• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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121. The Flight Brothers.

Author's Note:

Flight is another word for e-scap-ee, sounds french.

-Equus, Airship Mauled, The Witch’s Fare, Eir-

Even Yak Valkyries of Yakhalla needed a vacation, so I come to place of good friends and food with great husband!

“Are you sure Ragna won’t cause any trouble?” My husband Gallant Bluster, a most wonderful griffon, is still being worried about Ragna the Rock being increasingly dangerous.

I am not wanting to deal with a boulder that has the powers of a demi-god, so I be putting a stop to its more destructive habits, Ragna be a good boulder!

“Hello and welcome to… YOU!” Cursed friend Jacky was working here? She seemed healthy despite having an arm and her neck in a cast.

Wait, why was our peppy pirate parrot pal pointing at Ragna and why was Ragna agitated?

“I can see you’re the same as ever, is that a new reusable collar bone cast?” Gallant asked.

“Is Eir missing something?” I asked quietly.

“Yeah Eir, me and that boulder don't like each other. Also nice to see you again too Mr. Bluster.” Jacky ‘The Blackcap’ Chickadee, a now somewhat notoriously known cursed pirate captain, stated before we all heard a shout.

“Tree!” A griffon screeched from inside and our young parrot friend started to run away from the building as the shadow of a large tree appeared above Jacky.

Ragna leapt at the parrot and the parrot pulled a cannon from out of nowhere from behind her back to aim at Ragna.

Closing my eyes while grimacing, Eir is hearing a big crash. Opening my eyes, I blinked a few time before smiling.

“Good Ragna!” I stated as I saw that Ragna stopped the tree from landing on Jacky.

“Yeah, good, but why do I still feel like Ragna here is about to crush me?” Jacky cowered, but she is putting away the cannon.

Ragna wobbled as if he wanted to crush Eir’s friend, but he is being a very good boy today and is coming back to Eir’s side.

Ragna deserves big hug!

-Earth, Camden Town, Dalmatian Home, Dylan-

My jaw dropped, as did that of my brothers and sisters as we watched Dolly fighting some mad scientist on the news in America several time zones away. What was she doing and why did it have to be her?!?

There was a flash from her mouth and the sudden fuzziness of the screen cutting out for a bit before returning. We saw that Dolly thankfully hadn’t been crushed to death and was crawling away from the machine.

“Did Dolly just do a super bark Dylan?” Normally… let’s see which puppy was it, ah yes, Donut. Normally I’d tell Donut what Dolly just did was impossible, but Spot had other ideas judging by the way she was rubbing the bottom of her beak. “Like Bolt the super dog?!”

“Yes, I think she did. Also unlike Bolt, that was a real one.” A lot of the puppies thought that was cool and they saw Dolly standing up from crawling and was trying to start limping away on the news feed. “Only this is actually happening and is not special effects guys of the show.”

They were cheering to see Dolly was okay, mostly, they also expressed concern about Dolly’s injuries and I was right there with them.

She looked dazed and confused and was coughing a bit, she even seemed to be in shock at what she just did. Our sister also just took enough voltage to kill her a few times over, her favorite helmet looked like it was falling apart on her head, her fur was a complete mess, she likely had a badly bruised spine and an obvious broken nose from the way her face was bleeding.

“You said Dolly was bonded to Pom?” Stated Spot with a quick glance around the room as she watched the situation on the screen.

“Yeah, why?” I continued to watch as Dolly agonizingly crawl away, when the machine started moving slightly and the fumbling Professor Nimnul looked quite angry that the protective bubble on his machine was popped.

“Let’s just say that I can see some things that you can’t, it might not be enough though.” Spot looked concerned and that was making me concerned. “She’s not going to get away before that Nimnul guy comes to his senses.”

Nimnul seemed to be slowly getting his head on straight as he carefully wiped the glass and metal off his face first, then moved onto his lab coat slowly making sure not to injure himself further. He would soon be back on the controls of his machine.

The crazy biped looked to have been moderately injured, but the machine was still fully functionally aside from leaving him completely exposed to being attacked directly now.

-New York, RAS Hospital, Pom-

“Come on Dolly, get out of there...” I mumbled as I saw the situation on Dormarch’s screen.

My attention was drawn to the chittering squirrel, Tammy I believe, as she held up two pills and looked at me pleadingly while pointing to two nearby bottles. I looked the bottles over, one pill bottle was Arrhythmia medication, and the other was for anx… iety…

I jerked upwards as something slammed down on my chest, shocking me and I heard the heart monitor start beeping. I looked at the two exposed wires held in the squirrels rubber covered paws, she looked relieved to see I was looking at her.

Nodding, I quickly held out my left hoof for the pills as several mice were bringing in a glass of water big enough for me.

