• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 3,737 Views, 138 Comments

Super Equestria - PonyofTacos

Super Equestria? Don't get it? Didn't expect you to.

  • ...

New Arrival

Twilight and her friends were at Sugarcube Corner recovering from the scare in the Everfree Forest with one of Pinkie's newest creations.

"These are great! How did you come up with it," asked Rainbow Dash.

"I didn't come up with it, Lyra did. She ordered some pancakes earlier today. She said something about humans making pancakes and filling them up with stuff. They called them tacos," replied Pinkie.


"Yeah tacos. Weird name isn't it?"

"The name doesn't matter as long as I know you made them. Everything you bake is twenty percent cooler."

"Thanks! Uhh, Twilight? Is something wrong?"

Twilight had been daydreaming about giving Lyra a good lecture on why humans didn't exist.

"No, I'm fine it's just that I was thinking that Lyra needs to stop obsessing about humans. It's gonna drive her or somepony else crazy"

"Cool down sugercube. Just because you don't care for humans just as much as she does doesn't mean you gotta go tell her off," said Applejack wisely. "Besides,why do ya have such hate for them humans any how? Not like you had a quarrel with one of 'em."

"I don't hate them. It's the fact that an intelligent unicorn such as Lyra shouldn't be so crazy about myths."

"Twilight darling, you really must stop this nonsense about her passion for humans," said Rarity. "It's not affecting you or anypony else, well except maybe Bon Bon but she seems to be able to handle it."

"Your probably right Rarity I just have to acc--"

Twilight was interrupted by the sounds of a stampede and screams. The Mane 6 burst out the door to see ponies running to the other side of town.

"What in tarnation has gotten into everypony," inquired Applejack.

"Maybe if we can get somepony to stop and tell us what the hay is going on," replied Twilight.

"Uhh girls," said Fluttershy nervously. The others didn't hear her through the noise so she raised her voice a little.


Still no response.

"Girls?," she said raising her voice again. Finally with only one volume left to go.


The others came to a halt.

"I'm sorry but uhh, look over there if that's ok with you."

Looking where Fluttershy pointed her hoof, they saw what every other pony was running from.

Samus walked into the settlement as if in a trance. Her mind still in total disbelief.

It's impossible! Unimaginable! But it's here in my face. A planet run by something other than humans or other bipedal creatures! A planet run by ponies! How they accomplished all of this is unfathomable. Do they have some kind of alien technology? Did the Chozo help them?

Her thought of the Chozo knocked her back into reality. Ponies of all kinds were running away from her. Others that had wings flew away from her and some fainted or took cover in nearby structures. All except for the five trying to stop some of the fleeing ponies and the sixth one staring at her and trying to get the others attention.


Samus jumped a little, taken by surprise of the volume of the shout. With the other's attention, the sixth pony pointed at her. The other ponies froze.

This is new. Maybe I can signal to them that I mean no harm.

She started to move her left arm to signal that she meant no harm. The frozen ponies flinched.

If I had to take a guess at why they're afraid of me it's probably how I look

Gazing down, she saw that her suit was still covered in gore.

Yep. I knew I should've found a stream or something to clean off this stuff.

Samus slowly walked closer to the ponies.


She stopped in her tracks.

Did...did that pony just talk?!

Samus stared at one that appeared to be a purple unicorn,which then it took a defensive stance


Holy shit, it did! This pony talks!! If this one can, then do the other ones do too? Only one way to find out.

She raised her left arm to remove her helmet. The purple unicorn returned to it's original fearful position, a white pony that also appeared to be a unicorn fainted, and a pink ponie flinched onto its back. Samus continued to remove her helmet to reveal her long golden blonde hair and smiling face.

"Hello," the thing said with what appeared to be happy tone.

Twilight in company sat there in shock.


Still stiffer than Discord's statue.

The thing reached out to touch Twilight, who reared back to keep it from doing so.

"Knew that would get ya to do something other than sit there," said the thing in it's cheery tone.

Twilight's brain finally recovered from shock but only enough to say one word.


It stared back appearing confused.

Twilight's brain finally regained full function and started to overflow with so many questions she could've sworn she saw them fly throught the air. Taking it slow she asked,

"Who are you?"

"I am Samus Aran. Most feared bounty hunter ever known. Well former most feared bounty hunter."

Before Twilight could tell Samus her name interrupted by Rainbow Dash.

"You? Most feared? How can anypony earn that kind of reputation?"

"By destroying planets. I destroyed a three but the third one doesn't count."

Rainbow Dash falls to the ground and laughs with tears coming out her eyes.

"That's a good one," she replies.

"No I'm being serious. I've destroyed three planets."

"C'mon, no pony can do that, the princesses maybe, but you?"

She begins to laugh again.

"Please excuse mah friend Rainbow Dash here," said Applejack.

"She's prolly just jealous of your feats."

"Hey I'm not jealous! I just don't believe that anypony could do such a thing once. Yet she say's she's done it three times!"

"Well it is true," replies Samus. "It wasn't easy either I had to--"

"I'm sorry Samus but I had a few more questions," interrupted Twilight.


"How did you get get here?"

"My ship. Crash landed in a forest back there," answers Samus gesturing her thumb in the direction behind her.

"So your 'ship' was that thing my friends and I found in the Everfree Forest?"


"Last question. For now at least."

"Ready when ever you are."

"How did you defeat that manticore?"

"So that's what that thing was called. I, um... uh... I ran through it."

"You ran through it? Likely story. Now seriously, how did you do it?"

"As I said before, I ran right through it. The proof is on my armor."

"That's what that is! Why didn't you clean your armor off?!"

"Couldn't find any lakes or streams to wash it off."

"Ok, thats enough questions for now."

"So where can I find a place to clean this off myself?"

"I can get you some soap and water at my place."

"I also need you to help me write a letter."

"Ok no problem."

Twilight told her friends to get everypony assembled at the town hall so she could introduce Samus to the town and stamp out any fear. After the group dispersed Twilight had Samus follow her to the library to clean off her armor and get ready for the assembly. While Samus walked and talked to her new pony friend she had one constant thought.

I hope the Federation won't find me here