• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 3,737 Views, 138 Comments

Super Equestria - PonyofTacos

Super Equestria? Don't get it? Didn't expect you to.

  • ...

The Lucky One and Origins

Morning arrived swiftly. As soon as they awoke, the ponies and Samus went to meet with the the Princess. Upon arriving in the meeting room they found Celestia and her younger sister Luna waiting for them.

"At last I can meet this great warrior you speak of," said Luna excitedly. "Where is he or she?"

Samus was the last to step in. Celestia nudged Luna to look at the last one into the room. Her eyes widened in surprise and her mouth slightly agape.

"This is the great warrior! A human! Amazing! What is her strange garment?"

Before Luna could ask anymore questions Celestia silenced her.

"The questions can wait my dear sister. Right now we have a dire situation on our hooves. Due to one of Samus' actions abroad we may have a seroius conflict in Equestria," concern filling her voice. She had avoided using the word war knowing how Luna would overreact hearing the word.

"Conflict?," Luna asked, raising one of her eyebrows. "One caused by the great warrior? How did we get sucked into this?"

"Long story," replied Samus nervously, scratching the back of her head.

Luna eyed Samus with the slightest bit of suspicion.

"Carrying on we need to know what we could do to negotiate with this Federation of yours," Celestia said breaking Luna's stare. "Well Samus, what information do you have to offer?"

"Plenty. Where should I begin?"

The Captain took a seat at the meeting table. He was called from the front to meet his superiors for an important breifing. Out of all the captains in the navy he was the one they picked. Knowing HQ this would be a suicide mission.

"Good afternoon Captain," said the man at the head of the table.

"Sir," the captain responded with a salute.

"Now, now captain we do not have much time for such formalities. We have extremely important news. We recieved news of a contract beacon."

It's a suicide mission.

"... also with this task we have promoted you to Admiral. Is there something wrong...Admiral?"

The newly promoted Admiral had nearly fallen out of his seat.

"No, no it's just that I wasn't expecting to be promoted," replied the former captain.

"As I was saying..."

The Admiral didn't hear much as he was being drowned in his own thoughts

I should've known they were gonna do this. They always promote the unlucky one a rank or two to give them something as a goodbye reward.

"... you will recieve a new ship outfitted with an aurora unit..."

Are they serious? They're giving me an aurora unit and a new ship? On a suicide mission? What the hell are these people doing with the tax money?

"... you and your crew will have six days of shore leave before being redeployed. The co-ordinates will be sent to the aurora unit on that day. Any questions?"

"No sir," replied the Admiral in a firm voice.

"Then you are free to go," the man said.

After a long and tedious meeting, Luna finally gave into the loving embrace of sleep. When she could not be stirred, Celestia had the guards carry her sister to her chambers. Soon afterwards, the royal advisor had informed Celestia that she needed to get back to her royal duties. Before the Princess left, she called a chariot for them to return to Ponyville. After the princess left the ponies and Samus started to loosen up and chat idlely waiting for their chariot. All was well until Lyra asked,

"Samus, why did you become a bounty hunter in the first place?"

Samus stiffened up at the question and the other ponies stopped their conversations to hear the answer .

She didn't just ask that did she?

"Are you gonna tell us?," the pony asked again.

She did. Well... it's probably for the best. As long as they don't ask about what I did as my revenge punsiment to Ridley.

The bounty hunter's face slowly formed a smile thinking about how sweet her vengance was...and how hot it was served.

"So you are gonna tell us?," piped up Lyra excitedly noticing Samus' smile.

"I will, but we have to get on the chariot first," she said pointing towards their ride home.

Once aboard the chariot the ponies gathered around to hear the tale of why she was a bounty hunter.

"I became a bounty hunter for vengance," she said, a sinister anger was hinted slightly in her voice.

The ponies flinched. "Vengance?," asked a confused Pinkie Pie. "Did somepony play a super big, horrible, meanie-face-pants, mega-embarrassing-story-causing...

Samus' eyes widened in surprise noticing the pink pony had not taken a breath of air the entire time it talked.

"..., make-you-forever-alone, uber prank?" Pinkie finally gasped for air when she finished.

"I wish it was Pinkie, I wish it was. You know why?"


"It happened twice... and it wasn't a prank."

"WHAT!," gasped everypony.

"What did they do to you?," asked Lyra in a hushed voice.

"They slaughtered my biological family and my Chozo family," Samus replied coldly.

Rarity nearly fainted and Pinkie's hair deflated. Everypony else was stunned. Looks of unimaginable horror painted each of their faces. Fluttershy looked as if she were on the verge of tears.

"D-do we want to know what you did for revenge?," asked a quiet and scared Rainbow Dash as she came to.

A look of true insanity (:pinkiecrazy:) ran itself across Samus' features disappearing as quick as it appeared. Rainbow gulped. That snapped Samus out of her insanity derp and saw their faces.

"That's all behind me now," she said nervously, attempting to fix their faces. "Afterwards I started to fight for justice. I wanted to make sure that no one else suffered the way I did and until recently it was going pretty well."

This fixed their faces and Pinkie's hair which inflated back to it's poofy state. Everyone was then caught off guard at what the pink pony said.

"Oh Celestia I almost forgot!," she yelled in distress. "I was so caught up in what happened yesterday I forgot to give you a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!"

The pink pony was a blur as she made gravity her bitch and shot off through the air faster than either the speed booster or the ability's rival Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note/Excuses/Apologies

Sorry for what you'd probably call a shitty chapter. My excuse is writer's block or what ever you want to call the lack of ideas. Boring? It probably is. I thought about putting a Cupcakes like flashback in here somewhere :pinkiecrazy: but I wasn't sure how to put it in so I'm bouncing around the idea of it being an alternate short story or editing it in. Constructive criticism comments are nice but the misc comments about the story are even better. Those allow me to acknowlege the fact the people actually like the story and I do enjoy reading them. No I am not hatin' on constructive criticism comments just to clear things up (If it's needed.)