Tossing the given pills in my mouth, I took up the glass of water and quickly swallowed the pills down. I really didn’t want to take anxiety medication, but it couldn’t be avoided.

I hope I never get addicted, at least it wouldn’t be the worst kind of addiction to have.


Patient was thankfully responsive enough to take the medication we got for her, it would have to do as her breathing problems couldn’t currently be helped at this time. Though the symptoms of the breathing problems should be lessened dramatically.

Where were the Rescue Rangers during all of this? I hadn’t a clue, but I knew that the Rescue Aid Society was on point today since Chipper and the others couldn’t be, they were the ones that handled Nimnul’s zany, and often times exceedingly deadly, inventions without casualty.

I turned to the doctor and motioned at our patient.

“Doctor, she seems to be responding well to the medication, though notably she seemed upset at seeing the anxiety pills.” I passed the clipboard to the doctor I worked with and he looked it over. “I’m thinking there is a history there, but she still took them without complaint.”

The device known as Dormarch was a big help in giving us information on what kind of dosages she probably needed. He also gave us information on why Pom had an untended bullet wound and that she and her companion might need to get out of New York really fast after fighting with Professor Nimnul.

“Good, good, now if she will just relax and get some rest… what’s the situation on the power station incident?” The doctor stated as he checked over Pom’s body for any serious problems, her heartbeat was now getting much steadier. The bruising was treated with ointment, but that wasn’t panning out. “We need an icepack for her stomach, for about thirty minutes and then we’ll check the bruising.”

“It’s not going well, the Rescue Aid Society was never meant to handle someone of Nimnul’s capabilities.” I looked at the device showing what I now know was Leap Lamb’s companion Caper Canine, or as I knew them Pom and Dolly.

“Then it’s a good thing the RAS’s two best two agents are in the field along with several other animals they can ask for support from as backup in the area, they might even call in retirees if they are nearby.” The doctor patted Pom on the forehead and he turned to someone outside the patient’s resting area. “How are preparations going?”

“We’re nearly done doctor; that brave Dalmatian has been a god send for taking on Nimnul like she has, but she’s going to be the one needing our help afterwards!” The RAS scout mouse saluted the doctor and ran along the corridor.

“Tammy, be a dear and prepare the room to receive a dog sized patient, we’ll set her up next to her friend.” The doctor stated immediately to me and I set out to follow those orders, Dolly would definitely need the help from what I’ve been watching and she would certainly appreciate being next to Pom.

I was already making a list of supplies I would need for Dolly’s injuries when she came in, she was going to need an intensive care unit.

-Slightly destroyed streets near the power station, Dolly-

Okay, my throat hurts, as does the rest of me. I can actually feel why Pom lost her voice. That was quite a rush though!

I kept stumbling toward where I last saw my skateboard heading when it was flicked away.

While I would like to know how I survived being tortured with electricity after getting caught, I’m more surprised that I could even walk after that. I was a fair distance away when I heard the stomp of the machine behind me and shivered.

The cold feelings fled as I felt a lot of warmth coming from Pom through our bond, it might have something to do with my survival. That and something else that was like a massive bonfire in me to keep going, it felt like home honestly… or maybe I was going crazy?

“Oh dog…” Looking back I saw the angry scientist guy was back on the controls and the machine was still working, all I did was pop the protective bubble. I wasn’t in any condition to take advantage of it.

It took a step towards me, then when it tried to move the other leg.

“What the… you actually managed to damage the knee joint enough to make it difficult for my machine to walk?!” Yep Limb-Cull, heh I actually managed to do something to slow you down even if I can’t beat you… much less survive you. “You clever mutt, oh when I get my machine’s hands on you again!”

I blinked and grinned when it took a while for it to take that next step, I turned to continue moving away as quick as my almost broken body could and probably wasn’t making it any better by moving around like this.

It was life or death so I could be forgiven for not wanting to be near the death machine, I kept looking for my skateboard as it could get me out of here faster. I heard something behind me and the machine was gone, I looked up and my eyes widened.

Lunging forward with my front paws and diving into a rolling ball, I used my rear legs alternatingly to roll along the street and avoid the machine as it smashed down behind me sending out a small shock wave that thankfully petered out before it connected with me.

Quickly taking refuge by steering my rolling form under a car, I continued to seek out my skateboard and crawled towards the front of the damaged vehicle when it was lifted up by the machine and was promptly brought down at me.

I heard the crunch of the car, but didn’t feel it personally except a tightness around my chest. Instead I felt my paws in the air, opening my eyes I saw the ground slowly falling away from me.

Did I just die?

“That was a close one, are you okay young lady?” I blinking and finally noticed the flat feet of a bird running up under my front legs.

