• Published 31st Jan 2012
  • 3,737 Views, 138 Comments

Super Equestria - PonyofTacos

Super Equestria? Don't get it? Didn't expect you to.

  • ...

The Truth Comes Out

` Samus and her pony friends had just arrived in Canterlot. She was slowly taking in what she saw. There were more ponies here than in Ponyville she noticed at once. Also she spotted that these ponies were also dressed in fine clothing. Most of the buildings were multiple stories high and crafted from what she guessed to be the finest building materials a pony could aquire.

"Well I must be off as I do have royal business to attend to," Celestia said interrupting the Samus' observations. "Good bye for now my young friends."

With a twinkle of light she disappeared.

"Well so what do you guys wanna do?," asked Twilight with the slightest bit of excitement in her voice.

"We could go to the best bakery in town, or maybe we can go to the library or maybe the museum, or ho--"

She was interrupted by a cyan hoof to the mouth.

"Really Twilight? The library or a museum?," Rainbow Dash questioned an incredulous tone. "This is Canterlot for Celestia's sake. We should go see the Wonderbolts instead of going to see some dusty museum. Am I right Samus?"

"Wonderbolts?" questioned Samus in a derpy tone.

"Oh my Celestia I forgot to tell her about the Wonderbolts. The Wonderbolts are..."

"Ya probably should sit down fer this," Applejack whispered in her ear.

The bounty hunter was in orbit around a green and blue planet. He was anxious to find his prey. The Federation put one hell of a price on the body and with it a reputation to match. He activated the beacon to let the Federation know that he was here and he would send a message in a week (According to the week on Norion) or less. This protocol was used to just incase he died filling the contract and Samus was planet side. The Federation would search the planet to the core when the week was up. This was a new policy that came about due to the contract's target. The bounty hunter calmed his nerves and headed planetside

"...and that is why the Wonderbolts are the most awesome pegasi in Equestria," concluded Rainbow Dash in a proud voice.

Samus, by some miracle, had not fallen asleep listening to Rainbow Dash's report on the Wonderbolts.

"Cool story brah," replied Samus sluggishly.

"Were you even paying attention?," Rainbow asked with a little hurt hidden in her voice.

"Yes, yes I was paying attention it's just that I was... uhh fantasizing about becoming a Wonderbolt while you told your story! Yeah and uh... I was just disappointed that I wasn't a pegasus like you," Samus replied nervously.

Rainbow Dash stared her down. Samus leaned back a bit as Rainbow leaned forward. She backed off.

"Ok. Now how 'bout we get some lunch? I'm starved."

The bounty hunter's ship was out of control. Most of the electronics were screwed up and the engines slowly deactivating. He knew it wouldn't be long before he hit the surface of the planet. So he strapped himself in and locked the command chair in place.

Samus and her pony friends had just started walking towards Twilight's favorite bakery when they heard a crash and the grinding of wood against metal. Samus' helmet activated as she spun around to see a small ship had crash landed into a building almost causing it to collapse. One thought raced across her mind.

Oh shit... they found me!

The bounty hunter unstrapped himself from the command chair. He noticed his ship was relatively unharmed, well from what he could tell from the inside. The bounty hunter stepped over to the side hatch to check if it would open. To his surprise it did and blinding sunlight entered his eyes.

Samus watched in horror as a figured opened a hatch on the ship. The sunlight blinded it momentarily, giving Samus enough time observe it was clad in a Federation issued armor.

His eyes adjusted to the sunlight to see his prey standing in front of him. The bounty hunter fumbled for his side arm. His arm never made it to the holster.

Samus was a master quick draw. She had frozen the Federation's agent before his arm was across his chest.

Frozen, the bounty hunter could only glare and think angry thoughts as his prey approached him.

The ponies reeled back in horror as they saw Samus slammed her right arm into the frozen creature that had appeared out of the thing that crashed into the building. They turned their heads to shield their faces from the shards of ice that flew through the air. Their heads turned back to see Samus with her helmet off and pupils dialated in fear franticly searching the sky. When she noticed her friends staring at her she slowly backed towards the destroyed building.

Lyra's quivering voice traveled through the air.

"Samus, who was that? What did you do to him?!," Lyra asked on the brink of tears.

Back against a wall Samus had no other options.

"I never told any of you what I did to get here did I?"

Just another boring shift of staring at the monitors. The operator sighed.

I can't wait till I get my shore leave. I hate being on this god forsaken ship.

He switched his attention between each of the monitors in the room.

God. Damn. Every. One. Of. These. Monitors. As soon as ny shift ends I'm gonna--

His thought interrupted by the sound of an alert appearing on one of the monitors.

Well, this is a pleasant surprise. A contract beacon, better send a message to HQ.

"... not long after my escape I recieved a transmission from the Galactic Federation HQ entitling me as a traitor. I had only Federation fringe space to run to. So I had the navigation center in my ship take me to a random location in the fringe. The location just so happened to be your planet. I guess you can figure out for yourself what happened from that point. Also the thing you guys saw come put of the ship was one of their bounty hunters. They probably sent out a beacon or signal to alert the Federation I'm here. Once they're here who knows what will happen. They'll probably see you as accessories in my attempt to hide from authority and execute you or something else horrible! It's ok to hate my guts."

Samus felt as if the ponies were staring holes into her soul. She didn't dare look at their faces in fear of being smited by their looks of hate. Turning away with a heavy heart and drooping head Samus slowly made her way towards the walls of Canterlot.

"Wait!," called out several voices in unision.

Samus pivoted on her right foot to see the ponies not filled with hate or disgust, but with smiles and confidence.

"Samus you should really lighten up," Twilight said ironicly.

"Your one to talk Twilight," chuckled Applejack.

"Well she does," responded an annoyed Twilight.

"Please don't fight! We need to tell our friend here we don't hate her," pleaded Fluttershy.

"Y-you don't?," Samus almost sobbed.

"Of course not silly!," Pinkie Pie responded with her usual amount of enthusiasm.

"Even after telling what I pulled you into?"

"Darling please, just because we're ponies doesn't mean we're defenseless," replied Rarity's confident voice.

"Yeah," piped in Lyra "They have whatever they have and we have magic!"

"Not to be a kill joy but the Federation has a wide arsenal at it's disposal, not to mention the vast amount of troops reserves," countered Samus in a pessimistic tone.

"Well we need to inform the Princess about this!," Twilight interrupted with a hint of urgency in her voice.

"I have heard all you have spoken," said the regal voice of the Princess.

Samus spun around to coming face to face with Celestia.

"Well my newest subject? How would we negotiate with this Federation of yours?"

"I don't know we'll have to see how they react to you and your subjects," replied Samus lamely.

"Is there a possibility we could keep you hidden?"

"I don't know. If the bounty hunter did send some signal to them they would be expecting them to send a report or something."

"Well this is quite a situation we have here," commented Celestia, concern slowly leaking into her voice. "I guess I must inform my subjects sooner or later. We need to prepare them incase of we need to retaliate with force. You will stay at the castle tonight and we will meet to discuss our options in the morning. Rest well my little ponies."

Now realizing how late it was the ponies and Samus headed towards the castle, ideas formulating in each of their minds for the upcoming negotiations or war.

Author's Excuses/Apologies/Notes

Apologies for the sappyness, lack of detail, etc, but this chapter has a lot of probably unecessary sappyness. Any constructive criticism is always welcome. Also I would like any suggestions. Btw what do you ponies think of those Hasbro MLP ads? Just curious.
