• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 3,736 Views, 138 Comments

Super Equestria - PonyofTacos

Super Equestria? Don't get it? Didn't expect you to.

  • ...

Dat Speech

The Mane 6 were inside the town hall helping their new friend Samus with her speech to all of Ponyville. They could see how nervous she was. There was sweat forming on her face, she was taking deep breaths as if steading herself, and she was endlessly pacing across the room.

"There's nothing to be nervous about," said Fluttershy in one her sweetest voices. "It was all just a big misunderstanding. Once they know the real you they all will want to be your friend."

"Are you sure?," replied Samus's in her doubtful, shaky voice.

"Of course she is," answered Rainbow Dash, full of confident support. "You've destroyed planets for Celestia's sakes. Giving a speech should be like walking though a park or running through a manticore."

Samus chuckled at the last sentence.

"There ya go! Now who's the most feared bounty hunter?," rallied Rainbow Dash.

"I am," replied Samus' flat voice.


"I am," Samus replied again, her volume rising as well as her confidence.

"LOUDER!," Rainbow shouted as the pep filled her cyan body.

"I AM!," Samus shouted, now amost filled with Rainbow's confidence.


"I AM!"

A few more pep chants and an epic brohoof later, Samus walked out to face the crowd of ponies with enough confidence and swag to destroy two planets simultaneously while enjoying some of Pinkie's legendary cupcakes doing so. The feeling was glorious.

Rainbow Dash turned to her friends to find them stunned stiffer than Discord's statue from the immense amount of energy given off by Samus and Rainbow Dash's pep rally. Well except Pinkie who was bouncing off the walls.

"C'mon guys we gotta watch Samus give her speech," Rainbow exclaimed full of excitement.

She waved a hoof in front of each of their faces. Nothing. Rainbow shrugged and trotted happily out the of the town hall to go hear Samus' speech.

Samus hadn't even started to speak when she was assaulted upon by a very energetic light green unicorn which pinned her on the floor of the stage and proceeded to ask questions faster than her speed booster.


"Yes?," Samus derped.

With a squeal of joy the unicorn let go of Samus, who got up only to receive the most rib crushing, back popping bear hug of her life.

"Can you lighten up on the the ribs a bit?," asked Samus in a strained voice.

The unicorn let go, but it still stared into Samus' face with it's big amber eyes.

"Sorry, I was just so excited when I saw you walk up on to the stage and I had to make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me. Oh, the name's Lyra by the way," said Lyra in a calmer voice.

"Samus Aran, bounty hunter extraordinaire, at your service," showboated Samus.

"B-b-b-bounty hunter?!?," gasped Lyra in fear.

"Well ex-bounty hunter. Long story."

Lyra sighed with relief.

"Now if you excuse me Lyra I have a speech to make," the authoritive voice of Samus said.

Returning to face the crowd she was surprised by the spontaneous applause from everypony. Samus returned it with a smile and a wave. The crowd cheered once more. Through all the celebration nopony saw the new pony who had just arrived.

"So you're the new guest who everypony is making such a fuss about."

Everypony turned their heads in the directon of the voice and gasped at the pony standing there.

Celestia smiled at the crowd's reaction. To which the everypony responded with a bow.

Can't a princess just come for an informal visit? I get enough formality in Canterlot.

The crowd had finished bowing and it eyed her waiting for her to speak.

"Won't anypony introduce me to our newest guest in Equestria?"

Before anypony could oblige, the mentioned guest jumped in to the air executing numerous somersaults and when it reached the peak of the jump's arc it struck a heroic pose. Once the descent started the guest slowly performed a forward flip to land kneeling. It stood up and introduced itself.

"Samus Aran," Samus said in a friendly tone, extending her hand forward for a handshake.

"Princess Celestia, charmed," greeted Celestia in a cordial tone also extending her hoof.


The princess and the bounty hunter turned their heads to see Twilight and her friends, excluding Rainbow Dash, trotting towards where they were standing.

"Where's Rainbow?," asked Samus anxiously. She wanted to thank the rainbow maned pegasus for the pep rally before her speech.

"Up here guys!," called out Rainbow Dash from above.

"What are you doin' up thar?," the curious voice of Applejack floated up to her.

"Watchin' Ponyville's newest 20% cooler resident give her acceptance speech. Duh! What did you think I was doing?"

"Nappin'," replied Applejack annoyed at the nerve of her cyan friend.

"What ever."

"Please my little ponies stop this useless bickering," pleaded Celestia in a strict motherly tone.

"Sorry Princess," replied both Rainbow Dash and Applejack in quiet voices, obviously ashamed at having the Princess chastise them.

"Now that the dust has settled I'd like to ask your new friend if she would like to visit Canterlot. After all she may want to pick up a few things she can't get here in Ponyville."

"Can I come too?," shouted a voice behind them.

They saw Lyra run up to the group of ponies panting slightly. When she reached Samus' side Samus ruffled her mane in a friendly manner.

"Somepony made a new friend while we were away," commented Twilight spying Samus' ruffling of the light green unicorn's mane.

"Well she did leave quite the impression," Samus giggled remembering the awesome hug she received.

"Well can I?," asked Lyra, her eyes, irises, and pupils expanded into sparkling puppy dog eyes.

"I will send for some chariots," said Celestia.

"Yes!," exclaimed Lyra jumping in the air.

Author's Note

Well this chapter seems...sappy... so apologies all around. Oh yeah, Lyra is gonna be involved moar now and maybe the Princesses. (Preferably Luna, but I gotta see where my mind goes with this). Luna and Lyra... these ponies need some episodes. Hmm... oh well. Maybe I should put a battle scene in Canterlot. What do you guys think? Kudos to Psychicscubadiver for informing me about my lack of detail. Hopefully I didn't over or under use details. Constructive criticism is always acceptable.