• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 3,737 Views, 138 Comments

Super Equestria - PonyofTacos

Super Equestria? Don't get it? Didn't expect you to.

  • ...

The Admiral Learns Something New

The Admiral listened to the comms channels, pleased as the chatter was starting to hit positive notes.

"See me trick that fool into slammin' his buddy?"

"That was hilarious! I was surprised and annoyed that they didn't explode. Don't aerotroopers explode?"

"Yeah, maybe it's a new bioengineered pirate that don't need a jet pack."

"Maybe. Someone said they look like big ass birds."

"They are birds bro! I was flyin' next to Rogers and one of those things got onto his ship. Lordy, lordy! Biggest bird I ever seen! If its size weren't enough, the thing had half a lion for a body!"

Birds mixed with lions? What have those pirates been doing?...Oh GOD! What if the rumors are true! What if... they come back?

The Admiral broke into a cold sweat. Yes, Zebes was nothing but an asteroid cluster and the various pirate leaders had been defeated, but what if the rumors were true? Rumors that those same pirate leaders the infamous bounty hunter had killed, have been cloned. Yes it seems silly to fear rumors such as these, but there was some legitimacy to them. It was common knowledge that Samus Aran had defeated space pirate leader Ridley multiple times, emphasis on multiple Each of his reincarnations carrying the same hate as the original with just a bit more added to each death.

No, no, no thats impossible!

His thoughts were soon put to rest by several "Ooh's", "Ahh's", and a "OMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!".

Spinning on his right heel to see who or why someone was acting like they've never seen the inside of a ship he saw the quite an odd sight. Colorful, little equines and the reason he was here in the first place being led by one of his troopers acting as a tour guide.

"Trooper, what the HELL do you think you're doing?," he demanded.

"Take it easy sir, the bounty hunter is protective of the little ponies," replied the man nervously to his superior.

The admiral glanced at the hunter. Behind the green visor he could feel the piercing stare of her blue eyes.

The ship, its crew, and I will be safe, just as long as I don't do anything stupid and scare or harm those... ponies

"Trooper your are dismissed. As for our "guests"," using the word lightly, "I would like to talk to them in my quarters, in private."

Obeying his commanding officer, the distressed trooper swiftly exited the bridge.

"Now would you please follow me?"

The odd group of colorful ponies and a wanted criminal followed the admiral through the ship, getting odd and frightened looks from the crew members in different areas.

"Uh, sugercube? Do humans always do this?," Applejack asked the hunter. The looks were starting to annoy her.

"Pretty much. Then again this is a special circumstance," Samus replied.

"Special circumstance?"

"Yeah. Since when does saving the entire Federation get anyone knee, well in my case it's probably neck, deep in trouble?"

"When you don't follow orders given by them," responded their "host".

"The fools had no idea what would've happened if I obeyed those orders. Fortunately we can't find out," retorted the hunter.

"You're the fool. You destroyed a could be weapon for our armed forces. Those men out there want to go home but duty calls. The X parasites you destroyed would've been excellent for creating a fresh army to take place of a tired one."

"You're right when you said take their place. Thats what those abominations do. Infect a host, kill it, and copy it perfectly. Infact they clone their host so well they can even copy the knowledge of their victims!"

"These "X Parasites", they can use memory magic?!," Twilight intervened, curious, surprised, and a bit worried.

"I guess you could say that," replied the unicorn's Chozo-human hybird friend. "If it takes me years to find out how to use my power armor properly including all the time I've tinkered with it and learn how to use new upgrades from all the different planets and those horrors can operate it almost instantly then yeah, memory magic is the best explanation I've heard."

"There's no such thing as magic," stated the Admiral cooly without even turning around. "It's all smoke, mirrors, and bodily illusions. If it did exist I doubt a pony like you would be able to handle it."

Samus stopped to see how the unicorn would take this. At first the lavender unicorn looked shocked with her wide eyes and open mouth, jaw to the floor, staring at the man who had the nerve to say that to a unicorn, which by all means is magical. The Admiral also stopped to stare at the magical equine to see what was the matter. With a sudden leap and spontaneous combustion the angry pony began to lecture the military man on just how real magic is and how she was able to use it.


The lecture was filled with a rainbow of language that nopony should know or use followed by some increadibly descriptive actions inlcuding about where a miniature sun should be shoved up, how to do it, and why it was necessary and all of that was topped off by several explicit death threats in which no mercy were to be given.

This vent did not go unnoticed. A large crowd filled the corridor as the spectacle unfolded. It was and still is the strangest sight to ever be seen inside a Federation ship. A flaming pony levitating in midair shouting at you commanding officer about magic while being watched by other noncumbusted ponies and the galaxy's most wanted fugitive is pretty hard to top. Once the flaming equine calmed down, it plopped to the floor appearing singed from it's fiery form. The hallways were then emptied by a glance from the infamous bounty hunter.

As for the group involved, most of them were stunned by their friend's lecture of magic. Lecture being the only word they could think of at the moment as that was not a lecture nor an over zealous rant. Words can describe it but there isn't a word for it. They soon shook themselves out of their trances when Twilight asked if anypony had any water.

"Here you go!," Pinkie said holding out a bottle that came from nowhere.

"Thanks," replied the thankful and thirsty unicorn.

"Now for Equestria's sake please never do that again," asked Rarity. "What we heard should never be spoken of again."

Twilight blushed sheepishly

"Like Tom?," teased Applejack.

"Yes, like Tom," Rarity replied through gritted teeth. The memory of being Discorded into thinking a giant rock was a diamond still embarrassed her.

"I think something like this should be Pinkie promised on," suggested the party pony.

A chorus agreements ensued.

"Samus? Other guy?"

"Sure," the bounty hunter responded with out a second thought.

"What about you other guy?"

No response.

"Other guy?"

Stupid, stupid , stupid! Why did you have to insult the little pony?! You could've killed everyone on this ship!! You're lucky--


The Admiral snapped out of his chastising thoughts to see a pair of light blue eyes in his face.

"Do you Pinkie Promise not to speak of Twilight's speech ever again?," asked the eyes.



The eyes backed off to reveal their pink pony owner.

"Oh I'm Pinkie Pie by the way and I'm going to teach you how to Pinkie Promise cause I'm pretty sure you don't know how but you're going to make one right after this. So first you say 'Cross my heart' then you cross your heart like this."

The pony now known to him as Pinkie Pie swiped one of her forelegs diagonally across her chest.

"Then you say 'Hope to fly' and flap your forelegs or arms in this case like this."

The pony then flapped both her forelegs at her side.

"To complete your oath you then say 'Stick a cupcake in my eye' and you then pretend to stick a cupcake in you eye, like this."

Pinkie stuck an invisible cupcake in her eye.

"Be careful when you do that last part, you might accidentally give yourself a black eye. Twilight knows."

Before he could ask which pony was Twilight the pink pony asked if everyone was ready and began the oath.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly,--"

"Everyone report to their battlestations! Space pirate assault craft engaged with in defensive perimeter! Fire teams Alpha, Delta, Zulu report to hangers One, Two, and Five to repel enemies attempting to board! Repeat fire teams Alpha, Delta, Zulu to hangers One, Two, Five!..."

"What the hay!," exclaimed Pinkie. "That meanie stopped us in the middle of our swear!"

"That "meanie" just alerted us of space pirates! Now follow me back to the bridge and we'll get more information there and, if you want, you'll be deployed as Fire Team Omega," said the Admiral.

Without further delay the group dashed off for the bridge.