“Have you seen my skateboard?” I really didn’t need to answer his question as my mangled barks should be enough of a hint about my state.

“Hold on a moment…. I see it!” The aviator cap wearing bird had a lavender scarf and he was roughly flapping his wings, I’ve never actually seen a bird this big before… well aside from the goose from the pond in my family’s favorite park. “I’m going to carefully put you down near it.”

“Are you… my guardian angel?” I started coughing a bit and a bit of red trickled out of my mouth, well that wasn’t good.

“Close enough, I’m Orville, retired transport service agent that has worked with the RAS before. Behind me is my brother Wilbur. Bernard managed to flag me and my brother into this situation. I don’t relish my brother having to fly near that thing as a distraction.” Looking behind himself, Orville cringed and then jerked to the right and blast of lightning shot past us. “I also don’t like being called out of retirement, but it’s an understandable emergency.”

“If it’s not the rodents or some crazy super sidekick dog, it’s always something else!” That Sin-Toll guy really didn’t like animals and received a face full of webbed foot from the swooping bird with the blue scarf and similar aviator goggles to what Orville had. That was his brother Wilbur. “Now its albatrosses and they aren’t even native to this part of the world, where in the world did you overgrown birds even come from?! I know for certain that I didn’t do any genetic engineering, at least this month!”

The machine bursts with electricity barely catching Wilbur in the edge of its field, but it didn’t bring him down.

“Probably wouldn’t have avoided that as well as my brother did, he was always the better flyer. Sorry about the incoming rough landing young lady, I have to drop you off or else we’ll both hit the ground.” He flapped his massive wings backwards and slowed down immensely. He looked back and rolled out of the way of a ball of electricity. “Stay behind something, you’re skateboard is near you!”

My body became weightless and I flailed as he kicked me off of his feet and I flew end over end until I landed… on a pillow directly placed behind a car?

“That was awfully nice of you Georgette.” Looking to my right I saw an orange cat and a poodle.

“Yes, yes, see I’m not all pomp and circumstance Oliver and you already know I can do nice things. Now if she would kindly get off and not bleed everywhere all over it, then I would be much happier.” Looking at the stuck up powder puff, I reminded myself once again to never become a show dog and was glad my name wasn’t currently ‘Camilla’. “So how are you feeling, can you move? If so, please do. If not, then stay at my expense.”

“Wait, you actually care that I’m hurt?” I slowly got off the large pillow, it looked fairly fancy. The young cat didn’t look nearly as elegant as the dog he was with. “Usually a dog like you would be calling me riff raff or ruffian.”

“You said it not me, but yes I do care. I’m friends with a gang of street dogs, so I have no room to be uptight about my lofty status as it were… I’m dating one of them.” Georgette quickly intoned that last part with a cough. “Pray tell, how many show dogs do you really know?”

“Only those in the Camden Town in Britain I guess, not many personally at that.” Yeah, those were horrible memories just to prove that I could be a delicate stuck up flower like our neighbor.

“You wouldn’t happen to know a Clarissa Corgi would you?” Georgette stated immediately as if she knew her, I’ve never heard of Georgette before.

“Uh, how do you know that name?” I asked, because I have never seen a poodle like her near Dalmatian Street. “She’s the next door neighbor of my ‘fam’.”

“Trust me, she is probably the worst competition dog ever. She’s mildly cute, but can’t even get out of the rookie leagues to the full worldwide dog show competitions. Her looks are going to go downhill hard in another year or two.” This Georgette looked me over carefully. “Though you, you’d clean up nicely if you didn’t have the heart of a hooligan and the injuries to match. That’s not an insult to your character, so don’t look at me like that! You ‘could’ win worldwide competitions if you focused a little more on looking nicer, you really don’t need much to get there to be more beautiful than Clarissa.”

“I’m Oliver and this is Georgette." The cat got a few head pats from the older dog. "she can be a little mean, but she’s really nice.”

“Yeah and I recently got my head examined, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to quit trying to look my best.” Georgette rolled her eyes and huffed as I slowly got off the pillow, somehow without managing to drip blood on it.

We all flinched when we heard a squawk.

I looked up to see Orville going down with his tail on fire, I looked out into the street and looked to the pillow.

“Sorry, need to borrow this!” I tried to run, but my legs weren’t doing it for me.

“Let me!” Georgette surprised me be grabbing the pillow and rushing to where Orville was about to crash and he slammed into the large pillow groaning as Georgette caught him and didn’t fall over despite the weight.

She honestly had some impressive muscles on her to catch and lift such heavy bird, she calmly place him on the street before her.

“It was going to need a washing anyway, it’s been on the street… what? Blood is much harder to clean out.” Didn’t know how to feel about you Georgette. “Also, I double as the guard dog of my family if you were wondering. Strong enough to bend rebar, so don’t try me.”

