• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 3,737 Views, 138 Comments

Super Equestria - PonyofTacos

Super Equestria? Don't get it? Didn't expect you to.

  • ...

Several Days Later...

A burst of light and the Mane 6 and Samus Aran appeared in the palace courtroom. An exhausted Luna plopped onto the floor.

"They're here," the night princess panted.

"Excellent!," exclaimed Celestia. "We have no time waste! If you would Old Bird?" At the mention of the name, the sun goddess saw the bounty hunter's face fill with untold emotion. It was quickly replaced with vast disappointment.

Strange. It's as if she was expecting a loved one to be present.

Celestia continued to watch the bounty hunter closely.

The griffon Old Bird had begun his report on what had just started in the land of Griffon's Roar.

"Just two days ago a strange entity entered griffon airspace. The patrols described it as larger than a griffon, it's voice was a constant roar, and it's wings were cylindrical and did not flap. The entity was also a grey in color with one large light blue eye with no pupil. It's faster than a griffon but not as agile or balanced as it appeared to have trouble flying. Several accounts also state that the entity could fire beams of light from it's wings that caused damage to what they hit. One unit of the patrols was injured by said beams. The patrols then engaged the entity in a dogfight which resulted in victory as the it was defeated and crash landed. The crash was sa--"

The griffon's voice was drowned out by a roar unheard of by everypony in the room. The ponies burst out of the palace to see a mysterious grey object fly over Canterlot.

"What was that thing?," Fluttershy asked fearfully from behind Pinkie Pie.

"I don't know but I'm gonna find out," Rainbow Dash replied.

"Rainbow ya'll shouldn't--," began Applejack but she was too late. The cyan pegasus had already bolted off to chase the flying object.

The pilot checked his instruments again. The compass, radar, and other vitals were ok with a little electronic derp here and there. His signal to the G.F.S. Poseidon was a bit patchy but usable. Everything else was unavailible for some unknown reason.

Did I end up with some damned EMP'ed Stiletto left over from the Phaaze operation? One of the pilots on Orion told me how a buddy of his got one and almost ended up dying because the chaff pods wouldn't work.

He shifted in the pilot seat uncomfortably. Anyone who had fought the space pirates knew they had a thing for heat seeking explosives. Anti-Air units weren't an exception. He had seen one of his squad mates run out of flares after an anti-air unit of pirates had ambushed them on a scouting mission. The poor guy's ship never hit the ground. Only small bits of it did.

Removing himself from the unpleasant memory the pilot gazed out of his cockpit. He didn't believe what he saw.

What the hell is that? Is that a city on the side of a mountain? Better get ready for anything

He accelerated his ship to get ready to make the pass over the city as fast as just possible incase it was a space pirate base.

Here we go.

He flew directly overhead and recorded the coordinates then getting a few snapshots from the underside camera. Seconds later he waited to hear if the missile tracking system would ping. Several more seconds and all the pilot could hear was his engines.

No missile warning. Either it's not a base or the damned system is off. I'm about to find out.

A few moments had passed and his ship was not blown out of the sky.


His silent thanks was interrupted by a bogey alert on his radar.

Great. Just abso-fuckin'-lutely increadible. The first time I'm not shot at by missiles I get a fighter squad--. Wait. There's only one? I heard pirates atleast used a squadron to blow anyone out of the sky.

The pilot checked the radar again. What ever it was on his right. Looking in the direction from the cockpit he saw the unbelievable. A cyan head with a rainbow attached to it was staring in the cockpit tapping on it with what to appeared to be a hoof. He knew the thing couldn't see or hear him but it didn't know that. The pilot then, with some difficulty, banked hard left around a mountain to lose the thing. Once he was in the clear he changed his direction towards the G.F.S. Poseidon.

Rainbow Dash lost track of the object. It had banked left behind a mountain and disappeared. She didn't feel like flying around the mountain to find it as catching up with it and keeping pace took it's toll on her. Rainbow flew to the nearest cloud to rest.

How did those griffons manage to bring one of those things down?

This was her only thought as she lazily made her way back to Canterlot using the cloud as a kind of floatation device.

Samus was starting to panic. The Federation was finally here, the Stiletto fighter was evidence of their presence. What they were doing was beyond her. Fortunately, from what she could get from the griffon's report, was that they didn't come guns blazing unprovoked.

If they harm a single pony anywhere...oh they will get it all right...

The sound of a planet exploding filled her head. A slight smile snuck its way onto her face.

"What are you smiling about?," asked a distant voice.

The bounty hunter snapped out of her vengance planning trance.

"Uh, nothing. Just a funny memory," Samus lied nervously. She was plotting her vengance ahead so she wouldn't do to certain Federation officials what she did to Ridley. The monster deserved every bit of what he got but she didn't want to over punish said officials.

"What was it," asked Pinkie Pie, bouncing on her tail to find out.

"Umm...Don't we have a more important issue at hand?," the still nervous bounty hunter replied attempting to steer the pony away from subject. Samus didn't want to give them the impression of her being hopeless.

"She's right," said the Princess in her reagal voice. "What ever that thing was--"

"Recon craft, stiletto class," Samus interrupted.

The ponies gasped when the bounty hunter committed what many considered a felony.

"So Samus, you knew what the object was. Does this mean it's time?," asked worried Celestia.

"Almost. Now we wait for the delegation..."

Author's Note/Excuses/Apologies/Rambling

Chapter 8. Boring? Probably. Why? That's for you to decide and sorry if you do find it boring. Hopefully the title should explain the gap. 2:45 a.m. and I'm up writing ponies... :facehoof: Thankfully I have a 3 day weekend... oh crap...I just noticed...I left Lyra out...[insert sad Lyra pic here]. :raritydespair: