while staring at Ponyville in the distance "Alright, everypony. Let's move this gear up int' town!" She said in determination.

Pinkie snapped a salute "Aye aye, Captain Jack!" She said as she pronked next to Applejack while the others simply trotted out of Sweet Apple Acres.

Rainbow Dash trotted next to Starrk and Big Macintosh on the trail back to Ponyville. She slowly shifted her eyes towards the former espada while he looked ahead "So..." Rainbow Dash whispered to Starrk "You will talk to me whenever, right?" She asked curiously.

Starrk merely furrowed his brow while not acknowledging Rainbow Dash "Yes." He muttered back quickly.

Rainbow Dash smiled contently and trotted up with her friends ahead of Starrk and Big Macintosh. Starrk observed them beginning to converse with each other, much to his hidden chagrin as he sighed quietly "Women..." He muttered in a tired tone.

Big Macintosh shared a curt nod as he looked ahead stoically "Eeyup..."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver :raritywink:

It's about time Starrk had a friend to which he can finally relate to (Or so I think :derpytongue2:)

As for what's about to transpire, expect [spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler] and [spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler]

Enjoy this chapter. Peace! :twilightsmile: