• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 3,737 Views, 138 Comments

Super Equestria - PonyofTacos

Super Equestria? Don't get it? Didn't expect you to.

  • ...

Almost Over

Samus stared at the armored griffon.

Is that this Gilda they gasped of?

"Ahem," the the griffon now known to Samus as Gilda cleared her throat. "As I was saying, Princess Celestia of Equestria (...Unintentional ryhme. I apologize, it will never happen again.) King Steeled Talons requests your assistance dealing with a new adversary not seen any where in the land of Griffon's Roar. Our troops are doing their best to hold out. The enemy appears to be..."

This is new. The Federation has finally gotten into a war it can win itself.

The bouny hunter smirked at the thought.


The bounty hunter was knocked out of her amusing thoughts by Celestia's call.

"Samus?," called the princess again.

"Yeah?," replied the hunter slowly.

"I am sending you with Gilda to counter this new threat. I'm sure you already have everything you need to solve this problem?"

"I was ready the day I crashed here."

"Excellent! I will have a chariot for you shortly. The rest of you can return to your homes."

"No way!," exclaimed Rainbow Dash. "Sorry princess but I'm not letting her go alone if I can help it!"

"Me neither!," added the eternally supportive Applejack.

"My little ponies, you know this mission is extremely dangerous," countered Trollestia.

"So was defeating Nightmare Moon and Discord, yet we still braved the tasks," Twilight said confidently.

"True, but these are foes we have never encountered before, the Elements of Harmony might not have any effect on them," Celestia stated, worried that this might be a fact.

"What makes you think this?," asked Twilight, frowning at the thought of the most poweful magical force known to ponies having no effect on aliens. "What makes you think they are immune?"

"They are not connected to magic as we are," the sun goddess replied. "Have you seen your friend use magic to complete everyday tasks?"

"No," the lavender unicorn answered bluntly. "That doesn't mean she or any other human is."

"True, as much as I would like to discuss about the subject, I believe you have a chariot to catch."

The group of friends derped for a moment before realizing they were going as a team. The Mane Six trotted hurriedly out to board the chariot. Samus on the other hand stayed put to ask the princess a personal favor.

"I got the leader I my sights!"

"Kill him now!"

The Admiral listened to the comms chatter intently, hoping that this would end the aerial battle. He still needed the pilots and their ships to search for their original target.

"You better have my medal ready after this cause I took that S.O.B. down!"

The Adimral smiled as a few cheers and hollers made their way through the out the communications.

Now that this little squabble is out of the way, maybe we can get to that castle in the scout's report

He took the castle as a good sign. Even better was that it's inhabitants were of a friendly avian race, a conclusion made by the Admiral when the scout's report included an encounter with a strange being that could fly at the same velocity as a stiletto recon. Visiting the castle would have to wait as the comms started to fill with maydays and frantic chatter.

"What the hell just happened?!"

"Those things weren't fighting like this before"

"It's like something really pissed them off!"

The Admiral could hear numerous war cries and roars over the channels. Minutes afterwards, the sounds metal being twisted and bent accompanied by may days filled several channels.

"They're literally tearing me apart over here!"

"Don't worry I got your back, just try shaking the things off."

"I'm getting rushed over here!"

"Accelerate your ass out of there, I'll get them from behind!"

"Admiral, we gotta pull back! They're all over us!"

The warriors now led by the griffon Iron Beak charged after their retreating foes. Though most of the major fighting was over, victory couldn't be declared until King Steeled Talons' death was avenged. They soon caught up with some of the retreating objects and started to rip off their metal hides. The sound of bending metal, breaking glass, and, to the griffon's surprise and pleasure, screams.

"Iron Beak! The glass eyes, break them to find the creature controlling these abominations!," shouted one of the griffons attacking the creature within, barely containing his glee doing so.

Following his fellow warrior's instructions, Iron Beak quickly grappled onto the nearest foe and violently smashed his beak into its glass eye. There's a reason he's called Iron Beak as he could slam his beak into anything and destroy it. Once the griffon created an opening large enough, he stuck his head through to painfully end the creature inside.

Lyra couldn't believe what had just happened. First she was walking home after helping Spike inform the families of the Elements of their loved one's whereabouts, then, with a small popping sound, she had found herself in the Canterlot Castle courtroom in the presence of her friend Samus and Princess Celestia. Samus then quickly ushered her onto a chariot and here she was.

"Lyra?," asked the concerned bounty hunter.

The light green unicorn snapped out of her surprise inducec trance at the sound of her friend's voice.

"Y-yeah?," responded Lyra, still slowed by here trance.

"I have an awesome surprise for you."

"What would that be?," Lyra asked, slowly filling with excitement.

"If I told you, that would ruin the excitement."

"Yeah! That's what makes surprises exciting! You don't know where or when it'll happen or what is until it's in your face!," interrupting Lyra and Samus' conversation. All the talk of surprises had sent the pink pony into rambling on about what

makes a good surprise and how important it is to load confetti cannons with confetti and not cake.

"Can you at least give me a hint?," asked the unicorn, curiosity being added to excitement.

"Let's just say you might lose consciousness from happiness, excitement, and surprise," smiled Samus.

"Are you talking about that?!," Rainbow Dash said bluntly, pointing to a massive grey structure in the air.

"Aw man, you ruined her surprise," said the bounty hunter playfully with a fake frown.

"It wasn't like she wouldn't notice it eventually darling," replied Rarity.

"So? It would've been awesome to see her face," said the bounty hunter.

"What is that thing anyways," asked Lyra confused.

"Federation Flagship probably. I can tell from its size."

"So that thing is full of..."


Lyra flashed a massive smile and proceeded to ensnare her friend in a hug similar to the one she gave Samus the first time they met. Nopony noticed Twilight flinch when Lyra flashed her smile. They were too busy D'aawing to notice. A suppressed memory of Celestia wearing a similar smile and wide eyes with tiny pupils filled the poor unicorn's head.

"You're the best friend a pony could ask for!," Lyra yelled not caring about her volume. She was lost in a happy bliss.

Author's Notes/Excuses/Apologies/Rambling

Hey guys! Sorry for making you guys wait.(If you were wanting a new chapter.). I was experiencing some technical problems with my computer. When that starts everyone wants my iPod and I'm obligated to give it to them.(Most of the time). With both my writing utensils were unavailable I had to resort to experimenting with, wait for it... Dunn duuuunnnn duuuuuuunnnnn... the Nintendo Wii! To my great surprise and happiness I could use it to write! Though it's no the fastest way to write and it's painfully slow to scroll down to where you want to write it still worked pretty good. Also I heard about Derpy and quite frankly I am disappoint. Really, do you think Hasbro would or even could get rid of Derpy? No, even if they did edit out her name in the iTunes episode doesn't mean it's disappeared everywhere else. In fact I found the original scene on YouTube. So Derpy is not gone! She is still canon! Besides, Derpy is invincible! I'm sorry if I hit a nerve or two or 9001 of them. I just really needed to vent that.