• Member Since 9th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen May 13th


The artist you've never heard of.


A peaceful day shattered by celestial beings who fell to the city of Canterlot as rain. A seemingly organised assault that quickly shattered as the peaceful day. Celestia herself stands to fulfil her destiny to protect her kingdom and all who dwell in it. in this madness however she soon finds strange alliances and bizarre circumstances that leads her to ask; "Are they all them?"

Not a crossover.
L33t Speak warning.

Chapters (2)

Princess Celestia had envisioned a much more joyful reunion with her sister, after a thousand years of separation. While seeing each other was a tearful event, the sibling she once knew is now different. Luna had become...cold. It feels as though something is...missing.
Fortunately Celestia knows what will cheer her up; a little reminder of the days long gone by. Perhaps one cold, could melt another.

Chapters (1)

The first Massai in Equestria fiction.
Zecora has always enjoyed the strangeness of the unexplained. One day while on a basic chore though, the unexplained became all the more confusing. Whether it was to harbinger a warning or seek its own answer, Zecora will be reminded and reinvigorated of her true purpose in the Everfree Forest. A purpose that could seal the fate of Equestria in days yet to come, one which she seems to share with the unexplained.

A credit to Spetsnaz Pinkie Pie for simply asking where fics like these are.

Chapters (1)

It was meant to be a simple recovery spell. Princess Celestia only wanted to bring an object through. However she brought two objects, and one of them was extremely angry. A short story for the love of it.

Editing acknowledgement; Malesur Darkhoof

Chapters (1)

Less than a few hours have passed since Twilight ascended to an Alicorn and Equestria Celebrated. As the kingdom rests she is called in the early hours of the morning after the coronation festivities to aid her mentor in a task the Sun Princess herself could not complete.

This task will test Twilight's newfound talent for crafting magic. It will take her on an epic quest to face a foe already contained in the darkest recesses of Canterlot Castle.

As Celestia's desperation grows and its bonds weaken, Twilight is entrusted to do what The Princess Celestia could not; she is entrusted to defeat it.

Monsters are what bear the most secret fears of our hearts. They bring forth our nightmares without mercy. To fight one risks becoming one. What we all should understand about monsters however, is that they are so much more than the shapes that they bear.

Originally on fanfiction but brought to you here. Originally written back during my "Oh my Celestia, Twilight is an alicorn now" bombshell.

Chapters (32)