On the one paw, she was clearly stuck up prissy pants competition dog, but on the other she just used that pillow to help out Orville and me. She also had an impressive amount of strength to her that I could respect. Maybe not all high and mighty dogs were as bad as Clarissa, who I just realized that Georgette had both insulted and then she said I could look more attractive than her almost without trying.

She just sounded arrogant, but she was someone I could actually tolerate for upper class dog. The world I thought I knew was getting far weirder every single day.

“Medic! Orville Wright, albatross of The Flight Brothers is down!” Orville screeched as he sat up, his wings looked a battered before the impact with the pillow. “Thank you kindly for the assist ma’am.”

“Yeah, don’t mention it, like ever. I have a reputation for being an upper crust jerk to uphold you know.” It wasn’t as scathing as Georgette could have put it and sounded to have a humorous lilt.

Yeah, Georgette and I could be friends.

A flash of light and we looked down the street to see Orville’s brother barrel rolling through an assault of lightning beams flashing forth from the anime robot, he snapped a kick at the scientists face and quickly flew away before another large burst of energy could hit him.

I wouldn’t know how awesome anime was if one of my little brothers wasn’t named Daisuke, that albatross was incredible.

Oh right, had to find my board and get Orville some help, the dude did just save my butt after all!

“Oh my dog… where is it, where is it?!” I looked around frantically and heard the familiar sound of the turning wheels and turned towards that cat Oliver.

“Is this what you’re looking for Ms. Canine?” My board, it was okay! The strap was a bust though… why didn’t I feel my tail wagging as I hugged it?

I looked back and saw just how mangled it was and whined quietly.

“It’ll be okay, we’ll get you to a vet and…” Georgette started to say.

“No, we need to get to the animal run hospital, uh the… Rescue Aid Society funded place?” I was on a different street from the one Wilbur was currently fighting to knock out the scientist or at least avoid his machine’s weapons.

“I know how to get us there from here, but I'm currently unable fly.” Orville grunted as his left wing twitched, he sat up and his spine popped. “Really shouldn’t have come out of retirement for this.”

“If you hadn’t, then I’d be pancaked.” I told him as I watched Wilbur continue to harass the machine, my gaze went to the car that was going to crush me. Wilbur couldn’t attack as that scientist was more prepared for him now and could pulse that barrier on a moment’s notice. “So what’s the plan Orville?”

“Get to a hospital and get our injuries tended to. Bernard already has a plan in motion, Wilbur is following it and going to pull out soon once we’re getting clear and then we’ll let Professor Nimnul get to the power station.” So far Orville, I didn’t like the sound of the plan. “They've taken care of things with some help from a lab mouse named Sparky. Heard Sparky’s an associate of the Rescue Rangers and has dealt with Nimnul before, having been experimented on by him personally. The real fun part is that Sparky specializes in electrical engineering.”

I turned back to look at Wilbur and saw Bernard clinging to his back, almost unnoticeable and his mouth was moving as he pointed in our direction. Wilburn nodded and the blue scarfed bird veered and flew past the walking bug zapper and headed towards the power station.

“Want a seat on… my skateboard?” I asked before coughing a bit and some red dribbled from my nose and lips.

“You need it more than me, I only have some mild damage to my tail and my wings.” He walked up to me and placed me on my board and started pushing. “I’ll do the leg work to get us to the hospital, you’ve done enough today.”

“Well good luck with that, we’re getting back to the safety of our home.” Georgette stated as she started shooing Oliver away with a paw before picking up her pillow.

“Hey… thanks for the… help you two.” I watched as Georgette snorted and smiled as Orville started wheeling me away.

“Take care then, I’d always help a lovely Dalmatian like yourself out. Come along Oliver, we must return home before we are missed or are caught having participated in these events even partially. We do not, after all, want to bring any undue attention to our family.” We started going our separate ways. “It’s embarrassing enough that I made a sight of myself in front of Canina while she was visiting.”

-Hours later into the evening, RAS Hospital, Pom-

Dolly couldn’t have won that fight, but she did help setup Professor Nimnul’s imminent defeat by giving everyone time to do it. It was a rather spectacular defeat too, Caper Canine was fairly popular now.

A mouse named Sparky, of whom Bianca brought in to help, had a dour history with Nimnul and he somehow rigged the power station to make Nimnul's machine fall apart entirely.

Thanks to Bernard managing to sneak aboard the machine in the middle of Wilbur's assaults, things were wired so that Nimnul would also be safely incapacitated upon his machine's destruction.

“Is she going to be okay?” Right next to me was an unconscious Dolly, she looked peaceful at least.

They immediately put her on drugs when she came in with Orville and her tail had to go through surgery.

We would soon plan on how to escape New York.

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